Thank you for sharing your story, empath. I am sure it was painful and I appreciate the courage it must have taken to relive those events as you told them. Hopefully any couples shopping around for help will find your post and perhaps you will have saved them from the Psychology of Vision nightmare, and they can seek counsel from real professionals instead.
It strikes me that what POV does to couples as related by empath they also do to cultures. Witness the damage on Haida Gwaii. Lency Spezzano claims POV brings a "cultural Renaissance" wherever they go. Instead this toxic group inserts themselves between the culture and their people, offering their program as a substitute artificial extended family, just as empath illustrated in his case study. The destruction POV causes to individual relationships also applies to the polarizing effect they have on societies.
I fail to see how Babs Stevens and the Ngystle Society's promotion of such pseudoscience as Oneness deeksha blessings, "joining," chakra points, Trinfinity 8, amethyst bio-mats, lab-grown crystals, etc., etc. has anything to do with celebrating the Haida approach to life.
Spezzano and Associates Ltd. Psychology of Vision is a for-profit corporation. It makes money, a lot of it, from every soul who buys into their group. Babs is not practicing her religion here, she is a lobbyist for an American commercial enterprise.
Because the Spezzanos are both unlicensed amateurs, they are not bound by any professional standards or regulations. They get to slip and slither under the rocks and escape any sort of responsibility or consequences from the damage they cause as they work outside the radar in various jurisdictions. It is insidious, it is wrong, and as empath says, it is dangerous and must be stopped.