The Mayan Fire Ceremony is actually the Nuage teachings of Erick Gonzalez, a white Guatemalan posing as Mayan we've discussed much before.
Here's her Linkedin. That's clearly her, despite the blond beehive hairdo in the photo. Contrary to her claims of being sooper spirchul traditional, she worked mostly for Mary Kay until 5 years ago. Before that, HR and accounting. FB shows her moving every couple years.
Canton, Georgia Current city
Mill Spring, North Carolina Hometown
Chesapeake, Virginia Moved on August 6, 2009
Corpus Christi, Texas Moved on August 6, 2003
Whidbey Island Moved on June 6, 2000
Jacksonville, Florida Moved on January 6, 1997
Lubbock, Texas Moved on January 6, 1996
Pensacola, Florida Moved on September 6, 1995
Columbia, South Carolina Moved on August 6, 1992
Charleston, South Carolina Moved on September 6, 1988
Her spirchul pose didn't start until she went to University of Metaphysical Sciences. That's a useless degree mill we talked about here. "PhDs" in a year, "degrees" for a couple hundred bucks.'s nothing remotely Cherokee or Creek in what she teaches, whether or not she has ancestry. Faux Mayan Nuage ceremony selling for profit. Moved to Frauds.