Sorry but I don’t know much about the history of Pow-Wows as they did not have anything to do with us and so did not know they were a recent thing.
Good to know you are a full blood, as that means a lot in many tribes as there are few left. Racial purity never meant much any of the Carolina Algonquin tribes and nations, as seen from the fact we intermarried so easily with other tribes and races throughout our history.
I have always meant to write Charlie Laster, a Senator for the Cherokee, and ask if any of his family remembers my great grandfather or grandfather visiting the Cherokee or his family. When some of our people fled the East Coast, the Cherokee let them live among them and some intermarried and suffered along with them on the trail of tears. We lost contact with families who were with the Cherokee during my grandfather’s latter years as a drunk.
Quite correct, my grandmother Josephine did not have enough Indian blood to matter, and she hated what little she had. Being the good Christian she was, I was the target of most of her hate.
I stated much earlier that I had German in me, as well as the way I was treated by my grandmother for being native. So thanks for pointing out the obvious.
Back to the point
So am I to assume that from the gist of statements here, if you have one white ancestor you are not native, that one-drop of White blood erases all native blood. With blood that powerful no wonder they were called the Master race and act like it

But you may use whatever criteria you want to determine if someone is a member of your culture or tribe, based on the traditions of your culture or tribe.
But it does not entitle you to pass judgement on someone from another culture that may have far different traditions than yours.
Algonquin tribes from the most ancient times are based on extended families defined by marriage customs. Does not matter if the person marrying into the tribe was Red, White, Black, Yellow, or a little Green alien from outer space. If that offends you, I really don’t care.
The non-Algonquin tribes of North America are at best, historically unknown to us, at worst, they are former enemies who have never given us a reason to trust them.
As I said before, the Lenape, are the only tribe we consider our elders, and the only ones qualified to judge our culture, history and stories, as they are the only Algonquins closest to us culturally and familiar with the history of the region.
I did not come to this forum to be accepted by the non-Algonquin tribes of North America, and therefore don’t really care what your opinion of us is. I even made sure to use a username bound to get attention.
I came here for information on frauds and people I suspected of being frauds. I am not very computer savvy and could not do the research myself, though I tried.
To that end, most of you have been helpful and kind to me despite our disagreements, and I thank you.
I have learned quite a bit since I have been here, not only about the work you do here, but also about the non-Algonquin tribes I know so little about.
I will say this is a passionate group in defending their culture.
However we are not a part of that culture.
We don’t want or need recognition of the US government or non-Algonquin tribes, and as such your opinion as to us being a tribe is irrelevant to us, we have all the recognition we ever asked for from the only ones to matter to us already.