Author Topic: hello from Jeanie  (Read 29620 times)

Offline wolfhawaii

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Re: hello from Jeanie
« Reply #15 on: October 18, 2015, 08:28:12 pm »
Several of what pass for surnames or are actual surnames from intermarriage in that alleged line of Shawnee are Cherokee names; until Oklahoma there  wasn't much intermarriage between the two nations.

Offline Sparks

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Re: hello from Jeanie
« Reply #16 on: October 20, 2015, 07:32:58 am »
Hello, my name is Jeanie. I am an amateur genealogist and genealogy blogger. […]
The most popular post on my blog concerns the "myth" of Princess Nicketti/Jane Eagle Plume supposed daughter of Opechangough of the Powhatans of Virginia.

I found and enjoyed your blogposts (and some of the comments, too …):

Offline jeaniesgenealogy

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Re: hello from Jeanie
« Reply #17 on: October 21, 2015, 01:23:21 am »
Thank you Sparks. I am working on a post about Cleopatra now. If anyone ever comes across anything about this fraudulent genealogy, please pass it on.  Also, I would love to be able to write about Don Greene, but need to learn much more about him and his books. All input is welcome. jeanie

Offline Sparks

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Re: hello from Jeanie
« Reply #18 on: October 22, 2015, 05:48:58 am »
A way to teach people that Don Greene's work is inaccurate is to learn and teach accurate genealogy methods. Show people what accurate research, history, genealogy looks like.

This resource seems like good place to start for beginners?

Offline ByBlood

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Re: hello from Jeanie
« Reply #19 on: November 20, 2015, 12:11:06 am »
Let me introduce myself. I am a family genealogist. I have been crawling around the archives before I could talk. I never claim to be anything I am not. My family tree is in flux as new evidence is always just one document away. I never take anyone's word over family! I grew up knowing that I was part Cherokee, Shawnee, and possibly one other Native culture. I also grew up knowing that I was a direct descendent to King Bruce (The Bruce). Did I have overwhelming documentation? No! I had family stories handed down from generation to generation. Believe me when I tell you no one in my family wanted to be Native American. There was a sense of shame to the very idea.
So, when I started to dig deep into my Native American lines, I found proof (yes documented) for the Cherokee stories I had heard, and several conclusive leads for the Shawnee line. Does this make my line a fraud? I say NOT! I do not appreciate my tree being used in and on such a site as this by such a hateful and conniving person! I have worked hard, and continue to work hard on to find where I descend from!!
I pray that a lesson from this can be learned by all. I pray blessings to all who have been sucked into this subject board. We are all absent of perfection!

Offline Diana

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Re: hello from Jeanie
« Reply #20 on: November 20, 2015, 01:30:12 am »
Hi byblood, perhaps you could go to Members Introduction and introduce yourself.

I have no idea what you're talking about...? "My family tree is in flux", "I was a direct descendant to King Bruce" and "I do not appreciate my tree being used in and on such a site as this". WTH are you babbling about?

Who's your family?  Who's King Bruce? And what family tree are you talking about? I re-read the entire thread again and cannot find anything relevant or connected to your post. Please clarify for us.

Lim lemtsh,


Let me introduce myself. I am a family genealogist. I have been crawling around the archives before I could talk. I never claim to be anything I am not. My family tree is in flux as new evidence is always just one document away. I never take anyone's word over family! I grew up knowing that I was part Cherokee, Shawnee, and possibly one other Native culture. I also grew up knowing that I was a direct descendent to King Bruce (The Bruce). Did I have overwhelming documentation? No! I had family stories handed down from generation to generation. Believe me when I tell you no one in my family wanted to be Native American. There was a sense of shame to the very idea.
So, when I started to dig deep into my Native American lines, I found proof (yes documented) for the Cherokee stories I had heard, and several conclusive leads for the Shawnee line. Does this make my line a fraud? I say NOT! I do not appreciate my tree being used in and on such a site as this by such a hateful and conniving person! I have worked hard, and continue to work hard on to find where I descend from!!
I pray that a lesson from this can be learned by all. I pray blessings to all who have been sucked into this subject board. We are all absent of perfection!

Offline ByBlood

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Re: hello from Jeanie
« Reply #21 on: November 20, 2015, 03:17:05 am »
If you look at page one of Jennies posts, you will see where she posts my tree! I do not appreciate her going from site to site trashing me and my family. She has no business, as she is not Native per her own admission, to stick her nose into my and others families history. I am thankful that I have distant cousins that look out for me and let me know when I and my family are being trashed. I am not a fraud! My tree is not a fraud! This Jennie person is causing more harm than good.
I am proud to be related to Cleopatra or whatever her real name may of been!!


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Re: hello from Jeanie
« Reply #22 on: November 20, 2015, 03:38:43 am »
ByBlood, as has already been stated, please go to the Member Intro section and introduce yourself. Your post here is here on this -forum-, not on someone else's blog.

Offline Diana

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Re: hello from Jeanie
« Reply #23 on: November 20, 2015, 06:22:58 pm »
@ ByBlood, is this the family tree you're talking about? The one posted to Jeaniesgenaology blog?

I had the Appalachian Shawnee tribe (all be it not a Federally recognized tribe) verify my lineage. My line is as follows: HOKOLESQUA OPECHAN "STREAM " CORNSTALK (1628 - 1696)
APRIL "TIKAMI" HOP (1682 - 1744)
MARY LEWIS (1718 - 1744)
daughter of APRIL "TIKAMI" HOP
JOHN JOSEPH VANN (1735 - 1815)

Offline jeaniesgenealogy

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Re: hello from Jeanie
« Reply #24 on: November 20, 2015, 07:18:27 pm »
Hey there, this Jeanie weighing in. I will start by saying that I do not go from website to website trashing people. I write a blog, which belongs to me.  I also posted here about what I write on my blog. Everyone of this forum has been very kind and helpful to me.
The content of my blog has to do with Genealogy. Genealogy is very different from family history and lore. Genealogy requires documented proof, period. ByBlood admits that they have no documented proof. Without proof you have no family tree. If someone can provide documented proof for a family descended from "Cleopatra" I will happily change my blog.

see my blog post on Cleopatra:

I'm sorry if this upsets ByBlood. It seems to upset a lot of people who are trying to claim a relationship with this Indian woman. But it upsets me when I see people claiming to be Genealogist and clearly their not.

Offline J Floyd

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Re: hello from Jeanie
« Reply #25 on: November 20, 2015, 07:47:41 pm »
 Hi, i want to say the Ni Ka tai Powhatan  story was something told by Mr. Green far as i know, ive never seen there information i know that i read were the Pamunkey s information turned in didn't go to the actual original Powhatan or something as well so who is who, but no tribes claim Nicketti so no one from Nicketti in a try making no way to lie in order to profit the definition of fraud.  Nicketti is actually in VA history,  tribes dont use VA history.  Every Museum in VA tells the Trader Hughes story, the reason a search was done looking for proof of a Cleopatra Powhatan happened was because a Floyd said who would gear of such name.  So he looked because a family story from the 1700s, even in 1800s story for by Cabbell and kin story.  That there Grandmother Mary Elizabeth Hughes,  was daughter of Nicketti Powhatan so the Nicketti story started the search that found the Petition from Pocohontas son to see his mother's sister.  So saying you believe in the Cleopatra story , did you not ask who found the proof of the Petition,  it was my family a long time ago before computers try to proof the story finding a petition, in the process.  But see they were looking for proof of who Nicketti said mother was , and proof of Nicketti herself when they found the JAMES Town Petition.  No one is trying to start a 501 tribe , nor in one kin to Nicketti Powhatan,  well i spell it ni ka tai,  and were only trying to understand how our Grandfather that tryed derailing Andrew Jackson,  that was a 2 time va Governor,  a presidential candidate,  founded of VA historical society,  in a few important positions,  thats father was killed by native,  claimed his 2nd great grandmother was daughter of Nikatai.  Its only confusing to us nothing more, nor does proving her allow any one in her said tribe simple because we would not meet other requirements to do so. So were not trying to join tribes or make up new history,  the trader Hughes story itself is too old to be concidered new age, im not showing nothing of shawneoo Cleopatra,  my family story goes to my 4th grandfather Governor John Floyd,  thats second great grandmother that had a direct connection to the 1600s, was said daughter of Nicketti Powhatan i think it was middle 1700s when our family first started telling this in story form and there are documents showing how long this has been getting told in story form, i know after my grandfather named his daughter this, he also had a few granddaughters with the name.  First on recording being named this for this reason in US history,  another reason were only trying to figure out if Nicketti Powhatan was not my 9th Grandmother than who was the mother of Mary Elizabeth Hughes.  Thats all. See we cant get past her without proving out or disproving this very old family story in the way nothing more. I can't call no one a fraud or lier, without seeing there proof there not, we gave Encyclopedia Virginia our family tree and story, including sources to everyone to MARY Elizabeth Hughes.  Nicketti is only story form from very long time ago tho. So im not saying she was real or fake or saying this is true, im trying to see if there's proof proving its not true. It a very old story and were only trying to see what to make of it, we were not alive,  nor were our Grandparents when this got started,  see understand if Nicketti was really in history and something shows this it dont allow any one in a tribe not sure why people think this, the tribes hate this story and dont claim it, proving it does nothing towards any of them, it only shows the story a lie or truth nothing more, if its proved wrong then great and shameful to be part of the story, because i agree that's not cool,  so really folks are only trying to see the truth or not of it. Simply nothing more. Amherst Museum even has a parking meter painted in town as her image,  so what gives and who is who. And is Ancestry. Com allowing fake people add family,  because i read a warning fronm them telling people not to add fake Nicketti jane Eagle Plume Story,  that is not the Floyd story,  and they never Flagged or slapped warning s to any of the profile s as being fake people in history,  they do this, any time someone tryed linking there family to the Powhatan Profiles falsely. Mainly just trying to understand everything because i see no one claiming to be native unless they were especially someone whos father was said to have been killed by the native they never got to meet. So yes this confusing how this was getting told wile they were helping make the Frontier.  Im confused about the shawneoo Cleopatra it's not in the very old Floyd story,  but im not saying nothing about it because i dont know it nor the Green. But we re is the proof Nicketti was fraudulent or fake person, because i know for a fact its an old story that goes directly to the JAMES Town Petition,  BECAUSE the Nicketti story started the search that found that document.  That matches the story. But i agree it could all be just a story that's the only reason were looking nothing more. Far as i know no one has showed proof there Powhatan to the original tribe ever.

Offline J Floyd

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Re: hello from Jeanie
« Reply #26 on: November 20, 2015, 08:18:15 pm »
Should say far as i know Cleopatra shawneoo is mr. Green s story, not the Nicketti story or Floyds.  Sry this stuff been going on for years, if one more person that say they do native Genealogy and native dont have royal titles is getting old, every one on the world know s that, but everyone knows Queen Elizabeth crowned Powhatan a king and called Pocohontas a Princess,  so the VA tribes call Powhatan a king them selves,  not us. Thats stupid.

Offline J Floyd

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Re: hello from Jeanie
« Reply #27 on: November 20, 2015, 08:34:58 pm »
The Family tree was given to the Encyclopedia Virginia mam, not you. Thats when they deleted the Nicketti Powhatan profile.  I took Ni Ka tai home since she was fake, and only way to change definition s in encyclopedia is give proof making them see at least Nicketti was needed re looked into, that was 2 yr ago so far as i know her definition nor her profile is on there making your blog s source fake. Because its not in the Encyclopedia. You are making it impossible to prove the story out because Ancestry. Com deleted the Jane Eagle Plume story , Ancestry. Com does stop people from adding fake people to there Powhatan profiles they have. To only Powhatan nothing past him like the Greens , and that was your family's fake Nicketti jane Eagle Plume story that Ancestry. Com deleted and warned.  About making fake people.  To the Powhatan Profiles.  According to the blog you told your husband his grandmother was a princess then found out it was fake. So you are set to prove the original story fake. We gave you sourced information to Mary Elizabeth Hughes,  at Encyclopedia Virginia call them and ask them why they dont say what your your blog saying they say anymore.  You act like folks are in a tribe, or able to join one with proof,  thats not even possible.  Read her tribes guidelines.

Offline Diana

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Re: hello from Jeanie
« Reply #28 on: November 20, 2015, 08:43:47 pm »
@J Floyd, WTF! Who are you? And are you off your medication? Please, at least introduce yourself. Lol.

Lim lemtsh,


Offline earthw7

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Re: hello from Jeanie
« Reply #29 on: November 20, 2015, 09:08:36 pm »
Strange post
In Spirit