Chuck and Lency Spezzano tell two entirely different stories about their wealth, specifically about their properties in Hawaii.
Chuck says "I've learned to create all kinds of things. I once decided I was going to get moved to Hawaii without having to, to pay for it. And that's exactly what happened, somebody moved me to Hawaii a couple years later, paid for all the expenses. And you can create anything you want that you believe in." says, in response to questions about where the $ comes from "I inherited money from a family farm land sale and we felt it was the best investment we could make for our kids and grandkids. The downpayment on our other property came as a gift from my parents soon after we were married." WAIHEE PL, Honolulu County, 2 acres, owned by Charles L Spezzano, Lenora K Spezzano. 2013 total property
assessed value $696,100 57-20 KUILIMA DR #121, owned by Charles L Spezzano, Lenora K Spezzano. 2013 total property
assessed value $1,541,900 (Do parcel searchs here: )
Chuck and Lency tell their followers that they too can learn to manifest prosperity by imagining it. Chuck and Lency charge followers thousands of dollars for this bogus "advice". This continuing scam enables the Spezzanos to keep up with their property taxes.
When Psychology of Vision raises money from their devotees for their First Nations fund, where does all that money go? This "fund" is not a registered charity.
Psychology Of Vision Promotions Inc, B.C. Canada, is run by Susan How, a POV trainer. Susan How also administers the First Nations Fund Chuck and Lency Spezzano Realty Reality Check