gotcha, and fully agreed.
I have been following the thread since it was posted, but it appears to have turned into EP mostly repeating that he's 1/8th when his info was debunked, but still repeating it. Repeating something doesn't make it true, unless we consider mantras to alter reality, lol.
While I mostly follow this forum to keep up on the spirituality and new age frauds, it does seem it wouldn't hurt for there to be more open inquiry into writers, academics, and the sort. Considering the academic frauds in the media lately, I'm not afraid to say I've met a couple teachers and professors I felt should have been investigated because of stereotypes or bad information they seemed to be promoting in the name of this or that culture. I think NAFPS, while having being formed for the new age frauds, may be the most centralized forum to be able to discuss these sorta things on the web. Even the new age frauds are interrelated with researchers and writers (ie. Castaneda and his legacy for a blatant/extreme example), so maybe such a section would prove rather useful. I think we can agree that a person's work as a historian does not need to rely on whether or one is a certain race, as much as it requires being honest and citing sources. But still most people will probably assume there is more credibility when someone talking about NDN history claims to be NDN. For that reason, one can understand why these claims need to be debunked just like the new agers' claims.