Author Topic: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom"  (Read 263028 times)

Re: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom"
« Reply #45 on: January 12, 2011, 05:52:02 pm »
I wonder if there's some sort of law enforcement agency that would want all this info nemesis..
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline nemesis

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Re: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom"
« Reply #46 on: January 12, 2011, 06:22:51 pm »
I wonder if there's some sort of law enforcement agency that would want all this info nemesis..

I should imagine that there is   8)  These really are Mafia type groups so I would hope that LE are doing something.

As an ordinary citizen I have done my very best to alert LE in various territories to these evil people.

Thing with cops IME is that they don't really say anything about what they are or are not going to do.

I'm not a cop and I don't expect feedback I just have to hope for the best.

Typically the only thing they say is "do not approach them in person".   I think that they say that whatever the situation because whatever cops I speak to, regardless of the territory, they always, always say it and that is the only thing they say.  In this instance I pay attention and definitely have no intention of approaching these people in person at all.  

It is also my understanding that it is the job of law enforcement to investigate and not to warn people.  

Thus all this information here.  I feel a very strong need to warn people because I have seen what they do to people and also I have no idea whether cops are doing anything at all about these criminals because they just don't tell me anything.

Another of the reasons why I am posting all of this is that it's a "belt and braces" approach.  I just hope that, if cops in a particular territory didn't take action, for whatever reason, whether disbelief at the craziness of it all, corruption, laziness, incompetence, a belief that "cults" are not a criminal issue (a problem we have in the UK) or some other reason, that this will help to nudge them into action.  
« Last Edit: January 12, 2011, 06:34:06 pm by nemesis »

Offline nemesis

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Re: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom"
« Reply #47 on: January 14, 2011, 12:31:54 pm »
I just want to take a moment to illustrate one of the many similarities between the Romanian and Russian trafficking in human beings (THB) networks.  These networks also have many differences but the similarities are quite striking.

THB typically has 3 core activities with which criminals concern themselves; they are

The grooming / recruitment of victims

The transportation of victims

The exploitation of victims

Of course there may be additional ancillary criminal activities, e.g. money laundering, bribery and corruption, document forgery, etc. however in this post I am providing details of activities related to grooming and recruitment

Here is a video in Spanish language (English subtitles) produced by the Russian THB network

It aims to recruit women to become "goddesses"  via their "school of goddesses" by dressing in what they consider to be sexy clothes and by learning erotic dance

Here is a video produced by the Romanian THB network MISA, to be precise their Danish subsidiary Natha Yoga Centre

It aims to recruit women to discover their inner "Shakti" by dressing in what they consider to be sexy clothes and by learning erotic dance

I just thought it might be helpful for people to clearly see the comparison between the 2 networks for the sake of clarity.

Just a couple more things

USE A PROXY to check the below links

this link leads to an extremely interesting flyer designed by the Russian THB network advertising a 3 day retreat on "Sensual arts of the Goddess" that includes instructional workshops on how women can live like Maria Magdelena, courtesans and geishas, bedroom secrets, strip tease, geisha arts of seduction, seductive dance, awakening "shakti", and much more.  You get the idea.


The next few link is to a MISA owned site liking to various online magazines that offer advice to men and women on "bedroom secrets", "how to drive him wild with a strip tease" various sexual positions, practices and seduction skills

some nude / explicit photos not NSFW

http://oainternetservices  .com/resources/tantra-magazine/tech/ppast.html

It is important that people reading this understand that these trainings in sexual / bedroom skills (offered online and via retreats and workshops by both networks) are not simply strategies for grooming victims to work in the sex industry - although this appears to be the main rationale for the,.  They are also strategies for training honey trap spies - male and female- to seduce and thus corrupt people in influential positions in the territories where these criminals seek to gain power and influence.

Anyone familiar with the history of espionage will know about the notorious honey trap spies of the DIE and the Stasi who were spies intensively trained in sexual and seduction skills, some even surgically "enhanced", and put to work usually with extremely successful results.  

Those unfamiliar with the subject may wish to read the articles linked below, they really are a great read - no need to use a proxy SFW

The fact that these networks are using human assets as spies and agents in this respect makes me wonder whether ex or even current secret services people are working with them.  Just a thought.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2011, 01:48:38 pm by nemesis »

Offline nemesis

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Re: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom"
« Reply #48 on: January 14, 2011, 09:51:33 pm »
Just for added googleablity

some appropriate tags

"school of Cleopatra"
"school of Goddeses"
"new humanity project"

"supreme goddesses"
orfica orficaa orfic art
universynergy arts
"shaman's tea"
"elixir of life"
"business magic"
"esoteric psychology" "tantric psychotherapy" "tantric counselling"
"school of geishas"
"Siberian shamanism" (apologies to the real thing - hope you understand and forgive me)
"feminine essence"
"magic make up"
"sexual continence"
"urinary orgasm"
grieg greg stumpi, stumpy, "Gregorian Bivolaru"
"konstantin Rudnev" bones "Sri Jnana Avatar Mooney" "Guru Sotidanandana"
Pfaski "guru alid Pfaski" "SHRI GURU SOTIDANANDANA ALID PFASKI NATVA" "Shri Guru Alid Pfaski Natva"
"Avtandil A. Lomsadze" "Avtandil Lomsadze" "Raja Yogi Guru Alida Chamfer-Natva" "Avtandil Alexeevitch"
"Diana Saiz" "Severny Olen" Kalaki "master stella" Reena Erin Joshua Erika Shama Bonnie "Eka Joti" "zoe wild"

"shakti" "Miss Skakti" "shakti group"
Goddess priestess witch "art of goddess" Art of goddesses"
"vira group"
"esoteric yoga"
"golden mystery of Pharaohs"
tantra "royal tantra" "tantric initiations" "tantra initiations" "tantra for women" "Siberian tantra toga" "shamanic tantra"
"tantric massage" "tantric temple" "yoni massage" "lingam massage" "sacred spot massage" "angel massage"
"fascinating woman" fascinating mysterious mystery
eco trance, plant mystery, ecotrance
"erotic dance" "pole dance" "oriental dance"
"Natha yoga centre" "tara yoga centre" misa
Golden Altay  Golden Altai  Sotidanandana "ashram shambala" "academy of happiness"
"way of the fool"
"Ancient Wisdom for Everyday Life" "Ancient Wisdom"
transfiguration sublimation consecration "traditional yoga"
"Uncover Your Mission and Your Destiny"
"club of energetic empowerment"
"Club of Energetic Empowerment & Spiritual Development"
"Wisdom for a Healthy Lifestyle"
"The Savannah Meditation & Energy Flow Meetup Group"
"Miami Beach Spiritual Connection"
"Tantra & Loving Relationships"
"Yoga of Energetic Protection & Empowerment"
The path of Yoga (Integral Tantric Raja Yoga)
"Developing the feminine essence"
"School of Tantra & harmonious relationships"
"Ancient school for empowerment & emotional freedom"
"Family harmony & education of children"
"Trance Dance Meditation"
"chakra dance"
"Club of Energetic Empowerment & Spiritual Development"
"Bodhi Lounge"
"ancient wisdom tree"
"ancient wisdom for modern life"
"I am woman"
"Eva Yoga: The Manhattan Yoga Adventure"
"Sacred Femininity: Embracing Sensual Power"
"Finding Bliss Within"
"Awakening of the Feminine Essence"
"NYC Goddesses"
"Sunday Meditiation for Healing, Harmony and Bliss"
"Are You Getting What You Deserve? Financial and Spiritual prosperity in 2011"
"Earth Spirits: Shamanism and Nature"
"spiritual aikido"
"Scientific Shamanism: Bringing Back the Traditions"
"Creating A Breakthrough in Your Life!"
"Elements Ritual"
"Empowerment Practices for Women and Young Women"
"Siberian Shamanic Journey"
"Sacred Union: The Divine Dance of Shiva and Shakti"
"Sacred Femininity: Manifesting Our Destiny"
"Awakening the New Potential Within "
"Personal Empowerment & Psycho-Emotional Protection"
"Vibrant Living ~ Path of Harmonious Development"
"school of harmonious development"
"Law of Attraction for Women: Your Divine Power"
"Harmonic Development of Children"
"Yoga and Creative Movement for Children"
"Noticing Your Child's Main Characteristic"
"Sacred Femininity: Manifesting Our Destiny"
"Sensual Dance & Women’s Secrets"
"Creating Love through Spiritual Practice"
"Leading a Purpose Driven Life"
"Dynamic Spirituality"
"Sacred Femininity: Embracing Sensual Power"
"Vibrant Living ~ Cleanse, Develop, & Succeeed"
"Bay Area Empowered Journey Community"
"Shakti Rising: A Night of Sacred Dance and Transformation For Women"
"Divine Union: Attracting Your Ideal Partner"
"The Path of the Modern Goddess and God"
"Path of Modern God and Goddess"
"Shamanism in the Age of Technology"
"Soul Memories"
"Wisdom, Empowerment, Success" "Salt Lake City ~ Wisdom, Empowerment, Success" "Wisdom - Empowerment - Success"
"Living a Purpose Driven Life" "Living a Life of Purpose"
"Trance Dance Meditation: evolutionary project for awareness"
"Wasatch Tantric Explorers"
"Bringing Harmony In Life"
"The Art Of Seduction & Women's Health"
"Chakra Trance Dance: Dynamic Spirit Evolution"
"SF Empowered Journey Practice Community" "Empowered Journey Practice Community"
"Tantra SF: Awakening Sexual Energy and Conscious Partnership" "Awakening Sexual Energy and Conscious Partnership"
"Awaken True Prosperity Now!"
"Art of Energetic Attraction"
"Secrets of Vitality and Longevity"
"Sexual Health, Financial Wealth" "Tantra for Career Success!!"
"Ancient Art of Intention"
"Developing the Masculine Principle for Life Breakthrough!"
"the keys to happiness"
"Chakra Trance Dance for Removing Obstacles & Achieving Success"
" Nataraj Meditation - Dynamic Emotions Trance Dance"
"Siberian Shamanism: Tradition of Wealth Happiness & Power "
"Source Empowerment Coalition"
"Divine Union, becoming an open channel"
"Radiant Embodiment"
"Expressing Sexual Energy through Creative Mastery"
"Consciousness, Sleep, and Developing Our Dream Bodies"
"Discover Internal Resources of Personal Power"
"Stress Release and Vitalize Your Immune System"
"Break Addictions and Unconscious Patterns"
"Master Your Emotions and Emotional Responses"
"Ignite Real Confidence, Courage and Charisma"
"Create Abundance and Financial/Business Success"

THB "trafficking in human beings" "sex trafficking" "labour trafficking" "labor trafficking" "child trafficking" slavery enslavement rape pimping "organised crime" "money laundering" oc ml  fraud "real estate fraud"
"new religious movement" cult sect sekt nrm

I will edit this to add other keywords over time
« Last Edit: February 01, 2011, 11:54:43 pm by nemesis »

Offline nemesis

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Re: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom"
« Reply #49 on: January 15, 2011, 12:07:19 pm »
Just a couple of items from a Russian website - I think it is a website related to the Russian Orthodox Church - so obviously they will have their own angle on this - but the articles are interesting nonetheless;

this article

reports that members of the Russian cult have disowned Rudnev and are claiming that he is just some insane dude who is a member just like the rest of them.

If anyone has problems with google translate just et me know and I'll copy the translated text.  

There are a few photos accompanying the story, one of which was taken at one of the cult's children's camps.  Did I mention that this network provides camps where parents can leave their child for a week or 2 and apparently they get a mini adult back in return?  

Maybe I was just too disturbed by what I found in that respect - if people can bear to read about these children's camps (To my knowledge they run them in Russia and European countries) just let me know and I'll post details - anyway I digress

This photo on the wall of the children's camp

also depicted in this photo of "liberated goddesses"

featured in this story on the same website

Clearly shows that while there is a prominent photo of Avtandil Lomsadze (in fact 2 photos I think), pride of place in the upper centre is given to a photo of Rudnev (2 photos of Rudnev also in fact).

I can see what they are getting at  - they believe that Rudnev is the real leader and that his followers are trying to protect him by claiming that he is some crazy guy.  Personally, from what I have discovered about this network's activities in various territories internationally, my impression is that this is a massive international criminal network and that, while Rudnev is undoubtedly an evil criminal who deserves to rot in jail for the rest of his life, I cannot see how any one person heads this network.

Also given what I know about THB and corruption, I think it is inevitable that corrupt state officials at very high levels are protecting this network in Russia, the Ukraine and other territories also.  My thoughts on this are very much coloured by the Russian press reports in 2008 that the victims of this group are numbered in the tens of thousands in Russia and the Ukraine alone.   Even if these reports are exaggerated (I think that one must always consider such reports with scepticism) this is still a huge criminal network. 
« Last Edit: January 15, 2011, 12:10:15 pm by nemesis »

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Re: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom"
« Reply #50 on: January 15, 2011, 07:25:43 pm »

Offline nemesis

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Re: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom"
« Reply #51 on: January 16, 2011, 11:06:47 am »
This video in Spanish, just posted, shows the Russian network's aspirations for training little kids in order to create a "new humanity".

This really, really, really concerns me

You have little kids doing yoga and various dance moves and some of their Castaneda inspired moves (Castaneda called them "passes", the Russians seem to have made them into various fake chi gung exercises).  Some of the dance moves border on looking more like erotic dance than anything a child should be doing.  Knowing what I do about this network a number of things really alarm me including the little girl with her face painted.  One of the sad things about studying groups like this is that images that may look quite innocent in a normal context take on a more sinister meaning when considered in relation to this group of criminals.

The woman featured in this video, Lili Nahid, is one of a number of oriental dancers who appears in various videos produced by the Russian network

I think that she may be a recruiter / oriental dance trainer but I'm not entirely sure as I don't speak Spanish and it his hard for me to understand what she is saying in the videos.

She appears to be connected with a Mexican oriental dance school that trains many young women in oriental dance.  If you check the above video at 7.01 minutes in you can see that there are a LOT of girls being trained.  This  concerns me greatly.

Another school connected to and possibly owned by the Russian network is the one in this video (produced by the network) the Morah Al Najam Academy of Arab Dance

The same Mexican dance school that created this abomination, a group of tiny little girls, no more than toddlers, performing belly dance

I have attended belly dance classes on and off for decades and, while not an authority on the subject, I know more about belly dance than your average Joe on the street.  I can assure you that any serious or professional belly dancer would be horrified to see that video.  Little girls performing belly dance is just not part of the tradition, to the point that even young teenage girls training and performing is a sensitive and controversial issue.  The reason it is controversial is because traditional belly dance is a dance performed by women for women (even today some performances are for all women audiences or where men can only attend as guests of women).  At the same time there has been a long history in some Middle Eastern countries of oriental dancers being a cover for prostitution and even human trafficking.  Typically women enter countries believing that they will be working as dancers and end up being the victims of sex trafficking.  Pimps and traffickers working with corrupt officials can obtain travel documents and work permits for their victims ostensibly claiming the the women are dancers, and usually the women do in fact dance, they are just forced to service men sexually also.

The same Mexican dance school, Morah Al Najam Academy of Arab Dance, is also featured in the video below in which very little girls are performing ballet.

I trained in ballet when I was their age and generally speaking I have no problem with little girls training in ballet, however when the dance school is connected to a Russian criminal network of sex traffickers, well, then you see the video in a different light.

I will put my cards on the table here, I am concerned that these little girls may be being groomed for sex trafficking to be abused by powerful and extremely wealthy child abusers in the Middle Eastern and Russian territories where tiny little girls who can perform belly dance and ballet might be considered as highly prized "products".  I do not have the resources or powers necessary to investigate this properly and it is my desperate wish that by posting this someone somewhere will do something about it.  

Back to the Romanians, just for a point of comparison

The Romanian trafficking network actually owns it own oriental dance company called "The Celestial Belly Dancers", consisting on initiated "Shaktis" many of whom act as honey trap agents for the network.  Most if not all of them also perform in porn movies produced by the network and also perform other roles such as teaching yoga / tantra and recruiting victims.

You can see them performing here in a performance of 1001 nights

A number of things stand out about the video.  One of the vulgarity of the dance moves.  This is not traditional oriental dance, it is like a hybrid of oriental dance and erotic dance and would be viewed with derision by serious oriental dancers.

The other thing that I would like to draw your attention to is the man playing the role of the Sultan, you get a good look at his face from the side at 25 seconds in and also from the front at 2.18 minutes in.

He is a MISA porn actor ans also, a puppeteer, in fact he is the man operating the rather rude looking belly dancer puppet towards the end of the video in fact at 2.25 he appears to be a puppet master controlling an actual real life girl (the symbolism is not lost on me) and the puppet is immediately afterwards.  

This is where it gets VERY disturbing

If you take a look at the below website USE A PROXY

http://www.magicart  .ro/

It is a Romanian children's project working with children in schools and hospitals but mostly with vulnerable children, street children, orphans and children at risk of sexual exploitation.

If you scroll down to the pirate photos you will see the same man in the photos dressed as a pirate.  He is not the 1st pirate you see, you have to scroll down a bit.  He is holding a sword.  edited to say, I only just noticed this but I think that the other guy in the pirate photos is also in the belly dancer performance, the slightly chubby guy.

In fact the whole website used to be much more focussed on puppets, it was in fact a puppet project, until the links between it and MISA were exposed in the Romanian press and various anti-cult websites.  The project is in fact owned by MISA.

Another ironic fact is that the director of MISA's porn films Bella Maestrinna (real name Carmen Enache) was, before she became a professional porno director, a master of puppets.

Highlights from the "about us" page (translation from Romanian via google) show that they have worked and plan to continue working with vulnerable and homeless children.

October 1997 - March 1999 - MAGIC ART troupe actors working with street children in the Association "Open House" and also with children from the Royal Children's House - Foundation AMURT, gaining experience in working with disadvantaged children.

March 16, 1999 - was born MAGICART FOUNDATION which is dedicated especially disadvantaged children.

June 2000 and July 2001 - presentation of shows in seaside resorts, along with children at the Social Centre St. Macrina.

September 1999 - December 2005 collaboration with the Foundation ARMS, preparing for shows and studio work with homeless children at the Social Center of St. Macrina.

FOUNDATION Magic Art wants to support future projects that are theme shows puppet popularization as a form of artistic expression, as well as work with various disadvantaged groups, especially children with problems.

Its goal:
- It's prerogatives, humanitarian interest
- Provide moral support, spiritual, spiritual:
-Children in orphanages and school-aged
-Physically or mentally disabled children
HIV-infected children
-Adults with disabilities and those with low living standards
-Elders in nursing homes.
The puppet theater and more, organized by the troupe of actors, "Magic Art", is aimed at:
- Re-socialization of disadvantaged social categories
- Personality development of children with problems
- Banishment feeling of marginalization
- Creating moments of joy with word and gesture, movement, puppets and other artistic means
- Develop a sense of usefulness in society.

The performances will be held in:
- Precinct houses or homes for children, adults and elders disadvantaged
- Various theaters
- Special places
- Unconventional spaces (streets, parks, etc..).
Observed effects on children:
- Free Communication
- To stimulate their creative imagination
- Optimism and self confidence
- Overcoming various inferiority complex
- Increase the power of understanding
- The ability to discern between good and evil
- Overcoming fear and anxiety
- Ability to choose friends.

http://www.magicart   .ro/despre-noi

I have some work to do so I will leave it at that for the moment, I appreciate that this is a lot of awful stuff to take in but I feel that it is essential the people understand the levels of crime and depravity that these groups are capable of.

« Last Edit: January 17, 2011, 12:02:06 am by nemesis »

Offline nemesis

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Re: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom"
« Reply #52 on: January 17, 2011, 04:46:41 pm »
Some text from a website regarding the Russian network's summer camps for children

Raising healthy and talented children

I must admit at the beginning it was a little bit difficult for me to send my daughter alone on Holiday. She was 10 years old the first time she went to the Summer Camp, and we had always spent our holidays in family. But I had to be honest with myself and recognize that she was getting a bit bored with us. She is so active; we can’t keep up with her rhythm!
So when I heard about a summer camp in which she could learn different arts, and healthy lifestyle, nutrition, dances, theatre… and that she would be with other kids in nature; I thought the moment had come to change the idea we had of what a summer holiday should be, for us and for her.
And that was one of the best decisions I took in my life!
The little girl, who was very active, got angry easily and did not pay very good attention in class came back as a young woman, focused, with delicate movements, singing with a beautiful soft tone, and teaching us breathing techniques for sleeping well at night!! My husband and I were totally amazed by the change! She had also made very good friends with children from other countries; she had learnt not only good things for herself such as yoga and dances, but also how to relate to other children with different culture and backgrounds. She came back more mature, more calm, more open, and shiny and healthy as the sun!! Since then we have sent her to the camp every summer, and I must say, with better results each time.

Thank you for opening this possibility for our girl to become such a complete young woman!
Katerina, Petersburg

source (use a proxy)

Offline nemesis

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Re: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom"
« Reply #53 on: January 17, 2011, 07:08:37 pm »
This video is in Spanish and shows Master Chekes AKA Chekes Rada AKA Soledad talking about how to properly care for and educate children.

In sharp contrast here she is again, this time in the centre of a small group of women who are acting in a rather hostile / bullying way and shouting at a rather frightened looking woman who appears to be being punished in some way (is she locked in a cupboard?)

I think it unlikely that anyone who has read this thread in its entirety will need further supporting material to confirm that it would be a very bad idea to send their children to a summer camp run by this this cult /sect / NRM / criminal network (whatever you want to call them).

I just wanted to post this for the obvious contrast between the apparently sane and friendly Soledad / Chekes and the bullying evil harridan Soledad / Chekes who enjoys shouting at people in cupboards.  
« Last Edit: January 17, 2011, 08:03:12 pm by nemesis »


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Re: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom"
« Reply #54 on: January 29, 2011, 02:00:29 am »
The one and only goal of every spiritual teacher is to bring knowledge to the people, awaken their senses and sow seeds of their inner development. With knowledge and inner development comes great power, which is hard to control by external channels, such as mass media.  Being fully aware of this power, authorities often consider such teachings a threat to their own power over the people and, consequently, they are eager to suppress spiritual knowledge by any available means.  The easiest and most effective method is that of falsification of facts about a spiritual teacher himself.  By spreading rumors and seemingly legitimate facts (which in reality end up being blatant lies) about his morals and deeds, authorities manage to instill doubts in people’s minds about teacher’s honesty, truthfulness and legitimacy.  This technique has been used throughout human history, and this day and age is no exception.

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Re: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom"
« Reply #55 on: January 29, 2011, 02:55:27 am »
Are you Biven Momonta himself, or someone speaking or claiming to speak on his behalf?

Do you deny all the evidence gathered against you by cultwatch activists, police, and others?

Do you deny the cult coerces women and girls?

Offline nemesis

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Re: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom"
« Reply #56 on: January 29, 2011, 09:40:33 am »
Dear Mr Handozhko

You use many aliases.  I am confused as to why a law abiding man would need so many different names.  Please advise me as to why you feel the need to disguise yourself in this way.

On the Russian website founded by victims of your organisation they have a page devoted to you and your aliases.  They include photos, to be precise these two (the site is down but the photo can be found via these links to the internet archive


Can you please confirm that these are photos of yourself and that your real name is Paul or Pavel Handozhoko born Dec. 12, 1960?

Also let us look at the information provided about you on this website
The name of the sect of Sri Ganesha.
Prior to the sect lived in the Pskov region in the settlement fiber. Was a practicing surgeon. Like many other teachers, trained in the "ashram". After the departure of Sri Kubera, Ganesha took his place.
Four years ago he was wanted by police for failure to pay child support and on suspicion of spreading AIDS.
It is very likely that he, indeed, HIV-infected. However, he regularly comes to sex ratio at seminars and in the ashram. He is obsessed with sex. When the school came the information that Ganesha can be infected, he was asked to take an anonymous survey and present a copy of your health.
The same opinion at the time held Rudnev. Many girls from Ganesha fell to him.
So he was interested in getting accurate information.
But then, after a conversation with Ganesh Rudnev this topic has been jammed. As far as we know, no help, he did not present.
Ganesha at this time is a major earner of money for Rudnev. It performs many functions that are not cope other mentors. This suggests that the interest of protecting Rudnev Ganesha.
Rudnev, it is sometimes called Gavneshoy or Ganapati. This is a nickname.
Now it - is the only coach who conducts workshops abroad.


Now it appears that the above information is rather old and out of date, but the information relating to your HIV status is corroborated by reports in the Russian press.

Generally I think that a person's HIV status should be private information however in your case, when you are someone who likes to have unprotected sex with many partners, the situation is rather different.

I would welcome your clarification re this.  Are you claiming that the police and press reports of you recklessly infecting people with HIV are untrue?  If so would you be prepared to prove this by taking an HIV test at a clinic of my choice?  

I have a clinic in mind that specialises in testing sex workers for STIs including HIV and provides them with certificates that they need to present in order to legally perform on porn shoots.  The clinic staff are used to working with sex workers and are completely non-judgemental about what you like to do sexually providing it is legal.  

It would be easy for you to go to this clinic and for them to test you.  Would you be prepared to do this? It would involve me contacting the clinic first to make absolutely sure that it is you personally and not some other person who gets tested.  There are plenty of videos of you all over the net so this will not be difficult to organise.  

I am offering you an opportunity to prove that the press reports re your HIV status are lies and I await your reply with interest.  if the reports really are lies you will jump at the chance to prove it.

Just for clarification; I am an anti-slavery activist and my interest in cults / sects / NRMs developed specifically as a result of discovering that many pseudo-religious and pseudo-spiritual groups were involved in trafficking in human beings (THB), both labour and sex trafficking.

You should know that your organisation is not the only criminal network to use the modus operandi that you do and that you have been rumbled / busted / exposed.

From the many reports in the Russian press it is clear that your networks is involved in both sex and labour trafficking and that is without all the many indicators visible online via your various websites and meetup groups.

You can talk about "LOVE!" all you want but it does not wash with me, any more than the pimps who tell their victims that they love them.  I know exactly what you are.

You talk about LOVE! and yet in the guest book of a Russian website devoted to exposing your odious organisation your followers left the following message

26.11.2010 13:50
     You filthy fag Antisektanty!
There will come a day we are all gathering and will kill you antisektantov alone. Teacher says: You are with us or against us!

So you are going kill to those who oppose you are you?  LOL

Not very "love and light" is it?

« Last Edit: April 18, 2011, 09:05:15 am by nemesis »

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 525
Re: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom"
« Reply #57 on: January 31, 2011, 06:57:52 pm »
Dear Mr Handozhko

I am very interested in hearing from you and organising this HIV test for you.

I would also be interested in hearing from you directly about why you feel it is spiritually significant to train women and girls in strip tease, erotic dance, sexual skills and the arts of seduction.

Another thing that interests me greatly is your organisation's interest in children with autism, ADHD and other behavioural problems, your children's summer camps and your various workshops relating to so called "indigo children".

I would also love to know more about your personal and business relationships with Mr Konstantin Rudnev and Mr Avtandil Lomsadze.

Please do come back and post some more.

If you are a genuine teacher / shaman and have been misrepresented in the press and by the police you have nothing to fear.

Offline nadia

  • Posts: 2
Re: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom"
« Reply #58 on: January 31, 2011, 09:23:59 pm »
Does anybody heard about Master Stella - Siberian Shaman . She is doing seminars in US "Siberian Shamanism for Modern Times" . Her name associates with Severny and Diana saiz

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 525
Re: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom"
« Reply #59 on: January 31, 2011, 10:16:29 pm »

"Master Stella" is an associate of the Russian criminal network discussed in this thread.

She is not a Siberian shaman or any other kind of shaman.  

She runs workshops in Astrokarate and Astroaikido in various territories, including the UK.

Severny and Diana Saiz are also members of the same network.

While all of them are involved in recruiting victims for the network, I do not have sufficient data to establish whether they are criminals working with a full understanding of what they are doing, or simply misguided individuals who are themselves victims.  

In a way it doesn't matter.  The really important thing is that people stay away from the people involved in this network.

Anyone who has had unprotected sex with any of these people should seek counselling and medical advice ASAP.  I do not know whether one or more of them has HIV but I do know that:

1. There are allegations in the Russian press that Mr Handozhko (aka Biven Mamonta aka Kargan Kanesh) is wanted by the police for infecting dozens of sexual partners with HIV.

2. There are allegations in the Russian press and cult awareness websites that unprotected group sex and rape are a common occurrence at "tantric" events run by this group.

3. The websites, meetup groups and victim / survivor reports all indicate strongly that this network is involved in THB.

Under the circumstances a trip to the clinic is definitely a good idea if you have been "intimate" with anyone involved in this group. 

Please note that the network's various "shamans" claim to be able to treat HIV and AIDS using shamanism and superhuman abilities.  Personally I feel that, if you have been unfortunate and contracted HIV via contact with these people or by any other way, that you would be best advised to seek conventional treatment from a qualified specialist than from a group of fake shamans. 

At the end of the day it is your own decision of course. 

« Last Edit: January 31, 2011, 10:44:27 pm by nemesis »