Author Topic: Charles A. Laster  (Read 84748 times)

Offline Sachem Laster

  • Posts: 28
Re: Charles A. Laster
« Reply #45 on: July 26, 2015, 04:01:32 am »
Don't have long to chat, sorry, so I will try to be brief.

Algonquin is a language group and most speakers are in Canada, as Sky pointed out. refers to a number of First Nations, though the term Algonquin has become politically incorrect these days, it is the term I grew up with when referring to our extended people.

We are of the Carolina Algonquin Group and our dialect was closest to the one spoken by the Lenape. But their were several tribal nations and independent tribes within the Carolina Algonquin group at the time of first contact.

Speaking of the Lenape, they are the only ones we consider our elders, and the only ones qualified to judge our culture, history and stories.

Offline Sachem Laster

  • Posts: 28
Re: Charles A. Laster
« Reply #46 on: July 26, 2015, 02:31:44 pm »
I understand you are trying to protect your culture and traditions from pretend Indians, that is good, but as for us, you have no fear, your traditions are not ours and our cultures have little in common.

We do not dress like you. Such flamboyant clothes are frowned on among us. We do not have the same ceremonies as you, I fail to understand why there are pretend Indians who want to mimic your culture, or that there are white willing to pay frauds to participate in them.

Even the few things we share in common are vastly different in details. We do not dance the same direction you do around the sacred fire . We have 12 poles around the the edge of the dance area with a female likeness on them. They represent the Matriarchs of the original 12 Clans of our tribes. We do not dress up for such events as your tribes do, we dress down for them. You would no doubt feel as uncomfortable at one of my tribes dances as we would at one of yours.

In the past some of my Algonquin brothers and sisters have had their traditions dishonored at your Pow Wows. They were not allowed to dance because they dance the wrong way according to you. So why should my people even attend such events where their traditions may or may not be honored?

In some ways you are as ethnocentric as any White person, unable to view things from the perspective of a culture different from your own. A good example is how some here defined what a tribe is based solely on their tribal culture.

Some tribes have a history that their tribe was created at a certain location that is sacred to them. Their identity as a tribe is intimately connected to this location, land defines their tribal identity.

We have no such story, rather we have a migration story. We wandered the Earth in the beginning, and we wander the Earth now. The time we lived in a specific region was but a mere brief moment in our overall history. So our identity, as a tribe is not tied to any one spot of land.

Some here claim that an extended family is not a tribe. The origin story of our people describes how our tribes formed, as extended families, and our marriage customs are based on this story. Which is why I while I do have the blood of other tribes in me, I do not claim them as my tribe.

Even the names of our tribes and nations were not fixed as yours seem to be. A nation of ours was known by the name of the Principle Tribe, which could change. So we have been called the Laster Tribe, the Man'toUghQueMend, The Weapemeoc, the Chesapeake and many more before that.

Also even the name of a tribe could change for the names were descriptive, The People of the Shallow Water, The People by the Nice Ocean, Lives along the Big River, or Land of Beautiful Women. So if a tribe moved, it would often change its name and important events could also change the name of a tribe.

So defend the integrity of your tribes from pretenders to your culture, but that does not make you qualified to judge another culture based on the views of your culture, for by doing so you are no different than the White man. Perhaps you have assimilated more of the White mans ways than you realize, but I can not answer that question, it is not my place to judge your culture based on mine either.

Offline earthw7

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Re: Charles A. Laster
« Reply #47 on: July 26, 2015, 05:53:28 pm »
I hope this is not too me because it confused me, what are you talking about when it comes to pow-wows,
That is a social dance created in the 1920s it is not a traditional form, and i have seen in the social dances here that people go in both directions so that made no sense to me. It depend on your status which direction you go,  beside social dance vs traditional dance are too different things, so in traditional dance the dress is very modest.
What sacred fire are you talking about they don't have fires at a social dance, please don't mixed them up. I never had a pow-wow so really unsure of the comment made about dishonored could you be a little more clear, my Nation is 14 reservations and nine Reserves in Canada. I don't even attend social dances. ;)
I am Native 100% no white blood, I live among my people on my land, know my history and culture don't need to look at a book to know who I am, i don't need some story about a great great great great grandparent that might be native, my Mother and father are both enrolled members. I don't need DNA to tell me who aim, I travel too many nations and know that different culture and have relative in the Eastern band Cherokee and the Oklahoma Cherokee Indian country is small and we all know each other
In Spirit

Offline Diana

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Re: Charles A. Laster
« Reply #48 on: July 26, 2015, 08:42:00 pm »
@ Charles Laster, I did your grandmother Josephine Cockrell Laster Weaver genealogy also great grand parent Frances Weise Cockrell and great great grand parents John J Weise and Josephine E Weise whom they were living with at the time of the 1920 census. All white, and 3 of the great great great grand parent 3 are German immigrants. Why am I not surprised. Charles Laster you are WHITE. So please stop with the pretendian game and just be happy with who you are. You have a very impressive family line that goes all the way back to the start of Paducah Kentucky. You should be proud of your white family.

Josephine Cockrell in the 1920 United States Federal Census

Josephine Cockrell

[2 8/12] 

Birth Year:
abt 1918


Home in 1920:
Paducah, McCracken, Kentucky

South 9th Street



Relation to Head of House:

Marital Status:

Father's Birthplace:

Mother's name:
Frances Cockrell

Mother's Birthplace:


 View others on page

Household Members:



 John J Weise  53
 Josephine E Weise  45
 Anna Weise  29
 Joseph Weise  17
 Andrew Weise  16
Margarete Weise  12
Frances Cockrell  24
Josephine Cockrell  2
[2 8/12] 

Frances Weise in the 1910 United States Federal Census

Frances Weise

Age in 1910:

Birth Year:
abt 1895


Home in 1910:
Paducah Ward 5, McCracken, Kentucky



Relation to Head of House:
Daughter (Child)

Marital Status:

Father's name:
John J Weise

Father's Birthplace:

Mother's name:
Josephine Weise 

Mother's Birthplace:

 View others on page

Household Members:



 John J Weise  42
 Josephine Weise  38
 Frances Weise  15
 Agnes Weise  13
 Charley Weise  12
 Joseph Weise  7
 Andrew Weise  5
 Marguerite Weise  1
[1 11/12] 
John J Weise in the 1910 United States Federal Census
John J Weise

Age in 1910:

Birth Year:
abt 1868


Home in 1910:
Paducah Ward 5, McCracken, Kentucky



Relation to Head of House:

Marital Status:

Spouse's Name:
Josephine Weise

Father's Birthplace:

Mother's Birthplace:

 View others on page

Household Members:



 John J Weise  42
 Josephine Weise  38
 Frances Weise  15
 Agnes Weise  13
 Charley Weise  12
 Joseph Weise  7
 Andrew Weise  5
 Marguerite Weise  1
[1 11/12] 
Josephine Weise in the 1910 United States Federal Census
Josephine Weise

Age in 1910:

Birth Year:
abt 1872


Home in 1910:
Paducah Ward 5, McCracken, Kentucky



Relation to Head of House:

Marital Status:

Spouse's Name:
John J Weise

Father's Birthplace:

Mother's Birthplace:

 View others on page

Household Members:



 John J Weise  42
 Josephine Weise  38
 Frances Weise  15
 Agnes Weise  13
 Charley Weise  12
 Joseph Weise  7
 Andrew Weise  5
 Marguerite Weise  1
[1 11/12] 

Offline Sachem Laster

  • Posts: 28
Re: Charles A. Laster
« Reply #49 on: July 27, 2015, 03:08:47 pm »

Sorry but I don’t know much about the history of Pow-Wows as they did not have anything to do with us and so did not know they were a recent thing.

Good to know you are a full blood, as that means a lot in many tribes as there are few left. Racial purity never meant much any of the Carolina Algonquin tribes and nations, as seen from the fact we intermarried so easily with other tribes and races throughout our history.

I have always meant to write Charlie Laster, a Senator for the Cherokee, and ask if any of his family remembers my great grandfather or grandfather visiting the Cherokee or his family. When some of our people fled the East Coast, the Cherokee let them live among them and some intermarried and suffered along with them on the trail of tears. We lost contact with families who were with the Cherokee during my grandfather’s latter years as a drunk.


Quite correct, my grandmother Josephine did not have enough Indian blood to matter, and she hated what little she had. Being the good Christian she was, I was the target of most of her hate.

I stated much earlier that I had German in me, as well as the way I was treated by my grandmother for being native. So thanks for pointing out the obvious.

Back to the point

So am I to assume that from the gist of statements here, if you have one white ancestor you are not native, that one-drop of White blood erases all native blood. With blood that powerful no wonder they were called the Master race and act like it :)

But you may use whatever criteria you want to determine if someone is a member of your culture or tribe, based on the traditions of your culture or tribe.

But it does not entitle you to pass judgement on someone from another culture that may have far different traditions than yours.

Algonquin tribes from the most ancient times are based on extended families defined by marriage customs. Does not matter if the person marrying into the tribe was Red, White, Black, Yellow, or a little Green alien from outer space. If that offends you, I really don’t care.

The non-Algonquin tribes of North America are at best, historically unknown to us, at worst, they are former enemies who have never given us a reason to trust them.

As I said before, the Lenape, are the only tribe we consider our elders, and the only ones qualified to judge our culture, history and stories, as they are the only Algonquins closest to us culturally and familiar with the history of the region.

I did not come to this forum to be accepted by the non-Algonquin tribes of North America, and therefore don’t really care what your opinion of us is. I even made sure to use a username bound to get attention.

I came here for information on frauds and people I suspected of being frauds. I am not very computer savvy and could not do the research myself, though I tried.

To that end, most of you have been helpful and kind to me despite our disagreements, and I thank you.

I have learned quite a bit since I have been here, not only about the work you do here, but also about the non-Algonquin tribes I know so little about.

I will say this is a passionate group in defending their culture.

However we are not a part of that culture.

We don’t want or need recognition of the US government or non-Algonquin tribes, and as such your opinion as to us being a tribe is irrelevant to us, we have all the recognition we ever asked for from the only ones to matter to us already.

Offline earthw7

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Re: Charles A. Laster
« Reply #50 on: July 27, 2015, 03:53:42 pm »
white priviledge at its best
In Spirit

Offline AClockworkWhite

  • Posts: 194
Re: Charles A. Laster
« Reply #51 on: July 27, 2015, 06:40:05 pm »
white priviledge at its best
I think the truth here is all wrapped up in that term.
I came here for the popcorn and stayed for the slaying of pretenders.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Charles A. Laster
« Reply #52 on: July 27, 2015, 07:07:53 pm »
white priviledge at its best
I think the truth here is all wrapped up in that term.


Mr. Laster.... you are twisting what the Natives here are saying, and setting up straw-man arguments. 

Offline RedRightHand

  • Posts: 177
Re: Charles A. Laster
« Reply #53 on: July 27, 2015, 07:24:27 pm »
I'm surprised there hasn't been more talk about how Laster is promoting those pretendian "prophecies" - you know, the ones that say all the Indians will die out to be replaced by the (all-white) "Rainbow" pretendians.

This is his self-published book:

Which he also posted on his Facebook page:

Lost Tribes Warriors of the Rainbow
Authored by Charles A. Laster

"The history of the Lost Tribes of the Weapemeoc Nation offers a unique perspective on the events of colonial history, the history of slavery, and the fight for equality and self governance by native nations.

"Their history touches on the history of other tribes and sheds light on their struggles as well.

"But it is more than just the story of a native nation, it is a call to save the earth and touches on the native prophecies like The Warriors of the Rainbow and their part in native history and saving the earth.

"It also offers insight into some of the beliefs of the Mound Building cultures, long thought to be lost to time."

These fake prophecies are genocidal propaganda.


Offline Diana

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Re: Charles A. Laster
« Reply #54 on: July 27, 2015, 07:41:45 pm »
Could you please change the title of this post from  Sachem Laster to just Charles Laster?  That way when other people investigate him our website with this pretendian's white genealogy will come up first in a Google search.

Lim lemtsh,


PS. Found his grand mothers father and will be posting his genealogy shortly.  Got some Irish immigrants in that family line. Wow! This guy has more immigrants than Ellis island. Lol! And I just can't find one little Indian ANYWHERE!
« Last Edit: July 30, 2019, 10:56:23 pm by NAFPS Housekeeping »


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Re: Charles A. Laster
« Reply #55 on: July 27, 2015, 08:45:29 pm »
I'm surprised there hasn't been more talk about how Laster is promoting those pretendian "prophecies" - you know, the ones that say all the Indians will die out to be replaced by the (all-white) "Rainbow" pretendians.

This is his self-published book:

Which he also posted on his Facebook page:

Lost Tribes Warriors of the Rainbow
Authored by Charles A. Laster

"The history of the Lost Tribes of the Weapemeoc Nation offers a unique perspective on the events of colonial history, the history of slavery, and the fight for equality and self governance by native nations.

"Their history touches on the history of other tribes and sheds light on their struggles as well.

"But it is more than just the story of a native nation, it is a call to save the earth and touches on the native prophecies like The Warriors of the Rainbow and their part in native history and saving the earth.

"It also offers insight into some of the beliefs of the Mound Building cultures, long thought to be lost to time."

These fake prophecies are genocidal propaganda.

His book has been out for eight months and there is no reader comment yet posted on Amazon:

This is a comment of his from his Facebook page:

Charles A Laster It might cause a controversy. I wonder what professional historians will have to say on the subject

I guess professional historians just haven't noticed it yet!


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Re: Charles A. Laster
« Reply #56 on: July 27, 2015, 08:46:35 pm »
Mr. Laster, continuing the fakelore of the Warriors of the Rainbow book is nothing to be proud of. I've read the 1962 book, it is a discredited, anti-semetic, genocidal tract.

You've been called out now on white privilege. Ideally this would stop you in your tracks. I'm white, I'm not NDN and I don't believe you are either. So, our white privilege allows us to play-indian, make up imaginary tribes, get hired for lecture gigs and academic positions, interfere in nation to nation relationships, and in all sorts of ways muck things up. We can be entitled, pompous, insulting, greedy asses because we are just that privileged.

You've been called out now and I wish you would just stop. You could see this as an opportunity.

You're going the wrong way, dude! The path you are taking is well trodden and oh so wrong.

Offline AClockworkWhite

  • Posts: 194
Re: Charles A. Laster
« Reply #57 on: July 28, 2015, 02:50:18 am »
Could you please change the title of this post from  Sachem Laster to just Charles Laster?  That way when other people investigate him our website with this pretendian's white genealogy will come up first in a Google search.

Lim lemtsh,


PS. Found his grand mothers father and will be posting his genealogy shortly.  Got some Irish immigrants in that family line. Wow! This guy has more immigrants than Ellis island. Lol! And I just can't find one little Indian ANYWHERE!

Chuck you been a naughty boy. Doubling down on derp isn't looked on too kindly 'round here. Go on, GIT!
« Last Edit: July 30, 2019, 10:57:02 pm by NAFPS Housekeeping »
I came here for the popcorn and stayed for the slaying of pretenders.

Offline Sachem Laster

  • Posts: 28
Re: Charles A. Laster
« Reply #58 on: July 28, 2015, 08:01:30 pm »
Well the book you mentioned was not promoted any at all, and won't be for sale much longer anyway, too many mistakes in it. It was not intended to make money anyway and just served as documentation.

It was the first attempt to gather our stories and history. We had several  versions of some stories, and I was wrong on which of those were most likely the oldest version.

After speaking with the Lenape I see that I was wrong by looking for internal consistency throughout the stories. Also I also should not have included any prophecies from anyone other than Algonquins. I only recently learned that the Rainbow Prophecy seems to have been completely invented.

But as I said, I did not know these things at the time. I don't know much at all about your tribes and history, the Rainbow thing was a big mistake. Had I had native friends like you people before writing it, I would not have made such mistakes.

And please do change the name of the thread, I only used the name to get your attention anyway.

White Privilege, LOL, that gets me every-time I hear it on here referring to me. Yes there are a lot of White people in my family tree, and they have treated me like dirt all my life. I have seen White Privilege all my life, been a victim of it, but never had the benefits of it, despite all the white in me, all they see is the Red is me, all you see is the White in me, but I am both, caught in the middle between two cultures that don't consider me a part of either.

You know, I never understood why some mixed bloods created tribes which did not exist historically. But now I think it is because they don't belong to either the Red or White culture. Unsure of their heritage they create their own tribe for a sense of belonging.

But they are wrong for seeking formal recognition as a tribe. We do not seek or want formal recognition, just to record what we can before we fade away completely. I now see the wisdom in my fathers words that we are long pass the point of no return as a people.

As I said in the intro to the book, the Weapemeoc and other Carolina Algonquin tribes are virtually extinct. The Weapemeoc will also be gone soon. We have not found any other groups like us, and the few that remain will lose interest and fade away. My only intent is to record as much of their history, as accurately as I can before the last of them is gone.

So I will not be going on book tours, or getting paid for lectures, I will not be selling any ceremonies for White consumption.

I am old and my health is not great, I will be gone soon as well, and I expect what little interest there is in our history to fade away soon afterwards.

Before I die however, I will continue to work with the Lanape and as many other Algonquin historians as I can to sort through the mess of stories and conflicting history of the Carolina Algonquins and try to record those stories and history as accurately as possible.

While I know you people do not consider me your friend, or even a Native, I still owe you all a lot for what I have learned here, thank you.

Offline RedRightHand

  • Posts: 177
Re: Charles A. Laster
« Reply #59 on: July 28, 2015, 08:27:38 pm »
Yes there are a lot of White people in my family tree, and they have treated me like dirt all my life. I have seen White Privilege all my life, been a victim of it, but never had the benefits of it, despite all the white in me, all they see is the Red is me,

Your parents and grandparents and great grandparents are all white, and you acknowledge your family has white privilege, but you expect us to believe that your own family is oppressing you for being "Red"?  :o

You're no more NDN than they are, dude.

How many times do people have to say it: If your parents and grandparents are non-Native, you are not Native either.