"You speak of earning trust, but don't seem to think you need to earn ours. Your statement about how a Native group should always welcome outsiders, no questions asked, .... ."
(Re: A Thank you / "Solas Sa Dorchadas"
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2014, 02:18:05 PM »)
Today I think in a diffferent way than years ago what the is behind the meaning of want to be trusted by other people. Written in other words: Do other people should trust in me just I don´t want anything bad for them?
I can see this situation also in another perspective and I try to explain this in a different example by human deseased with PTBS.
When you work with human deseased with PTBS it could be they fix you with their eyes, they observe you and they challenge you, every reaction, every motion, every word you say.
Are you hurt by their reaction? But rightly? You can tell them they can trust in you. But can they believe your words? How can you demand they can trust in you?
Remember, maybe exactly this the offender / fraud told this human deseased with PTBS again and again: "Trust in me. This i good for you..." the offender lied and rape this human again. The confidence is abused again and again, till the human´s trust break into peaces completely, not just for a while.
You don´t need to feel hard done-by these human even it is not easy to bear it. In the sight of these humans they need to observe and challenge every reaction, every motion, every word someone says to find out if this situation is precarious or safe. They put you on a testbed. They got the right to trust in you and got the right to deprive their trust. But nevertheless you should build a basis for those people they can trust in you, no matter what they decide. They can learn to trust again, but in their way and with respect. This is not easy.
I think there are people / nations first and foremost those with painful life - experiences who lost to often the confidence, for them it is easier to follow what it means for human deseased with PTBS lacking the trust.
This is another perception.