Author Topic: Colleen Anne Santoro AKA Kaia Ra, The Sophia Code  (Read 96102 times)


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Re: "Kaia Ra" "The Sophia Code"
« Reply #30 on: September 16, 2018, 12:35:51 am »
Online people search services link the name Kaia Ra to the name Colleen Anne Santoro.

Age, past location, phone number, and a prior business are all the same.


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Re: Colleen Anne Santoro AKA Kaia Ra, The Sophia Code
« Reply #31 on: November 25, 2018, 08:12:29 pm »
One of many things she sells are "The Sophia Code Divine Feminine Christ Initiation® MP3 Recordings", there are currently 8 in total. Use of bolding is mine.

Keycode 7: The White Buffalo Woman Initiation “Prayer as an Act of Self-Realization”

$13.00 USD

Meet the Divine Feminine Christ teacher White Buffalo Woman in this visionary transmission given as a new prophecy live in Mount Shasta, CA
    Receive her Divine Feminine medicine blessings and direct mentorship for embodying your Higher Self as a wayshower for global peace and humanity’s healing
    Opens your consciousness to embrace the miraculous power of your own divinity within your heroic human journey
    Activates the divine qualities of Keycode 7 within you – including the power of your prayers and sovereign ability to command miracles as a “Living Chanunpa

Recent Facebook post from

“I come to activate the master within you that is ready to align with and for all of Sophia’s creation joining you in this same prayer for global peace. My presence overlights your awareness to accept and receive that all of creation is working together to orchestrate the answers to your prayers. It is in your willingness to participate in this great prayer with me that we will call forth the healing rains and lightning reconciliation of the Divine Feminine grace and power ordained to usher in a new paradigm of right relations with All That Is.” —White Buffalo Woman, The Sophia Code, Pg. 288??????????????????
* * * * ?????????
"And as I walked alone, I heard the sun singing as it arose, and it sang like this:?????????
“With visible face I am appearing.?????????
In a sacred manner I appear. ?????????
For the green earth a pleasantness I make.?????????
The center of the nation’s hoop I have made pleasant.?????????
With visible face, behold me!?????????
The four-legged and two-legged, I have made them to walk;?????????
The wings of the air, I have made them to fly.?????????
With visible face I appear.?????????
My day, I have made it holy.”?????????
Black Elk Speaks, Pg. 36?


Disclaimer on her site:

© 2013 - 2018 KAIA RA, LLC | All Rights Reserved | KAIA RA®, The Sophia Code®, The Sophia Dragon Tribe®, The Sophia Dragons® and Embody Your Sovereignty® are the intellectual property and Registered Trademarks of Kaia Ra, LLC |

Disclaimer: No part of this site is intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any illness. Nothing on this site is to be construed as medical advice; Kaia Ra is not a doctor. Please discuss your personal health, including any options or ideas you may read on the internet (on this site or others) with your personal, qualified health practitioner before making changes to your diet or adjusting/discontinuing any medication. We are not responsible for any adverse outcomes associated with using or misconstruing advice or information on this site.


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Re: Colleen Anne Santoro AKA Kaia Ra, The Sophia Code
« Reply #32 on: November 25, 2018, 09:03:51 pm »
(I copied and pasted from Facebook above, apparently this also picked up many emojis that I did not intend.)

Uploaded here are some images displaying her ongoing stylized branding of herself. Colleen Santoro's performance sales branding is as "Kaia Ra". Looks like she spends lots of time on her visual presentation.

She is now also selling jewelry:

Word Mark    KAIA RA
Goods and Services    IC 014. US 002 027 028 050. G & S: jewelry. FIRST USE: 20180810. FIRST USE IN COMMERCE: 20180810
Standard Characters Claimed    
Mark Drawing Code    (4) STANDARD CHARACTER MARK
Serial Number    88057856
Filing Date    July 30, 2018
Current Basis    1A
Original Filing Basis    1B
Owner    (APPLICANT) Kaia Ra, LLC LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY CALIFORNIA 3033 North Central Avenue, Suite 415 Phoenix ARIZONA 85012
Attorney of Record    Elliott Alderman, Esq.
Prior Registrations    5194836
Type of Mark    TRADEMARK
Register    PRINCIPAL
Other Data    The name(s), portrait(s), and/or signature(s) shown in the mark identifies Kaia Ra, whose consent(s) to register is made of record.
Live/Dead Indicator    LIVE

(search here


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Re: Colleen Anne Santoro AKA Kaia Ra, The Sophia Code
« Reply #33 on: November 25, 2018, 09:46:52 pm »
I'm listening to some of this video KAIA RA FB LIVE: CA Fires - "Presencing with Shock, Praying with Power" Online Gathering 

"Presencing with Shock, Praying with Power" Online Gathering | Angel Wings Up! Join Kaia Ra for a riveting FB Live circle overlighted by Mary Magdalene and the Ascended Masters in honor of California. Integrate the shock of atrocities by being fully present with your feelings, radically empower yourself with the cellular memory of your divinity and join us in prayers, visualizations and meditation for both the victims and survivors of these fires.

[ Please Note: There are several moments of strong language in this transmission intended to shake up complacency. Please listen at your discretion. ]

Colleen Anne Santoro /Kaia Ra basically does an overwrought modern tent revival here. She claims that she has the answer to the current fires in California and other natural disasters. She insists that they are not "natural" and hints that they have some sort of supernatural cause. She speaks in a dramatic fashion to encourage listeners to rivet attention and believe what she is saying.

She says that she has visions. That we can learn from her "angelic technology" to protect us. We are encouraged to buy her "Golden Dragon Light Body" audio to learn further how to do this.

I admit that I don't understand her talk about parallel universes. She unfortunately uses what she terms "Nazi Germany" as an example - according to her some people chose to come from a parallel universe to be helpful, they themselves never being harmed and that "they even lived well".

She claims that we don't "even necessarily need to eat food", we only do it because we've been programmed to do so for centuries.

She says vampires are causing ..........I dunno what .......natural disasters?

She says we all came to earth to be "literal angels". And she refers to the "fucking apocalypse".

I believe that Colleen Santoro / Kaia Ra is dangerous at this point. She is using natural disasters to whip up further fear and anxiety, she harangues followers in an overwrought manner, and then convinces them to buy her products.

I don't know if she herself is unstable and delusional. No matter what, she is working to draw delusional people to her. Already delusional and vulnerable people may suffer and decompensate further if they follow her.


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Re: Colleen Anne Santoro AKA Kaia Ra, The Sophia Code
« Reply #34 on: November 25, 2018, 11:56:35 pm »
A prior business in San Francisco:

About Stargate Lotus Healing Therapies

Private Healing Session – 1 1/2 Hour – $188

In-person or long distance healing sessions over the phone are now available with Kaia Ra.

Kaia Ra alchemizes multiple healing & mediumship techniques to co-create with Great Spirit life-changing healing sessions that are guided by your Higher Self.

Session includes:
• Source energy transmutation and downloads: Reiki, Theta, Shamanic Psychic Surgery, Angel Therapy
• Past life healing/information
• Mediumship for peaceful communication with departed loved ones
• Ancestor healing/peace keeping/intervention
• Higher Self Activation & Anchoring
• Akashic record downloads
• Psychic Spiritual Counseling & Life Coaching
• Chakra/Energetic Bodies Upgrades
• Spirit Ally & Totem Recognition
• Kundalini Activation
• Lower Level Energies & Entity Removal/Exorcism


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Re: Colleen Anne Santoro AKA Kaia Ra, The Sophia Code
« Reply #35 on: November 27, 2018, 01:22:42 am »
Colleen Santoro /Kaia Ra is working to make money off of natural disasters.

Recent Facebook post:

Since August I’ve received messages from The Sophia Dragon Tribe about gathering our community for an important ceremony happening this Winter Solstice. From the beginning, they insisted that this ceremony happen in Los Angeles. ?????????
After the recent catastrophic events in California, I now fully understand their urgency. What happened in California is actually happening all over the US and across the world in the guise of similar disasters that are not natural in origin.?????????
We no longer have the luxury of denying the unlimited power of our shared sovereign divinity. It is time to collectively embody the truth that you and I came here to be actual, living angels on earth. ?????????
During this pivotal moment in humanity’s evolution, the mission is to keep your angel wings out and up, your heart open, your connection to Source clear, and to unconditionally shine the greatest light that shifts all dark agendas. ?????????
Ceremony is the language of the soul that activates such quantum leap shifts.?????????
As the stargate opens for this life changing evening, you’re invited to download next-level Higher Self light body activations and receive helpful guidance for navigating the many changes ahead of us in 2019. ?????????
Come connect with your Family of Light to receive the support you deserve from your ‘friends in high places’. Shining together, our light is unstoppable! ?????????
December 21 — Winter Solstice Ceremony | LIVE Q&A | Book Signing ?????????
December 22 — Ascended Master Immersive?????????
Get Tickets @ k a i a r a . c o m ?

The Solstice Ceremony is $33 dollars. Ascended Master Immersive is $333 dollars.

Her jewelry will be available for sale:

The Embody Your Sovereignty Collection

Experience Kaia Ra’s stunning new jewelry line The Embody Your Sovereignty Collection, which is inscribed with the living transmission of The Sophia Code, at the Friday evening ceremony.

Each design is hand carved to activate your divine genome and deepen your direct mentor relationship with the Ascended Masters and orders of angels. Be one of the first Lightworkers on the planet to adorn yourself with this angelic ascension technology channeled by Kaia Ra to protect and expand your Higher Self embodiment in 2019.

Discover the entire collection before and after The Sophia Code Solstice Ceremony to make your pre-launch sale order with our jewelry angels. Orders will be fulfilled by the end of January 2019.?

(About the newage use of "sovereignty" )


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Re: Colleen Anne Santoro AKA Kaia Ra, The Sophia Code
« Reply #36 on: November 27, 2018, 05:44:18 pm »
Review of her book The Sophia Code on Amazon:

1.0 out of 5 stars 


October 31, 2018

I’ve met “Kaia Ra” aka Colleen in person. Being around her is uncomfortable. The sort of discomfort one feels when you’re around someone who is so deeply out of touch, so deeply involved in her own lies about herself. That disassociated feeling? Know what I’m talking about? Self important. Better than you. Out of touch with reality. Deeply disturbed and believing this incredible mythology about herself. Please, if you think this woman has any wisdom at all to offer go listen to any one of the YouTube videos she has out. If you can stand it for more than 10 minutes. She uses very extravagant language, but if you actually study and listen to what she saying it’s absolute gobbledygook. Using flamboyant words does not mean you have any actual wisdom to impart. Sorry “Kaia” not signing up for one of you $800 energy work sessions either.

Offline Sparks

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Re: Colleen Anne Santoro AKA Kaia Ra, The Sophia Code
« Reply #37 on: November 27, 2018, 08:35:15 pm »
Review of her book The Sophia Code on Amazon …

Here is a link to her book on Amazon (scroll upwards), including the most recent reviews (so far a total of 203, averaging 4,7 out of 5 stars) of that book, where you'll find the review quoted in full by Piff:

In there is a link to her Author's Page at Amazon, with two photos and a 55 minutes long video:


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Re: Colleen Anne Santoro AKA Kaia Ra, The Sophia Code
« Reply #38 on: December 16, 2018, 02:13:35 am »
She's doubling down on her past satanic panic claims expressed in prior books and videos:

Today is the day that I found out the truth about my biological mother. The one that I never met in person because she was murdered at the age of 15 in the same human trafficking military program that I was inducted into at birth.

Upon my earthly arrival, I was placed in the program of my “handler parents"

Today is the day that I decided that I will finally tell the truth – the whole truth – of what I survived and nothing less than that whole story in my next book.

Offline Sparks

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Re: "Kaia Ra" "The Sophia Code"
« Reply #39 on: September 17, 2019, 03:36:14 pm »
(Teal Swan seems not to have been been mentioned earlier here in the NAFPS forum.)

A couple of days later, educatedindian started a thread about her, updated today: [Mary Teal Bosworth AKA Teal Swan]

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Re: Colleen Anne Santoro AKA Kaia Ra, The Sophia Code
« Reply #40 on: March 19, 2021, 08:24:34 pm »
Family Denies Sedona Guru Kaia Ra’s Bizarre QAnon-like Claims
Written by Be Scofield•   March 17, 2021

This is an incredible exposé.

“Colleen had a normal, happy childhood,” David assured me. She sang in chorus, played on the Medway Valley High Volleyball team, and was in an Amnesty International-type club. They shared the same art teacher, Mrs. Seidler, whom they both loved.

During a phone call, Colleen’s mother told me she had a “good upbringing.” Her younger sister, who grew up in the same house, also confirmed during an interview Colleen was raised in a relatively normal middle-class home.

Nowadays, Colleen has cut off contact with David and the entire family. “The last thing I heard from her, and this was years ago, was ‘Fuck you and fuck your unborn son,” David told me. He had sent a few pictures of his kids to her thinking she might enjoy them. She responded with a 14-page cease and desist order, but he didn’t recognize the name on the form. It said Kaia Ra.

“We were best friends until she started acting crazy,” David said. “Something happened.” She was in her early twenties when he first noticed the shift. “She robbed my apartment and was doing a bunch of drugs.” One afternoon he got a call from an Oakland detective saying Kaia was being investigated. David recalled it was about her convincing old people on their deathbeds to sign over their property as she treated them with reiki. Kaia’s sister also received a call from the same detective. The police had received several complaints, he said.

Follow the link for much more, including photographs.

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Re: Colleen Anne Santoro AKA Kaia Ra, The Sophia Code
« Reply #41 on: March 27, 2021, 05:50:12 pm »
Statement from a family member, from comments here :

I wish the followers of Colleen Santoro, who renamed herself Kaia Ra, would at least ask her for answers to the gaping holes in her testimony as a victim. After all, she uses this testimony to supposedly justify her divine authority to lead people to higher levels of spiritual consciousness.

First, she claims to have been raped and tortured daily from age 3-18. DAILY? Is that even possible? Could a perpetrator have the energy to rape and torture someone every day for 15 years? And if she was continually sex trafficked across several states as she claims, how could she have the normal school attendance record every child has to pass elementary, middle and high school? In addition, she was seen most every Sunday by whole congregations at church? Did alll this trafficking happen on Saturdays? If so, how come her siblings never noticed her missing for any long unexplainable stretch of time.

Of all the people who saw, knew and loved Colleen from birth to the age of 18, how is it possible that NOT ONE person saw any any signs of abuse on a kid who now, as an adult, claims she was raped and tortured daily? How could such evidence escape her pediatrician? Or her school medical records? Or late night conversations with her best friends?

Colleen claims that her 'real' birth mother, Constance, was murdered and Kaia Ra was placed in the hands of her 'handler parents' at age 3. Since most of her followers never saw her at that age, they don't see, as we clearly do, how impossible this claim is. Our family celebrated her birthdays. Her childhood is well documented in family photos. Wouldn't someone in her large extended family -- parents, siblings cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents -- NOTICE if a strange new child suddenly appeared in Colleen's place at age 3? Wouldn't there be a mad scramble to the police to find out who kidnapped our Colleen and left a strange toddler behind? But the face of the infant, toddler, teenager and young woman all look like the same kid: Colleen Santoro. If Kaia Ra's story is true, what happened to OUR 3-year-old Colleen?

How far can Colleen push her malicious false testimony? Only as far as her followers let her.

Her followers buy her jewelry that claims to stop depression and suicidal thoughts. Why don't they ask what OBJECTIVE evidence Colleen has to prove such outlandish claims? If I had a seriously depressed daughter, I'd want a lot more evidence before I traded her prescribed meds for Kaia Ra jewelry..

This is America. There's nothing wrong with jumping from the East to West coast and changing your name and re-inventing yourself. But when you publicly defame your real family to falsely claim they abused you, then use that fake story with a few imaginative embellishments to proclaim yourself a New Age oracle -- it's just plain fraud. And if her real family is silent when we know the truth about her deceit, then we become accessories to her pulling the wool over her followers' eyes. She will not use me that way.

Understandably, Colleen's followers might want to protect the reputation of the self- conjured Kaia Ra they idolize. I ask that you please, first consider the family she continues to throw under the bus every time she repeats her false testimony.

We know the truth and so does she.

Do you?

Offline BLV

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Re: "Kaia Ra" "The Sophia Code"
« Reply #42 on: April 02, 2021, 03:56:10 am »

Aside from the usual narcissism of the newage, it may not have been quite so offensive over there. But here on Turtle Island, with ongoing struggles for Indigenous Sovereignty... having a bunch of white people play Indian in a quest for personal "Sovereignty" takes on a decidedly sinister intent.

Here in America, in that context, no matter what she says... I look at those pictures and I think it's just code for white supremacy.

500% exactly, same old settler colonialism repackaged for Burning Man

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Re: Colleen Anne Santoro AKA Kaia Ra, The Sophia Code
« Reply #43 on: June 09, 2021, 03:06:44 am »
Colleen is still very active. Still selling expensive "Keycode 7, White Buffalo Woman" jewelry. Still overusing her favorite word "sovereignty". She promises miracles.

Her followers express endless adoration of her on Facebook. Her destructive cult has expanded, she is active in France now also.

Colleen continues to claim that her:

early life was consumed by surviving child rape trafficking, atrocities, near death experiences, and psychic exploitation. Through her direct relationship with the Ascended Masters, angelic orders, and the Star Nations, Kaia Ra survived by repeatedly returning to her body with ascension blueprints from the highest realms of creation that would one day serve The Sophia Code as a worldwide ministry.

I don't really understand her claim about Jan 6, 2021 here in the USA:

Honestly, it’s been a daily decision for me to remain in the sovereign creative resonance of Hathor’s living transmission as we collectively ride the waves of political changes now unfolding both in the US and worldwide. ?
Channeling the Hathor Ceremony on January 6th was clearly divinely directed, and this blessing has carried my heart over the days that have followed.

Whatever it means, her cult followers love it and she makes even more money.

Offline Sandy S

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Re: Colleen Anne Santoro AKA Kaia Ra, The Sophia Code
« Reply #44 on: January 08, 2025, 07:56:58 pm »
Colleen Anne Santoro AKA Kaia Ra continues to run a very slick operation.

Some reviews

If you're considering joining this group, you should know a few things. This group seems to target women who have experienced trauma. You'll be lured in with the idea of a group of supportive women in a feminist positive environment who can understand you and your traumas better than therapists and better than organized religion (they claim to not be religious, but "spiritual", until your involvement deepens). This is enticing, but by exposing yourself and your own personal traumas you are opening yourself up to manipulation: sharing personal secrets with others (and then praised for it) puts you in a position where you'll feel obligated to keep membership, and purchase product. This also encourages you to recruit others, as you're locked in and can't leave without risk of people exposing your deepest secrets (plus, you've found a "home" with like minded women).

Additionally, this group may push you into "remembering" trauma that didn't actually happen, which is an extremely strong method of psychological manipulation. It's caused some members of this group to disavow loved ones on false accusations of abuse

I've now heard directly from several survivors of Kaia Ra's cult who were higher ups, all the way down to people who've just attended her gatherings, to people who've only read the book. Kaia Ra is a terrifying girl boss and there's no doubt about that. I personally don't feel there is anything positive to be gained from being around her or her "transmissions". I've heard first hand from women who are now 100K+ in credit card debit because of her and girl bosses similar to her, convincing them to stay on the "dragon ride" and keep investing for the future payout that will never come.

Had someone pass me a copy of KR's training doc for "Angel Status" leaders and it is basically a how-to guide on psychological brainwashing and crafting the perfect dynamics for non-consensual cult indoctrination. I mean, some of these women actually believe her jewelry has magical powers because Kaia Ra is just that godlike.

I had a family member dabble with this woman and it was the darkest time in my whole life. She is a scam artist and will bleed you dry. I am so happy my family member got out of it. It was really, really bad. Please be aware and keep your eyes wide open.