Author Topic: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision  (Read 802594 times)


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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #525 on: February 19, 2017, 11:49:33 pm »
Chuck Spezzano and Janie Ticehurst's book "Healing the Body Through Mind and Metaphor" is vile. It is a rip off of Louise Hay's books in the New Thought tradition ( ), which is problematic in itself. It is victim blaming. Got a health challenge? It is your own damn fault.

And Chuck Spezzano is especially weird about the women. He doubles down on health challenges that women experience.

Chuck uses these vicious metaphors and more in his assaultive large group awareness trainings. The Chuck and Lency Spezzano brand is all about blaming victims and survivors in order to personally profit.

Fibroids – Uterine 
 They demonstrate that we are rooted in the past with some grievance under a buried level of guilt.

The fibroids depict our unwillingness and blockage to nurturing and truly birthing ourselves.

This block stems from a place where we are giving and not receiving.

Problems with the ovaries indicate that emotional upset of some kind is producing a lot of stress. The upset comes
from problems such as mis-creation (using our creative energies in a negative fashion, such as to create drama, problems, or negativity), fear of birth, fear of surrender, fear of sex or loss of control.

Blend this with Lency's claim that by staring at her you can heal residential school trauma, and obviously Spezzano and Associates Ltd is all kinds of wrong.

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 433
    • The Racist Known As Buck Ghosthorse
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #526 on: February 21, 2017, 09:49:58 am »
All Kinds of Wrong

Piff's post brings up so many issues regarding Psychology of Vision and "Steps to Leadership": Their lack of respect for women, their use of blame and sick-shaming, the fact nothing is original in their concepts, and their willingness to always be a few years behind whatever New Age fad is a proven moneymaker as they follow that parade with their shovel in order to collect the material for their curriculum. As Piff says, this is "All Kinds of Wrong."

These people are not leaders, they are followers. It is not a spiritual movement, it is a for-profit corporation run as a personality cult. The leaders are not professionals in any field, except for perhaps the field of humbug-- they hide behind titles like "coach" or "facilitator" and attempt to jazz up their events by billing them as "congresses." In Europe Chuck Spezzano allows himself to be fraudulently marketed as a "psychologist" with a Ph.D. in "Clinical Psychology." They are not healers, they are parasites-- they appropriate sacred practices and beliefs from other cultures and microwave them into New Age junk food, they appropriate terms from science and attempt to pose as professionals, but mostly they appropriate large sums of money from vulnerable people.

Personal remarks will be made here, but we are talking about a cult of personality. Chuck and Lency Spezzano have made themselves their own brand and claim to be internationally renowned, apparently inseparable from their organization as outlined in the POV Trainers Manual. So all talk of "character assassination" is now nullified as we provide honest criticism of their operation as a whole. They have set themselves up as major public figures and world leaders who exemplify their product.  They are fair game as far as their choice to serve as examples of their own marketing goes. They are self-professed big fish but in a very tiny and shrinking pond.

The Spezzano/Ticehurst "Healing Metaphors" do appear to be particularly cruel to women. Here are some other examples to provide confirmation of the thesis posed by Piff:

Abortion, Still Birth or Miscarriage
Abortion and miscarriage refer to the termination of pregnancy before the fetus is viable. Stillbirth is the birth of a dead fetus. Any death of a fetus reflects our lost ‘selves’ that died in childhood. We are acting out or replaying the original situation, and most of the feelings of guilt, failure and pain stem from the original childhood trauma. As people had issues of abortion, stillbirth or miscarriage, they report many times at an intuitive level that the lost fetus is an old soul friend, angel or soul seeking learning or advancement by going through this experience. They do this for the purpose of helping us heal the old guilt surrounding loss of self, overwhelming pain, or finally, to recover the original selves that died. These dead selves that were created through trauma, remain with us but are deeply buried. This repression orients us in a self-destructive direction. As the trauma shows itself through present circumstances, we have an opportunity to heal the very root of the pain from the past.

Amenorrhea is the absence of menstrual flow. There are times when this is normal, as in pregnancy and menopause. It can also occur in athletes when they are performing continuous, demanding physical exertion. However, when there is no natural explanation for it, amenorrhea typically means that we are using an exaggerated, compensating aspect of our masculine and rejecting our feminine as inadequate to deal with the situation. These judgments on our femininity may create problems with men. We may become angry or competitive and project the issues we have with our own femininity on our father, partner, brothers, co-workers and men in general. In our rebellion against the feminine we become manlike. The root of the issue revolves around our belief that we didn’t have our father’s love and acceptance. We feel as if we have to step into our exaggerated masculine self, or else face being too weak to protect ourselves, our children, or our creative projects. By accepting our mother and father equally, we bring our own masculine and feminine into balance and end the conflict, thereby releasing ourselves from the fear and overdrive that it has been resorting to in its attempt to reach a new level in our life. This symptom reflects a holding on to the past and being back in the dissociated masculine resisting the next phase of our life because of a lack of confidence.

The breasts are the mammary glands and their function is to nourish the young. Breasts reflect issues of nurturing. Problems with our left breast, or mother-breast, indicate that weare called to nurture someone in relationship. They can also reflect feelings of not being nurtured by our mother, but our grievances are hiding the fact that we actually came to
nurture her. Underneath our needs and grievances we have hidden guilt that we didn’t save our mother or provide her with the nurturing that she needed. Yet, deeper still, awaits a soul level gift of nurturing that we have come to bring the world, for all women and especially for our mother.

Problems with our right breast, or father-breast, indicate we are called to nurture men around us. Problems with the right breast denote issues regarding lack of nurture from our father, yet it was us who has come to nurture him. This may also manifest itself as an issue with a husband, brother or men in general.

Fibrocystic Breast Disease
Fibrocystic breast disease is characterized by single or multiple benign tumors of the breast, showing that we have cut off an element of nurturing. While we push to move forward, we are holding on to something unresolved from the past. Part of our life’s purpose is nurturing those around us, but because we didn’t feel nurtured ourselves, we carry a grievance. This grievance-judgment hides our own guilt, which in turn hides our soul level gift of nurturing. Instead of embracing the act of true giving, we have either adopted a role, or we have withdrawn from the gift of nurturing altogether. This gift was meant to nurture the very parent we have a grievance with for not nurturing us. All of this is a conspiracy that has to do with giving nurturance. We see it as too big a challenge for us, because we perceive the need around us as too great. But, like any purpose, heaven does it through us; we don’t accomplish it alone. So we could receive heaven’s nurturing for those around us.

Mastitis is an inflammation of the mammary glands. It is a painful condition that is most common during lactation. Mastitis in our left breast indicates that we feel angry about having to nurture someone, because we felt we were not nurtured ourselves, especially by our mother. Mastitis in our right breast indicates we are angry about having to nurture men around us, or someone to do with our career; it can also reflect feelings of not being nurtured by our father.

Menstrual Cramps
Menstrual cramps result from the cramping of the uterus during menstruation. They point to a need for specialness, attention and love and are a form of self-attack for being a woman. Typically, we are caught in the vicious cycle of the specialness-sacrifice of being a woman. Specialness is counterfeit love and sacrifice is counterfeit giving, where we give out of roles without truly giving ourselves. Both specialness and sacrifice ‘contract us’ and stop us from being our full self as a woman.

Morning Sickness (chronic)
The characteristics of morning sickness are nausea and vomiting occurring during pregnancy. Chronic morning sickness means that we have a resistance to the changes we are going though physically and emotionally. We are making a call for love and help. There may be elements of neediness, specialness, emotional blackmail and attack. It may also show a lack of bonding with the baby because of separation and lost bonding with our own parents.

There is much more, but you get the idea. I strongly suspect that Ticehurst supplied the medical descriptions and Spezzano wrote the actual metaphor. These samples reveal a lot more about Chuck's sick attitude toward women than it does about the victims of these maladies.

Although Psychology of Vision (and Steps to Leadership) is chiefly populated by women, it is the men who are in charge. Chuck is the CEO of Spezzano and Associates Ltd., the corporation of which POV is a subsidiary. For years the POV executive "Steering Committee" comprised of the "Master Trainers" consisted of three men and three women (now, apparently, just two men and two women), representing a group that is usually about 80-90% female. I do not include POV golden child Francine Girard in this equation since her trainer status is unknown.

Chuck's lack of sensitivity toward women is reflected in the lewd and obscene jokes he uses in his presentations. He calls this sense of humor "bawdy" but there are other more direct words for it. I notice the only participants who speak favorably about the use of this technique are  Asian males. The employment of dirty jokes is basically a form of aggression, juvenile as it is, designed to intimidate women. "What's the matter with you, can't you take a joke? Loosen up!" is basically the bullying game here along with a condemnation of his critics for being too "politically correct"-- a favorite rallying cry along with categorizing all critics as "haters." These are words cowardly bullies like to hide behind (e.g. Donald Trump, who said his grab 'em by the pussy quote was simply locker room talk). This form of communication is an assault, especially to women. Either Spezzano knows that, which makes him a bully, or he doesn't, which makes him an ignoramus. Either way he is toxic.

As we have seen in his 2007 DVD Chuck Spezzano, Psychology of Vision (container title: Inspiring Heart, Mind and Soul), he is not above blaming FN rape victims for their situation:

Around 2008 POV UK head honcho Jeff Allen gave a "make the 1950s great again" sort of statement to the Daily Mail, basically extending Spezzano's attitude toward women:

We note that after Lency semi-retired at the end of 2014 POV experienced a severe decline in the number of trainers, particularly in the UK where she had cultivated a special annual event just for women. This leads me to believe POV consisted of two personality subcults-- one for Lency, one for Chuck. I suspect many of Lency's followers were not comfortable staying aboard once Chuck was the only one on the stage. And who can blame them? If you are a New Age feminist would you really want to be creeped out by an aging obese sweaty guy whining around and telling obscene jokes as a way to lure you into his cult? He's like a bad pickup artist in a 70's meat market. The cosmetics, the jewelry, the apparel, the fake everything. More on that later.

It is also worthy of note that Chuck's videos were the result of big bucks being spent, as they had professionally produced introductions, where Lency's videos were basically badly made home movies. Also, Lency has been the one with the unpleasant job of responding in public to their critics while Chuck is mostly above such things. It is good to be the King where the dirty tasks are assigned to the secondary people. As Kellyanne Conway has been to Trump, so has Lency been for Chuck, with the same result in credibility.

Chuck's early desire to become a Catholic priest gives us a clue about his initial reluctance as an adult to join the world of normal male/female relationships. By his own account he went to the other end of the spectrum and became a very active womanizer after he ditched the pursuit of the priesthood and was lured into large group awareness counseling. This guy has no clue concerning the experience of the average guy and his subsequent dictates are very destructive concerning the role of men. This is due to the fact Chuck never really experienced what it means to be a real man in a healthy setting.  He's just a stupid jerk who no one should ever listen to for love advice. A real man never treats women as badly as Chuck has.

In both Spezzano priest/womanizer extremes women were basically second class humans, an attitude still reflected in POV today no matter how high the "Goddess" or "Divine Feminine" or "Tiger Woman" pedestal may stand. Spezzano, now nearly 70, is trapped in the amber of the Rat Pack era. He never caught up to the concept that women are real humans. To see POV currently attempting to celebrate the power of the feminine is somewhat comical, and very pathetic.

The Spezzano/Ticehurst book Healing the Body Through Mind and Metaphor is clearly based upon the work of Louise Hay. In some cases the metaphors themselves mirror Hay to the point of near-plagiarism. Hay's description of each malady is much more brief, but the concepts are the same, it almost as if Hay wrote the draft and Spezzano merely embellished her work. Yet, Hay's name never appears in the Spezzano/Ticehurst work, not even in the acknowledgements. Spezzano/Ticehurst attempt to pass this off as their own idea. What a snow job!

Just as how POV has swiped material from A Course in Miracles, Lifespring, Oneness University, Jose Arguelles, Bob Trask, etc., they "borrowed" from Louise Hay as well. Nothing is ever original with Psychology of Vision. Everything about it has been lifted from another source with varying degrees of credit or non-credit. They are all about following whatever New Age fad will turn a profit, usually several years behind the initial introduction. Hardly what one would call "cutting edge." The Spezzano's so-called "research" has been in market analysis of the New Age niche commercial trends-- it certainly hasn't been in the field of healing or professional psychology. POV has been all about how to relieve vulnerable people of their money.

Before moving on, it will be useful to read what Lency stated in her The Truth about Chuck And Lency Spezzano And The Psychology of Vision about the "Healing Metaphors":

In the Psychology of Vision, health issues can give us clues about what is going on in our subconscious minds. It is sort of like a psychiatrist doing dream analysis – physical symptoms can also be read as symbols for the conflicts in our minds. Healing the emotional conflict certainly doesn’t hurt a person’s chances of healing physically, and there is a lot of anecdotal evidence that it is helpful, but we have not done any research studies on the subject, and we do not make any claims.

The bloggers claim that us looking at the metaphors of illness with people (similar to Louise Hay’s work) is actually us blaming them for having their symptoms. This, of course, would have no value for the client – blaming a person for their illness is completely counterproductive to their healing and wellbeing. Taking accountability, on the other hand, gives the client power in their life.

At least Lency is willing to give Hay some credit, incredibly downplayed as it is. The statement "we have not done any research studies on the subject" pretty much destroys any validity the Spezzano/Ticehurst work pretends to have.

As for the "counterproductive" part, let us take a look at some real people reacting to the "Healing Metaphors" and see what they have to say. First, here is the "Healing Metaphor" for rheumatoid arthritis:

Rheumatoid arthritis is one of the most common forms of arthritis; it is the inflammation of the lining of the joints. The cause of Rheumatoid Arthritis is unknown but it is believed to be an autoimmune disease. If we have this condition, it means that we are caught in roles and are emotionally and psychologically fused with others, which makes us unable to move. We have been immobilized by a fear of change.

Here is a link to what real people who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis have to say about the Spezzano/Ticehurst coverage of their disease. It isn't pretty:

Sick-shaming is an integral part of POV, which falls right into the New Age "Law of Attraction" belief system. This has some rather sinister implications. In an interview with the New York Times in 2008 Hay basically admitted that entire cultures who were victims of genocide pretty much deserved what they got due to negative energy:

But while Hay may have hedged about whether positive thinking could cure AIDS, in her writings she was adamant that thoughts — not just sexual behavior — could help cause it. “Venereal dis-ease,” Hay writes in “You Can Heal Your Life,” using her eccentric spelling, “is almost always sexual guilt. It comes from a feeling, often subconscious, that it is not right to express ourselves sexually. A carrier with a venereal dis-ease can have many partners, but only those whose mental and physical immune systems are weak will be susceptible to it.” And that mental weakness can be self-loathing, hating one’s looks or just a fear of aging.

In person and in print, Hay mentions these causes only to play them down: “In no way am I trying to create guilt for anyone”; “this is a time for healing, for making whole, not for condemnation.” But she cannot escape her own logic: if our thoughts create our circumstances, then we are always, in the end, to blame. When I asked her if, since people’s thoughts are responsible for their conditions, victims of genocide might be to blame for their own deaths, she said: “I probably wouldn’t say it to them. I don’t go around making people feel bad. That’s not what I’m after.” I pressed harder: Did she believe they are to blame? “Yes, I think there’s a lot of karmic stuff that goes on, past lives.” So, I asked, with a situation like the Holocaust, the victims might have been an unfortunate group of souls who deserved what they got because of their behavior in past lives? “Yes, it can work that way,” Hay said. “But that’s just my opinion.”

In Psychology of Vision and Steps to Leadership the blame game is alive and well. The leadership here is all about passing the buck and never accepting any responsibility for mistakes or when they are caught in ethically-challenged choices. The POV response to critics is something one would expect from a sociopath. All critics are "haters" or as one POV trainer says, "evil." Yet they proclaim there is no right or wrong. I think they suffer from a "split mind," eh?

When POV foibles are highlighted online, the usual response from the corporation is to simply erase it. The POV English language Trainers Manual, the majority of Lency's "Downloading/Joining" Youtubes, the online "Healing Metaphors," and all POV praise for Oneness University-- just wiped out. Poof! Gone. Is that what they teach in "Steps to Leadership"? To run away from conflict and allow  your critics to define you in the void you have left? Is there is no passion for life or fight in POV or Steps to Leadership? They are content to being compliant zombies?

The Spezzanos have been very clever in operating under the radar of the regulators. As non-professionals they are not subject to laws or government oversight regarding problems with professional psychologists. They are also careful not to perpetuate their scam in the mainland USA, where consumer protection laws are stronger than that of the rest of the world.  Hawaii has a notoriously lax and badly run bureaucracy, creating a haven for characters like the Spezzanos. It is a miracle Chuck was even fined for being a fraud psychologist by Hawaii in 2004. In any other USA state he would probably be serving time by now. But in Hawaii this couple does not have to worry about being responsible or accountable.

Chuck Spezzano has consistently been marketed in Europe under false credentials. He does not possess a Ph.D. in "clinical psychology," instead he has something exotic in "professional psychology" which was not accredited by the APA-- meaning he earned this unaccredited degree and bypassed any sort of national standard so even by European definitions just possessing the degree does not give him the right to be called a "psychologist." But they do call him a "psychologist," sometimes even by his own trainers on POV websites-- but according to Lency the Spezzanos are helpless to stop this, it is always someone else's fault:

If you read Chuck’s resume section on this website, you will know that he holds a Ph.D. in psychology. I have never heard him refer to himself as a psychologist, and we have never advertised him as one, because that would require a psychologist’s license. We don’t edit the promotional material that PoV promoters and Trainers around the world create, as it is primarily in foreign languages. If some have been calling Chuck a psychologist instead of saying that he holds a Ph.D. in psychology, I’m sure it has been brought to their attention now.

Oddly, Lency also says:

Chuck was employed as a psychologist by the Naval Drug Rehabilitation Center at the Naval Air Station Miramar, in San Diego, from 1973-79.

Since he didn't earn his degree until 1977, he was probably working under some broader definition of the term "psychologist" at that time, either that or someone is stretching the truth a bit. From what I can ascertain, Chuck Spezzano has never been a licensed psychologist.

The list of evasions, "dodging bullets" (as Chuck likes to say), and ducking out of responsibility over and over again is much too long to belabor here, but I would like to point out one last example. The Vision Taiwan Association published an anniversary book in 2012 with contributions from POV bigwigs, including Chuck. In it he says:

Ever since we began training Trainers, Lency and I recognized that process has accelerated for the Trainers. This meant that pain and problems came to the surface quickly and if they weren’t teaching and healing at a fairly continuous pace then they were suffering from the amount and the depth of issues that occurred. Sometimes, even if they were teaching, more smelly doodah hit the fan than usual. Some trainers could not stand this in spite of the fair warning they received and had to leave the program. Trainers left the program for different reasons but this was one of the biggest.

See? It was the trainers' own fault. The Spezzanos were blameless.

Spezzano's metaphors qualify as a form of emotional abuse, where the victim is to blame and must be shamed. This gives you an indication of what is in store for you if you sign up for Psychology of Vision or "Steps to Leadership." Be prepared to be manipulated and being made to feel guilty, bled dry, and then thrown under the bus. POV is not about helping, or giving. They are all about taking. From your bank account.

Psychology of Vision and Steps to Leadership is a huge scam run by a couple of con artists. If you are a gullible fool wanting to flush your money down the toilet go ahead and sign up. Otherwise, do your homework and find a better and more trustworthy alternative for your emotional and spiritual growth.   


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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #527 on: March 21, 2017, 10:45:36 pm »
Lency Spezzano is doubling down on targeting First Nations people.

She recently posted a long letter to her people. Lency sounds grandiose, mentally unstable, and even more demanding of trainers.

It is a golden, joyful energy, and I call joining through “healing from the 5th dimension.” This powerful bliss/love energy came together with a spontaneous download I received through my friend and adopted relative who is a hereditary First Nations chief in Canada.

In my understanding of the true meaning of the current buzzword, “Reconciliation,” is the true gift that indigenous peoples have to offer the rest of us that could save us from the demise we are creating for the planet, simply because we are not in relationship with her, and cannot feel her.

Somehow, the effect of integrating that healing, combined with what I call the “All My Relations” download and the 5th dimensional vibration of love - it provided me with a newfound authority that has the ability to easily expose attachments where the person is refusing to face the light.

I hope we PoV Trainers can give you the foothold into Christ Consciousness healing via a download soon, and that, now that the new territory is cleared, you and all of the PoV community won’t have to go through that birth process on your own. It was, quite literally, hell, the toughest 5 days of my life; I pray you can piggy back off of my process.

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 433
    • The Racist Known As Buck Ghosthorse
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #528 on: April 27, 2017, 03:38:27 pm »
Psychology of Vision appears to be flailing and failing.

Some indicators in 2017:

Apparently they did not fill their Hawaii 2017 spring "apprenticeship" workshop to capacity.

POV Central Europe has not posted Chuck Spezzano's monthly newsletter, nor have they posted their national newsletter for April. This is the first time they have failed to be punctual in terms of spreading the Divine Word from God's messenger.

After whatever happened at the January 2017 trainers training, the number of POV trainers has diminished by more than half. POV has 20 or less trainers now by my count. POV failed to produce the annual giant group photo of trainers this year.

The Ngystle Society, which served as a POV conduit to Haida Gwaii, has closed the doors to their facility.

Powerful Events, a European for-profit promotional entity that consistently marketed Chuck Spezzano's appearances by misrepresenting and inflating his credentials, has folded up.

Some of the recent ex-POV trainers have tried to wipe clean all online references between them and their former cult.

The POV Canada Facebook page is now extinct.

POV has had no events scheduled in Canada in 2017 so far, according to their website. In the UK, all POV events are centered around promoting the career of one solitary trainer. The Soezzanos have stopped visiting Canada and the UK.

Chuck has ceased holding 10-day sessions in Germany.


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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #529 on: January 06, 2018, 04:04:14 am »
Lency Spezzano now claims that she can heal PTSD.

In truth, the Spezzanos' Psychology of Vision large group awareness trainings and other practices could actually trigger PTSD. Trainings can involve catharsis, shock, and people are restricted in many ways including as to when they can go to the bathroom. Large group awareness trainings can be traumatic.

Quotes from Lency, Dec 2017:

What an amazing and blessed year this has been! Challenging in some regards, but rewarding in so many surprising ways. I am writing to catch you up on some of the latest developments in my work this fall - the ability to heal Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and the opening of the High Crown chakra.

... we can heal Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. The healing of this one disorder had remained illusive to me all these years, and finally I discovered why. It requires an ability that shamans utilize to retrieve soul fragments from other dimensions - pieces of our souls that we lost through traumas in which we pulled away from life.
With a big PTSD healing the person goes through about a week of disorientation, discombobulation and dizziness as the soul piece reorients itself to the body and this reality - after all, this part of you may not have been conscious since you were a small child.

Quote her Trainer supervisory session this month, our Master Trainer Hiromi-san was able to complete a PTSD healing in half an hour (I believe the work will be done more and more quickly)...

Next time I write I will tell you about the High Crown chakra opening at the end of the December Apprenticeship, and the immediate download for it that I gave to 500 of ASK’s PoV students.

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 433
    • The Racist Known As Buck Ghosthorse
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #530 on: August 02, 2018, 09:13:08 pm »
We finally have a clue why Psychology of Vision lost half of their trainers in Jan. 2017. Here is Lency Spezzano addressing the flock in Mar. 2017. Transcription is exact without corrections:

Hi ~ I came on Facebook to let you friends know I am doing great, and to share my own process and news of our community’s progress (below) with those of you who are members of our international Psychology of Vision community. I send you all my love in these very interesting times, and wish you the very best.

For those of you who have been following my personal story as I navigate through the massive healing births that have been banging on my door since the beginning of the year, there are some interesting new folds in the developing process. And finally, I believe, I think I have discovered the end product of this second massive birth in the Psychology of Vision this year. I am very excited about what I feel is a truly spectacular development, while also humbled by the broad vista ahead that we know so little about. Regardless, this new territory, this new plateau that PoV has reached, feels open, free and exciting!

As many of you are aware, the leadership in PoV - both in the Trainers’ Association and the Mastery Program - were asked to make a commitment to the light in a new, deeper layer of the mind that I developed access to in January. When PoV then drew a new line in the sand in it’s commitment to the light, we lost a number of trainers who were not prepared to make that same commitment. But the result of PoV’s commitment to integrity, regardless of the cost, has paid off dramatically. The remaining PoV Trainers have experienced a great uplifting as the result of the vibrational upgrade the Psychology of Vision Trainers’ Association group mind went through. It’s such a joy to feel the safety, freedom from competition and mutual support from and for each other Trainer for the first time. And the love energy that does the healing in PoV seminars now is from a whole new level. The ability to experience love at the community level is the relationship possibility that this work offers to the world. Imagine this force of love in the workplace! In your own business and family! Between nations! It is a very exciting possibility to ponder on a world scale.

And the trickle-down effect from the Trainers’ new level has effected students tremendously. Today I was chatting with Hiromi and Francine on Skype, and Hiromi wrote that, as a result of this new, deeper commitment to the light in PoV seminars, “Hideaki and I feel our workshops are in a whole new level. And we are very very happy.”

Also, you may have noticed that you and the whole community are going through this same birth. Births that come from self examination and awareness aren’t usually easy or fun to go through emotionally, but the rewards of the results are always spectacular. A great thing about PoV is that. in general, the leadership goes through the births first and everyone downstream of those teachers’ processes and teachings benefit. So by the time the shifts, with all their benefits, hit the community level through the work of the PoV Trainers around the world, the births should come about easily. Chuck would probably be making references to “greased grapes.” :) Already, throughout the international PoV community, people are having a much easier time releasing their attachments to the darkness that is being exposed than had at the time of the original confrontation in January. We discovered that the most important element to be developed for us to be able to navigate the last stage in the Triangle, the Union Stage, is the development of our will.

So, It looks to me like the first big birth that came about after our Trainers’ Conference -the one that provided a beachhead into Christ Consciousness - was it’s own birth, which continued as new integrations of duality expanded that territory. But it also could be that that very large birth was just part of an even greater birth, the birth of our will, which ripened and healed in me over a two month period since January. Recovering this part of the mind is HUGE in the benefits it offers.

It appears that in our successive falls out of the state of Oneness, in which we progressed more and more into the idea of separation, we lost our ability to really manifest our will in the world. We had sunken to the level of victim, where we had no power to prevent bad things from happening to us and those we love. If, for example, we attracted the attention of “bad guys,” we were helpless to escape from their parasitic and abusive attacks. We were powerless against the fates, powerless against those who were pulling the strings we couldn’t even see.

But, - and, who knew this was here (?) - there is an activation that occurs in what I am guessing is the “high” third eye (I wish I could find some information on it on the internet). Once it is open, turning your attention there is like turning on an energy faucet that allows you to actually recover from the place where you were knocked out of when you fell in your life. You are finally able to climb back into the drivers’ seat. You are finally able to enter the thrown room of your kingdom, where you can sit upon the thrown of your mind to actually rule it.

From there you can actually bring resolution to troubled situations. From there you can take your mind into situations to protect yourself, and remove obstacles. You can accomplish what you want in the world for the first time, and it’s ok to do it, because your mind is safe. You will not do damage with your super-power of human will. :) You will not choose selfishness and self promotion. You wield the light as an archangel does; you are a power for good; and, most especially, you are finally in the position to “save the world” in the way A Course in Miracles suggests, because you can finally effect changes in the dream. And it’s a real blast! SO much fun!

How do we save the world? Women and men with heart are in the position to take the power out of the hands of childish men who have served as puppets for the untrue masculine of dark agendas, and in so doing, empower human beings everywhere. Rather that being the time of ruination for our beautiful planet and the human race, this time can be the time when we human beings draw the line in the sand, and demand that the dark astral remove itself from our reality entirely. This way the “thousand years” of heavenly reign is introduced to our minds through a quiet revolution in our minds, not the annihilation of projected enemies that will reign down suffering upon us all. But even more than willingness to carry a sign in the street, we can change the world with our awakened will.

And I don’t want to confuse anyone about the value of developing personal “will,” when we all understand that it is in our best interests to surrender to the Will of God. What has revealed itself to me in this process is the necessary step of developing one’s personal will before it can be surrendered to God. A suppressed or repressed will can not be offered up. Once we have reclaimed our will, the surrender to God can be completed, so we can discover that our will and God’s Will are One in Truth - because God only wishes for us the Good that we wish for ourselves.

For those who are interested in the progression through the aspects of my birth process, there were at least two big healings I went through in February and March, with huge integrations involved. (When issues integrate back into the mind they do it seamlessly, without anything left behind to indicate that a healing had taken place there, but the reverberation of the growth step is in the download regardless of whether the story about the integration is known.)

The first duality that I healed in this lesson was of one of the first splits in the mind, our belief in war and Heaven's answer of peace. So seeing the duality of War vs. Peace, I could choose past them to choose for God, and gain another victory for Christ Consciousness in my mind. The healing has to do with developing the will, which is the autonomy element that I was feeling.

The second step was the integration of the opposites of Right and Wrong, with their elements of Superiority and Inferiority - a really great one to get past! As you Choose for God in this instance, you are choosing Truth over the belief in right and wrong.

Anyway, I am really looking forward to being able to teach from this platform in our Apprenticeship here at our place April April 3 - 12. I am excited to get to see old friend Anna Kjaer here after many years of just getting to see each other on Facebook, and I hope other old friends will join us to enjoy this great Renaissance of the Psychology of Vision! Can’t wait to hang out with you in this bliss, Anna! What a blast. :D

So we will see if this time of spectacular 2017 births that Chuck predicted will have an ebb in its flow, or if we will be back on the rollercoaster again really soon. Regardless, when you find yourself facing the next big acceleration, know that we will be on the rollercoaster together, as a community, and we have all the support of the Universe to complete our births. If you find this kind of letter to be helpful, I could start a blog, I suppose, to occasionally share PoV’s greater process and themes from the feminine mind’s perspective. Let me know if you feel it would find it would be valuable enough to your greater process for me to do it.

Please feel all my love to you, and all of my encouragement to you on your path. You can feel your PoV team with you in every commitment you make to the light, in every act of remembering God’s love. Until later ~ xxxxxxx Lency

For those who might not know, even though a few years ago Lency said 2014 would be her final year in international travel and sold workshops on that dire promise, she is returning to Canada in September 2018 with Chuck to hold an expensive scam show. Babs Stevens has been in contact with officials in Whistler BC to help set it up. Hopefully the RCMP has been notified to monitor the situation.

Our NAFPS friend moreinfo made the accurate prediction in Mar. 2014 that she was lying and would return:

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 433
    • The Racist Known As Buck Ghosthorse
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #531 on: August 24, 2018, 07:24:15 am »
Scam alert!

This is a message from Lency Spezzano to the Psychology of Vision followers on Facebook. I smell desperation here. Especially after she  promised never to hold an international workshop after 2014 which would require her to leave the luxurious Spezzano headquarters in Hawaii.

She lied, of course. She has been to several foreign workshops since then. But POV is based on a mountain of lies so why should we be surprised?


PoV friends helping friends
August 12 at 7:43 PM ·

Hi guys! I’m wondering if some of you in our international Psychology of Vision community might feel inspired to help us out with something?

In a very short time - September 7th through 11th - Chuck and I will be traveling to a glorious location, Whistler, British Columbia on the West Coast of Canada; we will be teaching a seminar entitled Choosing Reconciliation, Overcoming the Hurdles That Stand in Our Way. What has always made these Canadian seminars especially powerful, is that they have always provided the opportunity to do our healing alongside First Nations peoples.

The First Nations peoples of the Americas are highly respected and revered in Europe and throughout the world, and PoV participants from everywhere will be joining Chuck and me for this special experience. Chuck and I have always felt that if this world will survive, it will be because the planet embraces the wisdom and values of our Indigenous Peoples in time. It feels like this seminar is that seminal moment PoV has been preparing for, and it is a thrilling moment.

Our First Nations Fund has been fundraising for this event all year to do what we can to help with food and lodging for First Nations participants to be able to attend (special thanks to those who participated in Chuck’s Jams Shirt auctions around the world!). But our team has realized that we could get more First Nations people there who want to attend if we could come up with some sponsorships for a daily food and travel per diem. That way, many more of those within driving distance of the event could attend. Most of us have little idea of the challenges of every kind that First Nations unfairly face daily, and in PoV we value giving support not only to those who most deserve it, but to those who can, perhaps, be this planet’s salvation. If you feel called to contribute, I promise you the ripple effect of your generosity will help, and help, and continue to help.

Although donations of any size are greatly appreciated, an easy and meaningful way to support this important Psychology of Vision work would be to make a donation for either a one day food and travel per diem of $50 USD, or the gift of the entire week’s food and travel needs, which would be $250 USD. If you are lucky enough to be in a position to help out and feel called to contribute to this event, thanks you so very much! If you can identify yourself to me below, we can figure out how to get your contribution, in your own currency (If that’s most convenient) to the event. We will provide documentation for your taxes if that is a help.

Also, could you please repost this call for help so we can reach as many PoV people as possible? We will get translations of this posting in Mandarin, Japanese and German asap. A million thanks! xxxxx Lence

Lots of commentary I could add, but I don't really have to.

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 433
    • The Racist Known As Buck Ghosthorse
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #532 on: August 24, 2018, 02:25:41 pm »
But wait! There's more!


Psychology of Vision UK & Ireland
August 16 at 1:27 PM ·

I just want to share a message from Lency, see her Facebook page for more details:

Thank you for the joyful, generous and enthusiastic response that we are getting from our First Nations Fund fundraising efforts for Chuck’s and my September 7th - 11th seminar entitled Choosing Reconciliation, Overcoming the Hurdles That Stand in Our Way. It is looking like we can not only provide additional assistance to those in the nearby Mount Currie area, but that we may be able to offer significant assistance to a few First Nations persons from further distances who want to attend!

We are aware of a few people in this situation - they would give anything to be able to get to the seminar, but the travel and other expenses have made it seem out of reach. To be fair to everyone, we are thinking that if we can put together a list of people who want to be there, we can have a lottery and bring a few more people in.

If you are one of those interested, you could either share your name here, or with Babs Stevens or me on Messenger. We would love to get as many of the gang together as we can!

To those who are wondering how to donate to this cause, please just state your interest here. We have been soliciting sponsorship of daily food and travel per diems the equivalency of $50 USD for one day, or $250 for the entire seminar, although gifts of any size are greatly appreciated! The urgency is in getting the pledges as soon as possible so that transportation and accommodations can be arranged. We will figure out how to collect it - any good ideas are greatly appreciated.

For people wanting to wire money to the First Nation Fund, please email Babs Stevens at: babs@haidagwaii.netI If you want to avoid having to pay the wiring fee to send a $50 donation, I think we will arrange for people like our Trainers or Mastery Program people attending the seminar from various countries to carry some of the donations of others with them.

Thanks again for your energy and passion for this project! xxxxxxx

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1483
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #533 on: August 24, 2018, 03:41:03 pm »
The two previous posts today have very long and unnecessarily complicated links in them. They may be shortened a lot. This is all you need in the newest one:

Same goes for the post before that one. This is the direct link to that particular Facebook post:

(Tried to tell Sandy S in a PM, but was told: "User 'Sandy S' has blocked your personal message.")


  • Guest
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #534 on: August 25, 2018, 06:21:59 pm »
Scam alert!

PoV friends helping friends
August 12 at 7:43 PM ·

Our First Nations Fund has been fundraising for this event all year to do what we can to help with food and lodging for First Nations participants to be able to attend (special thanks to those who participated in Chuck’s Jams Shirt auctions around the world!).

My use of bolding in the above quote.

Chuck auctions off his used large Hawaiian shirts during events.

I wonder if this is before or after he encourages participants to have lunch with drinks and also gambling if available.

Depending on their location, the Spezzanos claim that they can increase people's luck.

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 433
    • The Racist Known As Buck Ghosthorse
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #535 on: October 18, 2018, 11:28:04 pm »
Who is minding the store at Psychology of Vision Canada?

POV Canada appears to have two "official" webpages operated by different people, as well as another person running the recently revived Facebook page who says that he "manages Psychology of Vision Canada."

Psychology of Vision Promotions Inc. seems to be dead in the water, but a new entity, Psychology of Vision Canada, registered in 2018 with Ong Kar Khalsa, the daughter of Spezzano business partner Michael North, as the "owner" according to Open Biz. Is this in coordination with any of the websites mentioned above?

The First Nations Fund is as sketchy as ever. Who is the administrator of that chunk of change these days? Has it ever been subject to a professional audit? As I recall it was not a registered charity in BC. Is that still true?

I find it sadly comic that the Spezzanos, who are bloated with dough and live in a very affluent lifestyle, are begging their followers for small amounts of cash in order to transport more victims to their event at Whistler. Why didn't they simply hold this shindig in a more centrally located and affordable place?

By the looks of things the anticipated number of registrations at Whistler fell short. Also, didn't the First Nations Fund already have enough in the coffers to cover the costs instead of Lency passing the plate among the flock?

Finally, Lency told the world and made a big deal that 2014 was going to be her last holding year workshops outside of Hawaii. Obviously that turned out not to be true. What is the story behind that?


  • Guest
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #536 on: February 21, 2019, 03:10:26 pm »
Chuck Spezzano self published a book "What Men Don't Know About Sex-- That Women Could Teach Them". The book is available through print on demand.

The book is horrendous.

The book includes a "joke" about the violent (and ultimately fatal) rape of a woman in a coma.

A book review:

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1483
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #537 on: February 21, 2019, 04:19:56 pm »
Chuck Spezzano self published a book "What Men Don't Know About Sex-- That Women Could Teach Them". The book is available through print on demand.

Also on Amazon (Paperback and Kindle, 2011):

One customer review:
1.0 out of 5 stars
December 12, 2015
Format: Kindle Edition
Chuck Spezzano was fined by the State of Hawaii in 2004 for pretending to be a psychologist. I think that makes him an official fraud. His Ph.D. in "Professional Psychology" was not accredited by the APA. Wikipedia rejected an entry for him since he was not "notable" enough. Yet his publicity machine called him one of the world's leading psychologists and he charges over $1000 an hour for personal consultations. Do some homework on this guy before buying into this nonsense. Nothing he says can be trusted. Follow his advice at your peril.

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 433
    • The Racist Known As Buck Ghosthorse
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #538 on: April 16, 2019, 02:07:41 am »
During the Jan. 2019 ten-day Psychology of Vision trainers training in Hawaii, which costs the participants thousands of dollars in "license fees" alone not counting travel and hotel, an interesting set of observations were made.

POV trainer and franchise holder Peter Wai Hung Lo of Hong Kong captioned a Jan. 25 Facebook photo of Haida Gwaii POV trainer Babs Stevens with:

Day 4 of Trainers Conference- Happy Birthday Babs a Native Canadian trainer who is a well respected Visionary Spiritual teacher giving it all and serving her community and the World. We love you and Wish you a healthy and joyful life full of Grace and Miracles.

However a comment on the Documents blog had a different view:

Anonymous said...

    Only this group refers to Babs Stevens as "a well respected Visionary Leader", in truth she is hated by her community as she is a well known opportunist which has padded her way to success with community funding for bullshit "healing" pseudos like POV. She will be remembered more for ripping off her first nations people and justifying it .
    Who self appoints themselves from band manager to CEO? She does, plus forcing community plan to accept her POV training as legit which is far from any certifiable method of care.
    Delusional people follow delusional leaders that have their formula strategized for their own self gain.
    February 13, 2019 at 11:57 AM

Meanwhile POV is planning another assault into BC in 2019 with the apparent blessing of the Shíshálh Nation.

Cheaper venue than their Whistler fiasco in 2018 and with lower expectations. Also supposedly it will be just Chuck without Lency this time. I see yet another FN group has been hoodwinked into supporting this charlatan and fraud. Hopefully they will research his record and reconsider although I suppose the coin of the realm POV might bring in might be a deciding factor, as usual with New Age capitalism.

It's all about the money.

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 433
    • The Racist Known As Buck Ghosthorse
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #539 on: December 05, 2019, 02:36:59 pm »
Chuck and Lency Spezzano have earned an entry into the Encyclopedia of American Loons