Author Topic: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision  (Read 805028 times)

Offline Sandy S

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    • The Racist Known As Buck Ghosthorse
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #510 on: February 26, 2016, 11:17:09 pm »
Jeff Allen has just resigned from Psychology of Vision. What this means for his already scheduled POV workshops, or his Steps to Leadership POV franchise, or the VisionWorks empire has not been spelled out. Jeff's departure leaves the UK with only two remaining POV trainers.

From his blogpost--

Speaking of leaving, I have just retired as a Psychology of Vision Trainer. It took me sometime to reach this place but now I know my decision to be true. I will still contribute, still teach but not at the levels of before. I will spend more time at home and write more. I am still a great advocate of this visionary and transformation model and encourage all, who feel it is true, to embrace it.

So for all those that have shared this path of POV with me, thank you and if anyone wants some time then please just ask.

Offline volcano woman

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #511 on: February 28, 2016, 04:54:54 pm »
Nothing At All, pt. 3


STATE OF HAWAII, by MARK E. RECKTENWALD, Director of the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Petitioner.




The STATE OF HAWAII, by its Director of the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs (hereinafter "Petitioner"), by its undersigned attorney, files this Statement of Alleged Violations of Law and Reasons for Entering in Consent Judgment pursuant to Hawaii Revised Statutes (hereinafter "HRS") 480-22.

Here is the text of 480-22--

Haw. Rev. Stat. § 480-22 : Hawaii Statutes - Section 480-22: Judgment in favor of the State as evidence in private action; suspension of limitation.

(a) A final judgment or decree rendered in any civil or criminal proceeding brought by the State under this chapter shall be prima facie evidence against the defendant in any action or proceeding brought by any other party under this chapter, or by the State, county, or any of its political subdivisions or governmental agencies, under section 480-14, against the defendant as to all matters respecting which the judgment or decree would be an estoppel between the parties thereto. This section shall not apply to consent judgments or decrees entered before any complaint has been filed; provided that when a consent judgment or decree is filed, the attorney general shall set forth at the same time the alleged violations and reasons for entering into the consent judgment or decree. No consent judgment or decree that is entered before any complaint has been filed shall become final until sixty days from the filing of the consent judgment or decree or until the final determination of any exceptions filed, as hereinafter provided, whichever is later. During the sixty-day period any interested party covered under section 480-13 may file verified exceptions to the form and substance of the consent judgment or decree, and the court, upon a full hearing thereon may approve, refuse to approve, or may modify the consent judgment or decree.

(b) A plea of nolo contendere and a final judgment or decree rendered pursuant to that plea in any criminal action under this chapter shall not be admissible against the defendant in any action or proceeding brought by any other party under this chapter, or by the State, county, or any of its political subdivisions or governmental agencies, under section 480-14 against the defendant.

(c) Whenever any civil or criminal proceeding is instituted by the State to prevent, restrain, or punish violations of this chapter, but not including an action under section 480-14, the running of the statute of limitations in respect of every private right of action arising under the laws and based in whole or in part on any matter complained of in the proceeding shall be suspended during the pendency thereof and for one year thereafter. [L 1961, c 190, §20; Supp, §205A-20; HRS §480-22; am L 1981, c 181, §1; am L 2001, c 79, §3; am L 2008, c 19, §7]

Back to the main court document--

A. Statement of Alleged Violations of Law

1. Respondent is a resident of the State of Hawaii.
2. Respondent is not licensed with the DCCA as a psychologist.
3. On or about October 13, 1995, Respondent prepared a report regarding Steven Tipaldi and Sarah Maculum. Petitioner alleges that said report constitutes the practice of psychology and/or the representation of Respondent as a psychologist.
4. Petitioner alleges that respondent, by engaging in the above-described conduct without first obtaining a license to practice psychology from the DCCA, violated HRS 436B-27(B), 465-2, 465-15(a)(1), 465-15(a)(3), 480-2 and 487-13(a).

Here is the text of the statutes cited-

§436B-27  Civil and criminal sanctions for unlicensed activity; fines; injunctive relief; damages; forfeiture.
(b)  Any person, who engages in an activity requiring a license issued by the licensing authority and who fails to obtain the required license, or who uses any word, title, or representation to induce the false belief that the person is licensed to engage in the activity, other than a licensee who inadvertently fails to maintain licensing requirements under the appropriate licensing statute and who subsequently corrects the failure so that there was no lapse in licensure, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and each day of unlicensed activity shall be deemed a separate offense."

each day of unlicensed activity shall be deemed a separate offense."

Each day of unlicensed activity would add up to alot of days as Chuck  and his wife Lency and their advanced trainers, 100days X "how many POV victims were trained", adds up to a very lengthily offense all under the false pretense of being a psychologist and pretending to teach psychological methods.
Add up these in each country , so you are looking are a very, very large sum of offenses!

§465-2  License required.  Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, it shall be unlawful to represent one's self as a psychologist or engage in the practice of psychology without having first obtained a license as provided in this chapter. [L 1967, c 290, pt of §1; HRS §465-2; am L 1971, c 84, §2; am L 1985, c 115, §4]

§465-15  Prohibited acts; penalties.  (a)  No person shall:
(1)  Use in connection with the person's name any designation tending to imply that the person is a licensed psychologist unless the person is duly licensed and authorized under this chapter;
(3)  Advertise or make a representation, either publicly or privately, as being a psychologist, licensed or otherwise, or as being able to perform professional services described in section 465-1, except as otherwise provided in this chapter, without having a valid unrevoked license or temporary permit issued by the director;

§480-2  Unfair competition, practices, declared unlawful. 
(a)  Unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts or practices in the conduct of any trade or commerce are unlawful.
(b)  In construing this section, the courts and the office of consumer protection shall give due consideration to the rules, regulations, and decisions of the Federal Trade Commission and the federal courts interpreting section 5(a)(1) of the Federal Trade Commission Act (15 U.S.C. 45(a)(1)), as from time to time amended.
(c)  No showing that the proceeding or suit would be in the public interest (as these terms are interpreted under section 5(b) of the Federal Trade Commission Act) is necessary in any action brought under this section.
(d)  No person other than a consumer, the attorney general or the director of the office of consumer protection may bring an action based upon unfair or deceptive acts or practices declared unlawful by this section.
(e)  Any person may bring an action based on unfair methods of competition declared unlawful by this section. [L 1965, c 129, pt of §1; Supp, §205A-1.1; HRS §480-2; am L 1987, c 274, §2; am L 1988, c 51, §1; am L 2002, c 229, §2]

§487-13  Unlicensed acts; penalties.  (a)  Any person who furnishes commodities or services for which a license, registration, or certificate is required from the department of commerce and consumer affairs or any board or commission thereunder without having such license, registration, or certificate is engaged in an unlawful act or practice and shall be subject to the penalty provided in subsection (b).
(b)  Any person who engages in an unlawful act or practice as provided in subsection (a) shall be fined by a sum not less than $500 nor more than $2,500 for each unlawful act or practice, which sum shall be collected in a civil suit brought by the office of consumer protection or the department of commerce and consumer affairs.

Let us resume with the court document--

B. Reasons For Entering Into Consent Judgment

1. Respondent does not admit the allegations of Petitioner set forth in Section A above.
2. Respondent and Petitioner have agreed to a settlement of this matter pursuant to the terms of the attached Consent Judgment as a compromise to avoid litigation and the cost attendant thereto.
3. Restitution is not an issue in this matter.

DATED: Honolulu, Hawaii, APR 30 2004
Attorney for Petitioner

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 433
    • The Racist Known As Buck Ghosthorse
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #512 on: May 02, 2016, 04:27:33 am »
During this downtime for NAFPS, plenty of information has been recycled and repackaged on another venue concerning the Psychology of Vision scam:

Welcome back, NAFPS! I missed you. I'm sure all the frauds have broadcast a self-preservation alert concerning your return.

The time has come for an independent audit of Babs Stevens expenditures. How much of her POV activities has been funded by public money? Not just the POV fees but also travel money, hotels, food, and leave based on "professional" activities?

Offline moreinfo

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #513 on: May 22, 2016, 05:37:58 pm »
after reading about chuck spezzano's scam, i can't help but post this little cartoon that to me, explains it all,
 it's not in some rip off scam like the spezzanos' selling and recruiting unsuspecting vulnurable people

Offline Sandy S

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #514 on: July 02, 2016, 04:21:58 pm »
Ngystle Society services include: "Trinfinity 8, amethyst bio-mat, lab-grown crystals, a library of spiritual and self-help books":

Given the New Age marketing here it seems fitting Psychology of Vision and Spezzano-worship would also be part of Ngystle's agenda. It is difficult to see how this all is supposed to result in a "Cultural Renaissance" for Haida Gwaii.

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 433
    • The Racist Known As Buck Ghosthorse
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #515 on: August 05, 2016, 01:55:48 am »
I think I found another example of a "split mind" within the leadership of Psychology of Vision.

First, let us regard this statement by Chuck Spezzano regarding "competition":

Chuck Spezzano on the Competitive Conspiracy
July 22, 2012 at 5:51pm

We live in a competitive society in a competitive world. Competition, like power struggle, is fear-based. It comes from lack of bonding and a sense of inadequacy; it requires us to push ourselves instead of allowing the ease and success that comes from the connection of bonding. Competition is built on our ego's pride, and it always involves attack. Competition has confused winning with success. It is a form of delay that hides both the fear of the next step and the fear of success. Competition seeks to beat another, because the ego has decreed that winning is true success. Like power struggle, competition is a form of avoidance. It distracts us from success and our purpose. Competition is destructive to relationships, family and teamwork. It ties us into independence, which dissociates us, blocks our ability to receive and forces us to work very hard. Because competition comes from our unbonded families, we inherit it ancestrally. Everyone thinks that because competition is so widespread, it is natural; but it is not. It is a trap that easily becomes a conspiracy. Competition builds our grandiosity, not our greatness. Grandiosity is caught in a vicious circle with littleness; it attempts to compensate by self- inflation.

-from the book following the "Healing cards, the conspiracy deck"-

Now, let us remember Spezzano and Associates, Ltd. Psychology of Vision is a for-profit corporation. It operates in a competitive business environment and as such we have seen POV is not above gross misrepresentation to gain a profit. That makes it no different than most American capitalist efforts.  Although POV followers like to talk about co-operation, Oneness, and  interdependence, the rhetoric from the Spezzanos is very competitive. Chuck was a football player and Lency a cheerleader, so to some degree the American sports gene is at work here. Here are some examples of inflated egos at work:

"Chuck Spezzano is one of the world's leading psychologists and experts on relationships and personal growth therapy." [Note: Spezzano is definitely NOT a "psychologist" nor an expert on relationships]

"Chuck Spezzano, PhD is a world-renowned seminar leader, author, visionary and founder of Psychology of Vision."

"Chuck and Lency have spent the last 35 years together helping people heal their lives and transform relationships. Together they founded Psychology of Vision, a global community and healing model. They write books and articles, teach seminars around the world, at their home in Hawaii, and continue to be leaders in new and innovative healing work."

"Lency Spezzano is a leader in the world of spiritual healers."

Hmm. As someone once said, "Grandiosity is caught in a vicious circle with littleness; it attempts to compensate by self- inflation."

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 433
    • The Racist Known As Buck Ghosthorse
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #516 on: September 02, 2016, 10:36:28 pm »
Here's a bit of cultural imperialism found in the Spezzano Card of the Day, posted in 2010, apparently originally from Facebook--

I'll present it here in an order that makes sense, so the question comes before the response--

Some questions
Between You and Barbara

Dear Chuck,

may I ask you a question? Even if it will take some minutes to explain it?

When we were in Hawaii in december, Barb Jones one day came to me and said something like „you are gonna be a PoV-Trainer"…"just came in"…

To be honest, I never thought about that before. I love the PoV-Work and I already use some parts of it in my workshops. But I always thought I won't be a „official" PoV-Trainer. But I remember, when I came to your workshop in Kisslegg in 2006, I was just faszinated, especially of the joining. It was my first workshop with you and Lency. Before that, I had made some weekends and the Steps to Leadership with Peter Reiter. So I decided to make the 100 days. After Hawaii I finished 70 so I have to do another apprenticeship and 20 more days.

When I was in Kisslegg in 2006, you told us about your foundation for the first nations in Canada and India. You explained how importened it is, that the first nations people forgive so that they can help other people to forgive. My first thought was: someone should do that with the first nations in southamerica, too (I don't know if they are so called, too?) As far as I know, there is noone teaching PoV overthere. Since some years I feel a strong connection with people, especially in Peru but also in other countries.

So, since Barb said that to me, I'm asking myself, if I should do that? Would you think it would be a good idea? Or is it just another trip of my ego?

And if so, another question is: whom could I choose for mentor? 44 days of the 70 I made with you and Lency. The rest I made with Peter Reiter, who isn't PoV-Trainer any more, as far as I know. So, would it be possible to choose Lency for mentor? Because she is the person who knows me best? Or should it be a german trainer?

I will be grateful for your feedback, because I know you will give me an honest answer. Thank you so much for what I learned from you.


So many directions to go with that question concerning recruitment, cultural domination, POV hierarchy and bureaucracy, etc.

Response to Barbara about being a POV Trainer

    Dear Barbara,

    When I tune into your question it feels true about South America but what is necessary is simply to go forward and the answers become crystal clear.
    Lency doesn't mentor typically for The Trainer's Training so I think it would be better to get a German Trainer as your mentor but let Francine Girard and Susanne Ernst know as they are in charge of new applicants,Susanne as the Dach coordinator and Francine as that is her function. I wish you deepest love and success,

    In a message dated 1/6/2010 8:47:16 A.M. Hawaiian Standard Time, writes:

Posted 8th January 2010 by Chuck Spezzano

Offline Sandy S

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #517 on: September 05, 2016, 10:24:08 pm »
Is anyone at home at Psychology of Vision UK? It looks like their website has not been touched since April. Of the two trainers left, only Alex Patchett-Joyce has a link to another website, and on the events page listed for her personal coaching business the words "Psychology of Vision" and POV logo do not appear (although she does mention she is a POV trainer in the introduction page, which is elsewhere). In looking at just her events page you wouldn't know you are reading a marketing pitch by a POV person.

The POV UK website itself has not listed any events since April 14, 2016.

Offline Sandy S

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #518 on: December 23, 2016, 07:06:54 pm »
Two Canadian sellouts serving their corporate masters over the needs of their own people:

Offline Sandy S

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #519 on: January 04, 2017, 08:06:56 pm »
It would appear Nicky Rangecroft is no longer a POV trainer, leaving Alex Patchett-Joyce as the sole remaining trainer in the recently once thriving POV UK. No events are listed on the corporation's webpage. Why has this branch of POV declined so rapidly, to the point of near-extinction?

Nicky will always be remembered for the infamous "Chillaxing" downloading/joining session with Lency, a classic episode in the history of Psychology of Vision:

Offline Empath

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #520 on: January 30, 2017, 06:10:40 am »
Hi there

I tell you my story in short.
I was married and happy, my wife was a Lawyer and we lived in China (she is Chinese) at that time.
I was working on a new Technology which was rather difficult and time consuming, which put a little bit of a strain to our relationship.
I was so consumed by my research that I did not notice the change that occurred in my wife.
She seemed strangely detached, kind of there but never really there if you know what I mean.
She disappeared for days and came back more empty and more distant.
I suspected that she had an affair and so I confronted her.

Of course she tried to convince me to come with her but I didn't because I can see BS from far away.
So she had this book, The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle.

I read through it and realized what a dangerous piece of crap it really is.
It takes everyday problems, and gives you solutions that make you at best confused, at worst dependent.
It is a book designed to confuse you about your own being, to make you helpless like a child so that you seek answers to questions that are irrelevant, just like any other religious scam works.

But more than that, it makes people stubborn, aggressive and incapable of living an honest life.

PoV claim that they help people in relationships, that is a Lie.

Just like Scientology they make people dependent, make them arrogant elitists and say that anyone who does not agree with them is as we say an "Untermensch" i.e. they are the ones that know and they are leaders and everyone must follow.

So how do they work?
First they destroy the relationship of anyone that seeks help from them, and then those people find a new happy relationship inside the circle of those who have already been brainwashed by the cult.
Therefore, business is good and loyalty to the cult is ensured because those who find a relationship within the cult are happy to promote the cult.

Sounds like Scientology? For sure it is!
Same smell, same BS!

It is dangerous and must be stopped.

I lost the woman I love because of these criminals, and that is why I must tell this.


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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #521 on: January 30, 2017, 12:50:44 pm »
Empath, thank you for joining us and telling your story.

Do you know how many PoV trainings your wife attended? Do you know if she is still involved in PoV?

Anything you can tell is is valuable, thank you.

Offline Sandy S

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #522 on: February 02, 2017, 04:19:27 am »
Thank you for sharing your story, empath. I am sure it was painful and I appreciate the courage it must have taken to relive those events as you told them. Hopefully any couples shopping around for help will find your post and perhaps you will have saved them from the Psychology of Vision nightmare, and they can seek counsel from real professionals instead.

It strikes me that what POV does to couples as related by empath they also do to cultures. Witness the damage on Haida Gwaii. Lency Spezzano claims POV brings a "cultural Renaissance" wherever they go. Instead this toxic group inserts themselves between the culture and their people, offering their program as a substitute artificial extended family, just as empath illustrated in his case study. The destruction POV causes to individual relationships also applies to the polarizing effect they have on societies.

I fail to see how Babs Stevens and the Ngystle Society's promotion of such pseudoscience as Oneness deeksha blessings, "joining," chakra points, Trinfinity 8, amethyst bio-mats, lab-grown crystals, etc., etc. has anything to do with celebrating the Haida approach to life.

Spezzano and Associates Ltd. Psychology of Vision is a for-profit corporation. It makes money, a lot of it, from every soul who buys into their group. Babs is not practicing her religion here, she is a lobbyist for an American commercial enterprise.

Because the Spezzanos are both unlicensed amateurs, they are not bound by any professional standards or regulations. They get to slip and slither under the rocks and escape any sort of responsibility or consequences from the damage they cause as they work outside the radar in various jurisdictions. It is insidious, it is wrong, and as empath says, it is dangerous and must be stopped.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #523 on: February 10, 2017, 11:53:50 pm »
I received an account saying the Ngystle Society is now shut down. Their main website is still up, but the most recent post seems to be from Aug 2016. A second website lists upcoming events for October, but it's not clear what year. Their FB page has nothing after early Jan, stating an event is canceled, no explanation.

The same account describes multiple people saying a POV event in Hawaii has constant conflict, with much unclear.

Offline Sandy S

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    • The Racist Known As Buck Ghosthorse
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #524 on: February 11, 2017, 02:41:16 pm »
POV Canada Facebook has been deleted. After their annual 10-day trainers training in Hawaii the number of trainers has dramatically depleted, half or more of them are no longer in the trainer status. By my count they are now down to 5 in POVAsia, 5 in POVJapan, 3 in POVCanada (if you include Canadian Francine Girard who actually lives in Washington State USA), 3 in POVEurope, and 1 in POVUK.

Several ex-trainers appear to be still be involved in the for-profit POV corporation as "facilitators" in their "Steps to leadership" program, or "POV-lite" as I like to call it.

POVCanada and POVUK have no events listed.

Babs Stevens is still a trainer.

The answer to why this is all happening, whether or not this is by accident or design, remains unclear.

More info: