Author Topic: Peter Askew / Yoga Evolution Shamanism Retreats /  (Read 20466 times)

Offline Defend the Sacred

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This thread was split off from the Leo Rutherford thread after this post by Peter Askew:

I have worked with Leo for some time now and never seen or have been asked to take any psycho active substance. I have found him to be incredibly kind and he holds a space really well, almost like a mother would hold a new born baby. I guess that comes from the many years of experience he has gained working with different groups of people.

I would say that we all learn from many different people and some we like and some we do not.

The only way to find out is to try out new things and if it makes you uncomfortable then you have found a way to evolve beyond your own judgement.

Much kindness to all and may our Mars be strong in this world

"LionHeart"'s (Peter Askew's) finances are tied up with Rutherford's. He's a blindingly white guy who runs a retreat center where Rutherford sells his pretendian ceremonies, including plastic sweats and "shamanism" courses.

He's here to promote one of his cash cows.

Much kindness to all and may our Mars be strong in this world

What a grotesque thing to say when men are dropping bombs on civilians, and white men like you and Rutherford are making money off cultural genocide.

What you do may feel "kind" to the rich white people who pay you for escapist fantasies and relaxing vacations at your colonialist retreat center in the mountains. It feels like another kick in the face to the people whose cultures you violate. You are not kind, you are harmful.

ETA: Fixed link to Rutherford's workshops on Askew's website, hosted/promoted by Askew, after Askew changed it.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2017, 08:01:46 pm by Defend the Sacred »


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That's great and thank you for confirming to me that this website has been setup in order to create nothing other than a negative impression about people in the world doing really good work to help others. I can now see that you are very dark people with desperate and cowardly intentions and are in fact the owners of this website.

If anybody comes here just read the previous posts to see that these people are all [silly racist attacking anti racists as the real racists] and have it in for anyone

Please be aware that with the changes in internet law, what you are actually doing is illegal as you are violating my character

[Spam and silly threats removed]
« Last Edit: April 13, 2017, 02:33:29 pm by educatedindian »


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Computer Misuse and Cybersecurity Act Singapore
The Computer Misuse Act (CMA) was introduced in 1993 and its offence provisions are based primarily on the United Kingdom’s 1990 legislation of the same name.[16] In the years since, the government has taken a much tougher stand on Internet-related matters, including censorship. Amendments to the Penal Code in 2006 hold Internet users liable for "causing public mischief", and give the authorities broader powers in regulating Internet content.[17][18] Following the 2013 Singapore cyberattacks, the Computer Misuse Act was renamed to Computer Misuse and Cybersecurity Act.

Online Sparks

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Computer Misuse and Cybersecurity Act Singapore

Why are you posting a referral to a totally irrelevant article about "Internet censorship in Singapore"?

Offline Defend the Sacred

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I can now see that you are very dark people

Yes, Peter, the people you steal the pot you're constantly smoking, and fake ceremony ideas, from all have much more melanin than you. You are burning very badly in the sun in those pictures, with your paperwhite, now bright red, sunburned skin, pale eyes and bleached-white, whiteman, fake sadhu-rasta-hippie-patchoulie-stank hairmats. People as pale as you are risking death from skin cancer. It seems to be killing a lot of pretendians, actually. You teach those awful white people yoga classes, so I assume you believe in Karma, yes?

Offline Defend the Sacred

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I think maybe Peter needs his own thread. Since it looks like this plastic sweat and mangled attempts at Lakota are his doing:

EDIT: Actually, that page is Leo Rutherford's. Peter, are you also leading the plastic sweats and shameon freakouts, or just the gross hippie yoga? Clearly you're financially tied to Rutherford and promoting him, but are you also selling pretendian ceremonies? (The fake Native American kind, that is; we can already see you're making a living off the fake South Asian type.)
« Last Edit: April 10, 2017, 11:31:34 pm by Defend the Sacred »

Offline debbieredbear

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all I read was:

"Blah blah white priviledge blah blah racist crap blah blah I'm so spirichual and holier than you blah blah blah,,,,"

Online Sparks

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Offline Defend the Sacred

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Why are you quoting yourself in extenso — without any new content or comment?

I wasn't kidding when I said the dude smokes *a lot* of pot.

Seriously, Peter, stop it or your ability to post here will be removed. Actually, maybe we should just give Peter his own thread to do this in.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Note that Askew has changed the url of the Rutherford workshops. They are now at:

Online Sparks

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Re: Peter Askew / Yoga Evolution Shamanism Retreats /
« Reply #10 on: September 26, 2019, 01:53:44 pm »
Note that Askew has changed the url of the Rutherford workshops. They are now at:

Oops that page does not exist or has been changed.

The game goes on. Retreats and workshops continue. I found Leo Rutherford now mentioned four places at that site:

Shamanic Retreat JUNE 29th – JULY 6 2019 - View Our Retreat Calendar For 2019
Set your spirit free With Leo & Peter

We are very honoured to be hosting our shamanic retreats over the years with Leo Rutherford of Eagleswing, College of Contemporary Shamanism.

Leo is the Author of several fundamental books on shamanism including the Principles of Shamanism, The Medicine wheel and the shamanic path workbook. This is a great opportunity to work with one of the UK's most experienced Elders in the practice of Shamanism.

Shamanic Journeys, Dance & Trance-Dance.
Accessing deep Inner wisdom and liberating the Magical Child
A week of fun stuff and deep inner work. We laugh till we cry and cry till we laugh!
With Leo Rutherford, MA Holistic Psychology, shamanic practitioner for 30 years. And Peter Askew, Yoga teacher and shamanic practitioner, martial artist, mindful meditation and Qigong teacher.

Yoga Retreats Europe 2019/2020 Portugal Calendar, Qigong, Yin, Ashtanga, Vinyasa
Your Teachers
Though the retreat is ran and maintained by Peter & Sue for much of the year, we also host guest teachers and specialists, such as Leo Rutherford, a renowned teacher and pioneer of shamanism in the West, who teaches along with Peter on our Shamanic Yoga retreats, and Kate and Freya who teach on many of our August retreats.

Yin Yoga Teacher Training /CPD October 2019/2020
Peter has been immersed in Eastern practices since he was 7 years old when he began learning many different styles of martial arts. He began teaching at the young age of 14 back in his home town Liverpool. He eventually found the holistic spiritual path of Ninjitsu learning the theory and philosophy of balancing Yin & Yang. He has trained in and also practices the ancient teachings of the Shamanistic Medicine Wheel knowing well the powerful healing capabilities of this approach. He is a Yoga Alliance Senior Yoga Teacher having trained in Ashtanga & Hatha yoga as well as a QiGong practitioner and teacher and has been teaching in Portugal for over 11 years.  He has trained with many teachers over the years but really connects with the work of Dr Yang, Jwing-Ming, Hiroshi Motoyama, Leo Rutherford and Steven Forest. He has also trained in Yin with Sara Powers and is a fully qualified mindfulness teacher. Peter is also an Evolutionary Astrologer, he interprets birth charts in a way that assists personal growth & development looking through the lens of the ever evolving soul journey.  Peter also studies fascia in great detail & poignantly brings its relevance to life in class, he especially follows the work of Thomas Myers, Dr Carla Stecco and Dr Robert Schleip. Peter has also completed Medical Qigong training at Tao Gardens in Thailand.

My Biography:
I have been working as a therapist since 1997, after completing a degree in Zoology at Imperial College, London, hence learning the physiology & anatomy of all life.  Since then continuous training in the areas I practice in and love.   
I first learnt Reiki becoming a Master and Teacher, then, Indian head and Reflexology.  While practicing, I continued to learn; Massage, Ear Candling, Crystals, Aromatherapy, Reconnection and Rahanni, to which I am a teacher of.
My discovery of Shamanism, gave me the feeling of coming home.  I felt I was re-educating, going over stuff I knew, practicing what I had done as it came so naturally to me, I felt I belonged; “at last”.  I also realised that I had always practiced in the shamanic area, as I was always had stones around me; played in the dirt; and often pulled out of the coal hole (it felt like my cave) as a child; it was where I felt so at home.
It has been an honour working along side of my dear friend Leo Rutherford, in Shamanic practices too, looking deeper into the Shamanism from different prospectuses, and helping others like yourself find yourself through the most natural healing Mother Earth has ever given us.

Some of the boldings above are mine. I quoted relevant parts because URLs there are deleted so often.