She learned by following teachers
Pfeifenmann, A Sha Waque Shek
(Light across the sky), der Medizinfrau,
Retta Lua aus Californien, und dem
Schamanen Ron Lavin aus N.Y.
directly translated:
Pipeman A Sha Waque Shek (Light across the sky), I don´t know the traditional name for pipeman or the correct translation
Medicine woman, Retta Lua from Californien and the shaman Ron Lavin from N.Y.
who are these people? It is normal to be teached by people from different areas?
This seems to me the same person: Friedrich, geb. am 13.01.1963 in München
Meine indianischen und spirituellen Lehren erhielt ich von Mr. Ron Lavin (Schamane, New York), Mrs. Christa Phillips (spirituelle Lehrerin, Montana), Mrs. Retta Lua (Medizinfrau, Californien), Mr. Patrick Poupart, (Medizinmann, Los Angeles).
english: Michico Friedrich, born on january, 13.1963 in Munich
my native american and spiritually teachings I learned by Mr. Ron Lavin (Shaman, New York), Mrs. Christa Phillips (spiritual teacher, Montana), Mrs. Retta Lua (medicinewoman, Californien), Mr. Patrick Poupart, (medicinman, Los Angeles).
There was a radio setting in bavarai
Bayern Macher Renate Michico Friedrich
(Michico, white healing snake) Seminar Center – Schamanin Michico (Saturday, den 23. November 2013 at 14:54 Uhr)
Full name Renate Friedrich, worked 13 years as anurse, learned yoga - teaching, craniosacral - therapy, learned by Herrn Artho Wittemann (Heilpraktiker and author) psychotherapeutic method in voice dialog, psychozentrierte Körpertherapie ( psychocentered bodytherapy, this is a part in psychotherapie, can also learned by medical doctors and other medical therapists), body therapies (but some of these are defenitly not only specifyed for pschotherapy - methods, but you can use them with a good effect: Shiatsu, Qi-Gong, Fußreflexzonentherapie, Atemtherapie, Cranio - Sacral - Therapie, energy working, Katathymes Bilderleben (don´t know what it is), Akupressur, Tracing, autogenes Training und Hypnosetherapie.
Well, she got a lot of medical trainees, but has she ever learned psychotherapy? Could it be, not?
On her homepage she wrotes she is educated in classical medicine (I suggest this is a medical doctor, but does she mean her work as a nurse?), Yoga, Hypnose, Psychotherapie (has she got a diploma or does she means her psychotherapeutic education I mentioned above?), ....
Where does Michico comes from, from which tribe? Born in Munich.... What does this name means? To me it sounds spanish: Mi Chico = my little boy. Joa, sakra, des is a bisserl mäarkwüadich, aba nua a bisserl.... (sorry my bayrisch is terrible
). Well, I am confused.... about Renate Friedrich