This is one of the least believable psychics and channelers in awhile. An India Indian who decided an NDN chief talks like a white Nuager, but with an accent I'm not sure what it's supposed to be. And check out the quotes, the supposed wisdom.
------ up your old contracts, take out the old. Take a big bag, look at your home and say, ‘if it is not very beautiful or useful throw it out.’ Do it tomorrow, don’t wait. That is how you will change the energy.
....Feel plugged in to the Cosmic generator when you are feeling tapped out. You will become charged.
....Your planet is like a university. One class is money. It is a class on manifestation. It is only about how much you think you DESERVE.
Money is a form of energy, you all accept it, that it is worth something.
You know you don’t have to be the anchor for everyone. Let them be drawn to your magnetism and energy.
Let ‘tough girl’ go now, it’s time for the Divine Goddess Feminine to be here now. She will find her way out of your door, when you dissolve the walls.
When Rumi wrote about love, he took it very seriously. It was about pain, suffering and heart breaking love and passion. When Rumi walked into a room he brought fire. He said his poetry was about ‘you and me.’
When you see your demon in you, squeeze his nose and put a party hat on him.
Why did Kings and Queens wear the costumes they did? Why weren’t they in shorts? Because it is symbolic of manifestation, royalty, and power. Let your King and Queen out. Afraid of losing your friends? They are pretenders, that is why they never saw the real you. It is about autonomy, not being Queen of others, but of yourself.
....Extremes give you a surge a power. You have a spectrum, you will not match experiences. Your life will become more cohesive.
So far I haven't seen any alleged tribe named for RE.
Oh yeah, Mirza claims to channel Thomas Jefferson too. And he sounds like a white Nuager from 2013 too. No way would Jefferson ever be such a poor speaker and writer. also claims he channels:
Charlie Chaplin, Teddy Roosevelt, Arch Angel Michael, Arch Angel Gabrielle,King Solomon
Thomas Edison, Eliazer (Jewish Rabbi), Quan Yin, Paul Revere, Alexander Gram Bell
Helen Keller Isis Iris Merlin King Arthur Guenevere
Sir Isaac Newton Enoch Group The Corinthians Prometheus Tesla Hanuman
Krishna God Essence Esmeralda Jack London Minotaur
King Solomon King Saladine Noah Webster Helarion
King Agamemnon Elijah Isaiah Emmanuel (group)
Serapis Bay Eliazar Hippocrates Elohim BrightStar Rudi
William Shakespeare Saint Peter Constantine The Friends (?) Archimedes Demetrius
So that's gods, goddesses, angels, and mythological creatures. Seemingly the only thing left left out are aliens. And none of them taught him to spell, not even Noah Webster.