Greetings everyone,
I stumbled on this website as I was looking for updated information about a particular individual. I typed her name into the search bar, and voila ~ up pops her name as a fraud!
Of course, I had to click on the link, and the posts I read were not exactly a shock. The person in question has apparently blazed a wide trail of offended people, including many in the "New Age" community. I put in my 2 cents worth on the thread, and have spent the past couple of hours lurking.
I am a 57 year-old female, raised as a white Anglo-Saxon protestant. My interest in what is now called "New Age" was crystallized in the '70s, when I started reading the Jane Roberts books, though at the time, I don't recall anyone referring to this as "New Age." The information in these books was, to me, not new as much as a great verbalization of what I had always intuited. It was nice to see it in words. These beliefs were always simply a part of my life. I would occasionally run into like-minded individuals, but it never became anything organized.
As the "New Age Movement" exploded, I found it becoming more and more dogmatic, organized, and even commercialized.
There is now almost a tacit censorship, and what is left is nearly unrecognizable. I no longer bother talking to many of these people.
The first words I saw when I clicked on the is site were, "New Age Fraud," and it wasn't until I started reading more that I realized that this site deals primarily with Plastic Shamans. I know very little about this, though I think I have run into several of these people, (plastic shamans), in my travels through the metaphysical community.
As upsetting as I find it that the material of Jane Roberts and others has been hijacked , I can imagine how much more upsetting it would be to have ones traditional spirituality faked and misrepresented.