Author Topic: Many Birds Lodge, Michael Borg AKA "Walks the Wind," Joanne Proctor  (Read 115470 times)


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Re: "Walks the Wind" & Joanne Proctor
« Reply #75 on: July 06, 2015, 05:03:53 pm »
Check this nonsense out:

The Many Birds Lodge
.... This is a message from our brother Wind ...

Yahteh beautiful People, I greet you and see you in my Heart.

I write these words with an open Heart and open Mind, and I pray, with Grandmothers love and blessings.

A White Moon rose over me last night, it was full and bright, and as I stood there 'bathed in it's light', I realised in all ways sacred, that I am so deeply grateful for it's presence upon my life's path. It's light touched me, and re-awakened my gratitude for my placement here upon this 'other' most beautiful Turtle Island.

There are 2700 of 'the People' here in Australia, we ARE separated from home, but I believe that in our Hearts and Souls, we are forever connected to the land of our Grandmothers and Grandfathers. This connection is not tenuous or threadbare, for our hearts beat and sing the same songs of hope and recognition that our Fathers did. We pray, we dance, and we hold to our languages and ceremonials as strongly as we hold to our love of the Laws of Massau'a and our Mother the Earth.

Though we feel in our bodies some loss of connection, we remain true to our path, the path of consciousness!!

In Australia, there are no 'Burning Bush's', Caring Obama's or prejudicial Palin's, we have no school shootings, no bombings, no virulent war machine that absorbs our unemployed as gun fodder, we do not have Generals and PENTAGONS demanding homage, we do not yet have drones or storm troopers or white supremacists! What we have instead, is a Sisterhood and Brotherhood of ALL colours, ALL races, all creeds and hopes combined, we DO NOT fight one another at the cost of our innocence, or our love of the Sacred Mystery.

Segregation is what holds the U.S.A apart from itself, it is the source of the unrest and judgement it extends to the rest of the world, it is indeed a fear filled place for those who are bored with life's true beauty and bounty.

I stand here in Australia, I am now sixty years of age, I am myself, and I state this ..

" I am of the People, I DO NOT see the world through 'Cody's iron eyes', I merely follow the direction of my own Elders back home. I do not fold at words like imposter, fraud or Wanna-be, I DO NOT blink in indignation and gasp out my defence, I DO NOT need too!! I am a small part of something greater, I am not power filled, I am in fact a small thing with a great Heart. I do not ever profit from another's loss, in-fact I adore the ideal, that I may continuously 'give-away' all that I have and all that I am!" (In this, I am directed by both my Elders and their understanding of my Visions and their purpose)!!

In all ways I serve the Mystery as readily as the Salmon or the Hawk, and I know that in ALL of me, I feel only contentment and the small privilege of doing my work well.

When I rang home last night to seek some solace from my Grandmother Spider, I was told only this, "Walk well, let your actions speak for you!"

I am here, standing upon my Mother, I am bathed by the light of the White Moon, and in ALL of me, I am deeply grateful.


Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: "Walks the Wind" & Joanne Proctor
« Reply #76 on: July 06, 2015, 05:51:10 pm »
Australians who are googling "Uncle Wind" or "Walks with Wind" or any of his other aliases, trying to decide whether to go to one of his fake, dangerous ceremonies,

Ask this guy who his people are. If he says, "The World" or "All People," you may find that poetic, but that's not what we're trying to teach you here.

Ask him who his Native American Elders are. Ask him who his "Navajo" Elders are. Ask him what community he is from. Ask him what his clan is.

Bring these answers here, or just google the words he gives you. If he answers these questions wrong, and he will, you will have it by your own insight and research. These frauds say, "Listen to your heart." Well, yes, listen to your heart, but don't shut off your brain. We need both to be full human beings.

All the "Navajo" communities have websites, phone numbers, and elders with wi-fi. If he gives you some story about hidden people off the grid somewhere, it's a lie. Native Americans are the ethnic group with the highest proportion of members online, using new media. Indian Country is a tiny place. If this guy has even met a real Native, one of us will either know that person, or know someone who knows them.

Get away from this fraud. Don't support him. Expose him. Tell your friends. This man and his minions will lead you into a bad place.

Offline AClockworkWhite

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Re: "Walks the Wind" & Joanne Proctor
« Reply #77 on: July 07, 2015, 12:23:00 am »
For anyone lurking trying to decide what's what about this guy-- I will tell you with 100% certainty that he is not representing the Dine/Navajo culture with ANY accuracy whatsoever. If you need the opinion of my friends and relatives who are from that tribe, that can be arranged for you.
I came here for the popcorn and stayed for the slaying of pretenders.

Offline twoturtles

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Re: "Walks the Wind" & Joanne Proctor
« Reply #78 on: August 24, 2015, 09:10:20 pm »
It makes me sad to see my Uncle in this section of the forum, simply based on some social media posts... As I know him, his record is impeccable and I've never heard of anyone having had a bad experience with him. He is a humble veteran and stone mason who has dedicated his life to be in service. Everyday he visits cancer patients, sick children and assists veteran and people with addictions, never expecting anything in return. He lives with a meagre pension and only ask for small donations for his public sweats to cover costs. Michael "Walks the Wind" is Navajo and has lived most of his life in Australia, hence the accent and manners... Things are a bit different in Australia, but there is a number of NDNs that live there and some hold perfectly legit ceremonies. Uncle Wind is one of them. Please have consideration when you choose to tarnish someone's reputation publicly. I would invite you to let him know through the Many Birds page on Facebook that you have reported him on this forum. Thank you for your consideration.

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: "Walks the Wind" & Joanne Proctor
« Reply #79 on: August 24, 2015, 10:12:36 pm »
It makes me sad to see my Uncle in this section of the forum, simply based on some social media posts...

The social media posts show that he has no clue about the culture(s) he is portraying.

As I know him, his record is impeccable and I've never heard of anyone having had a bad experience with him. He is a humble veteran and stone mason who has dedicated his life to be in service. Everyday he visits cancer patients, sick children and assists veteran and people with addictions, never expecting anything in return. He lives with a meagre pension and only ask for small donations for his public sweats to cover costs.

So every day he visits with people and lies to them? Filling their heads with newage woowoo drivel?

Michael "Walks the Wind" is Navajo and has lived most of his life in Australia, hence the accent and manners... Things are a bit different in Australia, but there is a number of NDNs that live there and some hold perfectly legit ceremonies. Uncle Wind is one of them. Please have consideration when you choose to tarnish someone's reputation publicly.

If you think his ceremonies are remotely legit then I feel sorry for you. No one is tarnishing his reputation. He has taken it upon himself to attempt to be a public figure. If he chooses to deceive and mislead people then he needs to deal with the consequences.

I would invite you to let him know through the Many Birds page on Facebook that you have reported him on this forum. Thank you for your consideration.

Many people who post on this forum choose do do so with anonymity because there have been threats from frauds who have bee exposed in the past. No one here needs to put themselves at risk. If he is able to navigate facebook then he is more than welcome to come here and discuss our concerns and straighten things out.

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: "Walks the Wind" & Joanne Proctor
« Reply #80 on: August 24, 2015, 10:43:15 pm »
2turtles, are you presenting at this event as you have in the past?

> $40 — Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
> OPENING CEREMONY Friday 6th. November.
> ADULTS . $40.00pp Students +Concession card Holders $25.00
> CHILDREN 6 – 14 Years - $15.00 / Under 6 Years N/C
> Family Pass (2 Adults / 2 Children ) $95.00.
> WEEKEND : Friday / Saturday/ Sunday. 6th/7th./8th. November.2015.
> Early Bird Booking Before 30th. September 2015
> Adults $275.00pp, includes all Meals + Camping
> $325.00pp after 30th. September.
> $50.00 per Child to attend + $30.00 Play Group per day (supervised activities).
> Children 4yrs. + Under N/C to attend the Gathering. $30.00 Play Group daily.
> Family Pass. 2 Adults / 2 Children Full Weekend $650.00
> Groups of 10 Adults + from Interstate or Overseas 250pp.
> Limited Spaces available in K.C.A.I. Longhouse- Mattresses + Sheets supplied $100.00 Deposit to book your Space now.- No Refunds. Or BYO Tent.
> Due to the sacred nature of this gathering , ceremonial protocol etc. It is important to consider before bringing your child/children that they will be aware/respectful throughout the weekend. All adults are responsible for supervising their children at all times to avoid any disruptions during the Gathering. There will be the option for parents attending workshops/ceremonies to pay for supervision where appropriate. There will be a limit over the weekend for the number of places available for children to attend to maintain the spirit of the Gathering. We appreciate your understanding and support in this matter.
> Bookings Email: Web: Ph 07 32894270
> Direct Deposit : Bendigo Bank B.S.B. 633 108 Acc. No. 1469 27488
> Account Name Kupidabin Cultural Association Inc. EFTPOS Available.
> Venue: Kupidabin Wilderness (next to Lyell Deer Sanctuary)
> 7 Lyell Court Mt. Samson Queensland 4520.
> 6th./7th./8th. November 2015.
> Hosted by Kupidabin Cultural Association Inc
> Friday 6th. November 2015 7.30pm-10.30pm.
> M.C. Sherrie McLean: Introduction and Apologies
> Opening Speech: Mark Furner M.P. / Patron K.C.A.I.
> Opening Prayer and Acknowledgments: Aunty Jenny Thomson Wakka/Wakka/Kabi.
> Aboriginal Didgeridoo /Lighting the Ceremonial Fire Traditional Brushing
> Aboriginal Cultural Dance Performance .
> Welcome Song of All Nations –Native American Navajo Elder ‘Walk the Wind’ with Drummers from all Nations.
> Performance by Te Tai Mauri Kapa Haka Group.
> Duet by Harata and Wimunu on Guitar
> Performance by Pacific Island Dance Group
> Performance by Middle-Eastern inspired Silk Road Tribal Collective
> Performance by Nii Armah from Guana-African Drums/Song /Dance.
> Close: Thank You from President K.C.A.I.
> Chocolate and Coffee Heaven with Lukas and Pavla will be on site all weekend for light Snacks and Organic Drinks at very reasonable prices.
> Saturday 7th. November
> 6am- 10am Sunrise Ceremonial Sweat Lodge with Navajo Medicine Man “Wind’ and Frank Eagle-Eye.
> 8.30am-10.30am Continental Breakfast available in Longhouse.
> 11am. – 12.30pm. Coming together Ceremony with Robin Clayfield – EARTHCARE EDUCATION. PLANTING SEEDS FOR PERSONAL AND GLOBAL TRANSFORMATION.
> 12.30-1.30pm. Lunch
> 1.30- 2.30pm Flute Dreaming Circle with Claudia Ocean.
> 3pm -4.30pm Pipe Ceremony in Medicine Wheel with Walk the Wind
> 4.30-5.30 pm Bush Tucker Tasting and Talk Circle with Aunty Jenny Thomson
> 5.30-6.30pm B.B.Q.
> 7pm. Sharp Lighting Ceremonial Peace Fire by an Elder –Native American Tradition followed by Meditation – .
> 7.30 -9.30pm Drumming, Story Telling , Talk Circle with Navajo Medicine Man ‘Wind’ and Richard Little Feather. ( request by Elders – Medicine Drums only.)
> 9.30pm Walk the Wind will close the Circle.
> Participants may stay longer if they wish to do so.
> Aunty Jenny Thompson with Wiruundja will be available during any ‘free time’ for a Talk Circle at the ‘Humpy’ Site
> Early Bookings required for the Sweat Lodge. – Limited Numbers.
> Sunday 8th. November.
> 7am -8am. Aboriginal DREAMING Circle with Aunty Jenny Thompson
> 8am – 9am Continental Breakfast.
> 9am – 11am. Maori Workshops and Dancing.
> Workshops to be confirmed.
> 11.30am Auction- It would be appreciated if Participants could donate a suitable item for the auction - funds raised will go towards the continued development of K.C.A.I. Cultural Centre.
> 2.30pm -3.30pm Closing Banquet.
> 3.30pm. 4.30pm Closing Pipe Ceremony with Walk the Wind.
> Aunty Jenny will still be available for Aboriginal Talk Circles during the day when required.
> Richard Little Feather will be available in ‘Free Time’ during the weekend for talks on Medicine Power and ‘How to use it’
> Richard was born in Pennsylvania U.S.A. and was taught his tribal ways by a Lakota Sioux Elder.
> Navajo Dineh (The Peoples) Elder and Road Priest ‘Walks the Wind’ has been serving the people of East Coast Australia for the past 32 years.
> Message from Wind ---- Ceremony and the Sacred Laws are a way of life, one that can encompass all that you express and create. To walk the ‘medicine road’, is to walk with grace, beauty and dignity as companions.
> Claudia Ocean comes from Turtle Island. She is a Story Teller, Musician, Dancer and Artist. She leads the flute circles and chanting in many languages including Lakota, Cherokee, Iriquois. In the flute circle you will receive a blessing upon your earth walk and be able to play along with some prayer and healing songs.


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Re: "Walks the Wind" & Joanne Proctor
« Reply #81 on: August 24, 2015, 10:58:42 pm »
It makes me sad to see my Uncle in this section of the forum, simply based on some social media posts... As I know him, his record is impeccable and I've never heard of anyone having had a bad experience with him. He is a humble veteran and stone mason who has dedicated his life to be in service. Everyday he visits cancer patients, sick children and assists veteran and people with addictions, never expecting anything in return. He lives with a meagre pension and only ask for small donations for his public sweats to cover costs. Michael "Walks the Wind" is Navajo and has lived most of his life in Australia, hence the accent and manners... Things are a bit different in Australia, but there is a number of NDNs that live there and some hold perfectly legit ceremonies. Uncle Wind is one of them. Please have consideration when you choose to tarnish someone's reputation publicly. I would invite you to let him know through the Many Birds page on Facebook that you have reported him on this forum. Thank you for your consideration.

Hi! Roy is my Uncle. While I understand this topic is "Research Needed" I feel strongly to show him respect as my elder by clarifying aspects of his life that were mentioned here and that he shared with me. I am also vouching for his most sincere and genuine intentions and respect of protocols in leading his community in Ottawa, Canada.

2turtles, you have a lot of uncles -- and one a Navajo in Australia and one a Mikmaq in Canada??  Isn't that a little odd??

Offline earthw7

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Re: "Walks the Wind" & Joanne Proctor
« Reply #82 on: August 25, 2015, 01:41:07 pm »
very odd, and the only way this man is Deni is by telling who his family is and of course knowing the culture,
What he is doing is not traditional culture if you knew us you would know that. Humble does not make a native person.
In Spirit


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Re: "Walks the Wind" & Joanne Proctor
« Reply #83 on: August 25, 2015, 02:51:57 pm »
Louise responded today to my email from January. She wants to know who I am and if the questions of Wind are on the behalf of First Nations people.

Louise, who I am personally is not important. The questions and concerns here on the forum are important.

Offline AClockworkWhite

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Re: "Walks the Wind" & Joanne Proctor
« Reply #84 on: August 25, 2015, 05:04:25 pm »
I wonder if Window rock is aware that there are 2700 Dineh living in Oz like this fraud claims. I will ask a favor from a former Tribal Spokesperson (who still has ties inside the Nation's offices).
I came here for the popcorn and stayed for the slaying of pretenders.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: "Walks the Wind" & Joanne Proctor
« Reply #85 on: August 26, 2015, 02:35:31 pm »
It makes me sad to see my Uncle in this section of the forum, simply based on some social media posts... As I know him, his record is impeccable and I've never heard of anyone having had a bad experience with him....

Hello Mr. Renaud,
"Two Turtles" is actually Martin Renaud, a French Canadian living in Australia. There are many Martin Renauds online, so let's be careful to not confuse him with others.

Renaud calls himself a performance artist. That means he does bondage and S&M on himself in public and calls it "ceremony." See his site at I'm wondering if Renaud deserves his own thread.

Renaud has no Native ancestry mentioned anywhere online. The "uncle" claim is in the sense of "white guy happy an exploiter is telling me what I want to hear."

Mr. Renaud, nothing Rosser does or says is remotely authentic. Nearly all of it is offensive, stereotypical, and some of it is downright dangerous to the health of anyone involved. Rosser may claim to have ancestry, but any Native in the US can spot the ludicrous flaws so quickly.

Rosser may not make much profit from doing fake and dangerous versions of ceremony. His reward is to feel important and loved by naïve white Australians for telling them what they wish to hear. I'd guess many of them don't share such positive views of Aboriginal people. Hearing an alleged American Indian tell them warm fuzzy lies helps them resolve their cognitive dissonance.


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Re: Michael Rosser AKA "Walks the Wind" & Joanne Proctor
« Reply #86 on: August 26, 2015, 04:10:05 pm »
Webseries Documentary
Short Description
Producer of "A Journey On Two Turtles - Wisdom of Native American Elders" a 6-parts webseries about the Red Road spiritual path.
Uncle Michael "Walks the Wind",
Gerardo Arrietta "Mariman",
Christian Bickel,
Gilberto Nova,
Martin Renaud,
Directed By
Martin Renaud
Produced By
Martin Renaud

He is touring this project around USA right now.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Michael Rosser AKA "Walks the Wind" & Joanne Proctor
« Reply #87 on: August 26, 2015, 05:28:18 pm »
"twoturtles"/Renaud has his own thread now:


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Re: Michael Rosser AKA "Walks the Wind" & Joanne Proctor
« Reply #88 on: January 06, 2017, 05:26:24 pm »
Unfortunately, Ben Rosser is following in his father's footsteps. He uses the name "Lightning Horse"

Lightning Horse is a 73rd generation Navajo medicine man, who teaches a range of techniques and topics to help you to be happy, healthy and stress free.

Exciting! More beautiful crystal / medicine pouches have arrived. They are all handmade by my Dad, Navajo medicine man, Wind. All of the leather is beautifully soft deer hide, which has been ethically farmed and traditionally blessed.

Native American Ceremonial Day (Stanthorpe)
18th September

Come along to our Native American ceremonial day, and allow yourself to clear away old and negative energy and detox yourself on all levels. Give yourself a break from the hustle and bustle of modern life, and allow thousands of years of tradition to bring you back to your true self.
During the day, Navajo medicine man Walks The Wind and his son Lightning Horse will be conducting a series of ceremonies, teachings and story-telling for your enjoyment, including:

Pipe Ceremony – Experience a traditional pipe-ceremony with a handmade black stone Bear pipe, carved in North America and blessed by numerous Native American tribes during its journey to Australia.
Sweat Lodge – A detox for the body, mind, heart and spirit. Sweat lodge allows you to really cleanse yourself of negative energy and toxins, while enjoying traditional songs, chanting and prayers, in a beautiful sauna style environment.

Bring yourself along and experience a day you’ll never forget! A $60 donation per person is requested to cover costs of materials. Book now to secure a spot, as places are limited.

Hi Everyone! :) My Dad (Walks The Wind) will be holding pipe ceremony and sweatlodge on 3rd September at Stanthorpe. Although the ceremonials are not charged for, there is a $120 cost per person to cover materials and other nescessities.

I see on Ben's Facebook page that he is aware that there are many questions concerning his father's claimed heritage. Ben does not give answers, he asks that people look at his father's Facebook page, also contact him (Ben) via FB message. That is very ineffective and could give the group opportunities to indoctrinate more people.  Instead, Ben needs to post here and other public places.

Offline BenRosser

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Re: Michael Rosser AKA "Walks the Wind" & Joanne Proctor
« Reply #89 on: March 15, 2017, 06:23:15 am »
I have read this post and found some interesting points, and have spent much time doing further research. I am no longer claiming in any way to be a Native American person, and have only ever done so as I had believed what I had been told and learned to believe was actually the truth. I'm now very clearly finding through my extensive research that this is not the case. Most people I've met would like to believe that what their parents teach and tell the is the truth, and it is not without a lot of heartache that I find that this isn't the case. The name 'Lightning Horse' is the name that my father gave me several years ago, and is a name I'm now working to disassociate myself with.

I can only speak for myself. What my father chooses to do is up to him, but I will no longer be party to what it is that he is doing. I've never intentionally wanted to disrespect Native American people in any way, and that has never been my intention. To think that I may have done so, even unknowningly, saddens me greatly.

I would like you to remove the name 'Rosser' from this, as it is not my fathers actual last name, and never has been. It is the last name of my step-father, that my mother was with for a number of years, and is no way associated with my father.