Author Topic: A Civil Rights Leader Has Disguised Herself As Black For Years, Her Parents Say  (Read 121880 times)

Offline Sparks

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Rachel Dolezal is in the news again. The Guardian has an interview with her …

The Guardian has quite a dossier on her, 27 articles so far:


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She has legally changed her name, it is now Nkechi Amare Diallo.

Dolezal, Rachel Anne  Old Name   Spokane County Dist   166060   10-07-2016

Diallo, Nkechi Amare  New Name   Spokane County Dist   166060   10-07-2016

(source: )

Former Spokane NAACP leader Rachel Dolezal, who resigned amid criticism that she was passing herself off as black, has changed her name to Nkechi Amare Diallo.

Former NAACP leader: "I do consider myself to be black"
Court documents show a judge granted her request in October. Her new name has origins in Africa.

The former Dolezal has acknowledged that she is “Caucasian biologically” but says she identifies as black.

Offline Laurel

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She has legally changed her name, it is now Nkechi Amare Diallo.

So she's not doubled but tripled down on her appropriation and entitlement.

Appallling. Infuriating. Obscene. She really has gone right off the deep end.


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At Howard she had been introduced to the idea that racial identity was “an invention of human beings”; an arbitrary classification devised by colonial whites to justify their power and privilege. “It’s socially constructed as a world view, and people operate within it, but that also means that it can be reconstructed or deconstructed. And this was a great awakening for me, because it meant I wasn’t forced to own whiteness. It wasn’t like the honest thing to do is say, ‘I’m white’, because race is a social construct. And this gave me this great sense of internal freedom: I wasn’t actually all fucked up. I was actually on to something this whole time.”

Her behavior is all about whiteness. Whiteness says she gets to take whatever she wants. She had a rough childhood (just as Little Grandmother and so many others claim about their own childhoods) so that supposedly means she can grab anything she wants. After all, she is the center of the universe. Entitled white privileged martyr.

I'm white and non-NDN. If I behaved as she is, I certainly would be "actually all fucked up".

As many have said, Dolezal is likely mentally ill. That may excuse what she did regarding claims to a Black identity.

The lack of questioning of that born-in-a-tipi story, however, points to the need for children's books and media that accurately portray our lives in the past and the present so that people don't put forth stories like the one Dolezar did, and so that that those who hear that kind of thing question such stories.


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The Heart of Whiteness: Ijeoma Oluo Interviews Rachel Dolezal, the White Woman Who Identifies as Black by Ijeoma Oluo


For a white woman who had grown up with only a few magazines of stylized images of blackness to imagine herself into a real-life black identity without any lived black experience, to turn herself into a black history professor without a history degree, to place herself at the forefront of local black society that she had adopted less than a decade earlier, all while seeming to claim to do it better and more authentically than any black person who would dare challenge her—well, it's the ultimate "you can be anything" success story of white America. Another branch of manifest destiny. No wonder America couldn't get enough of the Dolezal story.

Perhaps it really was that simple. I couldn't escape Rachel Dolezal because I can't escape white supremacy. And it is white supremacy that told an unhappy and outcast white woman that black identity was hers for the taking. It is white supremacy that told her that any black people who questioned her were obviously uneducated and unmotivated to rise to her level of wokeness. It is white supremacy that then elevated this display of privilege into the dominating conversation on black female identity in America. It is white supremacy that decided that it was worth a book deal, national news coverage, and yes—even this interview.


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Trial for former Rachel Dolezal set for March 4

The Associated Press

January 07, 2019


A March 4 trial date has been set in a welfare fraud case involving a former NAACP leader in Washington state whose life unraveled in 2015 after she was exposed as a white woman pretending to be black.

Nkechi Diallo, formerly known as Rachel Dolezal, has pleaded innocent to the charges filed in Spokane County Superior Court.

The charges of welfare fraud are related to income she received from a book and other sources while also receiving some $8,800 in welfare benefits, prosecutors have said.

Judge Michelle Szambelan on Friday noted that the case had dragged since Diallo was arrested last May, and set the new trial date.

Diallo resigned as head of Spokane's NAACP chapter after it was revealed she was born to white parents in rural Montana.

Diallo is charged with first degree theft by welfare fraud, making false verification and second degree perjury.

According to court documents, an investigator began looking into Rachel Dolezal when it was discovered she wrote a book and made public statements that she was receiving public assistance, according to court documents.

Between August 1, 2015 and November 30, 2017 she received public assistance when she was not entitled to it, according to court documents. Court documents claim she illegally received over $8,747 in food assistance and $100 in childcare assistance.

Offline Sparks

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I just get this from that server. Anyone else getting the same message?:

Access Denied
You don't have permission to access "" on this server.
Reference #18.670dd054.1546967904.4e571ed3

Access Denied
You don't have permission to access "" on this server.
Reference #18.670dd054.1546967719.4e55610e

Offline Diana

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I can see it. That's strange you can't see it. Here's what it says.

Nkechi Diallo, known as Rachel Dolezal, booked and released from Spokane Co. Jail

A judge ordered Diallo to report to the jail for a booking photo and fingerprints before 5 p.m. on July 2.

SPOKANE, Wash. – Nkechi Diallo, also known as Rachel Dolezal, reported to the Spokane County Jail Monday afternoon.

A judge ordered Diallo to report to the jail for a booking photo and fingerprints before 5 p.m. on July 2.

Diallo was booked and released from the Spokane County Jail at 3:30 p.m. She had her fingerprints and booking photo taken.

Diallo is charged with first degree theft by welfare fraud, making false verification and second degree perjury.

According to court documents, an investigator began looking into Rachel Dolezal when it was discovered she wrote a book and made public statements that she was receiving public assistance, according to court documents.

Between August 1, 2015 and November 30, 2017 she received public assistance when she was not entitled to it, according to court documents. Court documents claim she illegally received over $8,747 in food assistance and $100 in childcare assistance.

Her trial is set for September 10.


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I can see that page too. Here is an archived version (usually without images or video)

Another article:

Rachel Dolezal gets trial date for welfare fraud case
Brian Niemietz
By Brian Niemietz
Jan 06, 2019

This welfare fraud case is no black and white issue.

Former Washington state NAACP leader Rachel Dolezal, who became a national figure in 2015 when it was revealed she was a white woman claiming to be black, will go on trial for welfare fraud March 4.

The 41-year-old mother of two has pleaded not guilty to illegally receiving nearly $9,000 in government support between Aug. 2015 and Dec. 2017 while allegedly failing to report tens of thousands of dollars in income. Dolezal’s memoir “In Full Color” reportedly paid her almost $84,000 during that period. If convicted, she could serve 15 years in prison.

In June 2015, Dolezal’s parents from Lincoln County, Montana said their daughter’s claims of being African-American were false, as were her stories about being raised in a teepee and hunting for food with a longbow. The family ancestry is allegedly Swedish, Czech and German. Dolezal soon after resigned her position with the NAACP. She changed her name to Nkechi Amare Diallo in Oct. 2016.

In April, Netflix premiered “The Rachel Divide” — a documentary on the Howard University graduate’s struggles with notoriety, identity and motherhood.

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1483
I can see it. That's strange you can't see it. Here's what it says.

I can see that page too. Here is an archived version (usually without images or video)

Thank you Diana and Piff! I can see the archived version from I assume that the reason I cannot access that website itself is the same as I reported here:

I can also see both Daily News versions linked to by Piff.

Offline Sparks

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Re: Rachel Dolezal and Jessica Krug
« Reply #25 on: September 10, 2020, 01:06:57 pm »
An interesting reflection about Rachel Dolezal in the wake of another fake identity story (Jessica Krug):

There are links in there to these two articles (2015 and 2020, respectively):

See also:

More about Rachel Dolezal and Jessica Krug: [Dolezal 2.0]

All those articles link to Jessica Krug's own post:

Offline Sparks

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Re: Rachel Dolezal AKA Rachel Moore AKA Nkechi Amare Diallo
« Reply #26 on: October 26, 2020, 03:36:51 pm »
I found a separate thread that is about Rachel Dolezal, satirically named "Faith Eagle Nebula":

Faith Eagle Nebula  aka Rachel Dolezal before she was the head of the NAACP.

This article is actually a satire. Although it is worth reading and Dolezal has claimed NDN heritage.

Red Like Me: I Knew Rachel Dolezal Back When She Was Indigenous
Rachel Dolezal, also known as Ms. Faith Eagle Nebula, donned her pretendian regalia for an interesting interview to say the least (satire)

Offline Sparks

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Re: Rachel Dolezal AKA Rachel Moore AKA Nkechi Amare Diallo
« Reply #27 on: October 26, 2020, 03:53:59 pm »
I found a substantial 2015 article not posted here before:

Then I want to add the Wikipedia article about her (not posted before), which gives a good overview of events, up to 2019:

Offline Sparks

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Re: Rachel Dolezal AKA Rachel Moore AKA Nkechi Amare Diallo
« Reply #28 on: October 26, 2020, 03:59:43 pm »
This thread is presently in the section "Odds and Ends" > "Etcetera". I suggest it be moved to "Frauds".

I also suggest the title be changed from "A Civil Rights Leader Has Disguised Herself As Black For Years, Her Parents Say" to  something like "Rachel Dolezal AKA Rachel Moore AKA Nkechi Amare Diallo" (at least that first name should be in the title).

Offline Sparks

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Re: Rachel Dolezal AKA Rachel Moore AKA Nkechi Amare Diallo
« Reply #29 on: November 21, 2023, 01:06:10 pm »

Meet the ‘race fakers’ — and the people tracking them down
When Rachel Dolezal was revealed to be white in 2015, it seemed like she was an isolated — and bizarre — case. But now Dolezal has a podcast, ‘transracialism’ has a following, and the ‘Alleged Pretendians List’ is revealing fake Natives everywhere from Hollywood to academia. Holly Baxter reports Friday 28 April 2023 14:39 BST

In addition to a lengthy comment on Rachel Dolezal and her podcast, there are references to TAAF and much about Jacqueline Keeler:

Tribal Alliance Against Frauds that recently outed the author Erika Wurth, the Queens University professor Robert Lovelace, and the academic Sami Chen. Their methods include complex genealogical investigation conducted mostly by tribal volunteers. In Wurth’s case, that included the construction of a family tree going back six generations.

Jacqueline Keeler is a Native American journalist who has been helping to expose “Pretendians” since 2015.