Author Topic: Two Would Be Cherokee Tribes in Kentucky  (Read 41225 times)

Offline VHawkins

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Re: Two Would Be Cherokee Tribes in Kentucky
« Reply #30 on: October 30, 2005, 08:23:33 pm »
Utter nonsense --

they say --

But since energy can't be destroyed, only changed, one only has to walk the ancient trails through the Kentucky woods --

reply --

The energy that "can't be destroyed" has a specific physical definition. The energy he is describing is not related to that definition.

they say --

It may interest to know we have in our possession a letter from the Historic Preservation Specialist of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma, which in part states: "the atrocities that occurred at Ywahoo Falls are worthy of note, and should be considered a significant event in Cherokee history, however, few people are aware of this site, or the events that make it significant.  It is clearly stated that this event has been suppressed and much misinformation has been disseminated."

The letter also states that "The Historic Preservation Office of the Cherokee Nation would support an effort to mark the Ywahoo Falls site.."

It also goes on to say "I have become well acquainted with dealing with sites of Tribal interest in (southcentral Kentucky) district)."

reply --

I have heard many people claim something similar, but never seen anyone why actually showed a historical reference anywhere to this incidence.

As I have said to many, if you have evidence show it. If you have such a letter, please tell who this "Historic Preservation Specialist of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma" is, and provide a copy of this document.


Offline educatedindian

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Re: Two Would Be Cherokee Tribes in Kentucky
« Reply #31 on: October 31, 2005, 12:17:39 am »
It gets worse Vance. The leader, Jerry Edwards or "Yonv Edwards", shut down their yahoo group, seemingly to hide evidence of a possible crime, threats against a former member. Not only that, but all the Nuage indoctrination he tried to put over members in there.
From: Yonv
Date: 10/08/05 06:56:08
Subject: [CKYBeginnings] Morning Thoughts
O'Siyo Sidanelv ale Sunale Osda,
....Do I say that because i am full of Gisi and on some power trip. NO! I say it because the power that we experience is the that which flows from the Source of the All that is....
We must heal in the Self through the Understanding....
Diversion, that was the ploy of the ego to keep us looking for validation from outside sources. Sneaky little critter. It is fighting for it's life. It knows the moment you realize who you truly are, it will become a mute point....
It is the Fabric that holds all things together.
...The understanding that once it clicks in your mind and activates in your heart, there is nothing you cannot do or we cannot do together....
Our job is to follow the Light...
I want to say again what a blessing that Charlie Lame Deer and the Buffalo River Band are now One with the Cherokees of Kentucky Chickamauga....
Uku Yonv
And their soliciting for the money for their compound and members to live at it.
From: Yonv
Date: 10/08/05 18:20:12
Subject: [CKYBeginnings] Land
O'Siyo Sidanelv,
....I am so proud of this Family. We had a need to meet a down Payment of 2000 dollars for the land. I want you to know, it is covered and a little towards our first mortgage payment....
As Frank Looking Eagle said a while back, please don't stop now.... We already have a few pledges and a few folks doing 25 or so a month. This is how we make the payments from now on.
Those of you, and you know who you are, who stepped up to the pump to meet the needs, please let us know if it is your intention to have a cabin on the grounds. Also, anyone who is planning to be here and live here after we get that far, please, let us know....
Uku Yonv
And in their final message in their yahoo group, he defended at length, over half of his message, using a cult leader and imposter's book, Diane Fisher AKA "Dhyani Yawahoo".
From: Yonv
Date: 10/28/05 10:08:34
Subject: [CKYBeginnings] Final message
First, I apologize for setting everyone's settings to "individual emails". It is a one time thing so that you will receive the final message to the Beginnings List. This will be the last message sent to this list....
I have at times told people there is some good information in the book, "Voices of our Ancestors" by a lady who calls herself Diyani Ywahoo. I have always told folks that there are some Buddhist things in the book, but the origin stories and some of the information on the Priesthood is good in my perception. I have always qualified such things where there has been any controversy.
Based on that bit of information, it is also being said that we are harming people and teaching things that are new age. Well, there are a lot of things in this world, and truth is found in many places. It can even be found intermingled with things that are not true. We believe that the Creator has given us all the spirit of discernment, so we do not advocate censorship of any information.
But let's face it, anything can be told in any way, ? It is much like the bible, interpretation is the rule....
Now, back to closing this list. It is all we can do to take care of our Band, the CKYC. The experiment of the Beginnings list has proven that it cannot be done in an open forum with an open door policy....
Uku Yonv
"It cannot be done in an open forum."
In other words, he's tightening his control even further. No dissent, none at all.

Joyce aldridge/Troxell

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Re: Two Would Be Cherokee Tribes in Kentucky
« Reply #32 on: October 31, 2005, 07:39:38 am »
osiyo there jerry, so you say that no post of a yahoo 360 site was not posted on the beginners list?? Well I'm here to tell you I have that post and a message from lonbo?? whoever she is sense she refuses to give her name. In fact I have every posting on the beginners list and prove that you are an untruthful person. Yes I was in the beginners list and Robin Lawson/Walkingstick is my cherokee sister. We have both ran into many groups like yours who try to steal native heritage and beliefs, you and your wife say we are gossipers, well that means tattlers so what is it we are tatteling on, I have all the documentation to back up everything we have said.According to many different tribes but speaking for my own, Chickamaugan cherokee,Doublehead lineage I hear nothing of our ancient beliefs just ramblings from someone who is, in your words "yonega" which I find very offensive after all you are white and a wannabe. You speak of ego well you really need to work on that one.
As for my cherokee sister Raven/Robin, she and I have taken action to have all this investigated not only by political agency, AIM of Kentucky, Federal Government, but also chiefs and Elders of Different Tribes, and believe me when I say You really don't want to fool these guys, not a threat just the truth.

You Jerry and all you speak  is carried on the wind to nowhere!! I come from a line of war women, so I know gigi when I hear it and have the guts to say to you, YOU ARE A FRAUD. tHERE ARE MANY INIPI, CHANUPA ceramonies going on in many places and decisions are being made.

Offline raven

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Re: Two Would Be Cherokee Tribes in Kentucky
« Reply #33 on: November 01, 2005, 02:37:38 pm »
I am planning at the moment to put together a group of people to go to Burnside and protest near their site. The purpose is to bring  awareness to the local people there of who and what these people are.
I believe the people that live near there have the right to know who their neighbors are, and the potential harm they can do. People that have irrational thoughts and actions I deem as being a threat to society. The CKY have all the makings of such.
I am also looking into the laws in Ky in regards to solicitating funds in the state and on the internet.

Hopefully if enough pressure is applied it will bring an end to the CKY.