Author Topic: Rootcause  (Read 6370 times)

Offline Rootcause

  • Posts: 1
« on: June 21, 2015, 04:22:25 pm »

I joined on June 11. The reason why I found NAFPS is because I had misgivings about Alberto Villoldo and I did a Google search on him. One of the Google search results led me to a post in this Forum. This led me to reading more posts in this Forum, and I found that more of the people I had misgivings about, I had reason to doubt.

I read Disclaimers: All New People Must Read, and Before you post... and The Do's and Don'ts of Being a Good Ally. I waited to introduce myself out of respect for what I read.

Thank you for allowing me into this Forum. I look forward to learning from you. I chose the name "Rootcause" because I think untruths are the root cause of problems, and after reading the initial posts that I read, I felt refreshed to see the truth, which became the root cause of my desire join the Forum.

I grew up in Colorado Springs, where I would watch the Pawnee and Sioux dance at Seven Falls.

I spent five years in New Mexico, where I visited the Inter-Tribal Indian Ceremonial in Gallup, many pueblos, including the Acoma Pueblo which sticks in my memory because I bought one of their beautiful blue pottery pieces and they gifted me a tiny beautiful pot which filled my heart, and a few months ago, drove through Yakima territory in Washington State.

I experienced something on Solstice in New Mexico in about 1998, on the Isleta territory. The grounds were closed obviously because of the ceremonies, but as I drove near the area, I could feel life in the land, like the rocks were sizzling and talking. I felt the same thing back in January as we drove on Yakima land. It was profound and stirring. I could feel the land breathing, could hear it talking, asking me my intentions, and I regarded it, thanking it.

On my way out of my visit to the Acoma Pueblo, which was around 1996, there were some tall rocks that beckoned to me, and I had a desire to sit with my back on these rocks and meditate, to feel the root of the rocks in the Earth and feel the way they reached toward the sky, so tall. I found a little road just as the big rocks beckoned to me, and I turned onto it. A few minutes later, a kind young man pulled up in his truck and I realized I was not supposed to be there, so I apologized to him, saying, "I'm not supposed to be here, am I?" He was very kind. He asked me how I found the road and I told him the rocks showed it to me, that the rocks had called me over to meditate. He did not chastise me for getting off of the main road but kindly escorted me back to the main road and waved goodbye.

May the Solstice today bring you joy.

Thank you.


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Re: Rootcause
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2015, 07:07:22 pm »