Author Topic: Shannon Marie Hare AKA Shannon Sefton AKA Sierra Neblina  (Read 28459 times)


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Shannon Marie Hare AKA Shannon Sefton AKA Sierra Neblina
« on: October 21, 2013, 04:19:45 am »
Oh this "Cherokee Dream Walker" thing must be real, cause look! Another one! :)

Sierra comes from Cherokee Medicine line as a Dream Walker and Weaver.

So from the beginning my father is a Hybrid. He is a part of the government experiment with extraterrestrial Hybrids. My mother was sought because of her blood line and her blood line is Cherokee and Irish. There is something in the Cherokee line that they are looking for.

[just changed title-Al]
« Last Edit: November 08, 2013, 05:04:29 pm by educatedindian »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Sierra Neblina
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2013, 01:59:16 pm »
About as bizarre as they come. Claims to be an alien abductee, that the govt kidnapped her alien hybrid baby, and that she has two souls in her body. Seemingly she has lots of mental health issues and her delusions about aliens and being a shaman make them worse.

One of the first searches google auto suggests is Sierra Neblina fake.

How to tell when you are reading a braided soul:
1. Split personality disorder / schizophrenia...

Here is a bit about our guest:

Sierra Neblina, born in Orlando, Florida 40 years ago, never thought that she would end up as one of America’s most prevelent alien abduction cases in history. Her story begins in 1992. When she noticed a grey in her apartment...

Part I- The Greys.

1992- Sierra was in the reserves in Colorado Springs residing with her girlfriend. There were a series of events which led her to find a 3 ft grey in her apartment. Prior to this she was a shaman, energy worker, animal psychic and medium, ETs and such were not a part of her realms so this was a shocker for her.

Sierra had become impregnated in that encounter and the baby taken at five months. She began to investigate into what had taken place with her.

One day the MIB’s showed up and took her to NORAD...

Medical marijuana clinic owner. Article also lists her mother's name as Farnsworth, grandmother as Ziemacki. If she does have any Cherokee ancestry, it's likely pretty distant.

Quite a few nutty conspiracy claims.

Sierra Neblina is a Pleiadian ship commander who joined the Ascension 2012 team both as herself and with a braided Pleiadian walk-in who shares her mission. In her nightwork, she has actually assisted with the containment of members of the cabal and here shares what she saw and knows about this effort that is being used to neutralize the cabal. 

But Sierra reminds us that the whole Earth is, in a sense, in a form of containment right now in that it has a bubble of love around it, as the energies are amped up.

She describes what the container is like and how it’s introduced to the one being contained.  In the course of her description, Sierra also shares quite a bit of unknown information on all that the galactics have been doing in the last six months, with the destruction of the underground bases and the removal of any remaining dark extraterrestrials from the Earth.

Sierra comes from Cherokee Medicine line as a Dream Walker and Weaver. She is also a Shaman Practitioner, Minister, Braided Walk-In, Psychic, Medium, Animal Communicator and Empath, bringing together a vast quantity of tools and practices to facilitate your work together.

In the first hour, you and Sierra will look at your life and see where to apply the tools and support you need.  We will also perform an energy clearing and we may do a guided meditation or past life regression. You may also be taught new practices to aid in your process, wherever you may be. You can be a beginner just waking up or you can be an advanced Lightworker. Wherever you are is perfect and there are no criteria that you need in advance to work with Sierra.

Examples of topics we can address:
•Ascension symptom support:  Dizziness? Ringing of the ears? Headaches? These are all symptoms of the frequency change on the planet. Learn how to balance this and utilize the energy for your own transformation.
•Personal mission: How to discover it or how to refine the mission you already have.
•Spirit Guide introductions:  Want to know who your spirit guides are? Want to know how to better communicate with them?
•Walk-in integration and support: Do you think you may be a Walk-In? Do you need support in your integration?
•ET abduction support: Do you think you have been abducted? Do you have dreams or regular occurrences?
•Hybrid program support: Do you think you may be a part of the Hybrid program? Have you lost a child or have you been regularly abducted?
•Life Coaching:  Are you stuck in old patterns? Need some guidance/direction?

....If you do not have a PayPal account, you can still use any major credit card once you have reached the PayPal payment screen. Just look for the "Don't Have PayPal" button.

 Service   Rate
Initial One Hour Consultation Session $90.00 USD
Initial Two Hour Consultation Session $175.00 USD
Follow-up One Hour Consultation Session $85.00 USD
Follow-up Two Hour Consultation Session $170.00 USD
1/2 Day, in Person Intensive - 4.5hrs $450.00 USD
2 Day, in Person Retreat Intensive $1000.00 USD


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Re: Sierra Neblina
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2013, 03:47:10 pm »
After growing up in nearby suburb, she joined the Army during the first Gulf War. Stationed stateside, Neblina learned to drive the launch trucks that carried Patriot missiles. She also trained as a sniper and served in the military police.

“No one wanted to tangle with a female MP,” she says. “They are the meanest of the bunch.”

From this, looks like she did not serve overseas, she served in USA as an MP.

Along with:

1992- Sierra was in the reserves in Colorado Springs residing with her girlfriend. There were a series of events which led her to find a 3 ft grey in her apartment.

I wonder if that "series of events" was actually a mental health breakdown. She is the last person anyone else should go to with supposed "alien abduction" issues.

Offline Kevin Croft

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Re: Sierra Neblina
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2013, 05:20:48 pm »
Sierra Neblina is fraudulent with regard to most everything including her name.  Her original legal name is Shannon Marie Hare a.k.a Shannon Sefton.

She served in the Colorado National Guard from Aug 14, 1990 to Feb 25, 1998 and was discharged with the rank of Private 2nd Class.  She was trained in construction equipment repair and was never deployed to Kuwait or any other foreign locale.  She is not a Gulf War Veteran as she claims to be.  She was never trained as a sniper or an MP as she claims.  She was never a close quarters combat instructor, part of a Patriot Missile delivery team, or attached to Airborne as she claims.  Her service record is available from the Department of Defense and I can forward a copy of it to anyone who is interested.

Other fraudulent claims she has made include but are not limited to: 
-Tae Kwon Do black belt
-expert in nunchaku and Kali/Arnis
- fashion model
-paralegal consultant
-master carpenter
-scholarship athlete at Adams State College
-on call psychic registered with Summit County Police departments

Do not give money to this person or believe anything she tells you.


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Re: Sierra Neblina
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2013, 06:26:03 pm »
These are both from Colorado public records:

Name:    Shannon Marie Hare
Birth Date:    29 Sep 1970

Name:    Sierra N Neblina
Birth Date:    29 Sep 1970


Name:    Shannon Marie Hare
Titles and Terms (Original):    
Also Known As:    Sierra Neblina
2nd Also Known As Name:    Shannon M Sefton
3rd Also Known As Name:    
Residence Date:    01 Mar 2002
Residence Place:    Dillon, Colorado, United States
Birth Date:    29 Sep 1970


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Re: Sierra Neblina
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2013, 08:09:23 pm »
On her Facebook:


Studied Mass Communication at Landmark Education

Landmark Education is a very controversial, high pressure, large group awareness training (LGAT). Yet another red flag of warning concerning this woman.



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Re: Shannon Marie Hare AKA Shannon Sefton AKA Sierra Neblina
« Reply #6 on: November 12, 2013, 05:06:02 pm »
Here is her military record, available through Freedom of Information Act, public domain. Her record is on the last page of this .pdf.

Thank you Kevin for making this available.


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Re: Shannon Marie Hare AKA Shannon Sefton AKA Sierra Neblina
« Reply #7 on: March 18, 2014, 07:58:57 pm »
Shannon's Sierra Neblina LinkedIn profile
still lists her as "owner at Medimar Haven" in the Denver CO area.

Medimar Haven LLC  originally in 2009 had her listed, as Sierra Neblina, as the registered agent, her address in Golden, CO. But the registered agent was then changed to that of an attorney in Denver. That corporation was dissolved in March 2012.

She is still doing her GalacticU Radio show.

GalacticU Radio (previously called Let's Talk 2013 and Beyond) is an interactive radio show with Sierra Neblina where you can call in to ask questions that pertain to Ascension, disclosure, Galactic energy downloads, Walk-Ins, Starseeds, Cities of Light, NESARA and more.

Still advertising private sessions: "Sierra comes from Cherokee Medicine line as a Dream Walker and Weaver. "

Shannon has a younger half brother named  Dana Bryan Hare. He is a convicted sex offender (Colorado 1997) currently registered in Maryland and Florida.  I don't know if he is active in any of her psychic shaman business endeavors, but he is someone to know about.

An email has been sent to the Colorado Search and Rescue about Shannon's claims that she works with them as a psychic, so far there has not been a response.

In a 2011 The Camp Verde Journal newspaper article about winter solstice she identified herself as having Cherokee descent, as "a medicine woman who learned her craft from American Indian elders across several states". (She's also identified here as being the exec director of a humane society, a position she no longer holds.)
« Last Edit: March 18, 2014, 08:03:20 pm by Piff »


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Re: Shannon Marie Hare AKA Shannon Sefton AKA Sierra Neblina
« Reply #8 on: April 14, 2014, 09:52:33 pm » Here are some of Kevin Croft's thoughts based on this article:
She claims to be a starship commander but is incapable of doing even basic arithmetic without the aid of a pocket calculator.  Ask her to do single digit multiplication from memory.  Rest assured, she can not.  She doesn't understand high school geometry or trigonometry either.  This was how I discovered that she isn't really a master carpenter or a military trained sniper.  Carpentry and ballistics (at the advanced levels she claims) require solid math skills.

  It might also be interesting for someone to publicly ask her to describe the Pleiades star system and which specific planet she is from.  How far away are the Pleiades? What part of the Milky Way Galaxy are they located in ?  Which type of of stars comprise the Pleiades, how old are they, and what is their elemental composition?

Can she describe, in specific detail, the astrogation techniques that were used to guide her starship to our solar system?  Where is this starship at the moment?  How big is it ?  What is it made from and what sort of drive system is used to propel it?

Mostly I just want to make sure lots of other folks understand who she really is and how she operates.  She is a thoroughbred con artist who hails from extremely humble socio-economic circumstances.  Her one true talent is for weaving together complex self supporting fantasies and presenting them in a credible tone of voice.  She makes it all sound very plausible and never breaks eye contact while doing so.  You have to be around her for awhile before you begin to spot the inconsistencies.

A good way to expose her is to start asking simple practical questions about the things she claims.

For example:  If she truly was a student at Adams State, it would have been at the same time she was serving as an MP sniper with the Army in Kuwait.  How did she manage to do both at once?  Can she provide a calendric time line with precise dates, places and events?

For example: She claims to be both a Cherokee Medicine Woman AND an ordained minister.   An ordained minister of what?  A Christian Minister?  What specific religious denomination trained her and how was she able to train for that at the same time she was doing everything else?

Offline milehighsalute

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Offline moonchild

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Re: Shannon Marie Hare AKA Shannon Sefton AKA Sierra Neblina
« Reply #10 on: March 10, 2016, 06:17:36 am »

There are ordinations that one can get that are not Christian,  or any specific religion that most people would recognize.  These are often obtained by people in the New Age community so that they can perform ceremonies, such as marriage, and provide counseling and other services to like-minded individuals.  Not all of them are bad. Some are.

As far as Sierra Neblina's involvement with Landmark goes, I know that she had a very unfavorable influence on someone whom I had once considered a friend. Her behavior was seen by many as psychologically abusive, and just out and out rude.  Both Landmark and Sierra practice "gaslighting," which is an especially nasty form of psychological abuse, which causes people to doubt their own senses, or trust their own discernment.

She can be sweet as pie, when it suits her. She can also ask you to take several hours out of your day to do her a huge favor, and be overtly nasty for the entire duration. I am not in any way qualified to make any diagnosis,  but as far as I'm concerned, she fits the description of a pathological  narcissist.  This is a perfect description of the Sierra Neblina that I knew:

Offline Ragnar

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Re: Shannon Marie Hare AKA Shannon Sefton AKA Sierra Neblina
« Reply #11 on: February 22, 2020, 12:00:48 am »
Here's a current situation about some trouble she got herself in, in the state of Washington...

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Shannon Marie Hare AKA Shannon Sefton AKA Sierra Neblina
« Reply #12 on: February 22, 2020, 06:11:39 pm »

Offline Sparks

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Re: Shannon Marie Hare AKA Shannon Sefton AKA Sierra Neblina
« Reply #13 on: February 25, 2020, 05:57:54 am »
Here is the police blotter from her arrest

Good thing you included a screenshot. Here is what I was met with:

451: Unavailable due to legal reasons
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