Christopher/Trinity de Guzman's newer endeavor SoulCybin has a private Facebook page that can be easily joined (at least at the moment of this post)
There is mention that the sales team is grieving the loss of a team member, easy guess they are talking about Trinity.
Just like with his prior businesses, this is all about sales. Excess verbiage, love bombing, persuasive and manipulative.
Many members of this Facebook community look to be using their actual names. I cannot stress enough how unsafe this is for them.
Many believe that the drugs they are taking are decriminalized or even legal. This is not universally true. For instance here is information for United States, in many states this is fully illegal members detail their mental health history, using their actual names, they write of stopping use of their prescribed psych meds without talking with an actual medical professional, all while reading heavy sales pressure couched in "beloved" lovebombing on Facebook and in their email.
Posts from folks who don't appear to be doing well: "been through 40 facilities" "11th psychiatric medications" "I didn't have a soul" "killed two times" ........... and there is no encouragement to get actual mental and physical health care. Only more encouragement to buy and use more products.
Some of the posts are likely fake conversations between various sales team members. Some of the testimonials look fake also.
All of this is from Trinity's playbook. He was, and this group is, high pressure sales of sketchy unsafe and often ilegal products.