Author Topic: Frauds in the UK  (Read 153384 times)

Offline TimberlineWarrior

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Re: Frauds in the UK
« Reply #45 on: January 06, 2010, 12:03:37 pm »
I mentioned previously an event that takes place near Glastonbury, The Healing Weekend. When this was run by Bill Harrison before his death it was faithful and he was very particular about who took part and displayed etc.
Last year was run as a memorial to him and the new organisers were beginning to show signs that the folding stuff was important.
Adverts have now started to appear for the 2010 event and their web-site is starting to take shape,
On that web site all looks ok and above board. But looking at a few other sites/promotional spots things start to turn,
Look down and the report by the organisers mentions they will be running 'performances, workshops, sweat lodge, displays and shows running throughout the 3 days'.
As the location is close to Glastonbury which is a haunt of many frauds etc the sweats could be run by several possible candidates. But I am aware that Kate Fenn is high among the suspects as she has previous connections to the event.
I'll keep watching and try to find out more.

^. .^


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Re: Frauds in the UK
« Reply #46 on: February 13, 2010, 09:49:57 pm »
Hi There,

I am German and live in the UK. I have realised quite a few people put up sweat lodges against money here (same in Germany these days). Moreovere, here in the UK less and less people claim a "tracable" Native American tradition. The trend seems to be rather to cloak the whole thing in Celtic/Germanic mythology, or sometimes in very cloudy Native terms, such as e.g. "the maya calendar".

I personally think these people are wrong in charging money, but also and more importantly, I feel they are missing the point.

However, I have the impression the "spiritual workshop" crowd (I think they dislike the term New Age here) are exactly after what is offered on these workshops. That is, a lot of colorful images, a lot of stress on the possibility and power of personal transformation, a little bit of low threshold group therapy exercises, very little investment or commitment other than the workshop fee, and quite a bit of gratification of one's own narcicism.

Telling them off will have little effect, especially if no reference is made to Native American traditions. I guess this is freedom of religion. Or of group therapy, if you want.

Offline TimberlineWarrior

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Re: Frauds in the UK
« Reply #47 on: February 15, 2010, 01:29:46 pm »
There has been in the past a claim made by the druids that the sweat lodge was theirs. They hoped this would get around them doing it and charging people. Then one of the serior druids stated publically and on the web that the druids didn't have sweat lodges and shouldn't claim they did. Things died down and there is less and less claims by them they ever did perform sweat lodges.
The nu-age or whatever name you wish to call them still perform and sell sweats and charge people. This money is for them and to enhance their life. Pure money making! As has been stated here one person makes so much money they take holidays in Egypt, Spain and also the Canary Islands.
Where somebody is making no connection to Native American heritage it's hard to expose them. But most claim they were taught by a Maya, A Mexican, or another American. Some do claim to have been taught by a genuine Native American and some blatantly advertise Native American Sweat Lodge. Those are the ones that need exposing.

^. .^

Offline TimberlineWarrior

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Re: Frauds in the UK
« Reply #48 on: February 20, 2010, 11:14:39 am »
Checking on some of the known ones I found a new one;

No ifs, no buts, such a blantant rip off and fraud they don't bother to hide the fact and even use a NA pic of a sweat lodge.

Then when you read up on the sweat leader;

There is such a list of familiar names of known frauds it's almost a who's who. Sun Bear, Bear Tribe Medicine Society and Sundoor International School for Transpersonal Education – The Firewalking School

Offline TimberlineWarrior

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Re: Frauds in the UK
« Reply #49 on: March 18, 2010, 04:11:02 pm »
Having been out of touch with one source of information I was glad to hear from him again.
There has been some disturbance and trouble, but more of that when there is more news.
Meanwhile he and I have spotted an old name resurface and on the surface this would gain her a Non-fraud status.
A shool to teach parents and adults outdoor skills, including bushcraft and tracking. Nothing wrong with that and the more people get out in the wilds the healthier it is.
However it's interesting to read the biographies of the instructors.
Especially Kate Fenn
Kate has for many years been teaching through the use of Meditation, Sweat Lodge ceremonies, Vision Quest Healing, and the Medicine Wheel. Her work is linked to and overseen by Rod Bearcloud well known for his Traditional ways and lodges on the reservations and wonderful visionary Artwork.
What connection teaching tracking has to the sweat lodge and vison quest is beyond me. But it is clear she is still touting this line and now highlighting and making clear her connection to Rod Berry, as he being her teacher. This is especially informative as it wasn't very long ago he was speaking out in Sedona as being against non NDN performing sweats.
Perhaps the moderators might consider giving these two a seperate Fraud section as they cross both sides of the Atlantic.

^. .^

Offline TimberlineWarrior

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Re: Frauds in the UK
« Reply #50 on: April 16, 2010, 03:11:26 pm »
It has been mentioned in another thread the growing number of frauds in Europe as a whole. Take heart, I may have been quiet but for a reason.
Steps have started and negotiations are progressing with various people and bodies to make performing and selling any Native American ceremony illegal. This will mean that anyone conducting these will be liable to arrest by the police.
I can't say much yet but I hope to follow this up with good news soon. No doubt the frauds will try and find loopholes and it's to prevent that that care has to be taken with the wording of the letter of the law.
This is in responce to one person who reported a friend of mine to the police (thinking the friend was me) for malicious posting and the stress caused by posting them as a fraud on here.

^. .^

Offline TimberlineWarrior

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Re: Frauds in the UK
« Reply #51 on: May 17, 2010, 05:37:01 pm »
One of the biggest 'green' (nu-age) events to be held each year has just released it's details.
Welcome to
The Big Green Gathering

The World's Premier and Award Winning Green Festival

Latest News: The Big Green Gathering is proud to announce its association with the Green Phoenix Festival which will take place from 19th to 22nd August 2010.

And being so enviromentally friendly they are inviting people to attend in yurts and tipis which of course leads to

The Bare Essentials

To generate the heat necessary for a successful sweat lodge we will build a big alter shaped fire with about 20 large limestones in the centre.

These rocks will be heated until they are red hot which takes about 2 - 3 hours. During this time we will  be drumming and dancing around the fire.

When the rocks are hot and the fire burnt down enough to allow access they will be transfered into the sweat lodge bender and placed into a shallow pit at the center.

Those who wish to participate then remove their clothes and we form a circle around the fire holding hands. Entering the the sweat lodge we always move in a clockwise fashion around the rocks.  It is best to sit on one knee and move up close to the person next to you. This means we can get as many people in as possible.

This has all the potential to become another Sedona. Packing as many people as possible into a sweat and encouraging them to stay till the end of a round!

^. .^

Offline nemesis

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Re: Frauds in the UK
« Reply #52 on: June 02, 2010, 02:03:37 pm »
So many dodgy goings on at this festival that I just don't know where to start...

It's got workshops on tantra, hallucinogenic plants, 2010, "Native Americans" , firewalking, shamanism

Most of these people are new to me but there is much here that is depressingly familiar....

Victoria Clark - Shamanic Journeying for Expanded Consciousness

These workshops are guided and intuitive, working with other dimensions, spirit guides and power animals our intention is to achieve healing, balance and expansion for ourselves and the planet in these changing times.
Each workshop will include Shamanic journey's, intuitive guidance and lots of love!
This is suitable for anyone who feels drawn to it - Follow your intuition the time is now!

I am also going to be available for one-one guidance and healing after workshops.

GARY KING - Crop Circles: Informing Other Activities
Gary encountered his first Crop Circle in 1997. He was so profoundly affected by this experience that he has relentlessly devoted the 12 years of his life toward researching the phenomenon. Already a practicing Martial Artist, he now began to pursue the more esoteric, internal styles of the art together with their accompanying philosophies. In 2005 he supplemented these studies with a language and communication degree course at Cardiff University, focusing on the science of semiotics (the search for the meaning behind meaning). In a jaw dropping lecture, recently delivered to a large crowd at the World Trade Centre in Mexico City, entitled "Informing Other Activities", Gary will show how his research has genuinely revealed connections between the phenomenon and geometry of the Crop Circles, ancient indigenous music, and their use of psychedelic plants, Consciousness, Creativity, the human condition, and much more. Not to be missed!!!

RITA HRAIZ - Planetary and Humanity Awakening
Speaking about an understanding of both the planetary as well as the individual awakening taking place, Tips on how to stay aligned and clear in the lead up to 2012 and outside of the doom gloom and fear of the changes to come. Rita hraiz, tantrika, sacred artist, clothes designer, has studied 20 years of esoteric astrology, and the science of kundalini, solar philosophy and the laws of ageless wisdom,

Rita lives in Glastonbury with her four children, Rita’s work is specifically committed to supporting humanity in our wake process, by sharing information on how our chakras really function in relation to the various stages of initiation, both individually and collectively. She speaks from both an eclectic and highly realised understanding rather than theoretically. Rita is an uplifting inspiration and draws much insight from the last seven years of working extensively with various shaman and the sacred amazonian plant medicine Ayahauska. Rita’s brand of colour conscious ethically made clothes collection will also be featured at the Sunrise fashion show, Rita will also be a available at Sunrise to do a limited amount of esoteric astrology readings in her Tipee which you can book a session in advance on .

CELIA GUNN - From Sinixt to Somerset: My Life with Native Americans
An extraordinary encounter with a Native American visionary in British Columbia , Canada , drew Celia Gunn into the rebirth of the Sinixt people, a tribe declared extinct by the Canadian government. For six years, she was taken upon a shamanic journey, her life entwined with the struggle of a fragmented and disinherited people, a Mother Tribe who were called home by their ancestors. Her memoir of this magical experience, “A Twist in Coyote’s Tale”, has been adapted into a film, “The Sinixt: Bringing Home the Bones”, which premiered in Canada in April 2010 and will soon be available in England . Celia will share her heart-warming story, and the great wisdom of the Native American way of life. Illustrated presentation.

A native of the county of Northumberland , Celia lived in Jerusalem , Israel, for several years, before immigrating to Canada , where she lived for 18 years. A deep and abiding interest in the mysteries of reality has been part of her life for as long as she can remember. Her first book, “A Twist in Coyote’s Tale”, has been followed by a novel, “A Dark Wind”, and her book on animal spirit guides, “Simply Totem Animals”, publishes in Sept 2010. Another novel, “The Fourth Gateway”, will publish in 2011. She is currently working on a book about the journey of healing, the biography of an elder of the western mystery tradition, and a saga set in ancient North America . When not writing, she can usually be found tending her unique and beautiful woodland chakra garden, which can be visited at her website:

STEPHANIE LISTER - Awakening to Intimacy Tantra - 2hr Workshop
Intimacy is boundless and infinite. It can only be experienced with others, and ourselves when we become our true nature and drop unconscious patterns and learnt defenses. This workshop is an invitation to be in intimacy with yourselves, fully present and true. You will have space to be where you are and who you are right now with love and acceptance. It offers an opportunity to explore what it means to be in intimate relationship with another and your essence as man or woman. In a safely held environment, through guided structures, you will be taken on a journey to living with more awakeness, connectedness and celebrating your aliveness! You will explore your own personal boundaries, the masculine and feminine dynamic, being touched and touching others physically, emotionally and spiritually. The workshop will be two hours in length and for the holding of the group I ask that participants stay for the whole two hours. It is suitable for singles, couples, beginners to intimacy work and to those who are more experienced. It is for all those who are open to the magical, infinite possibilities that can happen when we surrender to existence and the life in us. Please note that there will be no nudity and everyone’s boundaries regarding physical touch will be respected and honoured at all times.

Stephanie Lister has been a seeker since she was a child. Her exploration for truth and liberation has taken her around the world to study various Yoga practices and spiritual teachings. Her Guru is an enlightened being who has awakened her Kundalini. Stephanie has trained in Huna (Hawaiian Shamanism), The Tantric arts and Tantric philosophy, NLP and has studied with many respected teachers who have imparted their knowledge of sacred sexuality to her. She has made various television appearances on the subjects of Tantra and sexuality including ‘The Sex Education Show’ and ‘Sex -How to do everything.’ She currently lives and works in London facilitating tantric training for singles and couples and practices a new type of dream work with her clients.

JULIE ROCKA - Aligning with the Earth Spirits
The principles and practices of working with earth spirits to create homes and sacred sites that encourage harmony, health, wealth and happiness for the occupants.

Julie Rocka is a Spirit doctor of 25+ years experience, with a background in astrology, counselling, natural medicine, classical feng shui, spirit healing and Aboriginal shamanism.

Beyond the central space, another paragon of peace is the ever-magical Tipi Circle. Based around a central fire, the Tipi Circle is always a little refuge, a place of chai and sheepskins, bhajans and song sharing, fireside jams and spontaneous healing.The Pacha Mama's Chai Tipiis the last resort of a great night out, sure to be ready to ease your tired frame after an exhaustive night out on the prowl. Enjoy!

Ancient Futures draws the pathways between the old and new, the ancient past and the approaching future. It is about reconnecting ourselves with the roots of our consciousness to find sustainable ways of managing our lives and this Planet. Looking back on the ways of living of our ancestors, we discover portals to a dawning paradigm where we once more connect back with the Earth. Ancient Futures explores the realms of world culture, art and music, entheogens and mind-expanding techniques, myths and cosmologies and ancient techniques of ecstacy.

Talks include:

Ancient & Modern Entheogens, Shamanism, Indigenous Cultures, Cosmologies and more...

Guest Speakers Include...

*Dr David Luke - Psychoactives, psychic ability & the pineal gland

*Andy Letcher - Reading the Codex : Making Sense of Magic Mushrooms

*Rachel Corby - Meet with a Plant Spirit

* Gaynor O'Flynn - Tibetan Bon Buddhism

*Danu Forest - Celtic Shamanic Journeying

*Louis Standon - Drug use & abuse in the western world

*Aria & Lucifero - Sustainable dying in style


Shamanic Poetry & Conscious Rhymes include...

*RAVI - Performing live on Kora with guests

*Adrian Freedman - Live with guests

*Dave Pepper - Shaman showman

*Kev the Poet - Synchromystickz

*Meta - Poeti-Kali Induced Quantum Rhymes

*Harmony Yemanya - Medicina performance

*Avalon Roots - Acoustic Sunday Chillout

*Allen Morgan - Performing live


Musical performances include...

Sitar Music * Throat Singing * Kora and Traditional Flute Concerts

Planetary Gongs * Tuning forks * Tibetan signing bowls * Cymbals

Hinarios * Prayers * Mantra's * Callings & invocations * Banishing

13 Crystal Singing Bowls meditation for Dusk & Dawn each day with an early evening performance on the Friday to open the sonic performances

Offline piya

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Re: Frauds in the UK
« Reply #53 on: June 16, 2010, 10:18:38 am »

Looks like Eva Mack is at it on June 26th.

I have used their enquiry form, to ask them some questions but they haven't replied. I wonder why.

Will have to see if I can get away from work that day and go visit, its pretty close to where I am.

To Old To Die Young

Offline TimberlineWarrior

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Re: Frauds in the UK
« Reply #54 on: August 20, 2010, 05:44:20 pm »
Here's one I haven't noticed too much of before, using Mike Chirobokow as several others seem to be doing;
Whats disgusted me most though was on the Inspiring Comments page;
I felt very safe with Mike and I really enjoyed the way in which it was truly red Indian. The group was good too and it was lovely to meet everyone.  I will be letting people know about my experience.  -M
If thats what they're teaching their victims customers then they need some teaching themselves!

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 525
Re: Frauds in the UK
« Reply #55 on: November 27, 2010, 02:17:17 pm »
Theresa Matthew AKA whitebuffalowoman (yes really)

I found this

A Calling of the Ancestors
 25 September 2010 - 7:52am |  whitebuffalowoman
Start date:
Repeats every 7 days until Tue Dec 21 2010 .
5 Oct 2010 - 7:30pm
12 Oct 2010 - 7:30pm
19 Oct 2010 - 7:30pm
26 Oct 2010 - 7:30pm
2 Nov 2010 - 7:30pm
9 Nov 2010 - 7:30pm
16 Nov 2010 - 7:30pm
23 Nov 2010 - 7:30pm
30 Nov 2010 - 7:30pm
7 Dec 2010 - 7:30pm
14 Dec 2010 - 7:30pm
Location or City:
England in West Malling Kent
A Calling of the ancestors ~ you are ask to gather to raise divine energy the power of the sacred circle
working together with Sitting Bull and the Council of 21 Chiefs : their mantric chants rhythmic drumming
for full information please email


http://lightworkers.  org/event/115246/calling-ancestors (link broken as I have serious concerns about the webiste)

google lead me to this website

where the following text can be found

About 10 years ago I acquired my first Native Drum, then more recently two medicine drums and a collection of Native Indian flutes. Soon after I was contacted by the Spirit of Grey Owl and he in turn brought to me Sitting Bull ('He Who Sits Wisely', Chief of the Hungpapa Sioux) who came as spokesman for a Council of 21 Chiefs. We sat together for well over an hour and he explained to me that the Chiefs wanted to bring me their healing sacred chants and I remember saying “why me ?“ and Sitting Bull replied “why not!” Over the last few years it has warmed my heart to also have greater awareness of my incarnations as a Native Indian.


Gatherings at the Sacred Lodges

There are three lodges in Kent where we share pure love energy within the Radiant Circle.

We drum as One with the Native Indian Spirits whilst Whitebuffalowoman leads the Chants and Mantras given by a Council of 21 Chiefs for the opening of the heart with higher consciousness activations to empower healing, spiritual enlightenment and transformation of consciousness.

Star Cottage Lodge based in West Malling, Cedar Lodge in Meopham and Dancing Light Lodge near Maidstone.

We gather to share our Love in unity consciousness meditations with the healing power of sacred chants with devotional music and rhythmic drumming. These sacred spaces quickening spiritual development so that each souls blueprint for this incarnation may be fulfilled. As one through the power of the Christ Consciousness we can harness the energy of pure love to generate a transformation of consciousness on our earth, protecting the spirit of nature and restoring love into the leylines of the world. Within these sacred circles WhiteBuffalowoman shares teachings on Ancient Knowledge with flute meditations and activates the portal energy through sacred sound with the power of the spirit.

Cedar Lodge Meopham Kent
In the Spring 2011 we shall be expanding into the beautiful grounds of Cedar Lodge with the Redwood Trees into a Medicine Wheel with the Central Fire working in conscious co~operation with the nature spirits alphas and devas. We shall celebrate with the Spirits round the living central fire opening the space with ceremony and ritual, raising divine healing energy for mother nature and each other with voice, drum and dance and sharing in the teachings of Ancient Knowledge with Communication from the Ancestors.

Star Cottage Lodge
Working closely with the Elders of Light, co creating powerful healing spaces in higher consciousness meditations with the healing power of sacred chant mantras and music. Spiritual Courses on Ancient Knowledge. Teachings from the Beloveds and building a loving caring and sharing sacred community.

Dancing Light Lodge at The Radiant Light Centre
Teachings and Spiritual Courses on Ancient Knowledge with the healing power of sacred sound.
One to One and Group.


The Drums are Sounding, the Fire is Burning and you are invited to take your place in the SACRED HOOP

Sacred Drumming
Chants of the 21 Chiefs
Trance Dance
Vision Quest Meditation
Teachings on Sacred Knowledge
Communication with Elders of Light
Drum~making and craftworks

Journey with us to share sacred space in the tipi with the Ancestors and enter into the Divine Spirit:
Working with the vibrant energy of Sacred Chants of the 21 Chiefs we open the heart chakra
Sacred Rhythmic medicine drumming opens the third eye and crown chakras
and together we enter through the portal of light to experience the bliss of a merging consciousness with the Divine Spirit

Receive clarity of soul purposes and insights into relevant past incarnations from the Elders of Light to bring healing and transformation
and assistance in the awakening of your higher consciousness

We are the Ancient Ones Returned
After many centuries in the realms of Spirit, we are touching the earth once more and giving guidance to those who desire to walk our Ancient Way of Life.
We dance the sacred passage with the Spirits of the Plains, the Mountains, the Rivers, and the Forest together with our Ancestors and the Nature Spirits, we protect this natural world from the predating eyes of those who come to destroy Wakantankas domain

Sit with us around the Ancient Tree decorated with your prayers
Sing to the heavens for the Tree vibrates with the energy of your consciousness
and be One with the Divine Source of All Being

Caring and Sharing together as a Sacred Community
reawakening incarnate memories and drawing together many who were soul mates in previous lifetimes
So making the foundations of the Ancient Tribes into one powerful and mystical influence for the good of Mother Earth

website as you would expect includes antique photos of NDNs and sparkly animated gifs of dream catchers wolves and tipis

This woman runs a lot of events in which "the ancestors" are contacted.  Bizarrely it is other people's ancestors who she is in contact with and not her own.

If anyone would like to ask her any questions, contact details taken from her website as follows:

Please contact Theresa WhiteBuffaloWoman on 01622 817136 for further details or email

Offline Spandex~Atom

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Re: Frauds in the UK
« Reply #56 on: December 04, 2010, 10:37:49 pm »
"We are the Ancient Ones Returned. After many centuries in the realms of Spirit, we are touching the earth once more and giving guidance to those who desire to walk our Ancient Way of Life. "

.......while the rest of us have been busy getting butchered and burned at the stake down here on the physical plane for the last several hundred/thousand years? Thanx! but no thanx!

Offline tsalagi43

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Re: Frauds in the UK
« Reply #57 on: January 08, 2011, 06:12:57 am »
Terry O'Sheehan in the UK.  Claims he was a 'Sioux' in a past life, and that makes his as good as Indian in this life.  Told him to take that info to the rez and try to get enrolled with it.  He told me I'd better talk to Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse, and the other chiefs, because they speak to him and heal through him.  He'd better read up on those chiefs again...they didn't like wasicus.

Offline tsalagi43

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Re: Frauds in the UK
« Reply #58 on: January 08, 2011, 06:16:13 am »
This is a very interesting thread, thank you

I first found out about frauds like this in the UK in the mid 1980s

A guy I knew at the time (called himself a "modern primitive"  ::) )was covered in tattoos, piercings etc. attended a shamanic retreat with  group of friends and his girlfriend.

If my memory is correct this retreat was somewhere in Devon.  I did not know this man really well and have no idea what the name of the "shaman" was.

Anyway he returned from this retreat in a terrible state.

Basically the shaman had given all of them some kind of hallucinogenic stuff to drink as part of some ritual.  

Then when everyone was under the influence of the drug he seduced this guy's girlfriend and some other women who were the gfs of other men attending.

Obviously being in a state of hallucinating and knowing that your girlfriend has gone off to have sex with the "shaman" was highly traumatic. This shaman had attendants who lectured the men about the importance of relinquishing jealousy and possessiveness if one was to develop spiritually.

A truly horrible time was had by all.  Except for the "shaman" who seemed to enjoy himself immensely.

Mr "modern primitive" paid a lot of money for this experience too.  He wasn't a bad person (at least not as far a I know), a bit of a naive person with a love for trying "edgy" experiences and a complete lack of understanding about cultural appropriation.  I always hated the "modern primitive" movement on so many levels and find the term highly offensive, but what that so called shaman did to the people on that retreat was really terrible.

That was my first experience (albeit 2nd hand) of realising that some people use a combination of powerful hallucinogens and a "shamanism" to abuse and take advantage of people.

I think this stuff goes on a lot more than most people realise.

Sounds much like what the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi did...the Beatles quit him when they realized he was eating much better than them and having his way with young devotees.

Offline USA2UK

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Re: Frauds in the UK
« Reply #59 on: June 18, 2012, 03:51:11 pm »
Does anyone know anything about Celia M.Gunn? I have seen her speak at a few festivals now having been there to hear other people talk about other topics. I tried to engage her in conversation but she only wanted to talk about herself and how she has a medicine woman as an advisor on all things spiritual, how amazing her journey was (she apparently found out she has fantasy creatrues - like a pheonix - as totems) in between doing on the spot guided meditations with people and suggesting what crystals they should use to help them with this or that. While I was there I noticed a man who has spent time on Pine Ridge helping out and when he tried to speak to her she quickly shut off and avoided him (this was once she knew he had been on the Rez), maybe because she didn't want to get caught out on some of the things she says?

She claims to be a supporter of native rights and I'm not suggesting she didn't spend time helping out in Canada because I do not know and so cannot say but she now goes around claiming to promote awareness when all she really does is making a living off of selling native culture and religion mixed with new age ideas (though she claims to donate money to the Sinixt tribe from the sales of the new film made about her experience) as well as tacky 'made in china' looking animal totem stones amongst other things. She even said, (paraphrased as can't recall exact words) there is always a market for anything to do with Indians on the new age circut so I am fairly busy (in refrence to supporting herself through speaking engagements etc).

Thought or info welcome please.