Author Topic: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom"  (Read 263065 times)

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 525
Re: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom"
« Reply #105 on: August 28, 2011, 09:50:11 am »
It appears the the media and the authorities in Argentina have become aware of the activities of the Romanian THB network MISA

text translated via google
The most controversial yoga

A yoga group established in Romania, producing pornographic films using his disciples, he filmed his latest production in Capilla del Monte, where he set a year ago.
28/08/2011 00:01 by Sergio Carreras

On 18 May, an inspector from the Municipality of Capilla del Monte arrived in El Vergel, a camping area located in the Blue Water, south of the city. It was while the tourist season had vanished. In addition, the site was disabled for a year. Should have been empty. But from the street, behind the palm leaves around him, were clearly eight tents set.

The inspector was greeted by the manager of the place, Ermanno Caliari, Italian, who said it was a meeting between friends. The inspector saw that they were all shaved and dressed in oriental clothing.
He called into the parlor to check the status of health, but the manager said he could not: they were filming a movie and needed quiet. The inspector styled 2160 minutes and left. The next day, there was a single tent in the camping .

A man unknown. A month later, the city walls anonymous posters appeared strange. "See YouTube: The dark side of a tantric cult. Learn. Just another Carlos Paz? Chapel Take care. " The reference to Carlos Paz had to do with the case of Mehir Master, the guru who built a spiritual empire on the shores of Lake San Roque and is a fugitive from justice.

The curious capillenses find the video mentioned in the posters were a Finnish TV report issued in 2009, based on a Romanian called Gregorian Bivolaru.

With solid data and evidence, journalistic work tells the story of the guru who in 1990 created an international school specialty Nath yoga, called Movement Spiritual Integration in Absolute (Mass).
Bivolaru is suspected of being involved with trafficking and producing pornographic films starring using the disciples of his group.

Bivolaru, unknown to Argentines, is a celebrity in Europe. In 2004, the Romanian secret service was arrested and charged with tax evasion and having sex with a minor. He escaped to Sweden, requested political asylum and in 2005 the Swedish Supreme Court refused to extradite him because he said his country would not have a fair trial. It disappeared until 2007, he and several of his followers were accused of trafficking and outrage. He complained to force his disciples to work in chats and erotic women have sent to Japan to act in clubs strip tease and so raise money for your school of yoga.
His school continued to expand throughout the world and a few years ago came to Argentina under the name Institute of Yoga and Parapsychology Atman. It has four branches in Maharashtra, in the neighborhoods of Palermo, Belgrano, Recoleta and Villa Urquiza.

In June last year, opened its first branch inside the country and chose Capilla del Monte, Argentina city more in touch with the infinite universe of the esoteric.

This explained their arrival: "Cordoba is the heart of Argentina and Capilla del Monte, Uritorco their sacred mountain, is one of the major spiritual centers of South America. We decided to come to this hallowed spot to share with sincere seekers of yoga teaching ancient (...) We believe that all who were invited to be in this sacred place, these days are so important in terms of awakening planetary consciousness, I get this message. "

Models and movies. A Capilla del Monte became a Romanian couple made ??up of Thomas Major, known as Sattva, and Carmen, who is called Aghora and is one of the leading authorities of the group in Argentina.

They were willing to expand the school Atman. They rented the hall of the Inn's tree in the center of the city to make their workshops in yoga, and camping El Vergel, the place finish filming the movie had actors erotic amateurs disciples of yoga.

In the summer, the busiest time with visitors, put a giant screen in the street showing videos of an attractive couple on the river, to invite talks and shows of tantra yoga in El Vergel.

They brought beautiful models of Buenos Aires, some well known for having been the subject of several notes in magazines like People , with which tested the camera at the bar Kafka on the main street of the city, and put out leaflets in sidewalks trying to get new recruits.

Raul is very young, has an attractive face and talk to a lot of calm in a bar in Capilla del Monte. He entered the school of yoga through the seat that works in an apartment on the fourth floor of a building in Santa Fe and Callao in Buenos Aires. Then, when he moved, was also with the group in Capilla del Monte.

He was one of those invited to participate in the film be shot in El Vergel and is now convinced that Christ saved him from the negative practices of the school of yoga.
"First, people struck me as pure, healthy, not taking, not smoked, practiced tantra yoga, living in community. I was searching for something and liked it. They ask that all couples stay open as an evolutionary question, and if he knew who practiced group sex and every woman had several boyfriends, I did not participate because my interest was happening on the other side. "
Raul says that after he began to change their point of view on the group. "Aghora told everyone who had a pair. Many are heartbreaking, it was cruel. You do not you realize, but you were breaking all your beliefs. She gave of healers and a girl from Buenos Aires, who had cancer, the Romanian said that one should not operate and soon metastasized. They get into your life and you end up saying what you can not do. "

"The movie was saying I was invited on tantra yoga, to illustrate the sexual continence, which would have erotic scenes to show them to other students as teaching materials. The crazy thing is that I was convinced I had to do the video. A lot of girls before nude photographs or underwear, asking them to masturbate, using sex aids, all pushing to have lesbian and are against relations between men. "
Jamila is also the Federal Capital and spent several years in the group. "The first year you engage with the topic of healthy living, yoga, you say you do vegetarian and stop smoking. I knew they were parties, the women were strip tease , but to me it does not bother me, saw it as a matter of liberation, because it is a Tantric school. "

"In the second year, and make you more involved, it is played, they tell you you have to have relationships with other women. Each time a man entered the group, sent girls to hook him. Most of the girls were models, beautiful, so the guys were flying head and remained in the group. You also had to start them through sex. "

Black Sea to Paris. Bivolaru group performs every August a meeting in the Romanian town of Costinesti, on the Black Sea, attracting thousands of fans around the world. Each year he travels a group from Argentina.

The highlight is when they do the spiral yang , a giant circle of people holding hands, which they consider a special form of meditation to achieve self-control and spiritual elevation.
The encounter with the sea and lasts a month to travel every disciple must take their analysis of HIV and hepatitis B. These are days of a lot of sexual activity, with many exchanges and shows the erotic shaktis , women who have discovered their inner goddesses.

The more fortunate may be initiated spiritually, through sex, by the same Bivolaru in Villa Shakti has built around the teacher.

"When I went to Yamila-Costinesti-count, more than 10 000 people. All acted as polygamous, it was all in all. It was believed to be good people on a spiritual path, but ended up sleeping with 25 people to show there is a detachment from your body. "
She also invited to make films in Capilla del Monte. "They told me they were the first photos for a book on sexual continence. I was not, but several of my friends do, until the father of one of the girls ended up acting. Again we six girls locked in a room and told us to make love. We were tough, but two of the girls did, ".

Another of the girls in the group of Buenos Aires was benefited by what is considered the jackpot: seeing the master himself. To maintain the reservation of the destination, just days before leaving he was told that he should get tickets to Paris and made an oath of confidentiality.

Bivolaru is wanted by various police knew his whereabouts and was secret. She's got two people at the airport Charles de Gaulle, boarded a van, covered his head and, after many turns, drove to a house where he was imprisoned 15 days along with other girls attractive as it , arrivals from various countries. Many had been waiting months the same: the teacher-initiated.

The house in Paris had closed all windows and big screens showing the testimonies of girls like her. One had, as a tragedy, the frustrating experience he had when he came to bed Bivolaru and had not lubricated enough, so it could not be started.

The expectation is growing among women who are treated like royalty but can not use phones or communicate with their families during the time they spend there.

Another of the students in Buenos Aires that he was invited to go to film Capilla del Monte explained that it would be a "movie of initiation, not pornographic, then sell it and help other people wake up spiritually. But-things-had already become intolerable within the group, not so much sex, but because they use people, are like vampires who need young people, which are manipulating and getting into their lives. "

The pornographic videos and books with erotic photographs, alleged sources of money for the group, circulating in Argentinean schools and around the world. The disciples who share the movies do not know what places end up selling and showing.

The mayor of Capilla del Monte, Rosanna Olmos, after inspecting the camp consulted with national and argues that the city is ready to welcome new people around the world, but will not admit it clear that sectarian groups to take advantage of their members.

The yoga group came to have in a short time about 30 supporters in Capilla del Monte. After the movie posters, has less than 10. More than two months are not going to the Inn of the tree and now only continue its activities in the camp .

Its local manager, Sattva, suspects that some people conspired to harm them. Former disciples believe, however, that if there were injured were not just teachers of the school.


Offline alexander

  • Posts: 2
Re: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom"
« Reply #106 on: September 27, 2011, 06:25:56 pm »

«Omalpha», a French spin-off of « Ashram Shambala »?

Since three years now, “Ashram Shambala” is tentatively implanting in south of France, with the help of  “Omalpha” meditation net.

Is Jean Bouchart Orval, leader of "Omalpha", a Shiva devoted tantric group, a soft naive?

Let’s first remain that for nearly twenty years Bouchart d’Orval was a follower of the tantric Indo-Canadian sect of Swami Shyam. Sect that collapsed in 2001 following the publication by the Canadian newspaper, Globe and Mail, of an article reporting sexual abuses, pedophilia and murders committed in this group. In this paper Jean Bouchart Orval is mentioned for having committed sexual abuses, in Montreal.

Since 2001, he reorganized his activities around its own meditation group named “Omalpha”. Together with Eric Baret, he also created a second Shiva’s tantric group called “Bhairava” (a Sanskrit word for “the Destructor” according to Shiva cult). His mail address “” appears as administrative contact for the “” site.,,

Both, “Omalpha” and “Bhairava” are present in Quebec, but their main activities take place in many European towns, in France, Belgium, Switzerland, Spain and north of Italia.,,,,

From 6 to 10 April 2010, in a place named “Sources Vives” in Montpellier, in south of France, Jean Bouchart d’Orval organized a series of meetings inviting the "Siberian shaman" Soledad Altay, an important disciple of "Ashram Shambala” sect.

This was only the prelude to a very long series of more than 30 joint-meetings, with a logistic provided by “Omalpha” and “Bhairava” groups, to facilitate “Ashram Shambala” implantation in France. One of the most the dangerous international sect, created in 1989 by the Russian guru Konstantin Rudnev.,,

It's done! They are now two groups running in Montpellier and near Marseille, in Cassis, and reclaiming from  "Siberian shamanism, Aharata, Astrokarate, UniverSynergy of Arts, Female art, Altaic healing, Orphic arts, School of Cleopatra” etc, in other words “Ashram Shambala”.,,ohin-hara,364347.html,,,

And they make him well. Since the local branch of Ashram Shambala in Montpellier, managed by "Soleil du Coeur" (initiated by Soledad Altay), invites in return Jean Bouchart Orval on September 24th, 2011, for a one day meeting in an "intimate space".,

Beside Soledad Altay (AKA Chekes Rada, AKA Soledad Chekes Altay, AKA Master Chekes), Ohin Hara (AKA Lada) and Perun, two important Russian "instructors" of the sect, are also operating in France. The first two will also be back soon in France on mid-October 2011, near Saint-Tropez.,,chekes-au-quebec-4-juin,373116.html,ohin-hara,364347.html

As already written elsewhere, the guru of “Ashram Shambala”, Konstantin Rudnev, was arrested in September last year and is currently being on trial in Russia for rape, sexual abuse, large scale drug trafficking and creating an organization having antisocial goals. Several young adepts are missing, and recently, three disciples destabilized by the sect practices committed suicide. The guru may be sentenced to at least ten years in prison.,

Jean Bouchart Orval, who in his web site also refers to Hitler and to the anti-Semitic fascist theorist, Julius Evola, while criticizing the democratic system, is likely not a soft naive.

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 525
Re: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom"
« Reply #107 on: September 27, 2011, 07:27:53 pm »
Hello alexander and welcome to the boards.

Good work!

Yes this is the same network as operating in Sedona, New York, Philadelphia and other areas in the US, as well as the UK and countless other territories.  

I had seen evidence of workshops and retreats in France but I was not aware that they were established in France until you posted.

Orval sounds like just their kind of man, a sexual predator with a background in an abusive cult.  He should settle in very well with their regime.

The really terrifying thing about the MO of the Russian network is that, via their franchising schemes, they operate relatively covertly a lot of the time, through agents, so you could easily encounter them but not would not necessarily recognise them.   

In my experience their recruiters / agents could be any number of businesses or individual entrepreneurs, some apparently reputable, some clearly very dubious like Orval.   

Recruiters / agents may be  motivated by greed, a love of power, sex, money etc. or they may be well meaning, if deluded, and believe they are part of an elite spiritual movement.  IME recruiters can be all kinds of people including but not limited to: owners / managers of yoga schools, dance studios, organic food shops / suppliers, health food / raw food / vegetarian / vegan cafes and restaurants, purveyors of essential oils / natural skin care products, belly dancers, tango dancers, "exotic" dancers, strippers, lap dancers, pole dancers, "tantric masseuses" / "sacred sexual healers" / "dakas" / "dakinis" / intimacy coaches, counsellors, psychotherapists, psychoanalysts, NLP practitioners, reiki practitioners, integrative and transpersonal psychotherapists, gestalt psychotherapists, family therapists, psychosynthesis psychotherapists, body psychotherapists, life coaches, business coaches, yoga teachers, theta healers, astrologers, numerologists, tarot readers, "detox" therapists, colonic irriagtors, vortex healers and any one of a number of apparently reputable and influential people as well as the expected collection of snake oil merchants, plastic shamans and crystal skull merchants.

For every meetup and workshop the Russian network runs that is obviously them there are many more that are not so obvious unless you do a bit of digging.  

Their infiltration into both the dodgy unlicensed / newage end of counselling and psychotherapy scene as well as, more disturbingly, the licensed and and accredited mental health services is absolutely terrifying.  

This network is huge and has many tentacles in many territories.

Unlike the Romanian network MISA, Ashram Shambala / Aharata / Universynergy Arts is not currently the subject of a huge human trafficking trial.  The trial against Rudnev is just a trial against one person and it seems like the Russian authorities must be not noticing a lot of criminal activity for the Rudnev trial to be what it is , a trial against one man.  From where I stand it is very difficult to know which network is the largest, MISA or Ashram Shambala.  They are both huge OC networks involved in heinous crimes.

Thanks again for the good work alexander and welcome to the boards.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2011, 07:54:03 pm by nemesis »

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 525
Re: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom"
« Reply #108 on: September 28, 2011, 09:02:10 am »

I could not help but notice that one of your links

included an advertisement for a forthcoming event, a conference and book signing with Thierry Lebrun , a psychiatrist based in Marseille, in December

This involvement of a psychiatrist with the Association les Nouveaux Mondes (IME this whole organisation appears to be a front for the Russian network) interests me so I checked up a little further on the psychiatrist Thierry Lebrun.

In my experience all the cultic THB networks prioritise recruiting psychiatrists, psychotherapists and other mental health practitioners - I will refer to them all as therapists in this post just for simplicity. They do this because the positive transference and idealism projected onto the therapist by the patient effectively means that the patient is highly open to suggestion by the therapist.  It is thus easy for therapists to recruit victims to trafficking networks.  If a therapist suggests to the patient that he or she would benefit from attending a full moon ceremony where they will receive a tantric massage that will burn bad karma (or some other such nonsense) then the patient is likely to comply.

Also, should there ever be a criminal trial relating to THB or other abuses, witnesses may be referred to corrupted therapists for ongoing support and thus ultimately become re-trafficked and / or become deterred from giving evidence in court.

The fondness of the Russian network for recruiting the mentally ill and people with learning disabilities (obviously having in-house psychotherapists helps with this) appears to be a cunning strategy with roots in rational thought.  From my own experience of having friends with mental illnesses I know that many very mentally unwell people are unable to accept that they are unwell.   It is not unusual for very ill people to believe that they have super-human powers, even without the influence of predatory criminals.  When these criminals step forward to tell vulnerable people that they are not unwell but are superhuman shamans their message is often accepted with a sense of relief and recognition.  Mentally ill people may be promoted to "teachers" within the "ashrams" / work camps and should a day come when there is ever a criminal trial, there is a whole layer of victims and perpetrators who make for unreliable witnesses due to their mental fragility. 

IME the therapists most likely to be vulnerable to recruitment are therapists with an interest in spirituality and newage beliefs, especially if the said therapist has developed an novel model of therapy based on a blend of conventional therapy and newage beliefs.  In such cases the therapist will be approached by a recruiter who will flatter them and suggest that their new therapy fits in perfectly with Aharata (or whatever they call it today) and will offer to provide the therapist with financial and other support to help them both promote their respective beliefs.

The therapist in such an arrangement may be blinded by narcissistic fondness for their own "new therapy" and allow themselves to be flattered and seduced (sometimes literally) by the Aharata agent. 

Anyway, back to the psychiatrist Thierry Lebrun...

a bit of googling turned up the following information

the text is in French language, translation via google

18h-19h30: Dr Thierry Lebrun Psychiatrist. " The new cures psychological problemsChinese medicine to quantum medicine " Thierry Lebrun is a psychiatrist former intern hospitalpsychiatric degree in phyto-aromatherapy and holistic medicineby the Faculty of Medicine PARIS. Also Thierry Lebrun has validated1990, three years of training in traditional Chinese medicine toMARSEILLE . The following year, Thierry discovers quantum medicine withits therapeutic applications in psychiatry that it will exhibit in 1996International Congress of Biocybernetics medicine in Germany, andin 2003, SWISS congress dealing with applications of physicsquantum biology and medicine. Ultimately, Thierry Lebruncontinues for more than twenty five years researching the origin andtreatment of mental illness in particular type-schizophRenique. This ongoing quest led him to travel the worldworld and meet many researchers.The content of the presentation can be summarized in a synthesis between medicineTraditional Chinese, ortho molecular psychiatry, psychoanalysis,the homéophytoaromathérapie and even allopathic medicine to quantum.Initially, Thierry Lebrun will exhibit rapid scientific basesscientists from these different techniques and their impact in the managementpsychological disorders.In a second step, it will give some examples of supportof patients using the energy balance system MORA, the electromagneticgnétothérapie, bioelectronics VINCENT of the blood test ortho molecularlar, and the camera GDV Prof. Korotkov.The combination of conventional psychiatry and complementary medicinedescribed above enables a broad understanding of the diseasemental monitoring. The purpose of this presentation is to open awith all caregivers and patients on a projecttherapy specifically targeting psychiatric disorders.


All I can say about this is that a psychiatrist who promotes woo, as this one clearly does, will be perceived as a nice, fat, juicy prize by the Russian network and they will definitely be aiming to recruit him, if they have not already done so (I suspect that the latter is probably the case).

In fact the whole congress in the above link is fairly typical of OC networks infiltration into academia and the mental heath filed by woo merchants.  I am not saying that is what it is - I have no time to check it thoroughly, but I have seen other similar conferences that have been organised by the Romanian THB network MISA in Romania.

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 525
Re: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom"
« Reply #109 on: September 28, 2011, 09:50:07 am »
That conference in November is such a smorgasbord of woo that I compelled to C&P the text for future reference.  It looks like a newage criminal's sweetshop, full to bursting with fat juicy academic woo merchants, just the kind of recruits that THB networks are willing to expend time and energy recruiting. 

Here's the entire text (translation from French via google).....................................................

Page 1
Lives to preserve quantum Health & Wellness LYON 2 th International Congresstherapies quantumPROGRAM Cité internationale - Congress Centreweekend of 19 & 20 November 2011

Page 2
his is the second International Congress of therapiesquantum, which, with the help of Jean-Yves Bilien( ) will open in Lyon, CitéInternational Convention Centre, the weekend of19 and 20 November.Building on the success at our first congress of Aix-en-Provencein 2010, it is already part of a long series to come to youcan discover and understand as and measures changes in thequantum medicine of the future."The quantum is the invisible matter that animates the living" . It influencesall body functions, whether the cells, tissues,organ systems in general. It emits electromagnetic wavesinvisible to the body to retain or regain its pointbalance. The quantum may prevent or regenerate the health of the individualtaking into account its spiritual dimension and level of consciousness.An exceptional program is waiting for you, where many exciting topicswill be discussed by leading actors and precursors of quantum, asProfessor Emmanuel Ransford, the biologist Rupert Sheldrake and many othersyou'll discover a little further.This year we added an additional theme, food,essential medical and crossroads of all therapies. Thierry Souccarreveal the toxicity of food. We entrust the secrets ofconsistent food to preserve our health capital.A weekend to know where usability will also visitin exchange, share, meeting at lunch, offeringsucculent buffets bio-gastroquantiques developed by the famous restaurateurLyon, Alain Alexanian. But also to the evening buffet on Saturday about jazza small orchestra that Dr. Henry Puget, known as "Doctor Sax"host with his usual kindness and his talent. Great moments inperspective!If you want to participate in this event, Lyon is the 2 e tourist cityFrance, hosting it saturates quickly, so register and bookyour hotel now by accessing the program by clicking .Your devoted.Marion Kaplan V

Page 3
Albert-Claude QuemounWorld famous, he has participated in numerous studies,studies, research and humanitarian projects in various countries:Canada, Quebec, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Czech Republic,Poland, Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Israel, Greece, India, Bangladesh,Central African Republic, Mauritius, Russia.Doctor of PharmacyLecturer and scientific advisor at the Faculty of Paris 13President of the Scientific Institute HomeopathicInternational expert in homeopathy in GenevaVice President of the French Society of Homeopathy (existence since 1885)Coordinator 400 dissertations and theses.He recently received April 10, 2010,PRIM Research Award for all his scientific workin collaboration with INSERM on receptors in the brain.He participated in the Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine,under the direction of Dr. Peter Cornillot(Dean of the Faculty of Medicine).He is a member of the Academy of Sciences of Lausanne.He is the author of 12 books on homeopathy.For more information:Go to Google and type: Albert-Claude Quemoun An honor!the sponsor of the second international congress Gold medal. PromotionMichel Conan MériadecInternational CongressHomeopathy31 May and 1 June 1997IHS and CFSH Paris

Page 4
Weekend program2 th International Congress of Quantum TherapiesSaturday, November 19, 2011 Lives to preserve quantum Health & Wellness

Page 5
9h-10h30: Prof. Emmanuel Ransford Researcher, lecturer and epistemologist. " The quantum and the "psychomatter"Two reasons to develop our hidden talents " Subatomic matter, described and studied by quantum physics, isweird. It is well known. It's even incomprehensible, as it facesintuition and common sense. Perhaps it is because it is in fact thepsychomatter, rich in a secret dimension allowing it to generatelife and consciousness? This track, I recall the rationale andbasis, is promising.After a brief review on the psychomatter and its amazing properties,I will explore its implications and its various practical applications,particularly in the broad field of therapies that take intoaccount the whole person.I will consider including magnetism and distant healing, thememory cells and cell reprogramming, the psycho-and transgenerational, etc ...All this leads me to point out our hidden potential, related to our naturepsycho-physical, which are in all of us. Developing them, wecan put more magic and light into our lives!Emmanuel Ransford continues several years of research onfoundations of quantum physics, with a dual requirement of opennessand rigor. Independent researcher specializing in quantum physics,epistemologist and lecturer, he is the author of "The New Physicsof the Spirit "and co-author, with Tom Atham, the book" Roots physicalof the Spirit. " Founder and President of IPI (International Institute ofPsychomatter & International Institute of Psychomatter), it tries to promotea comprehensive understanding of the world and a holistic view of life.

Page 6
10:30 to 11:30: Break Kangen water at willTea, coffee or fruit juice (optional extras)Expo Forum

Page 7
11h30-13h: Dr. Rupert Sheldrake Biologist. " morphic resonance and the fields of organization of the body andof the mind " (In translation successive) According to the hypothesis of formative causation, all systems canself-organization - crystals, plants and animals included - contain ainherent memory, after previous similar systems. Processcalled morphic resonance. All human beings are based on acollective memory, in which each man in turn will contribute.Even individual memory depends on the morphic resonance ratheras a material memory traces of which are stored in thebrain. This hypothesis, verified experimentally, requires thatso-called laws of nature are more like habits. Morphic resonanceacts according to morphic fields, which hold the bodies of plants andanimals, coordinate the activities of the brain and underlyingmental activity. Minds extend beyond the brain, in bothspace and time.Rupert Sheldrake is a British biologist, author of over 80 articlesscientists and several books, including "A new science of life".Doctor of biology, he was a fellow of Clare College, Cambridge, andresearcher from the Royal Society. Researcher at the Institute of Noetic SciencesCalifornia and Visiting Professor at the Graduate InstituteConnecticut, Rupert Sheldrake lives in London and moves only veryoften: We are privileged to come and present his latest workat our convention.Website:

Page 8
13h - 14h30: Lunch Break BUFFET ANCESTRAL BIOLOGICALprepared by our chef from Lyon,Alain Alexanian and Matthew Toucas him.His site: www. alainalexanian consulting.comSTARTERS • Pumpkin Soup kind to the emulsion of coconut milk• Small cabbage stuffed with red rice from Camargue - chips & honey lemon goat sec• celeriac remoulade to the grated coconut - apricots and raisins• Change beet - potato and roasted hazelnuts• Pressed caramelized endive with orange - horseradish and coriander• Quinoa Tabbouleh - goat cheese - mint and basil• Caleslaw the apple ginger root and sesame• Tartare of potatoes and root curry gribiche Tarragon• Hummus Tartine of dill and garlic confit• Gateau of split peas tofu - Tea smoked sausage and chips THE HOT DISH • casserole pot-au-feu with autumn vegetables ACCOMPANYING • Sticks bacon • chicken Goujonnettes • Fricot carp DESSERTS • Melted dark chocolate gluten free and dairy free• apple-pear crumble with chestnut flour• Kangen Water as desired Wine and coffee in addition

Page 9
14h30-16h: Thierry Souccar Journalist, science writer and editor. " Evolutionary Medicine, a response to diseasecivilization " Seventy percent of the food we eat and additivestoday were completely unknown thousands of generationshave gone before for seven million years.Cereals, dairy products, salt, sugar appear fewer than 20 000years to the Neolithic. Pesticides, additives in the twentieth century. But ifFood has suddenly changed, our genes have changed little sincethe Palaeolithic period. Dr. Boyd Eaton (Emory University, Atlanta,Georgia) was the first issued in 1985 on the assumption that major diseasesmodern, including obesity, say they are because "we aregenetically more suited to the way food is ".According to him, "The Paleolithic diet or pre-agriculture can beconsidered a model for modern nutrition. " This line ofthought developed in the United States, Scandinavia and most recentlyin France under the name of medicine évolutionniste.Y actively collaboratingdoctors, nutritionists, epidemiologists, and paleoanthropologistsprimatologists. " Restoring the overall balance " These equilibria depend in particular on:- The energy density - the glycemic load - the acid-base balance - theratio sodium / potassium - fiber intake - nutrient density - the balancefatty acids.This presentation shows that it is nevertheless possible to reconstructfood of our ancestors, and without implementing a real planprehistoric, choose the food supply modern foodscan get closer.Website:

Page 10
16h - 16h30: Break Kangen water at willTea, coffee or fruit juice (optional extras)Expo Forum

Page 11
16h30-18h: Dr. Olivier Soulier Clinician and researcher. " Microbes have created life on earth . " From Energy to matteralive. Microbes are the first forms of life on our planet and oursolar system.They were the first form of DNA, they created the atmosphere and oxygen,before joining forces to create life as we know it tous humans.We are microbes that have succeeded.They are the bridge of life between the initial energy of life and living formswhich we belong. They are a machine discovery of life. They areontological our opponent that we constantly test ourgrowth.Olivier Soulier is a medical doctor, homeopath and acupuncturist.It is both a clinician and researcher. He works on very large areasas the meaning of disease, germs, embryology, neurosciences,hormones, the symbolic vision, to connect our lives meaning. He wrotenumerous books including "life stories, the message body." Hecooperated with religious and scientific.He explains all this in a vision very simple and easily affordablea wonderful story.Website:

Page 12
18h-19h30: Dr Thierry Lebrun Psychiatrist. " The new cures psychological problemsChinese medicine to quantum medicine " Thierry Lebrun is a psychiatrist former intern hospitalpsychiatric degree in phyto-aromatherapy and holistic medicineby the Faculty of Medicine PARIS. Also Thierry Lebrun has validated1990, three years of training in traditional Chinese medicine toMARSEILLE . The following year, Thierry discovers quantum medicine withits therapeutic applications in psychiatry that it will exhibit in 1996International Congress of Biocybernetics medicine in Germany, andin 2003, SWISS congress dealing with applications of physicsquantum biology and medicine. Ultimately, Thierry Lebruncontinues for more than twenty five years researching the origin andtreatment of mental illness in particular type-schizophRenique. This ongoing quest led him to travel the worldworld and meet many researchers.The content of the presentation can be summarized in a synthesis between medicineTraditional Chinese, ortho molecular psychiatry, psychoanalysis,the homéophytoaromathérapie and even allopathic medicine to quantum.Initially, Thierry Lebrun will exhibit rapid scientific basesscientists from these different techniques and their impact in the managementpsychological disorders.In a second step, it will give some examples of supportof patients using the energy balance system MORA, the electromagneticgnétothérapie, bioelectronics VINCENT of the blood test ortho molecularlar, and the camera GDV Prof. Korotkov.The combination of conventional psychiatry and complementary medicinedescribed above enables a broad understanding of the diseasemental monitoring. The purpose of this presentation is to open awith all caregivers and patients on a projecttherapy specifically targeting psychiatric disorders.

Page 13
20h30: Buffet jazz BUFFET ANCESTRAL BIOLOGICAL prepared by our chef from Lyon,Alain Alexanian and Matthew Toucas him.His site: www. alainalexanian consulting.comSTARTERS • Refer to the list of lunch THE HOT DISH • Confit of duck with vegetables in the old onion compote, cassis and pepper.ACCOMPANYING • Sticks bacon • chicken Goujonnettes • Fricot carp DESSERTS • Melted dark chocolate gluten free and dairy free• apple-pear crumble with chestnut flour BEVERAGES • Kangen Water at will • Wines An evening in the presence of all stakeholderswhere conviviality, exchange, share and relaxationwill be at the meeting.Jazz hosted an evening with Dr.Puget, the famous "Dr. Sax" & friends.

Page 14
Lives to preserve quantum Health & Wellness Weekend program2 th International Congress of Quantum TherapiesSunday, November 20, 2011

Page 15
9h-10h30: Dr Christian Agrapart Neuropsychiatrist, acupuncturistEuropean expert and approved. " The medicine of the future Chromatotherapie ® " At the junction of the Chinese tradition, basic research(Prof. Benveniste, Prof. Popp) and clinical trials, theChromatotherapie ® relies on the transmission of electromagneticinformation and energy medicine foreshadows the future. Methodscientific and medical therapy, based on a dual diagnosis toboth traditional and energy, it uses the white light photonswhose wavelengths correspond to specific colors visibleby the human eye. Their healing power allows them to select andmobilize the energies traditional Chinese.The Chromatotherapie ®, vibrational medicine, each vibration,original material or light, trigger on any living being (man,animal, plant) an identical response.This technique without the risk of viral or bacterial contamination, has avery wide scope, from a projection on local conditionssimple (including head trauma, burns, sprains, wrinkles, etc.)an eye contact in the field of clinical psychology orFinally, on specific points of acupuncture for severe disease(Schizophrenia, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, etc.). Orautoimmune diseases.Website:

Page 16
10:30 to 11:30: Break Kangen water at willTea, coffee or fruit juice (optional extras)Expo Forum

Page 17
11h30-13h: Dominique Lussan Psychologist, anthropologist, chemist, economist. " Quantum Consciousness and Action " How can the emergence of inventions that will regenerate ourindividual and global ecosystems.How the exploration of states of consciousness stable and integratedaction, will be the close of the inventions of tomorrow? Inventionsallow the emergence of new forms of medicine and educationtaking into account all aspects of Being? New energy,agricultural practices and artistic creations that can regenerateBeing the world and awaken? The environmental professions in the worldthe company, many examples will be given during the procedure.Founding president of the center of research and developmentHarmonic Vision on states of consciousness and value creationOverall, Dominique Lussan modeled and defined a label named"Conscience and Action," which describes seven levels of professional practicein various fields of activities of our society. Chemist, economist,psychologist, anthropologist, naturopath, host of the Monroe Institute,founder of a school of Yoga, multidisciplinary trainingDominique Lussan allowed him to objectify seven states of consciousness whererespect to time, space, body and self are altered. His researchconsultant and work organization allowed him to make the connection with7 levels of action that create value overall, economic, human,environmental, societal ... This process of "Conscience and Action" canbe learned.Website:
Page 18
13h - 14h15: Lunch Break BUFFET ANCESTRAL BIOLOGICALprepared by our chef from Lyon,Alain Alexanian and Matthew Toucas him.His site: www. alainalexanian consulting.comSTARTERS • Pumpkin Soup kind to the emulsion of coconut milk• Small cabbage stuffed with red rice from Camargue - chips & honey lemon goat sec• celeriac remoulade to the grated coconut - apricots and raisins• Change beet - potato and roasted hazelnuts• Pressed caramelized endive with orange - horseradish and coriander• Quinoa Tabbouleh - goat cheese - mint and basil• Caleslaw the apple ginger root and sesame• Tartare of potatoes and root curry gribiche Tarragon• Hummus Tartine of dill and garlic confit• Cake split peas tofu - Tea smoked sausage and chips THE HOT DISH • casserole pot-au-feu with autumn vegetables ACCOMPANYING • Sticks bacon • chicken Goujonnettes • Fricot carp DESSERTS • Melted dark chocolate gluten free and dairy free• apple-pear crumble with chestnut flour• Kangen Water as desired Wine and coffee in addition

Page 19
2:15 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.: Dr. Nadine SCHUSTER Professor at the European Humanities Universityand human resources. " Quantum Medicine: A new dimension of health " The work of Dr. Nadine Schuster arise in the approximationof quantum physics and medicine.Indeed, for 20 years, she practiced medicine while liberaldeepening search and reflect on an approach of quantumhuman body. Quantum medicine is a medicine that deals withall interactions between quantum fields transmitted and received bythe living organism. Medicine is a study of the depth ofhumans in relation to its environment-related influencesexternal environmental and internal. At the atomic level, there is nodifference between man and his environment, whether material orfor nature.Oscillatory imbalances come from external causes (foodor stress for example) and especially of internal causality (interactionsaffective, emotional and mental). Close as practicalpossible attitudes "quantum" that underlie these vital processes,represents the current work of Dr. Nadine Schuster. Thanks in part toresearch of Russian scientists, working largely on the typesoscillatory wave emissions and specific living. Psycho-neuro-immunology is the scope of the study ontologicalQuantum of disease. Dr. Nadine Schuster spoke at largeinternational conferences, particularly in Germany (Cologne, 1988, "Ecolog 88 "Munich, 1999," Advanced Medicine in Immune Disorders andCancer ") but also in Russia where, within the Union of ScientistsSt. Petersburg, Professor Oleg Kossogov was able to establish with it aline of research in atomic spectroscopy on living.Website:

Page 20
15h30 - 16h: Pause Kangen water at willTea, coffee or fruit juice (optional extras)Expo Forum

Page 21
16h-17h30: Dr Bruno Donatini Immunologist. " Chronic Diseases: Importance of the intestinal flora, the myceliamushrooms and electromagnetic waves " Most chronic diseases could be explained by mechanismsautoimmune: atherosclerosis, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's, rheumatoid,arthritis, thyroiditis, etc. ..Deficiency interferon (Th1) or IL4 (Th2) explains the emergence ofautoimmunity via the secretion of IL-17 (TH3). The intestine controls the synthesisof IL-17 by the presence of T-cell regulators, hence the importance ofmaintain a healthy gut. It is possible to modulate these regulatory T by:A gut-controlled-The mycelia of fungi-The polyphenols (resveratrol, curcumin, extracts of bark, etc.).Eggs-parasite-pulsed electromagnetic waves.We can consider improving digestive disorders in the permeabilitydigestive activating stem cells by magnetic waves ormycelial extracts (Hericium).This presentation will attempt to summarize the main mechanisms of diseasechronic, illustrated with clinical cases, and highlight the interest of the waveselectromagnetic.Dr. Bruno is Donatini gastroenterologist hepatologist, oncologist andimmunologist, and a graduate of osteopathy. It is one of the co-founders of theMycoceutics ® company whose goal is to develop natural productsfrom the logged forest in the spirit of sustainable development. Thispromote the use of concrete elements such as wood, bark,buds, sap, fungi, clay and water but alsoenergy items from the life of the forest such as electromagnetic wavestransmitted by magnetic rocks or trees with clay, water ormycelia (white mushrooms). Research interest so aschemical properties as the vibrational properties of the products.Website:

Page 22
17h30-19h: Dr Bernard Vial Homeopath. " The stress of protéion " Dr. Bernard VIAL, 30 years studying the relationship between emotionalin the plant world and human emotions. The Affective Sciencesexplores the similarities between plant sexuality and emotions and desireshumans. Botany becomes a mode of explanation remedieshomeopathic plant. The support is PROTEIONIQUEobjective of affects, the protein profiles revealed by the computerized CEIA;You will discover the STRESS PROTEION.How to move from the experience of Chief Medical Clinic at University HospitalMontpellier in 1972-73 to describe the emotions, feelings, impulses,desires?Dr Bernard Vial 30 years studying how to reportAssigned to protein carriers blood.The Affective Sciences is the field of clinical experience and biologicalBecause of the general medicine and homeopathy DOCTORSTHE UNCONSCIOUS. With the stress of Protéion, Bernard Vial developsobjective findings of computerized protein profiles of CEIA andaddresses "entry in" information (PHYSIOLOGY INFORMATION).

Page 23
And given that Lyon2 is an tourist town in France whereaccommodation saturates very quickly, ifyou wish to attend this meetingknowledge and discoverytherapies on quantumthen we urge youyou to register and reserve yourHotel now. PLACES LIMITED Lives to preserve quantum Health & Wellness Download the registration form, click on:

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 525
Re: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom"
« Reply #110 on: September 29, 2011, 09:41:55 am »
It appears that they are now using the name "Ahraj Yoga" at least in New York and Philadelphia!/aharajyoga?sk=info
(note - re above link: you need to C&P it for it to take you to the correct page, for some reason I cannot get it to work as a link)

(use a proxy)


same network, different name

Also there is a video of the alternative "shaman" / guru they use when ever Rudnev is in jail here

Some Russians have speculated that he might be Rudnev's father, personally I think he looks more like Biven Mamonta's father but who knows? He could be unrelated to any of them.


you mentioned possible right wing extremist connections and this seems to be something not uncommon in cultic THB networks, it is definitely the case with MISA although with the Russians I have not been able to find any evidence of this, although some Russian news reports refer to a link with the "white brotherhood" I have not been able to find any evidence of a "white brotherhood" other than in relation to a different Russian cult.    

There is a video on youtube of Rudnev that suggests that he is sympathetic to Chechen Islamic groups, but it is hard to know what people like him and associates really believe.  Their prime motivation appears to be financial.  

Here's the video

« Last Edit: September 29, 2011, 10:12:03 am by nemesis »

Offline nemesis

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Re: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom"
« Reply #111 on: October 09, 2011, 09:13:32 am »
I thought that it might be useful to include a link to a video that shows a teacher from a Russian "Geisha school" teaching young women in sexual skills.

Although the "Geisha School" in Moscow just screams of the Russian network, I recently discovered another very similar "school" run by a Russian alleged mystic and artist that is operating in Israel and possibly other territories.

This other school also teaches Astrokarate and various other pseudo-tantric sexual trainings and all in all it looked fairly typical of a cultic THB network.  There is a video of some fairly deranged Russians promoting this other school in this video in Russian language (no explicit scenes but lots of awful belly dancing and men who believe they have super-human martial arts powers growling and snarling a lot).

Here is one of the other cult's websites (use a proxy)

I think it likely that the 2 schools are separate entities as there is a video on youtube of the guru of the other school complaining that Ashram Shambala stole his ideas and used them without his permission.

Having said that, it is very difficult to really know what is going on with these OC networks in terms of alliances and disputes.  It could be that while they are in public dispute, they are covert allies.  These Russian and former Soviet Union cultic OC networks seem to be very fluid and nebulous in their structures and MOs.  It can be difficult to know where one OC network starts and another ends.  IME it is best to try to maintain an analytic position of "not knowing" and definitely not to make assumptions about anything.  

Anyway, the below video might be a video of a teacher from Aharata / Universynergy Arts / Ashram Shambala or it might be a teacher from the other similar network of from any one of a number of other OC networks.

The really interesting thing about the footage is it shows women being trained to use their sexual charms and skills as part of an armoury of weapons with which to catch a rich man.

There is nothing about love or relationships or any of the deeper or important issues in life, just encouragement for the women to do pretty much anything sexually in order to "win".

The concept of a "sex school"  that teaches various sexual techniques in order to secure all kinds of objectives is an old one in former Soviet Union territories where such schools trained spies and honey trap agents.  

Also if you have studied the Russian network's recruitment MO you will know that they recruit young females via real life and online schools and websites that give tips and tricks on how to ensnare millionaires.  IME the below video is almost certainly an example of a THB recruiter in action.  

There is also a poster on the wall showing that this particular teacher has her own "tantra club" (big surprise there).

the relevant clip is 11.15 minutes into the video

obviously NSFW

The teacher is called Yulia Varra

There is a rather creepy video on youtube with some American woman promoting Yulia Varra's sex school here

Yulia Varra has various websites online I just don't have time right now to check them all out
« Last Edit: October 09, 2011, 11:07:53 am by nemesis »

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 525
Re: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom"
« Reply #112 on: October 11, 2011, 05:04:29 pm »
Just wanted to post up some info about the Russian network's activities in Mexico

This website
(THB grooming and recruitment via belly dance)

Is one of their Mexican websites.

also see
Lili Nahid is a belly dancer and belly dance teacher with her own school in Mexico.  She appears in some youtube videos hosted by the Russians and there are many indications that she is a recruiter for them via her school.
Lizeth Revueltas is promoted as a "psychic" by the Russian network.  She appears to be inoloved as a contact person in many of their recruitment and other Mexican websites
A very worrying website advertising belly dance holidays for Mexican belly dancers.  Destinations include Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Dubai, Turkey Greece and India.
Travel to your liking! We offer all the options on the date that you like and according to your means. From the Tour in luxury to adventure travel, rental apartments, domestic shipments by air, rail or truck. Guides in Spanish and backed by major travel agencies in Egypt. REPORTS: SKYPE: lizeth.revueltas.mora MSN:
very interesting website selling all kinds of cheap magical charms for very expensive prices.  One interesting thing about the charms for sale is that they are all appear to be hand made and hand decorated.  This resonates with reports from Russian former members that the victims of the cult often were trapped in domestic houses with their work consisting of manufacturing magical charms and trinkets. 

All the above websites will harvest compromising data from visitors so please be careful

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 525
Re: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom"
« Reply #113 on: October 21, 2011, 09:49:51 am »
Just a quick update on the lasted new brand that this network is operating under

Raja Yoga aka The Worldwide Yoga Association aka The Worldwide Raja Yoga Association

(USE A PROXY to check the below links)

« Last Edit: October 21, 2011, 09:54:42 am by nemesis »

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 525
Re: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom"
« Reply #114 on: October 22, 2011, 07:09:08 am »
More items of cheap, tatty jewellery made by slaves, this time in Russia


This website sells hand bags, purses and wallets, all probably made or at least decorated and finished  by slaves (note the hand finished appliqué details on these items) (website advertising beauty, makeover and modelling services - all geared towards recruiting aspiring young models) (section of above website selling cheap jewellery - again almost certainly made by slaves)

the "Partners" page on the above site probably includes other sites run by the network - I don't have time to check all of them out - some may be related some unrelated - but they are as follows:
Quote - Shop jewelry by copyright Jana Tamm
www. - informational site about the beauty and even more of Jana Tamm
www. - website designer Andrei Pavlov
www. - m-n fashion tm "Ultra Fashion"
www. - audio-video recording studio "Grad"
www. - creation and development of sites - training-video entertainment portal "Photo-Chenla" - Information Portal Suite - entertainment portal
www. - rap artist website Mr.BANKS
www. - m-n perfumes and cosmetics
www. - informatsioony site of leisure in Moscow
www. - Music Agency
www. - site gr. "H2O"

Please be aware that the Russian network (and in fact the Romanian network also) operates fake modelling and entertainment agencies as fronts for data collection, victim grooming and recruitment.

I found the above links as they are on one of the networks main Russian grooming and recruitment websites here

The same page also has a link to a fake Rolex website, that also sells a variety of fake branded watches and other items the url takes you to a site with the URL that openly sells fake brands

On a tangent, I was checking out the tour and travel company operated by the Russian network and discovered that they are promoting, amongst other things, a tour of Uzbekistan incorporating  meetings with Sufi mystics (or people who they claim are Sufi mystics - they probably have as much to do with authentic Sufism as their other "teachers" have to do with tantra and shamanism).

link - use a proxy

text as follows (original Russian translated via google)
Great wisdom of the Sufis, Tales of a wandering dervish, Proverbs, Persian (Sufi) Poetry: Rumi, Omar Khayyam, Al Farid,   the Sufi Whirling, Mula Nasrudin, Gurdjieff dances ...

 Want to achieve goals - do not count on the support of people.
zarsya not on someone else's, his indifference Vlad.
Whoever lives past or future, is a madman,
That from worldly hands released today , Omar Khayyam,

City - Open-Air Museum, Samarkand, always attracted mystics. Throughout history, it is considered a special city, a city of special guardian of secrets, and even in Islam and how stored, the blessed city.

Download the complete description of the tour


(Tashkent - Samarkand - Bukhara - Tashkent)

Day 1

Arrival in Samarkand evening flight, hotel accommodation, "Zarina"

Day 2

Drive to the mountains to visit Urgut Urgut Bazaar (Sunday), Holy-tree groves, the Mausoleum of the world revered Sufi sheikh - Gavsul Azam Gilon). Return to Samarkand for dinner. Check out the cave of St. David. On the road - visit the mausoleum of Sufi sheikh - Khoja Akhror. Visit Marble Mountains (the "City of Perry"). Return to hotel
3rd day

1. Departure from Samarkand, Navoi region in kilometers to visit rock art gallery
2. Transfer to Bukhara. On the road - visit shrines Nuratin
3. Accommodation in Bukhara hotel "Amulet"

Day 4

1. Visit the Mausoleum of the great Sufi sheikhs around Bukhara
2. Meeting with experts on Sufism and the Central Asian traditional medicine

Day 5

1. Visit the Mausoleum of the great Sufi sheikhs around Bukhara
2. Meeting with experts on Sufism and the Central Asian folk medicine
3. Transfer to Tashkent by the night train

Day 6

1. Arrive early morning in Tashkent
2. Departure Chatkal People's Park (100 km. From Tashkent)
3. Accommodation in the private residential sector
4. Camping - Horseback riding, hiking in the mountains, the lake (reservoir Chimgan), visit local attractions

7th day

1. Camping - Horseback riding, hiking in the mountains, the lake (reservoir Chimgan), visit local attractions
2. Transfer to Tashkent
3. Departure from Tashkent evening flight

Sufism - a lifestyle that allows a person to realize their full potential, given to us by God (Nature)

Sufism - a school of inner enlightenment, rather than debate. Sufism - the transformation, rather than memorizing information received at second hand. That which is related to Enlightenment can not be expressed in words. And that is why the Sufis say: "What can be said, Sufism is not." Or, as Jalal ad-Din Rumi: "Whatever I said, in describing and explaining Love, when it comes to Love itself, I am ashamed of these explanations."

Thus, everything said about Sufism Sufis outstanding - just trying to express in words their own internal states. They may show some characteristics of Sufism, but it can not be comprehensively defined. However, if we still tried to give such a definition, we might say: "Sufism - is the way to the Absolute Reality. impelling force for the movement on it is love, but a means of promotion - single-minded focus and inner balance in any situation . The purpose of this way - God " . In other words, at the end of the Sufi Way there is nothing left but God.


 The Prophet said that the truth proclaimed:
"I have not concealed any fact that high or that low,
Neither earth nor in heaven, nor in his throne.
Indeed, so beloved of:
I hid me in the devotee's heart.
If you're looking for me - look at these hearts. "

The dervishes lived in the community-led "Turi. At times they wrapped the cornerstone, which warned them of gluttony. If they passed, then the stone begins to put pressure on the abdomen, recalling the sin of gluttony. They can stock up on food for one day only. Was considered a sin to worry about tomorrow. A live only for today. Kalandar had no home, family, they made a vow of celibacy, spending their lives in wandering, spreading a message of Sufism. The dervishes lived in special buildings - honaka (Sufi monastery), it was a kind of monastery where dervishes could not only get a shelter, but also met with Sheikh-Sufi. In honaka were disputes, joint zeal and dhikr.

How far you went!

Originally you were clay. After passing the stage of the mineral, you became a plant.
From plant you became animal, the animal - man. All this time
people did not know where to go, although he was dragged into this long journey. And
a hundred different worlds you have to go through.

Jalaluddin Rumi

"... The Sufi dance
daily morning celebration at an ashram. angered If a person takes part in the Sufi dance, his dance is anger. You can watch people and see that each dance is different from the others. In someone else's dance - rage , anger seeping through his dance, through his gestures. In someone's dancing - beauty, love flows, a certain elegance. Even in someone's dance - compassion in someone else's - ecstasy; someone dance tasteless and stupid, it only makes simple gestures, for they do not - they is mechanical. Watch. Why this difference? It is because they carry different levels of suppression. When you dance, your anger, if he will attend, too, will dance. Where he go? The more you dance, the more he will be dancing and. If you are full of love, when you start to dance, your love begins to flow out - she will dance around you, fill all the space around them. Your dance is your dance , it will contain everything that is in you. If you are sexually repressed, your dance will seethe sex. You must go through a catharsis, you can not go straight to the goal. Only when all the poisons and will take away the fog, you will be able to find inspiration, bliss or in methods similar to Sufi dance ... "

Orange Book "Osho

I know very little about Sufism but I have noticed that many different cultic THB networks appropriate Sufi dance for their own nefarious objectives, usually as a way of recruitment.  They are especially keen on promoting the dances of Gurdjieff (a mystic who many claim was a fraud and appropriator) and participation in these dances, for reasons I don't understand, seems to be a very effective method of grooming and recruitment.

In the late Tim Guest's heartbreaking memoir "My Life in Orange: Growing Up with the Guru", in which he describes his childhood in the Rajneeshi (Osho) cult, he describes how his mother and her feminist friends decided to attend a Rajneeshi dance session (Gurdjieff inspired) with a view to disrupting it as they thought it was sexist and anti-feminist.   They decided to join in covertly before making their protest but things didn't go to plan.  Later that night Tim's mother returned home in a euphoric state and stayed up all night dyeing her clothes orange.  She had been recruited into a life of enslavement simply by attending a dance class.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2011, 07:26:25 am by nemesis »

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 525
Re: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom"
« Reply #115 on: October 26, 2011, 10:41:38 am »
Just a little more about Ms Julia Varra

there is a youtube channel here

That includes videos that show Julia Varra alongside the Ashram Shambala alternative guru who goes by various names including but not limited to:
Guru Alid Pfaski aka  Shri Guru Sotidananda Alid Pfaski Natva aka Shri Guru Alid Faski Natva aka
Avtandil A. Lomsadze aka Avtandil Lomsadze

It is completely clear to me that Yulia Varra is a recruiter for the Russian Network.

She has also been involved with a guru in the US  a certain Swami Virato, (I think real name Joe Banks) affectionately known as "Slimy Tomato" due to his predatory sexual habits.

Julia Varra is also running a tantra school in the Czech Republic.  *sighs*

The Russian network seem to have a way in to Marie Claire magazine as there have been endorsements of their various "Goddess schools" in South American Marie Claire issues.  

Link to an article in Marie Claire advocating Julia Varra's Geisha School.

Link to one of the Russian network's blogs referring to a story about Chekes Rada in the Mexican issue of Marie Claire magazine.

text translated from the original Spanish via google translate - emphasis mine

Tantra Teacher, yoga, has a degree in Psychology, healer and priestess initiated into the secrets of eastern women.
For years dedicated exclusively to the study and practice of various traditions of knowledge for human development: started Studies in Anthropology and Psychology was formed in Brazil. He studied for 15 years of knowledge of different lines Taoist tai chi chuan, qi qong, tui na and acupuncture, with two great masters. The esoteric tradition, the circle dances, meditation, natural food and different bodywork techniques are also part of its accumulated knowledge. Solitude is an international speaker, consultant and teacher in knowledge female. Spread complex knowledge in a practical and dynamic tailored to the needs of those living in large cities, revealing clues to a change in the lives of those who attend workshops or seek individual attention. Over the past six years, he has taught courses successfully several European countries (Spain, Italy, Portugal, France, Germany, Norway and Switzerland), Asia (Tibet, Russia) and America (Chile, Argentina, Brazil and Mexico). He has lectured in business and has shared his knowledge with youth, women, educators and children. No need for translators fluent in four languages. they say about her: "It was nice, a meditation on the importance of building from the unit, followed by a dance in which the dance for each other. This created a harmonious environment, positive and very happy that, in all objectivity, rarely touched me look at my long career as an assistant to various group therapies. ... um was telling fact: I felt great. Somehow the work God had deeply connected with my being female and that made ??me feel in harmony ...." Marie Claire de Mexico, Pineda Sanchez Maricruz. Article published on the experience of participating in a seminar Goddess Art of Soledad. In March 2008.

link: (scroll down)
« Last Edit: October 26, 2011, 10:58:47 am by nemesis »

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 525
Re: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom"
« Reply #116 on: October 28, 2011, 11:08:06 pm »
deleted, pending further research

« Last Edit: November 01, 2011, 08:33:56 am by nemesis »

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 525
Re: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom"
« Reply #117 on: October 31, 2011, 09:01:58 am »
deleted pending further research
« Last Edit: November 01, 2011, 08:34:23 am by nemesis »

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 525
Re: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom"
« Reply #118 on: October 31, 2011, 09:33:08 am »
Just a few more thoughts

The Russian network, via the meetup and other networking websites, has infiltrated the swinging / polyamory scenes in various territories.  Recruiters have started various swinging / orgy events in multiple territories.

Dodgy pseudo-tantric people have also created websites promising "tantric sugar daddies" can meet up with "tantric sugar babies".  These can be found via google.   I have not had time to research these sites properly and probably will not have time to do so in the future.   I doubt that the people at Ashram Shambala and other cultic OC networks would fail to make use of the opportunities that such websites provide. 

« Last Edit: November 01, 2011, 08:43:10 am by nemesis »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom"
« Reply #119 on: October 31, 2011, 02:44:46 pm »
Nemesis, these last two posts are all allegations or speculation from you. We have to insist you provide some proof they are tied to BM and his cult.

There was an earlier allegation you claimed against a similar site. We heard from that site's owner and she showed us she had nothing to do with them. So we deleted that section of a post of yours with the false allegations.If you can't prove these two are tied to BM we'll have to delete these two posts as well.

They may be pseudo tantra sites, but I don't see how they are tied to that cult. Perhaps you'd be better off starting a thread on pseudo tantra groups under Research Needed and posting these over there.