Author Topic: Many Birds Lodge, Michael Borg AKA "Walks the Wind," Joanne Proctor  (Read 115472 times)


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Re: "Walks the Wind" & Joanne Proctor
« Reply #45 on: January 12, 2015, 07:23:30 pm »
I found this in Google search results but can't seem to track down the original somewhere in the depths of Facebook:

Michael Walks With Wind Wind is a Navajo elder living in Sydney Australia who has been holding ceremonies of the Red Road for the People, for over 30 years.


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Re: "Walks the Wind" & Joanne Proctor
« Reply #46 on: January 12, 2015, 08:04:37 pm »
These quotes are from The Many Birds Lodge Facebook page. I also uploaded a clip that explains that his 7 Sacred Laws thing supposedly came to him in a vision.

Message from Wind ... Because, as most of us know, he will not use a computer with any great success ... This is a message from Wind's Heart ...
Yahteh beautiful people of the Earth Mother and whirling Rainbow of Creation.
My humble thanks for your beautiful response to our new 'public page', it is a 'good thing' that I am able to reach out to you in this way.
Last weeks talk up on Martin 's rooftop was a pure delight to me, especially as I have been a little bound by science and 'medicine' of late! To be amongst such beautiful, seeking Brothers and Sisters, meant a lot both to my Heart and Spirit! I thank you all for the experience!
I have many, many talks that I would love to offer, now that the understanding of the 'Trine of Man', is so eagerly sort in such an open and progressive way.
To name just a few ...
- the settlement of 'Moo' !
- the Atlantean truth, and the beauty that was lost to us all!
- the resurrection of the 'Trine'!
- the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Cataclysms and the resulting re-emergence of humanity!
- the Twelve Parallels!
- the Inner Earth and the 'Second Plane of Creation'!
- the Indigo children and the Blue Star!
I am earnest, and deeply passionate with regards to relating all that I know, to show all that I have seen, and to share all that I have been!
At this time I seek places and venues in which to offer my words and thoughts, I am mostly happy with any space, hall, lounge room, roof top, car park etc!
The last thing that I wish to speak about today, has to do with the Many Birds page itself!
Firstly it is open to all races, creeds, cultures, But, it's contents and aims will be governed by the Seven Arrows of Law, it shall only ever contain expressions of Love, Light, Grace and Beauty. There is no place on this page for 'judgement', 'condemnation', anger, persecution, profiteering, politics etc
Please understand that only events offered or sponsored by the Many Birds People may be 'advertised' on this Page!
In time as we find our way beyond 'fledgling', we intend to open our page further to include the crafts, gifts and ceremonials of those we have come to know, until then, I humbly thank you for your understanding in this!
Many events, held in the Mountains North of Sydney, are planned for 2015. They include many Ceremonials and Modalities designed to engage and enlighten all of us during our time together in nature!
There is always much to learn on our journeys together, and always there is companionship, laughter and serenity!
I so look forward to time with you, my eyes see you, my heart feels you
Aho mituk oyasin

Message from Wind:
Yahteh, I bid you welcome to the place of THE MANY BIRDS. As the name implies, there is no segregation, just many beautiful expressions of the same thing.
I am of the First Nations, a Dineh and a Priest of the Red Road. I offer the Seven Arrows of Law and Ceremony to those who are drawn to the Indigo and to the Red road of The People.
“You are the bow, the arrows are your truth and expression, give them their release.
Aho Wind


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Re: "Walks the Wind" & Joanne Proctor
« Reply #47 on: January 12, 2015, 08:17:59 pm »
Hey beautiful people, many have asked for my proposed programme of Ceremonials for the next few months. I offer these dates with my prayers to the Mystery, and hope in all ways, that I have chosen days that may work well for all our myriad needs.
In late May, Joanne and I will be heading North along the Coast to visit our many friends, and I pray new acquaintances, that live along the way ! Our destination is the Lyell Deer Sanctuary in South QLD, where we hope to stop for a while. Beautiful 'elder' friends, Des and Maureen, are the custodians of the 'sanctuary' that they have developed over many dedicated years. In all ways, these beautiful people are representatives of and related to, those gentle animals that share the land with them as family.
It is our intention to assist Des and Maureen as we can, and I pray that in all ways I may lend them my body's strength and my humble resources in whatever way that is called for.
I humbly ask that you visit their website and see for yourself, the beauty that has come from their Hearts and Hands.
As it is my deepest wish to serve all who come to lodge with the best I have, I do need to limit the number of guests who attend. If you are interested in any of the following proposed dates, then I would humbly ask that you book your place early.
Again my humble thanks for your patience with all things, much beauty, much peace
SUN 18th Jan Woman's Lodge 11am
24th, 25th, 26th Jan Yengo Star Seed Event
SUN 8th Feb Mixed Lodge 11am
SUN 22nd Feb Men's Lodge 2pm
SUN 1st Mar Mixed Lodge 11am
SAT 14th Mar Mixed Lodge 2pm
SAT 28th Mar Men's Lodge 11am
3rd to 7th April Ceremonials at Yengo. Quest
for the Self, Dance for all
Beings !

He is definitely seriously physically ill. A cult leader being this ill can trigger even more extreme devotion in his followers.


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Re: "Walks the Wind" & Joanne Proctor
« Reply #48 on: January 12, 2015, 08:26:59 pm »
2013 photos uploaded here

Offline loudcrow

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Re: "Walks the Wind" & Joanne Proctor
« Reply #49 on: January 13, 2015, 05:10:43 pm »
His latest post (made January 13, 2015 about 2am EST):

Yahteh my Beautiful Brothers and Sisters, I greet you and see you in my Hearts.

For over half my life, I have worked as a stone Cutter as a means of making my way in life. When I need to relax and take my mind in other directions, I turn to my 'pocket' knife and Tree relations, and I ask them to allow me to 'meld' with them. I whittle and carve beautiful pieces of tree that offer themselves, and in all ways I find a deep calm as I immerse myself in each creation.

I have a desire at this time to acquire a car, (a van of some sort ), so that I may move with some autonomy along the East Coast, to serve the People. It is my hope that I may sell some of my favourite pieces of wood carving to achieve this.

As I value Hearts, Minds and Souls above all else, I cannot place a dollar value on these more 'physical' aspects of my passion. I shall have to humbly ask for your help in this.

I finished carving this Didgeridoo piece about five years ago. It was a hollow branch that had fallen from the top of a very old, lightening struck, Iron Bark Tree. It took me fives years with an old Timer pen knife, and was truly a labour of love that took whatever time I could spare, amongst my many projects. The 'Body' of the piece is covered with totemic symbols from both 'Turtle' Islands, and depicts two entwined creation stories. I was once offered $2000 for this piece, I was a bit over whelmed by that, it is still a piece of tree after all !

This beautiful piece of willow Tree (see photo of Meteor Katchina) allowed me to create the aspect of a 'Falling Star Katchina'. It was one of forty two that I carved some years ago while I was in recovery after Hospital treatment for a variety of long term issues.

I gave the other forty one to beautiful, in need people that I met along my path, and I pray that their 'relationship' has been one of healing and joyful interaction.

This final Katchina carving! I now offer for sale in the hope that it may aide my journey along the road of service. I do not know if it has a value, I can only ask for a realistic assessment from anyone who may be interested !

Those who know me, know that I have little interest in possessions or wealth, you know me for my words and giveaways, I call out to you, can you help me acquire this car, can you help me along the red road of my Service?

With humble thanks, with beauty and grace


Offline loudcrow

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Re: "Walks the Wind" & Joanne Proctor
« Reply #50 on: January 13, 2015, 05:53:51 pm »
Posted by one of his followers:

Many Birds!

The weekend was amazing. Thank you so much for the lessons of humility and courage to relate intimately with each other. I feel blessed to be a winged turtle...

Some of you manifested the will to meet with Gerardo (Mariman: Spirit of the Condor), either for the overnight Peyote ceremony (Conference of the Eagle and the Condor) or for the Offering Ceremony, Circle of Songs or Sweatlodge. Wind have confirmed he would come with Joanne (if all goes well!). So here are the details for the weekend. If you want to come but the money is an issue, let me know and I'll sort it out with Gerardo. Otherwise, please contact Claudia Echeverria who is organising this time around:

By the way Claudia is an amazing crystal bowl healer and teacher... also a powerful, wise woman! I know she would love to meet the singing bowls healers of the tribe.

3rd Condor & Eagle Southern Gathering - Australia Tour 2014_Blue Mountains:

*Date: 14th & 15th June 2014

*Venue: 14 Thompson St, Lawson. (Close to Bullaburra train station)
- Tents are welcome, however they won't be necessary.
- Herbal teas and light food would be provided.


Saturday 14 June
- Reception 11:00 am- 1:00pm
- Lunch break 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
- Offering Ceremony 3:00 pm- 5:30 pm
- Circle of traditional Songs 6:00 pm -8:00 pm
- Light Dinner 8:00 pm-10:00 pm
- All night long Prayer Ceremony 10:00 – Sunrise

Sunday 15 June
- Light breakfast 8:00 am- 10:00 am
- Sweat lodge Ceremony 10 :00 am – 12:30 pm
- Closure 1:00 pm

Offering ceremony: $40
Circle of traditional songs: $40
All long night ceremony: $120
Sweatlodge: $40

Full weekend: $220

Acct name: Claudia Echeverria
BsB: 062303
Acct no: 10573035
Reference: Condor + Last name

* Things to bring: Shawl or blankets, cushions, swimmers & sarong (sweatlodge), rattles, medicine drums, warm comfortable clothes, drink bottle.


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Re: "Walks the Wind" & Joanne Proctor
« Reply #51 on: March 06, 2015, 07:25:33 pm »
Some newer photos from the The Many Birds Lodge Facebook page uploaded here.

Is that a blue tarp in the foreground of the lodge construction photo?


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Re: "Walks the Wind" & Joanne Proctor
« Reply #52 on: July 02, 2015, 06:33:42 pm »

In this recent video, Wind says he is 61 years old and Navajo. He claims he has the right to do the many sweat lodges he does because the Lakota gave the ceremony to Navajo,  including his family.

Wind is visibly still physically quite ill.

This video is worth watching to get a good sense of the man and his claims.

Offline wolfhawaii

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Re: "Walks the Wind" & Joanne Proctor
« Reply #53 on: July 02, 2015, 06:50:25 pm »
Doesn't look "Navajo" (why would he call himself that) and why does he have an Aussie accent? I call BS.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: "Walks the Wind" & Joanne Proctor
« Reply #54 on: July 03, 2015, 03:39:01 pm »

In this recent video, Wind says he is 61 years old and Navajo. He claims he has the right to do the many sweat lodges he does because the Lakota gave the ceremony to Navajo,  including his family.

Wind is visibly still physically quite ill.

This video is worth watching to get a good sense of the man and his claims.

That. Is. An. Australian.

His voice, his mannerisms, there is nothing "Navajo" about him. There's nothing Indigenous about him. How stupid or desperate must these people be to believe that guy is Native. It's shocking. I'm not going to say it here, not going to give him hints on how to pass, but I am roaring with laughter at some of the gestures he makes. OMG. It's especially funny when he tries to put on the Tonto Speak, in an Aussie accent, while doing those things.

He probably has some Italian ancestors. Or odd-looking English who were shipped there when it was a prison colony. He doesn't look like he has any Indigenous Australian heritage, either. 

This is outrageous. How does he fool people? Hey, white people doing pay to pray with this guy... You have been duped, what this guy does is dangerous. Look how sick he is. That's your future.


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Re: "Walks the Wind" & Joanne Proctor
« Reply #55 on: July 04, 2015, 04:53:43 pm »
Michael "Walks with Wind"'s partner Joanne Mary Proctor is certainly enjoying the Pretendian Atrocity Game. I uploaded a Facebook image here. I do believe she has her  western movie-isms badly mangled.


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Re: "Walks the Wind" & Joanne Proctor
« Reply #56 on: July 04, 2015, 05:19:54 pm »
One of the many ways Michael and Joanne Mary Proctor rip people off is by passing people's work as their own, without attribution.

The work they rip off happens to be bogus itself, along the lines of "animal totems" written by Nuagers.


Sisters of the Indigo Wheel
August 7, 2012 at 1:24pm ·
One of the greatest gifts a Hawk medicine person can give the world is their visions of a better and brighter future. Visionaries are always ahead of their time and it’s not easy seeing what others are not ready to see.

One of the greatest gifts a Hawk medicine person can give the world is their visions of a better and brighter future. Visionaries are always ahead of their time and it's not easy seeing what others are not ready to see. ( I don't know if Lynx Graywolf is the original author.)

On that theme: "Hawk medicine" from Jamie Sams

We know Michael is not Navajo, which means he is lying. Michael "Walks with Wind" and Joanne Mary Proctor are lying. And even if he was NDN, what he is doing is wrong.

Offline AClockworkWhite

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Re: "Walks the Wind" & Joanne Proctor
« Reply #57 on: July 04, 2015, 06:31:55 pm »
Breaks The Wind is hilarious yet dangerous with all this mumbo-jumbo. I cannot believe in 2015 that people fall for these charlatans.
I came here for the popcorn and stayed for the slaying of pretenders.


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Re: "Walks the Wind" & Joanne Proctor
« Reply #58 on: July 04, 2015, 07:32:35 pm »
Breaks the Wind and wife are endlessly horrible. I went back to the original newspaper articles on this duo and am struck by this bit - Joanne Proctor sprinkling "sage ashes" on people's flower offerings at a massacre memorial.

Breaks the Wind wears diseased looking animal nests on his head and carved skull beads. Joanne sprinkles ash on other people's flowers. Yuck.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: "Walks the Wind" & Joanne Proctor
« Reply #59 on: July 04, 2015, 07:53:49 pm »
... "smoking of sage." I can see what that's going to lead to among the nuagers.