Author Topic: IPUN - Indigenous Peoples United Nations  (Read 58231 times)

Offline Ingeborg

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IPUN - Indigenous Peoples United Nations
« on: July 21, 2015, 01:18:47 am »
It is perhaps appropriate to have a look at the organisation to see what they are about.

According to this document, there are five names linked to IPUN:
David Kam
Luigi (Louis) Coretti,
Marian Dawn SkyWeaver Hartsfield
Charles (Chucky) T. Ratt
Shore Charnoe

David Kam, Luigi (Louis) Coretti, Marian Dawn SkyWeaver (Hartsfield), and Charles (Chucky) T. Ratt, are the current directors of, and Shore Charnoe is currently a representative of, the Indigenous Peoples United Nations.
The directors, officers, and representatives of the Indigenous Peoples United Nations undertake and affirm to be bound by the amended regulations of Indigenous Peoples United Nations. As noted above the Indigenous Peoples United Nations Declaration (or Charter), by – laws, logo, constitution, and governance policy or any other founding documents for the Indigenous Peoples United Nations will be discussed, co-created, and agreed upon by the intended members and respective councils of the Indigenous Peoples United Nations (currently these are the Provisional Elders’ Council, the Provisional Grandmothers’ and Supporting Women’s Council, the Provisional Grandfathers’ and Supporting Men’s Council, and the Provisional Youth and Youth Supporters’ Council) in our forward collective progression to realize, together, this grand unity among all peoples and harmony for our precious mother earth and all future generations. All Indigenous Peoples United Nations Directors, Representatives, and Officers commit to facilitating all necessary legal processes and documentation that has been agreed upon by the intended members of the Indigenous Peoples United Nations.

David Kam is also listed as IPUN media contact.

Googling his name, there are several rather strange and alarming sites, articles etc coming up. So e.g. Kam prefers to go by the label of „Ambassador“. He seems to be cooperating with Jhyoti aka Jeneane Prevatt's fake 13 grandmothers outfit, as in 2012 Kam placed a fundraising request for a trip to Nepal for the 13 grandmothers. Although $ 90,000 were mentioned as their aim, they did manage to raise $ 17,000 from 246 persons in two months.

Support the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers' Prayer for Peace in the Land of the Buddha - Kathmandu, Nepal, November 13-20, 2012.Extended Journey Now

The fundraising ad also carries a text signed „Jhyoti (Jeneane Prevatt)“.

His own website provides much in the way of claims and little fact:

He is a Ambassador for the world’s newest sovereign nation of IMAGINE NATION. He is also an environmental advocate, artist, visionary and think tank. He is a dreamer with a big heart who hopes to bring world peace in his lifetime.  He is also the founder of Our Mother Earth Constitution, The Earth Dollar, The World Youth Summit, International Children’s MonthThe Earth Prince/Princess program and The Imagine Peace Flame Torch Relay.

He became an art pioneer on September 12, 2001, the day after 9/11; David became an artist by founding the Thinkism Art Movement, thus creating the first fine art movement of the 21st century (“known as the socially conscious art movement”). He became a green vision­ary in 2001, producing the world’s first painting about climate change, almost 7 years before Al Gore’s Inconvenient Truth film, called Polar Bear Extinction, shown above in his Extinction Style (“the main subject is left blank on canvas”).

Previously in the 1990s, he was an energy drink pioneer with the Pepsi-Cola Bottling Group. In the late 1990s he became an Internet pioneer, creating the world’s first Internet ordering system by linking his online website to a customized accounting software that was built by a couple of friends.

Artist David Kam is said to be able to use both his right brain and left brain at the same time, perfectly mastering the masculine and the feminine aspect of humanity, which allows him to pursue both creative projects and logical (technological) solutions in harmony with one another.

All these claims thrown together do not quite give the impression of a person quite sound and stable.

Additionally, there are also articles reporting Kam was in legal trouble in Canada and had to delete some of his websites. Other articles mention Kam badly failed in organising a concert which he before seems to have been trumpeting with much fanfare.

Kam intends to go all the way with the alternative stuff and is the process of establishing “Imagine Nation,” a small, alternative nation inside of Canada with its own real estate. “Ambassador” Kam amuses himself with superlative titles. Currently he is “The Most Nobel David Kam” or “His Grace the Duke David Kam” or occasionally just “The David.” But the sovereign nation business isn’t causing him problems – money is.

Did I read „sovereign nation business“? And money problems once again?
Seeing all this „most noble“ and „ambassador“ and „duke“ stuff, one feels like recommending professional help. On the other hand - „Duke David“? As in …. David Duke?

There is nothing I saw regarding any claim of being a member of an indigenous nation, or of descent. Furthermore, the self-styled artist perhaps is better characterised as a con-artist. As a matter of fact, this happens to be no unique feature in the sovereign citizen movement.

But a person like this, a non-native con-artist, sovereign citizen, hot on titles – and a media contact for some „Indigenous Peoples United Nations“ ? ? ?

Well, if IPUN were reputable - and if they meant at least to keep up as much as a hint of an air of respectability, they'd show Mr Kam the way out and make sure the door does not hit him in the behind. Which is exactly what they did not do.

So out of two persons with IPUN we so far had a closer look at, we got two definite hits: one con-artist, poser, sovereign citizen & supporter of a plastic shame-on's scam, one convicted rapist defaming his victims (see the thread on Robin Paul Denton ).

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: IPUN - Indigenous Peoples United Nations
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2015, 05:21:35 pm »
Next attempt:

Marian Dawn SkyWeaver aka Marian Hartsfield

Hartsfield claims mixed ancestry of African and European background as well as being Cherokee and Blackfoot, e,g, here:

Grandmother Dawn Sky Weaver also known as Rev. Marian D. Hartsfield, DRS and as Kuia Atarangi Tui Tuia/Kuia, Grandmother of the Nation of Waitaha, had served on many organizations NCNW, AIDS Coalition are two, as a steward in many communities and of Mother Earth over the past 60 plus years. Her indigenous American ancestry is Cherokee and Blackfoot. She recently learned that one of her ancestors may have been on the Choctaw rolls. She is of mixed blood African, Native American and Irish.

Apparently, Hartsfield also claims Maori traditions, and is extending her claims to the Choctaw nation.
The site announces Hartsfield as:
One of the 13 Grandmother's and we are the Grandmother's
Grandmother's of the Four Directors Rainbow Tribes Across the World 

Regarding her background:
people throughout the indigenous world: the Seneca, Blackfoot, Lakota, Navaho, Hopi, Mayan, Inca,
Algonquin, Cree, Cherokee, Maori, and others. She is also a Spiritual artist. her messages and
teachings are for people to seek their individual knowledge and story. Her story, her words, and her
walk are of Peace, Love, Truth and Oneness. In war and tragedy she holds the balance. Her energy
and messages are about the now time and about the generations in front of us.   

Although the paragraph is already truncated on the website, we do learn that Hartsfield claims various indigenous American traditions, in particular Seneca, Blackfoot, Lakota, Navaho, Hopi, Mayan, Inca, Algonquin, Cree, Cherokee. Claiming to have been trained in various traditions loudly calls out 'plastic shaman'.

Hartsfield has also made appearances at Nuage events, like this one, the „13th Gathering of Circles“ in 2007:

The flyer promises the audience:
Camping in a beautiful Montana setting – Workshops and Teachings – Pancake Breakfast – Sweet Medicine DanceSweatlodgesPipe CeremonyGive Away - … - Learn from Diverse Traditions and Individuals

Hartsfield did a Nuage-themed workshop there:
Workshops already scheduled: …
Marian SkyWeaver: 'Using the Medicine Wheel in Your Daily Life'

A „Grandmothers Circle the Earth Foundation“ claims to have sent Hartsfield to the World Indigenous Conference as a delegate, with a few more persons:

GCEF/IPPI Delegates to the World Indigenous Conference
Grandmother Robin Youngblood
GCEF Ambassador
Grandmother Dawn SkyWeaver

We have a thread on Robin Youngblood at NAFPS – she is a white person living in Hawaii, claiming Okanagan and selling Lakota ceremonies:   .

Hartsfield has cooperated with „Ambassador“ David Kam before:

Marian Hartsfield (Grandmother Marian Dawn Skyweaver)
Member of the Elders Council and the Environmental Council
An activist for Mother Earth. She spreads indigenous wisdom and understanding

This is one of Hartsfield's colleagues at Mother Earth Trust:

Oona Soleil Fergusson
Member of the Spiritual Council & Wisdom Keepers Council
Life Empowerment Coach

Fergusson meanwhile has married and will appear in the internet with her married name „Leibundgut“ . She promotes resp. cooperates with plastic shaman Jens Lyberth aka Angaangaq (  ) and claims to be a Celtic shame-on herself.

So we see Hartsfield doing seminars, workshops etc as a plastic shame-on, appearing at Nuage events, going to conferences etc as a 'delegate' for Nuage outfits, and claiming to have been taught in various indigenous traditions. What's that spell?

I suppose we've got another 'hit' with Hartsfield, another plastic shame-on exploiting indigenous cultures not only of the Americas, but also the Maori's.

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: IPUN - Indigenous Peoples United Nations
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2015, 11:49:31 pm »
Shore Charnoe

From the Google research, I was not able to establish any tribal affiliation for Charnoe – there is non mentioned. However, in a video published at Circle For Change facebook site (June 15, 2015) she claims „Lakota“. On the other hand, the info section of CFC says:
Shore Charnoe, founder of The Circle for Change, is a Métis woman in her fourth stage of life.

However, the same info text also states that Charnoes husband is Lakota.

Her LinkedIn profile gives her the titles of „Representative/Ambassador of the Indigenous Peoples United Nations (IPUN)“. Present employment is said to be with IPUN and „The Circle For Change“, while previous employment was with „Brant Family and Children's Services (Native Services Branch)“

Charnoe is a member Four Winds International Institute run by Phil Lane Jr. (   ):

Circle For Change has a website which is still under construction, and a facebook site:

We offer mentoring, classes, & presentations for all ages for grief & trauma resolution, nature connection, wilderness skills, and Indigenous teachings.

CFC also promotes IPUN via their facebook site, and IPUN in turn „liked“ CFC.

Charnoe also does seminars:

Creating a Drum for Community Connection
Friday January 16th - Sunday January 18th, 2015

Spend a snowy winter weekend inside by a warm fire, learning traditional drum teachings over 3 days with Shore Charnoe from The Circle For Change.

Through the creation and birthing of your own 12" hand drum you will be given an introduction to the making and use of the drum. Shore will be offering teachings about grief and trauma processing, and we will use some of our own living examples. Healing circles will be given. We will discuss how to create bridges between cultures, individuals, and communities, with an intention for connecting, healing, teaching, and sharing.

Maximum 20 participants
$400 fee includes the drum-making materials & 2 nights' accommodation
$200 deposit required to secure your spot (can be paid through e-transfer (to or PayPal - specify "drum-making workshop deposit for [your name]" on this page - )

Participants are to provide tobacco for personal offerings.
Donations are welcomed for teachings provided.
For more information:

There isn't much in the way of Google results on Charles T. Ratt except that he is Anishnabe.

The last member mentioned as one of the current IPUN directors is a certain Luigi (Louis) Coretti. This could be an interesting addition to the board.

However, according to the results I found, Coretti, David Kam, and Charles Ratt seem to have common business interests:

Federal Corporation Information - 7046316

Corporation Number
Business Number (BN)
Governing Legislation
Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act - 2015-02-10
Corporate Name






Corporate Name History
1. 2008-09-17 to 2013-02-21
7046316 CANADA INC.
2. 2013-02-21 to 2014-06-16
2013-02-21 to 2014-06-16
3. 2014-06-16 to 2015-02-10
7046316 CANADA INC.
4. 2015-02-10 to Present
2015-02-10 to Present

According to newspaper articles presented, there are several reporting Coretti has been arrested several times for committing fraud. Re-arrests occured e.g. because he defied court orders to refrain from attempts to influence witnesses prior to his court trial:

So, out of five directors, we got one indigenous person, two with a dubious background - Hartsfield aand Charnoe, and two non-native persons one of whom is a con-artist and jack-of-all-scam-trades with a multitude of organisations founded, and the other seems to be a fraud.

Plus an ambitious addition who sits in the council of a nation he says he does not belong to, while claiming a nation which ceased to exist long ago, and being in cahoots with so well-known a fraud and con-artist as Tecumseh Brown Eagle. Nice family, innit?

Offline AClockworkWhite

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Re: IPUN - Indigenous Peoples United Nations
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2015, 01:27:32 am »
Anyone ever seen branches go through a wood chipper? That's kinda like what Ingeborg just did here. I will start calling these people "mulch" or "potential mulch" before this happens.
I came here for the popcorn and stayed for the slaying of pretenders.

Offline Sachem Laster

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Re: IPUN - Indigenous Peoples United Nations
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2015, 12:57:41 pm »
My deepest thanks to this group, this is the real information I came looking for.

I know nothing about these people, and my own search effort have turned up little, but raised my suspicions .

The question for me now is, what do I do now?

Offline loudcrow

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Re: IPUN - Indigenous Peoples United Nations
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2015, 01:01:06 pm »

Offline Sachem Laster

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Re: IPUN - Indigenous Peoples United Nations
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2015, 04:53:36 pm »
Sadly the IPUN has become an organization worth saving, question is how.

The UN is involved with the group, several members of the UN are now part of the core groups secret page on facebook, and helped to organize the charter signing in San Fransisco. A number of large indigenous organizations has joined or are in the process of joining. It really is becoming a worldwide organization for indigenous people, and one that could do much good.

They have even worked some with Chief Arvol Looking Horse and he referred to the IPUN in a speech he gave.

“We received news today, June 21st, that a U.N. Declaration is being taken today to the Secretary General of the U.N. calling for an establishment of an Indigenous United Nations to reflect the accumulation of thousands of years of knowledge, and for the protection of future generations. In addition, they attached a proclamation of the ‘vision of Arvol Looking Horse and his World Peace and Prayer Day’ with an emphasis ‘to exhibit concern for all life and to pray for global healing’ and to proclaim the ‘importance of caring for sacred sites.’

What the IPUN needs is real leaders like Chief Arvol Looking Horse in the IPUN leadership who have the support of tribes and the recognition to make it a real force for change.

Offline AClockworkWhite

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Re: IPUN - Indigenous Peoples United Nations
« Reply #7 on: July 22, 2015, 05:24:40 pm »
You mean the IPUN needs to be legitimized by actual Natives to hold any weight. The NCAI already exists and also has little real power.
I came here for the popcorn and stayed for the slaying of pretenders.

Offline Sachem Laster

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Re: IPUN - Indigenous Peoples United Nations
« Reply #8 on: July 22, 2015, 05:37:14 pm »
Some have given their all to help create the IPUN.

Mr.R.Thangmawia, President, ZoRO Zo Reunification Organization was a friend and a supporter of forming an Indigenous UN

He left his home on July 15, 2015 to attend Session of the UNEMRIP (UN Expert Mechanism on the Rights of the Indigenous Peoples) at Geneva, Switzerland on July 20 to 24, 2015 as a representative of both the Zo people and the IPUN.

Unfortunately, on July 20, 2015 at 12:45 pm (Indian Standard Time) he was found in a lodging Hotel called M/S John Knox Center, Geneva, collapsed in the bath room unconscious, while on their way to hospital he passed away.

ZoRO is a massive organization spanning several countries, yet President Thangmawia was able to rally the group and meet the UN deadline with unanimous support. ZoRO held a Charter Signing Ceremony in Asia at the same time as the one in San Francisco was being held.

He will be missed greatly by his people and those whose lives he touched.

People like President Thangmawia have made it a  legitimate organization, regardless of who started it, and so it deserves to exist and deserves real leaders at its helm.

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: IPUN - Indigenous Peoples United Nations
« Reply #9 on: July 22, 2015, 06:02:19 pm »
Mr Laster, the UN has often before given ample proof that they a) rather don't know their behinds from a hole in the ground as far as indigenous peoples and issues are concerned, b) they don't give a flying one about that, and c) have apparently managed to avoid getting valid info on whom they are co-operating with so far and presumably will continue in the same spirit.

So no matter what some person in Geneva may have said (so far we only have a biased account of this) - IPUN is an outfit of white con-artists, frauds, a few alt-med types, and loads of pretendians. And yes, I found a few more pretendians in their ranks.

This certainly does not make IPUN an organisation which needs to be preserved - quite the contrary happens to be necessary. These people are doing lots of damage to real indigenous persons and nations, and they are doing this not to assist indigenous nations, but for their own profit and rep. I would certainly be able to come up with a nice piece of my mind on shameless scammers like this IPUN crowd, but we happen to be a family-friendly forum, so unfortunately I cannot voice my opinion in all due detail.


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Re: IPUN - Indigenous Peoples United Nations
« Reply #10 on: July 22, 2015, 06:19:18 pm »
Mr. Laster, I am having a real problem with the quote from you above (not your writing, I realize):

“We received news today, June 21st, that a U.N. Declaration is being taken today to the Secretary General of the U.N. calling for an establishment of an Indigenous United Nations to reflect the accumulation of thousands of years of knowledge, and for the protection of future generations. In addition, they attached a proclamation of the ‘vision of Arvol Looking Horse and his World Peace and Prayer Day’ with an emphasis ‘to exhibit concern for all life and to pray for global healing’ and to proclaim the ‘importance of caring for sacred sites.’

A U.N. Declaration is a far cry from the UN granting a charter to an organization for NGO (non-governmental organization) status, so does the above quote even refer to IPUN? 

Also, the U.N. has already issued a Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People in 2007:

and they have an entire framework inside the UN working on indigenous issues:

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Re: IPUN - Indigenous Peoples United Nations
« Reply #11 on: July 22, 2015, 07:06:32 pm »
Please stop posting false statements and misrepresenting sources, Mr. Laster. There is nothing in that opinion piece you linked to about Chief Lookinghorse working with your group.

Because Lookinghorse sends out a proclamation every year, inviting all people, of all Nations, to pray for peace wherever they may live, many unscrupulous people have tried to misrepresent that as an invitation to invade Lakota lands or go to wherever Chief Lookinghorse is and bother him. It's not that kind of invitation. It is merely a request that all people pray for peace. That so many take advantage of this and twist his words is anything but peaceful.

Sadly the IPUN has become an organization worth saving, question is how.

The UN is involved with the group, several members of the UN are now part of the core groups secret page on facebook, and helped to organize the charter signing in San Fransisco. A number of large indigenous organizations has joined or are in the process of joining. It really is becoming a worldwide organization for indigenous people, and one that could do much good.

They have even worked some with Chief Arvol Looking Horse and he referred to the IPUN in a speech he gave.

“We received news today, June 21st, that a U.N. Declaration is being taken today to the Secretary General of the U.N. calling for an establishment of an Indigenous United Nations to reflect the accumulation of thousands of years of knowledge, and for the protection of future generations. In addition, they attached a proclamation of the ‘vision of Arvol Looking Horse and his World Peace and Prayer Day’ with an emphasis ‘to exhibit concern for all life and to pray for global healing’ and to proclaim the ‘importance of caring for sacred sites.’

What the IPUN needs is real leaders like Chief Arvol Looking Horse in the IPUN leadership who have the support of tribes and the recognition to make it a real force for change.

Offline Sachem Laster

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Re: IPUN - Indigenous Peoples United Nations
« Reply #12 on: July 22, 2015, 08:21:55 pm »
If Chief Lookinghorse was not referring to the IPUN in his speech, my bad, that was what was going around the IPUN group at the time, sorry.

As for saving the IPUN, too many good people from tribes around the world has put too much into it for it to be destroyed by a few bad apples.

In the long run they are insignificant anyway. All they did was kick a ball that was already rolling.

Offline AClockworkWhite

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Re: IPUN - Indigenous Peoples United Nations
« Reply #13 on: July 22, 2015, 08:45:51 pm »
You're working with a bushel of bad apples, guy.
I came here for the popcorn and stayed for the slaying of pretenders.

Offline Sachem Laster

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Re: IPUN - Indigenous Peoples United Nations
« Reply #14 on: July 22, 2015, 09:52:51 pm »

I had my suspicions, but I had no idea it seems!!!