Author Topic: introduction  (Read 6238 times)

Offline joseph b stone

  • Posts: 1
« on: October 13, 2014, 01:57:09 am »
I am Joseph B. Stone, Ph.D., CAC Level III, ICADC, enrolled member of the Blackfeet Tribe (u10415), a Beaver man, OKAN participant, and holder of a forked stick given by Virgil BullShoe and a forked stick from Casper Rutherford.  All my Pikuni rights have come from formal transfers and I take those very seriously.  As a younger man, i followed other traditions and practices, including Lakota ways, since my father was Lakota, but as I aged, I became exclusively involved with Blackfeet ceremonies, beliefs, values, and practices.  I strongly support traditional Native spirituality and I am not in favor of usurpers and wannabes who inappropriately and erroneously attempt to practice our songs and ways.   

To them, I say, go home and find your path among our people's ways or sit quietly and watch, but never attempt to lead.  But humble and respectful.  Currently, I am living and working with the Maori in Aotearoa as a clinical psychologist, but, I would never presume to try an be a spiritual leader among the Maori.  It would be arrogant and disrespectful.  I understand a white man named Blue Thunder (Thought that was a helicopter in a Roy Scheder movie - but, who really knows.....) is coming to Aotearoa to lead some foolishness called a water ritual or somesuch nonsense.  Stay home LeBeau, you ae an embarrassment to yourself and your family, don't make it an international shame. 


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Re: introduction
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2014, 04:00:49 pm »
Welcome, your participation is appreciated here.

Bennie LeBeau is also now using the name Rainbow Thunder Heart/ Bavado Tatun Corazon. He is an enrolled tribal member but his behavior of course is not endorsed by his tribe. In the past he caused major problems here in western Washington, including at The Evergreen State College. The TESC Native Student Alliance issued a statement about him:

Offline educatedindian

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Re: introduction
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2014, 02:48:26 am »
Glad to have you, and LeBeau is not the only one claiming to be teaching Blackfoot ways. You may want to do a search through the threads. Some frauds also make their way down to your new area. I think both Kiesha Crowther and Suraj Holzwarth were making claims about being endorsed by Maori elders.