Author Topic: Savannah River Band of Euchee  (Read 26588 times)

Re: Savannah River Band of Euchee
« Reply #15 on: May 09, 2014, 01:33:26 am »
SCDOG  You sound like are ill inform or you are align with Donald Franklin or you just maybe the Hidden Eagle that law enforcement is looking for.  I have live in Allendale all my life  the only people who have issues with law here is the Yamassee muskogee nation.  and there so called Chief.  There appears to alot of fraud with them and much information I have found on the web of court records.    do not even mention the bogus land deal of 2000 and the transfer of 60 acreas of land.  I am smelling alot of dog and chicken crap here.   How do one explain a tribal supreme court with  DOT trucking registration number.  That is amazing.

I also found information that subjects that  the so called yamassee muskogee is a spliter group of mount arafat.   It also looks like to me the Yamassee muskogee nation are nuwabians because they hosted a cermony for the nuwabians.   wow!!  I am just in aww  I am also told the so called chief who name is Donald franklin that calls himself Sekhu gentle   I walking around giving out masonic sign and hand shakes and he is not a traveling man. He even approach the local sheriff  with a sign and hand shake.  We  Masons do not take kindness to this.  Let's be clear on that. So whoever taugh time that is in dear trouble with the local lodge here.  However  he is known to be a moor as well. so that makes since to me.

Q: What about the Yamassee Nation in Florida claiming that you are a bogus Nation with charges being brought against you?

A: There is also another body politic that evolved originally from the/our Yamassee Nation, and is currently running its administration in the Florida/South Carolina areas; they are not a part of YNAAN. Their website is similar in name to ours,

This split occurred due to a family member dispute which exists to this day, and resulted in treason; as a result of rebelling against his father-in-law (Grand Chief Black-Hawk Thunderbird,) and against his own brother (Chief Golden Eagle Thunderbird), demanding to be the heir of the Grand Chief, (as opposed to Grand Chief’s son), we politely wished [Chief] Sekhu Gentle the best in his future endeavors, but unfortunately he chooses to be an embarrassment to us all as his accusations are emphatically easy to disprove, and he shows a total lack of verbal control, emotional control, and, above all, a loyalty to all indigenous people.

 When two persons, families, etc have a disagreement it’s just a disagreement, not a media campaign designed to make both parties look foolish. We apologize for even having to bring up our inner family dispute to the public, yet someone has to set the record straight and provide transparency. This matter is also being brought to court; this is how serious we are taking this matter. No one among us is in hiding, nor on the run, nor have the “feds” looking for us, nor anything like that. Competition should only be in a ball game, not nation building.  Unfortunately, and not to our surprise, there WAS yet another group of people misdirected by another former Yamassee Nation national who also committed treason, who tried to draft a check against the U.S. Postal Service due to a personal (not Yamassee), matter. Yet, the public and media maliciously associate him with our people in general.


A: No. With all the efforts against him, the allegations of criminal actions have all been proven false. We have contacted the U.S. Department of State and filed an agreement of authentication with them; why would we be committing crimes and going back to the same parties that can lock us up? If our “blue back” is so bogus, and contains fraudulent governmental officials signatures, why hasn’t Grand Chief Black-Hawk Thunderbird been arrested by the State of Georgia and/or the United States? Let’s use common sense to determine why not: nothing criminal has taken place.

A: Yes, he did; it’s a matter of public record. The Attorney General’s office made a bogus case alleging he was involved and responsible in a 22 counts of illegally making legal ducuments, of which was found to have no standing in court. So, to save face, the court ordered a permanent injunction that he should not teach the proper use of the IRS Form W-8BEN, which the IRS publicly makes available online. This injunction is currently being handled by our legal office, as the merits of the filing are based on the government’s desire to shut up a person exercising the right to free speech. To this day, since no one was in fact engaged in any illegal activity, no information has been given to the court as requested. Were there any persons back then claiming to be Yamassee who have had personal issues with the “authorities”? Yes, just as many U.S. citizens, and citizens of many other indigenous peoples’ do. In fact, there are a number of organizations currently headed by people with criminal backgrounds and the likes; while we acknowledge no one is perfect, and that past is “past”, we shouldn’t jump to conclusions on a person true ability to perform and carry out their task. With that being said, it’s truly immature to support the pot calling the kettle black.

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Re: Savannah River Band of Euchee
« Reply #16 on: May 09, 2014, 07:01:16 pm »
It's obvious we have another one of the Yamassee faction members taking their infighting here. And unable to post it in the right thread even, or about the right group.

Thread is locked.

AYD, post in the right thread, and do so without looking unhinged and childish, or you will be blocked from posting.

Also contact a moderator and explain just who you are.

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Re: Savannah River Band of Euchee
« Reply #17 on: June 07, 2014, 02:15:53 am »
The Yamassee website has their version of the dispute with Langley. Note they are based in Allendale, the same as the SRB.

....7.LONZADO LANGLEY IS A MEMBER OF THE YAMASSEE INDIAN TRIBE No he is not.  Lonzado's grandmother, Ruby Langley, is Yamassee, but Lonzado claims he is a Savannah River Band of Yuchi.  There has never been a tribe of that name in the South Carolina area, nor do the Yuchi's of Oklahoma want anything to do with him.  Lonzado is going around passing himself off as a "Federal Agent" by the name of Mike Tebishi and making calls to our tribal members.  He is also giving out your phone numbers and email addresses to Derrick Sanders. Please do not entertain him, but that is also your perogative if you do wish to do so.
8. HONORABLE AL BEY IS STILL A MEMBER OF THE YAMASSEE INDIAN TRIBE No, that is far from the truth.  As the tribal council gave complete trust in Al Bey, Al Bey in turned comitted "Treason" against the tribe, which is a federal offense.  At this time, Al Bey (Anthony Gerran) has joined forces with Lonzado Langley and Mt. Arafat, in trying to destroy our tribe.  He has also given your information to Lonzado Langley and Derrick Sanders.  What they intend to do with the information we do not know.  Please be aware!  We are currently seeking criminal charges on all of them for the crimes they are consistently committing.

Please family...if you are in doubt, ask!  We are sorry for any harm that may arise from these criminals, but it is out of our hands....

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Re: Savannah River Band of Euchee
« Reply #18 on: June 07, 2014, 09:11:23 pm »
He also sent a doc showing an ancestor listed as an Indian soldier in the Civil War, but says he won't provide genealogy.

Not all the soldiers in the Indian Regiments were Indian. In the ones I've researched, I think they made them have non-Natives as commanding officers.