Author Topic: IPUN - Indigenous Peoples United Nations  (Read 57952 times)

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: IPUN - Indigenous Peoples United Nations
« Reply #15 on: July 22, 2015, 11:33:30 pm »
There is another IPUN 'document' circling and published by various websites meanwhile, issued by an alleged „Indigenous Peoples United Nations (IPUN) Provisional Grandmothers and Supporting Women's Council of Mother Earth“ and titled „Declaration & Invitation for Peace and Unity“:

It is signed by a number of persons:
With sincerity, a warm handshake and Blessings to All Our Relations,

Lorain Fox Davis, Cree Métis/Blackfeet, Browning, Montana
Marian Dawn SkyWeaver, Hartsfield, African American, Cherokee, Blackfoot, Irish, USA
Abril Mondragon, Taos Valley of Abya Yala
WaahlGahl Jaad, T’saahl Eagle Clan ~ Haida Nation; guest in Quw’utsun Territory, Canada
Red Clover Cate
Carole Bubar?Blodgett, Penobscot & Lakota
Shannon Kathleen McArthur, Sunshine Sparkling on the Waters
Della Chenier, FireHawk Woman, Algonquin?Ojibwe Métis?Anishinabe Kwe
Barbara Ellen Ries, Tucson, Arizona
Annette Fry, Huguenot, London, UK
Sara Rego, Portugal
Lisa Feldmann, Hesse, Germany
Ruby Sofia Karen Clarke, Chicago, Illinois
Shalahnia Kathleen Kimberling, Seneca Deer Clan, Cherokee, Irish, Welsh
Zhyfhs Millicent
Lynda Lea Henriksen, Brantford, Ontario
Cha Wakon Washtey Weon, Grandmother Shore Charnoe

We had a look at Marian Hartsfield and Shore Charnoe before. Charnoe this time is mentioned with an ndn name which I suspect is Lakota (as she claims Lakota), but the spelling does not look very proper: „Cha Wakon Washtey Weon“.

Others were not quite easy to google, so e.g. Annette Fry/London and Lisa Feldmann/Hesse. In both cases, there are several persons going by these names, and so it is hard to decide which one may be the one involved. But others rendered quite a wealth of results:

Lorain Fox Davis aka Lorraine Fox Davis

There are e.g. two articles in the local paper of her home town Creston, Colorado:

September 11, 2011 | Filed under: Spiritual Centers

The Heart of the Sacred Circle
by Gussie Fauntleroy

Lorain Fox Davis has met and worked with indigenous leaders around the world. She has helped scores of young people gain their footing in life through immersion in Native American teachings and the natural world. She has been a consultant with other youth programs, taught Native Studies at Naropa University in Boulder and shared her knowledge as an indigenous elder at many cross-cultural gatherings. She has also raised seven children, is a painter and a published poet, has earned an international environmental award and won a Grammy for an album of healing music that includes songs she sings in the Incan and Blackfeet languages.

Yet everything Lorain has done, and does, is connected like spokes on a wheel to a central point: the ancient earth-based teachings of her Native roots. And through a larger circle that also connects to the same central point, these teachings echo the essence of wisdom traditions around the world.

Now 73, Lorain (the Native spelling of her birth name, Lorraine) has retired from many of the activities that have fueled her passion and engaged her energy over the years. But in her vibrant yet unpretentious manner she continues to share her knowledge and that of other elders, bringing together people of all backgrounds in the spirit of thanksgiving, prayer, healing and growth. In particular, Lorain continues to teach about the Medicine Wheel as a tool for regaining personal and collective balance, and to host solstice and equinox gatherings at the Medicine Wheel just south of her home. (See sidebar for details on the Sept. 25 Medicine Wheel gathering.)

Raised in Montana and other parts of the West, Lorain was largely cut off during childhood from the Blackfeet and Cree culture of her mother’s family. Her mother spent 12 years in a government boarding school where she learned through fear to suppress all expressions of her Native background, and Lorain’s Cree grandmother was an orphan who often apologized for not being able to offer her granddaughter much about the old ways.

In her 30s, Lorain prayed for a teacher to guide her into reconnection with her roots. She met a Lakota woman named Irma Bear Stops, whom she describes as a remarkable teacher. “She took me into the very center of Lakota spirituality,” Lorain relates. For seven years she danced next to Irma at a Sun Dance on Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota.

In 1983, Lorain and her husband, David Davis, moved to Crestone to run the Aspen Institute’s Sangre de Cristo Health Program; David is a Rolfer and Lorain is trained in various forms of energy healing work, which she continues through a small private practice today. Not long after settling here, Lorain was talking with Manitou Institute founder Hanne Strong, who asked what Lorain would do with her extra time, now that her children were grown. Lorain told Hanne of a vision she’d had while on a vision quest:  She saw children of all races playing together on a hillside, with tipis behind them. Hanne responded by telling Lorain about a program called Rediscovery.

On an island off the British Columbia coast, Rediscovery was established in 1978 as a camp for troubled Native and non-Native youth and adults suffering from deep cultural conflict over logging and other issues. The program incorporated the wisdom of Haida elders and the healing qualities of wilderness immersion, facilitating remarkable changes among participants. Lorain asked the group’s founder to visit Crestone, and the organization’s second camp, Rediscovery Four Corners, was begun here in 1985. Today there are more than two-dozen Rediscovery wilderness camps in Canada, the United States and around the globe.

For nine years Lorain ran Rediscovery Four Corners. She raised funds so all camp participants—Native and non-Native, from the San Luis Valley and elsewhere—could take part free of charge. The annual two-week program included four days in the high country and instruction and guidance from Native teachers, environmental education consultants and others. “It was a wonderful program,” Lorain says. With growing commitments, Lorain was no longer able to run the program, which was discontinued. She still consults, however, with many Native American leaders developing youth programs on their reservations.
Among the most influential and inspiring Native figures who came to Crestone each summer to work with the young people was Chief Arvol Looking Horse. This spring Lorain gifted the Lakota chief with the non-profit status that had belonged to Rediscovery Four Corners, so it can be used for a cultural immersion program he is developing in South Dakota for Native youth. Lorain also continues to travel with Chief Looking Horse as an indigenous ambassador with World Peace and Prayer Day. Looking Horse founded the annual event in 1995 following a vision he had of people gathering to pray for peace and the protection of sacred sites around the world.

Over the years Lorain also has brought people together for activities including Medicine Wheel gatherings and women’s retreats. She is a recipient of Subud International’s International Environmental Harmonious Planet Award, and in 2008 she won a Grammy as a lead vocalist for the album Come to Me Great Mystery: Native American Healing Songs. Her two contributions to the album “are both songs to lead us into our heart,” she explains.

Like the circle that expands ever outward yet retains its true center, Lorain has studied the ancient teachings of many cultures, including the deepest wisdom in Hinduism, Buddhism and Christianity. In all of them, she finds the same essential core. “I think a great deal of what this time is about is these wisdom teachings uniting all of us,” she reflects. “I’m very interested in prophesies from various cultures. So many people speak about the same things at this time: We all have a choice, and for the future generations we must choose to return to a more natural way of living. The imbalance is what we have caused, through arrogance and greed.”

One valuable tool for finding balance is the sacred circle or Medicine Wheel, whose use since ancient times is evident in stone circles dating back thousands of years in various parts of the world. “Within the circle we are one. There is a place for everything in the circle, and no one thing is more important than the other,” Lorain observes. “We are all essential, we are all precious. Indigenous people around the world have known and lived like this, and they still hold this wisdom.”

“With all our different ways of viewing life, the basic teachings of all the indigenous people I’ve met are the same,” she continues, speaking in a quiet, straightforward manner, yet with deep warmth. “Respect. Humility. Compassion. Gratitude. It’s these simple steps that will lead us to the center of the circle, and the center of the circle for each of us is our heart. And the center of the Great Wheel of Life is Spirit.”

So we learn that Fox Davis claims Cree and Blackfeet (probably Blackfoot, and not the Sihasapa= Blackfeet who are part of the Lakota nation), but wasn't raised in these cultures. Instead the taught at Naropa Institute (cf our thread on Naropa:   ), she 'teaches' the Medicine Wheel. Her husband David is a Rolfer; she was trained in various forms of energy healing work which she sells in a private practice. Fox Davis thus mixes indigenous traditions with Buddhism and Nuage methods. 

Another article in the same newspaper with some more info:
Event to honor Lorain Fox Davis
Event Details
Lorain Fox-Davis, a widely respected Native American teacher who has held the sacred space here for more than 20 years, will be honored at Shumei International Institute on September 22. Lorain and her husband David Davis have impacted this community in lasting, heartfelt ways and this will be an opportunity to thank them..

Lorain, a Cree/Blackfeet Elder, taught Native American Studies at Naropa University in Boulder for nine years. She was the Founder/Director of Rediscovery Four Corners, for thirty years. Rediscovery was a non-profit organization serving Native American youth and elders, as well as Rediscovery Wilderness Leadership Programs for Native and non-Native youth, which operated out of Crestone for ten years and included many adolescents from here. For sixteen years Lorain served as an Indigenous Ambassador with Chief Arvol Looking Horse for World Peace and Prayer Day at sacred sites around the world with traditional spiritual leaders. She was an Indigenous Representative at the Eagle and Condor Gatherings at Lima, Machu Pichu and the upper Amazon in Peru, and recipient of an international environmental award. For three years she was a guest speaker at the International Buddhist Compassion Conference in Telluride, CO and for ten years she was a board director of Haidkhandi Universal Ashram in Crestone. Lorain has worked and studied with numerous traditional spiritual teachers worldwide. Her primary teachers were Haidakhand Babaji; Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche and Adzom Rinpoche, Tibetan Dzogchen Masters; Chief Looking Horse, Lakota Keeper of the White Buffalo Calf Pipe; Lama Tsultrim Allione, Director of Tara Mandala; Irma Bear Stops, Lakota Elder; and Tlakaelel, Aztec Elder.

Lorain had a private practice with a wide spectrum of healing modalities. She is a published poet, an artist and is a Grammy Award winner for Best Native American Music Album, Native American Healing Songs: Come To Me Great Mystery. She is a frequent presenter at indigenous and spiritual conferences on the underlying truths shared by all the great wisdom traditions of the world. A great-grandmother, she has seven children and eighteen grandchildren and, until recently, lived in Crestone for thirty years with her husband David, where they were the guardians of the Sacred Circle Medicine Wheel.

Her husband David Davis understands the principle of alignment in his work with structural integration and the lodge. David is a true partner, a lodge leader himself and water-pourer. He truly respects the interface between heaven and earth with his passion for the land, our watershed, and the creatures and habitat.
Lorain has generously shared her accumulated wisdom. In the sweat lodge it was her voice that will stay with us. That precious voice hastened us into the lodge. As we sat in a circle in the dark, as water was poured on the heated rocks and the smell of sweet grass penetrated our pores, she guided us in the songs and led us in prayers that led us deeper into the mystery and showed us the right relationship to the elements. We have gone through the change of seasons with her, prayed for her when she was ill. Her intrinsic respect for all life, for Mother Earth and Father Sun, the Creator, with compassion and reverence for all beings and the sacredness of life has been instilled in us.

As we see, Fox Davis meanwhile seems to have been promoted to an elder status with the Cree and Blackfeet..., and to ambassador status by Arvol Looking Horse (I wouldn't be surprised if this happened to be complete news to Mr Looking Horse). On the other hand, she claims Tlakaelel, a well-known fraud and seller of ceremony, as her teacher (our thread on Tlakaelel:   ). And Mr Davis apparently is a seller of ceremony, too.

Fox Davis is also part of the Four Worlds International Institute of Phil Lane Jr. And has a profile there:

Here are some excerpts from an interview with Fox Davis:

Buddhism & Native American Practices
Interview with Lorain Fox Davis and Lama Tsultrim Allione on
(originally appeared in Inquiring Mind;

My path spans both Native American and Tibetan spirituality. On my mother’s side, I’m Cree and Blackfeet-Cree from Canada and Blackfeet from Montana. I studied for many years with a traditional Lakota teacher, Irma Bear Stops. While it is rare for women to Sundance, Irma was a very respected Sundancer. Although I wasn’t Lakota, she introduced me to Lakota spirituality and I was honored to dance by her side for seven years at Pine Ridge, South Dakota. My husband and our oldest son danced there also. My son and one of our daughters have returned to our Blackfeet ways and they Sundance in Montana. It is a challenging and humbling, yet deeply harmonious way of life to follow these traditions based in nature and the elements. We all need to come back in balance with our ancient connections with Mother Earth.

There is a great similarity between Native American spirituality and the Tibetan Buddhist teachings of compassion and respect for every living creature. This respect for all life is what I learned from my Cree grandmother when I was a child.

My note: Wasn't this the Cree grandmother who was said to havre apologised ever so often for not being able to pass on much about the old ways? Ah so.
There are many Tibetan teachers who come through here and I try to attend their sessions. They are grounded in the environment, and they have ceremonies similar to ours of burning cedar to invite and honor the spirits-the spirits of the mountains, the spirits of the water, the Elemental Beings and the great Thunderbird who brings the rains of purification and regeneration. The spiritual power of thunder and lightning is central to both Native and Buddhist traditions. These ancient traditions hold that Thunder Beings are the spiritual and physical manifestations of Spirit.
The underlying theme in Native American spirituality, as well as most Indigenous spirituality, is to honor the sacredness of the great circle of life. Sacred circles, medicine wheels, and mandalas are images that direct us to the center of our being, to the truth of who we are. Within the sacred circle of “everything that is” we begin to remember our relationship with all life. We recognize our relationship with Father Sun and Mother Earth and the Great Spirit, Creator. It becomes obvious that we are all related brothers and sisters in one great family, not just our human family. The Indian Elders say, ” we must remember also the four footed, those who swim and those who fly, those who crawl and those who move very slowly like the stone people and all the green and growing things”. Within this sacred circle we are one. What we do effects everyone, everything. These great teachings remind us of our responsibility to care for all life. In our pursuit of progress and comfort we have separated ourselves from our place in this great circle. Earth traditions bring us back in harmony and balance within the circle.

The Sundance of the Plains Indians is the center of our spiritual traditions. It is a ceremony of sacrifice and thanksgiving honoring the sacredness of the circle of life. From sunup to sundown, each day for four days they dance and fast-without food, or water. Each day the four major races of people are prayed for; children, adolescents, adults and elders are prayed for; those who swim, fly, crawl, the green and growing things, and the stone people are prayed for; each of the four sacred directions, the powers of those directions, and the elements are prayed for. Everything is brought together in the circle, all living things are danced and sung for. In the center of the circle is the Tree of Life, {the axis mundi, that which connects the heavens and earth}; and the people dance around her. They dance and sing and focus on “all our relations, and our humble place in the circle of life”. For four days the dancers pray for all of creation first, before they include themselves. The Lakota end all prayers with ” O MITAKUYE OYASIN” meaning “I do this for all my relations (or all sentient beings).”

Ms Fox Davis also participates in Nuage congresses, e.g.:

The doc provides info material for a „Sacred Earth Conference“ in Crestone, Colorado, at Colorado College, May 19-21, 2008

Some of the persons presented:

Paul Winter (musician)

Martin Gray - „Martin Gray is an anthropologist and photographer specializing in the study of sacred sites and pilgrimage traditions around the world.

John P. Milton - „... is a pioneering ecologist, spiritual teacher, meditation master, vision quest leader and shaman. His nature solo and shamanic work began in the mid-1940s after experiencing his first solo in natureat the age of seven.“ „... Tantric, Vedantic and Shamanic traditions

Nick Standing Bear - „... is a pipe holder for two Nations (Lakota and Apache). He has founded along with Becky Donlan, the none-profit[sic] organization, Native American Research and Preservation, Inc. … Bear is the Keeper of the Sacred Fire for the South Park Sundance. He is an avid Native American historian and runs sweat lodges for prisoners in the federal prison system.“

David Crowe, ethnobotanist, aroma therapy

Hanne Strong - „Presentation regarding the importance of and plight of sacred sites and how Manitou has preserved lands in  around Crestone“
„Hanne Marstrand Strong is President of the Manitou Foundation, a non-profit organization founded in 1988 to assist Mrs. Strong in her philantrophic interests, chiefly to establish the most complete ecumenical and sustainable community in North America, set in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, The Baca Grande. […] Mrs Strong has founded numerous non-profit organizations for Native Americans, handicapped and homeless children. She has worked extensively with Native Americans and other indigenous peoples in their struggle for the preservation of their spiritual and cultural values, and she has received spiritual training from North and South American Shamans, Tibetan Buddhist Lamas, Hindu masters and other indigenous Shamans from around the world.“

Maria Mondragon-Valdez, Ph.d
„... is an activist working on Mexican land grants and local environmental issues.

Ken Frye – archaelogist, of Cherokee and Choctaw heritage.

Christine Canaly – public lands advocate.

Paul Shippee - „group facilitator and specializes in non-violent communication, teaching this technique to Buddhist and other groups.“

Lorain Fox-Davis - „leading prayer circle“
„She taught Native American Studies at Naropa University for nine years. … For the past eleven years she has traveled with Chief Arvol Looking Horse as an International Cultural Elder for World Peace and Prayer day.“

Roer Wharton - „leading prayer circle“
„... he has explored many other spiritual traditions and is especially interested in Native American spirituality and the Way of the Tao. Roger is open to all spiritual paths... His doctorate is in Sacred Ecology and the Christian Nature Wisdom Tradition. …. Episcopal priest … campus chaplain at San Jose State University ...“

Ramloti - „leading prayer circle“
„Ramloti, aka Deborah Wood, serves primarily as the pujari or priest of the Haidakhandi Universal Ashram in Crestone, Colorado. She first met Babaji in India in February 1981, while she was working on her master's degree in Psychology. … has sered as president or vice president of the Board of Directors [of the Ashram] for 14 years. .. Her other duties include public relations, outreach and publications.“

Susan Pierce - „Quantum Touch and affirmatie prayer for healing the earth“

There are enough Nuage buzzwords provided for anybody to correctly categorise the event.
But this is rich:
for the past eleven years she has traveled with Chief Arvol Looking Horse as an International Cultural Elder for World Peace and Prayer day

Apparently Fox Davis allowed herself another promotion to an „International Cultural Elder“. Very tradish indeed, Ms Fox Davis, but thanks for writing „pretendian“ on your forehead in very capital letters. It also seems that whatever contact there may have been between Ms Fox Davis resp one of the outfits she worked for and Mr Arvol Looking Horse, this is the basis for the claim of his alleged cooperation with IPUN. This is pure exploitation of Mr Looking Horse's reputation, it's pure colonialism, and it is repulsive.

So we got another definite 'hit' with Ms Fox Davis.

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Re: IPUN - Indigenous Peoples United Nations
« Reply #16 on: July 23, 2015, 08:49:57 pm »
Abril Mondragon

Mondragon, too, is firmly grounded in the Nuage scene, cooperating with several well-known plastics, participating in Nuage congresses and events, doing seminars, and exploiting ceremonies which are not hers.

At the site of Bennie LeBeau (pls see the NAFPS thread:  ), there is an ad for a „Gathering of Elders“ resp. a „Council with Ambassadors of Mother Earth“ in Santa Fe, where Mondragon appears with LeBeau, Adam DeArmon aka „Yellowbird“ (NAFPS thread:  ), and Carl Johan Calleman (NAFPS:  ) who considers himself an expert on Maya world view and propagated catastrophic events were going to happen at Dec 21, 2012 (pls see:   ).

Mondragon is announced as a „Grandmother, from Ranchos de Taos, New Mexico“, and:
Abril will share a Water Blessing from the 2014 international Waitaha Water Ceremony and Conference on Water. She will also speak about Water, Lightning and Mother Earth's Birth. Sacred Waters from around the world will be available...

Mondragon, too, is a member of Phil Lane's FWII:

There is an interesting text on the FWII site in which Mondragon, otherwise emphasising her Latin American roots, uses Lakota terms like 'tiospaye'. On the other hand, she also uses feminism-inspired spellings such as 'wumynhood'. For another term appearing in her text, 'ennerweave', the FWII site produces the only results for it in a Google search.

The text furthermore informs Mondragon is a (presumably regular) participant in a Lakota Sundance, albeit she is not too precise about this.

April Mondragon said:
With gratitude for Phil Lane Jr. in starting this dialogue, Greetings to everyone,
this is long winded, so thank you for your patience to listen.

My service and "purpose"is as a dreamer ( my People do not believe in purpose because it would be like asking a porpoise what it's purpose is)... and caregive this within my tiospaye. Am shy, because i used humility to hide my fear in a world that had no "place" for how am made. However, mi Abuela  Rosa Margueita told me that one day what she caregave to me during my rites of passage into Wumynhood with the "Dreaming Ways", would need to be re-seeded for humanity to re-member how they are naturally made.  Another challenge have had is that english does not have words within it's culture for the infinite macro and micro cosmovision of the dreaming. So with gratitude to those that have helped open the doors to speak in english, and to my teachers who told me to "learn all the "rules of english", and then break them"...for language is the foundation of every culture, and to change culture, we change the meaning of the dominant culture's language.

As a Being of the People, the Ennerweave with Creationing far predates any identity we as humans have come to know ourselves as.

Ennerweave: Balance or marriage of energy, consciousness, or sentient awareness, the inner and interconnection with All Life = birthing of Creationing from non-form into form …
The Ennerweave (dreaming or visioning) is the inner and interconnections we have that is our ancestral ways of knowing perceiving and dialogueing with all life and each other. It has no "boundaries or limitations" in lineal time-space.

Prophecies are the dream-visions that our ancestors lived and could see. We are living these now.
The Ennerwave -Dream-visioning is only one of the 13 senses of the species we call People. When we choose to Live from the awareness of the personal, family, region, planetary, and cosmological dream-visions this becomes personal and collective reality.

Am going to share 2 writings of living dream-visions... am bringing forth great courage to be "seen" and give voice to you because my Life is and am made from the Dreaming, and the very fabric of this Life Way has been broken in many ways due to thousands of years of colonization and liner thought.
the first is from Sundance 2013 and the second is from Fall Equinox 2013 and will become "reality" this April 12th 2014

Three Messages from Sun Dance 2013

When sharing this with my tiospaye, my feelings were that we can find a way to do this... and we did not know how this might come to be...our youngers want to participate in doings and learn all the prophecies that are inclusive of everyone.

about a month later i called my Elder from my Sundance, was sharing with her my gratitude...did not mention the dance vision, then she said to me, "we teach you, because you are going to start a dance" ... i said, "me?, oh no that is so much responsibility" soon as i said this i knew she saw too... we ended our phone conversation and i cried because the world can be very judgemental and is hard to live what is shown.
and then a few months later a "new" Dance was announced, so i contacted the wumyn announcing it. She is from the Butterfly people in Palenque. She saw the vision too. So we are going to do this... for Mother Earth, for all life, for our children, for you... everyone who feels this is invited, we have many Grandmothers and youngers who have responded now.

This is a dance of balance of "masculine and feminine energies". have had many dream-visions confirmations over the years that the feminine and masculine energies are already balancing, balanced, within us ... when we choose to live this, it is so. John Around Him said " When we do it this way, it is so".
With the call of the feminine, we are asked to come forth, to share, to lead ... seeing this means for me that it is in many Ways re-membering how to walk together side by side, dancing with the feminine and masculine energies in a flow that is being guided by our personal and collective knowing.

Mondragon is registered with Spiritual Networks:

This is what Spiritual Networks provide in the way of information regarding themselves:

Spiritual Networks is a social networking site to meet people, make friends, chat online and more!

Founded in June 2010, Spiritual Networks connects more than 1,000,000 like-minded people from around the world on Facebook and Twitter. Spiritual Networks allows you to create profiles, share photos and watch videos. Join 1000s of spiritual authors, chakra healers, intuitive guides, lightworkers, psychic mediums, tarot readers and yoga enthusiasts. Whether you want to make spiritual friends or chat online for free, our quality of membership is second to none.

From this site, Mondragon's further involvement with more plastic shame-ons becomes apparent. She claims co-operation with one „Grandmother Flor de Maya’s“ who I presume is Flordemayo, one of the circle of 13 grandmothers ( ). Other shame-ons mentioned are Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez (NAFPS thread:  ), Don Patricio Dominguez, Sequoyah Trueblood (NAFPS thread:  ), and Mike Two Bears Andrews.

How our TMGC was birthed in Taos.
For many generations the Peoples of Abya Yala -Turtle Island (the americas) have been preparing, care giving and educating others about our ancestral wise ways and knowledge passed from generation to generation through our ceremonies, oral and written Prophecies, and Original Instructions.
December 21, 2012 began the time of our collective agreement and acknowledgement throughout Abya Yala -Turtle Island (the americas) , that this was the end of a 5,125 year age [link to education mayan Prophecy] and the beginning of a new one. This age is the return of feminine energy, wise ways and ushering the return of the Feminine Wise Ways and Authority for the One Great Peace. With the rise of the feminine Yin energy, comes it’s vital Essence and role for balance and harmonious inner and inter-relationships with Mother Earth, All Life, balance with the masculine, ourselves and our Life Ways. Most Matrilineal cultures, acknowledge this feminine authority in matters of Creation, honoring the Earth as our Mother, and that wumyn are, in their embodiment, made just like Her [link to LM's video] in all matters of the Cycles of Life, and Peace.

In New Mexico, local and international Indigenous Elder’s and youngers gathered,
at Grandmother Flor de Maya’s to consciously acknowledge this change spiritually, physically, emotionally, mentally and cosmologically through Ceremony.
Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez, Don Patricio Dominguez, Sequoyah Trueblood, Mike Two Bears Andrews and other men went into prayer together and received the ceremonial vision for the Passing of the Staff of Authority to the Feminine side. Part of this vision was for this “new/old ceremony” to go worldwide, to support and nourish the Grandmothers whom are called to the teaching, healing, caregiving of the Wise Ways and Life Ways of the Feminine.
We are grateful for their untiring dedication throughout their lives to prepare and educate the world for the Feminine’s return.
In February 2013, Grandmother Abril Mondragon was asked by Don Patricio if she would gather a group of grandmothers who would accept this ceremony along with her. Invitations were sent out, not necessarily based on who is most “visible” in our community.
The Vision is inclusive of Grandmothers from All Nations. The Ceremony is now passed to other Grandmothers by the Grandmothers who have have received this Ceremony.
Please view our video documentary[link or embed]
Throughout the year of 2013 the Taos Mountain Grandmothers have gathered in Ceremony and Council in response to the call by Indigenous Grandmothers internationally to re-weave and nourish our Feminine Wise Ways and Life Ways locally and globally. Our second annual passing of the Staff of Authority Ceremony will take place at New Buffalo March 14th 2014
Throughout the last 5125 years, Staffs of the Feminine that were passed with the cultural knowledge and power of the feminine were destroyed due to colonization. Many Wumyn have re-created other types of Staffs. May these Staff’s of Authority be nourished once again and be passed from generation to generation through the matrilineal birth-lines.
If this Ceremony calls to you, please contact us.
Mitakuye Oyas’in – We are all Related.

So another person from the 'grandmothers council' – another hit, revealing a Nuager cooperating with several plastic shame-ons, doing Lakota ceremony, selling seminars and fake ceremonies.

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Re: IPUN - Indigenous Peoples United Nations
« Reply #17 on: July 24, 2015, 12:15:56 am »
what is wrong with these people i can't believe there are people who believe this stuff
In Spirit

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Re: IPUN - Indigenous Peoples United Nations
« Reply #18 on: July 28, 2015, 03:30:58 pm »
Here are two more members of IPUN and IPUN's „provisional grandmothers' circle“:

Shannon Kathleen McArthur

McArthur has her own facebook site:

and a blog:

In a text titled „A Message from Spirit“, McArthur says:

A Message from Spirit
by Shannon McArthur

I’ve mentioned in passing before that I read tarot cards. I didn’t say anything about the role they play in my life. I’m going to try to give you an idea of that today. I’m also going to tell you what started my commitment to the spiritual journey I have chosen, and what I see it to be, or at least I’m going to try. It’s not easy – they say that’s true of things that are worth while so, let’s see how it goes, and if you have comments or questions, I’d love to engage in some dialogue!

Summers in my teen years were spent a lot at Riverside Park, laying in the sun and playing with the boys. Young men, actually. And drinking and smoking and, for the most part, I was blessed not to get in any lasting trouble! There were truths I needed many lessons to learn, and some I didn’t, for many years. One was to limit my alcohol intake! I beat myself up a lot with that stick, both in the doing and in the results of doing!

On the other hand, there is also this:

Part of my journey was spent in profound confusion. I was diagnosed with Clinical Depression and given pills. When I told the doctor about a fluttery feeling around my middle, he gave me more. The feeling went away. I think the medicine made it so I just didn’t care anymore. I was able to function and that was what we were all after. At the time, it seemed the right answer. In retrospect, I feel like 15 years of my life was spent in a fog and it’s taken me 2 years to recover from the cumulative effects of being on antidepressants and I’m still hoping to wake up being able to smell the coffee! Many things resulted from those decisions and one of them is that I was able to continue working for the pension that supports me now. Another part of the path!
We are not meant to accept our fate, our life, as it comes! We are to be challenged by it and we are meant to learn from it and be inspired by it. Clinical Depression helped me know the secret of the Crow Surgeon. If I had not had that profound experience, would I have noticed? Made the connection? If I had not worked for municipal government, would I know of the difficulties of dealing with social problems and how, perhaps, they could be addressed? Maybe I could have learned some other way, but this was my path, the one that was put in front of me and was of my choosing. Even the times when I allowed others to influence my choice, that was my choice, and so it was my chosen path.

And so, here I stand in the middle of my life’s path, looking at what my choices have brought me to – I have spoken of what set me on the path, of some of the rocks that caused wows in it, and now, perhaps its time I talk to you of what I’ve found that helps me choose. It’s hard to think when the brain doesn’t work all that well and so I looked for another way to make decisions. Truthfully, I didn’t trust that I would get the guidance I needed from the people around me – I think I knew instinctively that I needed a special kind of guidance. A deck of tarot cards, MotherPeace, came into my hands and it spoke to my heart.

McArthur is also part of Lane's FWII:

She is also opening her own company propagating altmed methods and ceremony:

Primary Our Heart Gardens include a unique mix of some of the following, depending on needs, location and involvement:
a large area surrounded by living walls where people gather to work, share and play
large parking lot with many stalls converted to growing space with movable planters
a food hub, kitchen(s) and restaurant(s)
artisan studios, so students and mentors can find each other
child, elder and challenged engagement
government services access
rehearsal space
a Sweat Lodge, sauna, Moon Room, bathing facilities
laundry and sewing room
nurse and midwife consultations
clinic space for scheduled visits by specialists and doctors (psychologist, podiatrist, nutritionist, etc.)
alternative health practitioners and estheticians whose free/cost-only services help those in need while they attract new clients, or to practice before moving into their own businesses
composting, soil mixing, and workshops
exercise machines to convert our daily exercise into power (POP = Power of People!!)
offices for planning and administration

McArthur is another newager involved with IPUN, not claiming descent, but still selling ceremony in her enterprise. Additionally, she plans to promote and support alternative medicine types to „attract new clients, or to practice before moving into their own businesses“.

As IPUN does not mention any ethnic affiliation for McArthur, and neither does she claim one, then  why is she an IPUN member and even part of a 'grandmothers' council? McArthur's membership and position – as well as that of more persons – then reveals that IPUN is no organisation by indigenous persons for indigenous persons, it is rather once again 'great white fathers and mothers' who know what's best for their 'red children'. In other words: colonialism. White priviledge. Entitledness.

Della Chenier

Chenier also goes by Fire Hawk Woman. The IPUN declaration claims she was „Algonquin-Ojibwe Métis-Anishinabe Kwe“. One can certainly blow up someone's credits while presenting their alleged affiliation twice – once as „Ojibwe“, and another time as „Anishinabe“.

Chenier apparently did serve on the board of an organisation of Métis women, although briefly, and seems to no longer be a member there:

Metis Women's Circle (cercle Des Femmes Metisses) - Hamilton, ON
Director (2009 - 2010)
Member (pre? 2008 - 2008)

Apart from this, nothing much came up in a research of Chenier. She e.g. does story telling on various events with one Lynda Henriksen (  )
On the other hand, Chenier's Métis roots may perhaps be a fairly recent discovery:

By Della Chenier August 18, 2004 at 12:15:04
i am searching for info on my great-great mamere named Rose Anna Paquette, don't know alot about her except she was born abt: 1845 married an unknown Chevrier man we assume because she had a daughter named Marguerite Ann Chevrier b: abt 1872 in St.Eugene we think. We know Marg.A. Chevrier married Antoine Parent on Nov.22,1886 in Locheel, Ont. We strongly believe she was Metis-Algonquin/Anishinabae. If you have ANY leads that could help it would be much appreciated.

Her phrasing does not quite sound as if she identified as Métis at that point in time.

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: IPUN - Indigenous Peoples United Nations
« Reply #19 on: July 29, 2015, 02:41:57 pm »
Interrelations with Four Worlds International Institute FWII / Phil Lane Jr

Several IPUN board members and members of the „grandmother's council“ are also registered members of Phil Lane Jr.'s „Four Worlds International Institute“. Having a look at the most recent additions to the FWII membership reveals these entries:

p 10 „Lorain Fox Davis, Denver/CO, US“ - joined: Dec 31, 2014,
p 12 „Shore Charnoe, Brantford Ontario/Ca.“ - joined: Dec 14, 2014,
p 12 „Annette Elisabeth Fry, London UK – joined Dec 11, 2014,
p 12 „Ruby Sofia – Asheville NC, US“ - joined Dec 11, 2014,
p 13 Shannon McArthur, Kamloops BC/Ca. - joined Dec 4, 2014

Another member is Abril Mondragon, with her registration dating back to Dec 2, 2013.

Davis, Charnoe, and Modragon are posing as indigenous, McArthur is a white Nuager. Being from London/UK, Fry will most probably be white, too, and the other person going by „Ruby Sofia“ seems to be using an alias for her registriation at FWII as well as with IPUN.

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: IPUN - Indigenous Peoples United Nations
« Reply #20 on: July 31, 2015, 03:39:24 pm »
IPUN head honcho David Kam has more things going than just IPUN. From articles and introductions at various websites, we learn about a few more.

Two of them were already mentioned above:
One is the 'Imagine Concert', announced with some big fanfare for 2010, postponed several times until finally given up in August 2010 – see:

The other was an attempt of creating an alternative currency/stock exchange and acquiring investors via the respective websites. There were a few articles in the Canadian press which more or less repeated Kam's somewhat incoherent whining about being stopped in his tracks, but all of this lastly boiled down to Kam having received court orders to take down two of his websites and to stop looking for investors:

Solicitation of investors on the Internet - David Kam Ordered to Cease Activity
Friday, January 25, 2013

Montréal – On December 19, 2012, at the request of the Autorité des marchés financiers (the "AMF"), the Bureau de décision et de révision (the “Bureau”) prohibited David Kam, E=MC2 Company Inc. and Pôle Nord de l’Amérique inc. from acting as a securities adviser and ordered them to cease any activity in respect of a transaction in securities.

The publication of this press release is the means of service authorized by the Bureau in Decision 2011-019-004  with respect to David Kam, E=MC2 Company Inc. and Pôle Nord de l’Amérique inc.
David Kam, E=MC2 Company Inc. and Pôle Nord de l’Amérique inc. were illegally soliciting investors through several websites in order to distribute securities of E=MC2 Company Inc. and Pôle Nord de l’Amérique inc. The two corporations, for which David Kam acted as the officer, also purported to be a “green stock exchange” without being recognized as such by the AMF.

To ensure compliance with the law and protect the public, the Bureau also ordered David Kam, E=MC2 Company Inc. and Pôle Nord de l’Amérique inc. to cease using websites to conduct illegal distribution activities. It also ordered the closing of the website and the removal of any content promoting illegal distributions without a prospectus on four other websites.

The Bureau also authorized the filing of this decision with the Superior Court. The AMF is concerned that Mr. Kam will not acknowledge Quebec’s jurisdiction over his activities and those of the corporations he controls since he recently attempted to sidestep Québec law. […]

The article provides us with the names of at least two more corporations run by Kam:

Pôle Nord de l’Amérique inc.

Imagine Peace Flame

This was an event supposed to have taken place in 2014 already, from Sep 1 to Sep 21, 2014, with its starting point announced at Victoria Island, Ottawa, and the final station being the United Nations in New York. The site is incomplete but still online.

Apart from the event, it propagates a 'World Unity Drum' to be built by „spiritual healer Chininishech Wawatey (Joseph Wawatie Jr.)“. The main idea for this is credited to one Valerie Booker-Hausmann from Center for Sacred Studies. The site also mentions one 'Grandmother Flordemayo' who is part of the 13 grandmothers' scam.

Center for Sacred Studies e.g. promote an event called „Shamanism Global Summit“ taking place in August 2015 announcing:
During this LIVE online series, 15+ esteemed shamans — including Sandra Ingerman, Oscar Miro-Quesada, Alberto Villoldo, John Perkins, Hank Wesselman, Jill Kuykendall, Jose and Lena Stevens, Christina Pratt and others — will share practical wisdom for accessing guidance, healing and power for more sacred living.

Valerie Booker-Hausmann:

You are invited to join Sphinx Mystery School on our weekly FREE conference call as we explore the mythology and magick of the first continent, also known as Atlantis.

This call will be hosted LIVE at the Center for Sacred Studies in Guerneville, CA.

If you would like to attend our circle in person we are requesting $11.11 +more donation/per person...

All proceeds will go to the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers and Center for Sacred Studies programs!

This is an opening homage to Crystal Skull "Einstein" the Skull of Consciousness who will be joining Valerie Booker-Hausmann and the Center for Sacred Studies with his keeper Carolyn Ford on the weekend of March 28th-30th!

We will be joined on the call by a special guest, Katya Amanae Napzok who will be leading us on a guided meditation to remember our earth heritage and soul's own memory of this time.

Then, we will have an opportunity to clear any old programs that no longer serve from these times with a simple and gentle Thetahealing meditation with Zin Uru.

We will open the floor for a group discussion and community clarification, to explore deeper any questions or insights that arise.

The call will be recorded and available for listen and download on Bandcamp for those who cannot attend!

Visit to tune in with past calls, receive oracle readings, and more!

'Join' this event to receive call information and instructions on how to operate in our Sphinx Mystery School portal!

In La'akech! 

So the Center for Sacred Studies and Ms Valerie Booker-Hausmann are into Nuage and plastic shamanism up to their neck and thus, one is tempted to add, make ideal bed-fellows for David Kam and his multiple scams.

Although the „Imagine Concert“ failed in 2010 already, this site has an – albeit empty – section for another (?) „Imagine Concert“:

A further bio provides a few more enterprises Kam has founded, co-founded etc:

David Kam
Ambassador David Kam is representing the new sovereign country of The Borderless Land of Imagine Nation, Founder of Earth Dollar, Cofounder of the World Youth Summit, Cofounder of International Children’s Month, Founder and Co-Creator of Our Mother Earth Constitution, Director of Concert for Japan, Owner of Art Lovers, Owner of LOHAS, and Artist & Founder of the Thinkism Art Movement.
The Earth Dollar known as "a universal living currency" is a printed cryptocurrency in alliance with Bitcoin, Litecoin, and other cryptocurrencies. The new printed currency is backed by physical commodities to bring in a "New Living Economic System". It will allow people to buy products and services in brick and mortar stores without the need of an Internet connection.
Our Mother Earth Constitution creates a non-political borderless nation that exists everywhere on planet Earth and beyond called IMAGINE NATION. The new nation is not based on geo-political borders, but based on common shared values: of peaceful co-existence, the protection of Mother Earth for future generations and on a shared purpose to help one another. Anyone can become a citizen of IMAGINE NATION that shares the above said values by simply signing up to become a citizen for free. People do not have to abandon their current country citizenships because IMAGINE NATION acts as a dual citizenship system; people just have to add a secondary citizenship to their status. […]

International Children's Month

Founders and council
Heidi Little was standing in her kitchen when she heard " Make International Children's Month". She couldn't believe there wasn't already a month declared to children so she went to google, no children's month ? So she phoned her fellow council member and director of children's activities for Honoring The Circle Nancy Hummingbird and said " Nancy I have been instructed to create and launch International Children's Month and there isn't one yet, what do you say we do it for May 2014 will you help me ?" and Nancy responds, "Heidi when spirit gives us something to do we don't wait until May 2014 we do it now. June is coming up next. Let's launch it for June. June is International Children's Month". Heidi took it to Mrs Katie, her Pre K teaching colleague and it was grounded into reality that day with International Children Imagine Peace 2013. And so here we are. Heidi created the website, and holds space 24 hours a day 7 days a week for the children of the world to live happy, healthy, love filled, abundant, lives. From Heidi " I have no idea how to do this. I  am. We are. " And that dear friends. Is the story. Love and light to the children of earth, for they are our future, and we borrow this planet from them. We swear our life to the light and the earth. And to the children. Heidi is a lifetime singer/songwriter hear here:  her conscious clothing company is One Clothing Unify   [...]

Heidi Little~ ICM Director/ Co founder, Singer-songwriter transformational pop/rock, Teacher, Honoring The Circle, FLOW Designer/Implementer/Workshop artist and owner One Clothing Unify
Shannon Crossbear - ICM Co Founder/ Co Director/ Story Teller/ Program Designer/ Teacher/ Strong Heart Resource Development.
Bob Challenger ~ ICM Wave of Love Ambassador/ Honoring The Circle, Earth Day, Hug Niagara, The Peace House
Nancy Hummingbird ~ Honoring The Circle Program and Event Director
David Kam ~ Imagination / Earth Princess/ Mother Earth Constitution/Think tank artist

Honoring The Circle~

Shannon Crossbear / Strong Heart Resource Development, International Children's Month Co Founder/Program Designer, Honoring The Circle Council member, Story teller, Ojibwe Grandmother, Water keeper.

[The photo shown next to Crossbear's intro shows several persons, there is „Elk Medicine“ written on it]

Nancy Hummingbird/ Honoring The Circle Activities Director, International Children's Month Co founder, Rainbow Corn Grower, Magical.   

Ambassador David Kam Imagine Nation/Torch relay/Earth Dollar/ Earth Prince and Princess Program. Co founder International Children's Month, Our Mother Earth

Bob Challenger: One of the founder's of Earth Day, now our campaign manager for the Children's Global Wave of Love 2014 and on, into Hug Niagara or Niagara hug. June 21st, every year at 1: 11 pm in every time zone, Children Across the Globe Collectively intentioning Love Care and Respect for All Children on earth.

The Earth Constitution

with sub-rackets: Earth Passport, Earth Princess / Earth Prince
Head honcho and top founder once again David Kam.

What is rich is that they dare mention the late William Commanda as a co-founder. Since they gie precise dates for Commanda – Nov 11, 1913 – Aug 3, 2011), the site presumably was constructed at a point in time when he had already passed. This is exploiting the reputation of a deceased well-known elder who cannot protest the abuse of his name.

Among the other co-founders mentioned are:
Francine Payer – Anishnabe Kwe, Metis of Algonkin, Abenaki and Viking descendants
Dominique Rankin aka T8aminik Rankin – hereditary chief and medicine man, name: Kapiteotak
Marie-Josée Tardif – was given a sacred pipe...
Grandfather Jacob Wawatie - „tribal and spiritual elder, founder/director of Kokomville Academy“; he also has a LinkedIn profile (  ) and participates in a LinkedIn group called „Pachamama Alliance“
Grandmother Louise Wawatie
and Solomon Wawatie
Joseph Wawatie Jr – he also participates in the „Imagine Peace Flame“ scam where they also mention an alias as „Chininishech Wawatey“ (  ).

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: IPUN - Indigenous Peoples United Nations
« Reply #21 on: July 31, 2015, 03:56:14 pm »
Here again as a list of enterprises which Kam founded or participates/d in:

Imagine Concert 2010
Pole Nord de #'Amérique inc.
Green Stock Exchange
Imagine Peace Flame
Imagine Concert 2014
Borderless Land of Imagine Nation
Earth Dollar
World Youth Summit
International Children's Month
Our Mother Earth Constitution
Concert for Japan
Art Lovers
Thinkism Art Movement

Plus a list of persons affiliated to these entreprises resp cooperating with them resp Kam:

Luigi (Louis) Coretti,
Marian Dawn SkyWeaver Hartsfield
Charles (Chucky) T. Ratt
Shore Charnoe aka  Cha Wakon Washtey Weon

Lorain Fox Davis
Abril Mondragon
WaahlGahl Jaad
Red Clover Cate
Carole Bubar-Blodgett
Shannon Kathleen McArthur
Della Chenier, FireHawk Woman
Barbara Ellen Ries
Annette Fry
Sara Rego
Lisa Feldmann
Ruby Sofia Karen Clarke
Shalahnia Kathleen Kimberling
Zhyfhs Millicent
Lynda Lea Henriksen

Valerie Booker-Hausmann
Heidi Little
Nancy Hummingbird
Shannon Crossbear
Bob Challenger
Francine Payer
Tsering Dolma Gyaltang
Dominique Rankin (T8aminik Rankin)
Marie-Josée Tardif
Cristobal Cotji
Jacob Wawatie
Louise Wawatie
Solomon Wawatie
Joseph Wawatie aka Chininishech Wawatey
Romola Casantha Thumbadoo
Abbey Neidik
Irene Angelico
ODouce Morand
Giuliana Riveira
Priyam Basu
Srichandan Jaiswal

Offline educatedindian

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Re: IPUN - Indigenous Peoples United Nations
« Reply #22 on: August 20, 2015, 11:45:00 pm »
Received this email from a friend and associate of Lorain Fox Davis, stating she is quite elderly and not online, but wanted to be clear she has nothing to do with IPUN anymore, and her name was added without her permission.

She, and he, do defend her earlier actions. That's included also. Bolding is mine.


Hello! My name is John and I am a friend and occasional technical assistant of Mrs. Lorain Fox Davis. She was recently notified of an interesting string of articles and speculation....

However, she asked me to contact you (as she is an elderly woman who understands little of computers) to have her removed from this discussion.

I understand from reading the post that you have done some research regarding the IPUN organization and Mrs. Davis' association with it. However, Lorain didn't give them permission to use her name in the manifesto that she is purportedly a founding member of.

At no time did Mrs. Davis sign this document, and we feel that not only was she looped into a document and organization she had little influence upon, we are also concerned about the defamation regarding her roots and character in the blog post.

Since you have not actually traced her roots back to her lineage, the comments you make are purely speculative and also inaccurate.

Further, she has left the IPUN "Grandmothers Circle" as she does not herself subscribe to its policies or affiliates and will be removed from further iterations of the supposed "charter" that is circulating with her name on it.

It is unfortunate for all when people misuse and abuse people of credibility and authenticity to promote the opposite.

With respect, we appreciate you removing the portion of the above link that disrespects Lorain and that casts doubt upon her authenticity which is verifiable through direct contact with her and her work.

Thanks ~ John Tone

Offline Sam.Horse

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Re: IPUN - Indigenous Peoples United Nations
« Reply #23 on: August 24, 2015, 02:16:00 am »
  Thanks for the info  :)

Offline Sam.Horse

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Re: IPUN - Indigenous Peoples United Nations
« Reply #24 on: August 24, 2015, 02:21:30 am »
Ingeborg and newagefraud---thanks for the info. It will NOT to stop fraud but at least prevent fraud.

Offline Sam.Horse

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Re: IPUN - Indigenous Peoples United Nations
« Reply #25 on: September 18, 2015, 04:00:16 am »

Kam seems gain lots of benefit from Fraud,here is the new One.

IPUN head honcho David Kam has more things going than just IPUN. From articles and introductions at various websites, we learn about a few more.

Two of them were already mentioned above:
One is the 'Imagine Concert', announced with some big fanfare for 2010, postponed several times until finally given up in August 2010 – see:

The other was an attempt of creating an alternative currency/stock exchange and acquiring investors via the respective websites. There were a few articles in the Canadian press which more or less repeated Kam's somewhat incoherent whining about being stopped in his tracks, but all of this lastly boiled down to Kam having received court orders to take down two of his websites and to stop looking for investors:

Solicitation of investors on the Internet - David Kam Ordered to Cease Activity
Friday, January 25, 2013

Montréal – On December 19, 2012, at the request of the Autorité des marchés financiers (the "AMF"), the Bureau de décision et de révision (the “Bureau”) prohibited David Kam, E=MC2 Company Inc. and Pôle Nord de l’Amérique inc. from acting as a securities adviser and ordered them to cease any activity in respect of a transaction in securities.

The publication of this press release is the means of service authorized by the Bureau in Decision 2011-019-004  with respect to David Kam, E=MC2 Company Inc. and Pôle Nord de l’Amérique inc.
David Kam, E=MC2 Company Inc. and Pôle Nord de l’Amérique inc. were illegally soliciting investors through several websites in order to distribute securities of E=MC2 Company Inc. and Pôle Nord de l’Amérique inc. The two corporations, for which David Kam acted as the officer, also purported to be a “green stock exchange” without being recognized as such by the AMF.

To ensure compliance with the law and protect the public, the Bureau also ordered David Kam, E=MC2 Company Inc. and Pôle Nord de l’Amérique inc. to cease using websites to conduct illegal distribution activities. It also ordered the closing of the website and the removal of any content promoting illegal distributions without a prospectus on four other websites.

The Bureau also authorized the filing of this decision with the Superior Court. The AMF is concerned that Mr. Kam will not acknowledge Quebec’s jurisdiction over his activities and those of the corporations he controls since he recently attempted to sidestep Québec law. […]

The article provides us with the names of at least two more corporations run by Kam:

Pôle Nord de l’Amérique inc.

Imagine Peace Flame

This was an event supposed to have taken place in 2014 already, from Sep 1 to Sep 21, 2014, with its starting point announced at Victoria Island, Ottawa, and the final station being the United Nations in New York. The site is incomplete but still online.

Apart from the event, it propagates a 'World Unity Drum' to be built by „spiritual healer Chininishech Wawatey (Joseph Wawatie Jr.)“. The main idea for this is credited to one Valerie Booker-Hausmann from Center for Sacred Studies. The site also mentions one 'Grandmother Flordemayo' who is part of the 13 grandmothers' scam.

Center for Sacred Studies e.g. promote an event called „Shamanism Global Summit“ taking place in August 2015 announcing:
During this LIVE online series, 15+ esteemed shamans — including Sandra Ingerman, Oscar Miro-Quesada, Alberto Villoldo, John Perkins, Hank Wesselman, Jill Kuykendall, Jose and Lena Stevens, Christina Pratt and others — will share practical wisdom for accessing guidance, healing and power for more sacred living.

Valerie Booker-Hausmann:

You are invited to join Sphinx Mystery School on our weekly FREE conference call as we explore the mythology and magick of the first continent, also known as Atlantis.

This call will be hosted LIVE at the Center for Sacred Studies in Guerneville, CA.

If you would like to attend our circle in person we are requesting $11.11 +more donation/per person...

All proceeds will go to the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers and Center for Sacred Studies programs!

This is an opening homage to Crystal Skull "Einstein" the Skull of Consciousness who will be joining Valerie Booker-Hausmann and the Center for Sacred Studies with his keeper Carolyn Ford on the weekend of March 28th-30th!

We will be joined on the call by a special guest, Katya Amanae Napzok who will be leading us on a guided meditation to remember our earth heritage and soul's own memory of this time.

Then, we will have an opportunity to clear any old programs that no longer serve from these times with a simple and gentle Thetahealing meditation with Zin Uru.

We will open the floor for a group discussion and community clarification, to explore deeper any questions or insights that arise.

The call will be recorded and available for listen and download on Bandcamp for those who cannot attend!

Visit to tune in with past calls, receive oracle readings, and more!

'Join' this event to receive call information and instructions on how to operate in our Sphinx Mystery School portal!

In La'akech! 

So the Center for Sacred Studies and Ms Valerie Booker-Hausmann are into Nuage and plastic shamanism up to their neck and thus, one is tempted to add, make ideal bed-fellows for David Kam and his multiple scams.

Although the „Imagine Concert“ failed in 2010 already, this site has an – albeit empty – section for another (?) „Imagine Concert“:

A further bio provides a few more enterprises Kam has founded, co-founded etc:

David Kam
Ambassador David Kam is representing the new sovereign country of The Borderless Land of Imagine Nation, Founder of Earth Dollar, Cofounder of the World Youth Summit, Cofounder of International Children’s Month, Founder and Co-Creator of Our Mother Earth Constitution, Director of Concert for Japan, Owner of Art Lovers, Owner of LOHAS, and Artist & Founder of the Thinkism Art Movement.
The Earth Dollar known as "a universal living currency" is a printed cryptocurrency in alliance with Bitcoin, Litecoin, and other cryptocurrencies. The new printed currency is backed by physical commodities to bring in a "New Living Economic System". It will allow people to buy products and services in brick and mortar stores without the need of an Internet connection.
Our Mother Earth Constitution creates a non-political borderless nation that exists everywhere on planet Earth and beyond called IMAGINE NATION. The new nation is not based on geo-political borders, but based on common shared values: of peaceful co-existence, the protection of Mother Earth for future generations and on a shared purpose to help one another. Anyone can become a citizen of IMAGINE NATION that shares the above said values by simply signing up to become a citizen for free. People do not have to abandon their current country citizenships because IMAGINE NATION acts as a dual citizenship system; people just have to add a secondary citizenship to their status. […]

International Children's Month

Founders and council
Heidi Little was standing in her kitchen when she heard " Make International Children's Month". She couldn't believe there wasn't already a month declared to children so she went to google, no children's month ? So she phoned her fellow council member and director of children's activities for Honoring The Circle Nancy Hummingbird and said " Nancy I have been instructed to create and launch International Children's Month and there isn't one yet, what do you say we do it for May 2014 will you help me ?" and Nancy responds, "Heidi when spirit gives us something to do we don't wait until May 2014 we do it now. June is coming up next. Let's launch it for June. June is International Children's Month". Heidi took it to Mrs Katie, her Pre K teaching colleague and it was grounded into reality that day with International Children Imagine Peace 2013. And so here we are. Heidi created the website, and holds space 24 hours a day 7 days a week for the children of the world to live happy, healthy, love filled, abundant, lives. From Heidi " I have no idea how to do this. I  am. We are. " And that dear friends. Is the story. Love and light to the children of earth, for they are our future, and we borrow this planet from them. We swear our life to the light and the earth. And to the children. Heidi is a lifetime singer/songwriter hear here:  her conscious clothing company is One Clothing Unify   [...]

Heidi Little~ ICM Director/ Co founder, Singer-songwriter transformational pop/rock, Teacher, Honoring The Circle, FLOW Designer/Implementer/Workshop artist and owner One Clothing Unify
Shannon Crossbear - ICM Co Founder/ Co Director/ Story Teller/ Program Designer/ Teacher/ Strong Heart Resource Development.
Bob Challenger ~ ICM Wave of Love Ambassador/ Honoring The Circle, Earth Day, Hug Niagara, The Peace House
Nancy Hummingbird ~ Honoring The Circle Program and Event Director
David Kam ~ Imagination / Earth Princess/ Mother Earth Constitution/Think tank artist

Honoring The Circle~

Shannon Crossbear / Strong Heart Resource Development, International Children's Month Co Founder/Program Designer, Honoring The Circle Council member, Story teller, Ojibwe Grandmother, Water keeper.

[The photo shown next to Crossbear's intro shows several persons, there is „Elk Medicine“ written on it]

Nancy Hummingbird/ Honoring The Circle Activities Director, International Children's Month Co founder, Rainbow Corn Grower, Magical.   

Ambassador David Kam Imagine Nation/Torch relay/Earth Dollar/ Earth Prince and Princess Program. Co founder International Children's Month, Our Mother Earth

Bob Challenger: One of the founder's of Earth Day, now our campaign manager for the Children's Global Wave of Love 2014 and on, into Hug Niagara or Niagara hug. June 21st, every year at 1: 11 pm in every time zone, Children Across the Globe Collectively intentioning Love Care and Respect for All Children on earth.

The Earth Constitution

with sub-rackets: Earth Passport, Earth Princess / Earth Prince
Head honcho and top founder once again David Kam.

What is rich is that they dare mention the late William Commanda as a co-founder. Since they gie precise dates for Commanda – Nov 11, 1913 – Aug 3, 2011), the site presumably was constructed at a point in time when he had already passed. This is exploiting the reputation of a deceased well-known elder who cannot protest the abuse of his name.

Among the other co-founders mentioned are:
Francine Payer – Anishnabe Kwe, Metis of Algonkin, Abenaki and Viking descendants
Dominique Rankin aka T8aminik Rankin – hereditary chief and medicine man, name: Kapiteotak
Marie-Josée Tardif – was given a sacred pipe...
Grandfather Jacob Wawatie - „tribal and spiritual elder, founder/director of Kokomville Academy“; he also has a LinkedIn profile (  ) and participates in a LinkedIn group called „Pachamama Alliance“
Grandmother Louise Wawatie
and Solomon Wawatie
Joseph Wawatie Jr – he also participates in the „Imagine Peace Flame“ scam where they also mention an alias as „Chininishech Wawatey“ (  ).

Offline martenclan

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Re: IPUN - Indigenous Peoples United Nations
« Reply #26 on: September 20, 2015, 12:45:50 am »
IPUN is also associated with ANORW.
Thumbs down on both as they come with no recognized Elders.

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Re: IPUN - Indigenous Peoples United Nations
« Reply #27 on: January 21, 2016, 03:28:37 pm »
Received a request about this:

Is there any evidence this group of Kam's is actually doing any of this? Esp their claim of a partnership with ANORW. I haven't found a contact for ANORW, only solidarity pages in French.
The only contact on MET's page seems to be Kam's phone number.

Offline Sam.Horse

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Re: IPUN - Indigenous Peoples United Nations
« Reply #28 on: June 09, 2016, 02:24:45 am »

Kam seems gain lots of benefit from Fraud,here is the new One.

IPUN head honcho David Kam has more things going than just IPUN. From articles and introductions at various websites, we learn about a few more.

Two of them were already mentioned above:
One is the 'Imagine Concert', announced with some big fanfare for 2010, postponed several times until finally given up in August 2010 – see:

The other was an attempt of creating an alternative currency/stock exchange and acquiring investors via the respective websites. There were a few articles in the Canadian press which more or less repeated Kam's somewhat incoherent whining about being stopped in his tracks, but all of this lastly boiled down to Kam having received court orders to take down two of his websites and to stop looking for investors:

Solicitation of investors on the Internet - David Kam Ordered to Cease Activity
Friday, January 25, 2013

Montréal – On December 19, 2012, at the request of the Autorité des marchés financiers (the "AMF"), the Bureau de décision et de révision (the “Bureau”) prohibited David Kam, E=MC2 Company Inc. and Pôle Nord de l’Amérique inc. from acting as a securities adviser and ordered them to cease any activity in respect of a transaction in securities.

The publication of this press release is the means of service authorized by the Bureau in Decision 2011-019-004  with respect to David Kam, E=MC2 Company Inc. and Pôle Nord de l’Amérique inc.
David Kam, E=MC2 Company Inc. and Pôle Nord de l’Amérique inc. were illegally soliciting investors through several websites in order to distribute securities of E=MC2 Company Inc. and Pôle Nord de l’Amérique inc. The two corporations, for which David Kam acted as the officer, also purported to be a “green stock exchange” without being recognized as such by the AMF.

To ensure compliance with the law and protect the public, the Bureau also ordered David Kam, E=MC2 Company Inc. and Pôle Nord de l’Amérique inc. to cease using websites to conduct illegal distribution activities. It also ordered the closing of the website and the removal of any content promoting illegal distributions without a prospectus on four other websites.

The Bureau also authorized the filing of this decision with the Superior Court. The AMF is concerned that Mr. Kam will not acknowledge Quebec’s jurisdiction over his activities and those of the corporations he controls since he recently attempted to sidestep Québec law. […]

The article provides us with the names of at least two more corporations run by Kam:

Pôle Nord de l’Amérique inc.

Imagine Peace Flame

This was an event supposed to have taken place in 2014 already, from Sep 1 to Sep 21, 2014, with its starting point announced at Victoria Island, Ottawa, and the final station being the United Nations in New York. The site is incomplete but still online.

Apart from the event, it propagates a 'World Unity Drum' to be built by „spiritual healer Chininishech Wawatey (Joseph Wawatie Jr.)“. The main idea for this is credited to one Valerie Booker-Hausmann from Center for Sacred Studies. The site also mentions one 'Grandmother Flordemayo' who is part of the 13 grandmothers' scam.

Center for Sacred Studies e.g. promote an event called „Shamanism Global Summit“ taking place in August 2015 announcing:
During this LIVE online series, 15+ esteemed shamans — including Sandra Ingerman, Oscar Miro-Quesada, Alberto Villoldo, John Perkins, Hank Wesselman, Jill Kuykendall, Jose and Lena Stevens, Christina Pratt and others — will share practical wisdom for accessing guidance, healing and power for more sacred living.

Valerie Booker-Hausmann:

You are invited to join Sphinx Mystery School on our weekly FREE conference call as we explore the mythology and magick of the first continent, also known as Atlantis.

This call will be hosted LIVE at the Center for Sacred Studies in Guerneville, CA.

If you would like to attend our circle in person we are requesting $11.11 +more donation/per person...

All proceeds will go to the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers and Center for Sacred Studies programs!

This is an opening homage to Crystal Skull "Einstein" the Skull of Consciousness who will be joining Valerie Booker-Hausmann and the Center for Sacred Studies with his keeper Carolyn Ford on the weekend of March 28th-30th!

We will be joined on the call by a special guest, Katya Amanae Napzok who will be leading us on a guided meditation to remember our earth heritage and soul's own memory of this time.

Then, we will have an opportunity to clear any old programs that no longer serve from these times with a simple and gentle Thetahealing meditation with Zin Uru.

We will open the floor for a group discussion and community clarification, to explore deeper any questions or insights that arise.

The call will be recorded and available for listen and download on Bandcamp for those who cannot attend!

Visit to tune in with past calls, receive oracle readings, and more!

'Join' this event to receive call information and instructions on how to operate in our Sphinx Mystery School portal!

In La'akech! 

So the Center for Sacred Studies and Ms Valerie Booker-Hausmann are into Nuage and plastic shamanism up to their neck and thus, one is tempted to add, make ideal bed-fellows for David Kam and his multiple scams.

Although the „Imagine Concert“ failed in 2010 already, this site has an – albeit empty – section for another (?) „Imagine Concert“:

A further bio provides a few more enterprises Kam has founded, co-founded etc:

David Kam
Ambassador David Kam is representing the new sovereign country of The Borderless Land of Imagine Nation, Founder of Earth Dollar, Cofounder of the World Youth Summit, Cofounder of International Children’s Month, Founder and Co-Creator of Our Mother Earth Constitution, Director of Concert for Japan, Owner of Art Lovers, Owner of LOHAS, and Artist & Founder of the Thinkism Art Movement.
The Earth Dollar known as "a universal living currency" is a printed cryptocurrency in alliance with Bitcoin, Litecoin, and other cryptocurrencies. The new printed currency is backed by physical commodities to bring in a "New Living Economic System". It will allow people to buy products and services in brick and mortar stores without the need of an Internet connection.
Our Mother Earth Constitution creates a non-political borderless nation that exists everywhere on planet Earth and beyond called IMAGINE NATION. The new nation is not based on geo-political borders, but based on common shared values: of peaceful co-existence, the protection of Mother Earth for future generations and on a shared purpose to help one another. Anyone can become a citizen of IMAGINE NATION that shares the above said values by simply signing up to become a citizen for free. People do not have to abandon their current country citizenships because IMAGINE NATION acts as a dual citizenship system; people just have to add a secondary citizenship to their status. […]

International Children's Month

Founders and council
Heidi Little was standing in her kitchen when she heard " Make International Children's Month". She couldn't believe there wasn't already a month declared to children so she went to google, no children's month ? So she phoned her fellow council member and director of children's activities for Honoring The Circle Nancy Hummingbird and said " Nancy I have been instructed to create and launch International Children's Month and there isn't one yet, what do you say we do it for May 2014 will you help me ?" and Nancy responds, "Heidi when spirit gives us something to do we don't wait until May 2014 we do it now. June is coming up next. Let's launch it for June. June is International Children's Month". Heidi took it to Mrs Katie, her Pre K teaching colleague and it was grounded into reality that day with International Children Imagine Peace 2013. And so here we are. Heidi created the website, and holds space 24 hours a day 7 days a week for the children of the world to live happy, healthy, love filled, abundant, lives. From Heidi " I have no idea how to do this. I  am. We are. " And that dear friends. Is the story. Love and light to the children of earth, for they are our future, and we borrow this planet from them. We swear our life to the light and the earth. And to the children. Heidi is a lifetime singer/songwriter hear here:  her conscious clothing company is One Clothing Unify   [...]

Heidi Little~ ICM Director/ Co founder, Singer-songwriter transformational pop/rock, Teacher, Honoring The Circle, FLOW Designer/Implementer/Workshop artist and owner One Clothing Unify
Shannon Crossbear - ICM Co Founder/ Co Director/ Story Teller/ Program Designer/ Teacher/ Strong Heart Resource Development.
Bob Challenger ~ ICM Wave of Love Ambassador/ Honoring The Circle, Earth Day, Hug Niagara, The Peace House
Nancy Hummingbird ~ Honoring The Circle Program and Event Director
David Kam ~ Imagination / Earth Princess/ Mother Earth Constitution/Think tank artist

Honoring The Circle~

Shannon Crossbear / Strong Heart Resource Development, International Children's Month Co Founder/Program Designer, Honoring The Circle Council member, Story teller, Ojibwe Grandmother, Water keeper.

[The photo shown next to Crossbear's intro shows several persons, there is „Elk Medicine“ written on it]

Nancy Hummingbird/ Honoring The Circle Activities Director, International Children's Month Co founder, Rainbow Corn Grower, Magical.   

Ambassador David Kam Imagine Nation/Torch relay/Earth Dollar/ Earth Prince and Princess Program. Co founder International Children's Month, Our Mother Earth

Bob Challenger: One of the founder's of Earth Day, now our campaign manager for the Children's Global Wave of Love 2014 and on, into Hug Niagara or Niagara hug. June 21st, every year at 1: 11 pm in every time zone, Children Across the Globe Collectively intentioning Love Care and Respect for All Children on earth.

The Earth Constitution

with sub-rackets: Earth Passport, Earth Princess / Earth Prince
Head honcho and top founder once again David Kam.

What is rich is that they dare mention the late William Commanda as a co-founder. Since they gie precise dates for Commanda – Nov 11, 1913 – Aug 3, 2011), the site presumably was constructed at a point in time when he had already passed. This is exploiting the reputation of a deceased well-known elder who cannot protest the abuse of his name.

Among the other co-founders mentioned are:
Francine Payer – Anishnabe Kwe, Metis of Algonkin, Abenaki and Viking descendants
Dominique Rankin aka T8aminik Rankin – hereditary chief and medicine man, name: Kapiteotak
Marie-Josée Tardif – was given a sacred pipe...
Grandfather Jacob Wawatie - „tribal and spiritual elder, founder/director of Kokomville Academy“; he also has a LinkedIn profile (  ) and participates in a LinkedIn group called „Pachamama Alliance“
Grandmother Louise Wawatie
and Solomon Wawatie
Joseph Wawatie Jr – he also participates in the „Imagine Peace Flame“ scam where they also mention an alias as „Chininishech Wawatey“ (  ).

Offline educatedindian

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Re: IPUN - Indigenous Peoples United Nations
« Reply #29 on: June 25, 2016, 11:02:26 pm »
Laster sent me this account claiming IPUN is now dissolved from infighting and Kam is moving on to try and bilk unrecognized groups.


Luigi (Louis) Coretti tried to seize control of my tribes project on reversing desertification in North Africa when it appeared we may get funding for it.

This caused an uproar in the IPUN membership, and the IPUN was exposed for the shame it was my its founders, David Kam, Marian Dawn SkyWeaver Hartsfield, Luigi (Louis) Coretti and Charles (Chucky) T. Ratt.

David Kam has put the blame on Luigi (Louis) Coretti, claiming him and the others had no knowledge of his plans.

David Kam also stole control of the Earth Dollar and released it as a digital currency under the control of the Mother Earth Trust, owned by: David Kam, Marian Dawn SkyWeaver Hartsfield, Luigi (Louis) Coretti and Charles (Chucky) T. Ratt are all in businesses together. Sadly it seems we can not charge them with Currency Fraud, yet. However the diplomatically recognized tribes have withdrawn their support for it, and it is now practically worthless.

David Kam stated the the IPUN was dissolved, without a formal vote by the membership, and is trying to start a new organization to replace it.

However my tribe, and the Asian tribes, any native groups with any diplomatic recognition, are not invited. Only unrecognized/undocumented tribes are being recruited to this new group, as yet unnamed. I will update you later.

The tribes with diplomatic recognition who were the ONLY signers of the IPUN Charter at the UN event of their anniversary are considering continuing the IPUN on our own, as we considers ourselves to be a separate group that just happened to have the same name as the corporation founded by Luigi (Louis) Coretti, David Kam, and friends, as none of them were Signatures to the Charter.

In short, there was corruption within the IPUN that took advantage of tribes, and my trusting allies in Asia.

Best Regards