Author Topic: Guldal Caba  (Read 6631 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Guldal Caba
« on: May 26, 2018, 06:30:45 pm »
Turkish woman with dyed blond hair. One of the Nemenhah frauds. In the thread on Nemenhah, she's listed as one of the authors of one of their codes,

...a student of Sound, Chanting, and Mind-Science with Dr. Bashram Pillai, and a student of Native American (Indigenous) Medicine with Elected Principle Medicine Chief Cloudpiler Landis.

Licensed as a Psychologist in the State of Ohio, she has a PhD in Counseling Psychology, a triple major Bachelor's degree in Existential Philosophy, Psychology, and Interpersonal Communications and a Masters Degree in Education with a focus on Curriculum Development and Human Development. Her passion for bridging studies continued with a second Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine.

Today she is a spiritually adopted and registered Medicine Woman and has incorporated Mind-Science and Native American (Indigenous) Medicine....

You can also take advantage of Dr. Guldal’s extensive training as a Naturopath (NMD) and in Native American Medicine. Individual treatment programs with Dr. Guldal have the added element of Naturopathic assessment involving nutritional herbal supplement programs all enhanced with Native American Medicine.

....tap into her extensive knowledge as a Psychologist, Naturopath, Medicine Woman, Brain-Body Expert, Intuitive Healer and Native American Spiritual Leader.

Guldal was first spiritually adopted as a Medicine Woman in 2005 by Chief Philip “Cloudpiler” Landis of The Nemenhah Indigenous Tribal Organization. She was given her Native American name "Tuihl-Hah-Pah-Nu" (Sees Far Woman).  During this time she served as Chief of Ethical and Community Concerns and helped draft the first book of Ethics for the organization and also helped with the editing and writing of the Constitution.

Dr. Guldal’s Sankalpa continued its call and in 2012. She was given direction from her Spirit Guides to expand her teachings and healing modalities; to lay a foundation in which to teach others the multidimensional sacred medicine that she has been entrusted with.

It was at this time that she was contacted by James Warren (Flaming Eagle) Mooney Seminole Elder, Medicine Man and co-founder of Oklevueha Native American Church:

This church founded December 17, 2007 is a merger of The Lakota Sioux and Seminole Religious Cultures. The original agreement named this merging of American Native spiritual traditions, Oklevueha Lakota Sioux Native American Church, predominately known as Oklevueha Native American Church. James "Flaming Eagle" is the Priory of the Indigenous People Under the Grand Priory of the United States of America for the Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem).

During this conversation, he told her he had heard about her work in bringing the Ancient and Indigenous practices to light with honor and integrity and was guided to call her and bless her with an Independent Branch of the Native American Church. In a Sacred Ceremony with Linda and James Mooney, Dr. Guldal was blessed with this honor and Bridging Healing Disciplines Native American Church was born.

Bridging Healing Disciplines Native American Church is a Spiritual Organization grounded in Indigenous Principles of healing and spirituality. The mission of this Spiritual Organization is to be a beacon of possibility for connection to self and that which is greater called “The Creator” in the Indigenous tongue. We are dedicated to the awakening of consciousness and to the healing of body-mind-spirit.  Dr. Guldal as Spiritual Leader and Medicine Woman of this Organization


Frankly she falls for quacks all the time. Injecting urine to lose weight.
....The F.D.A. recently received a report of a patient on the hCG diet who had a pulmonary embolism, said Christopher Kelly, a spokesman for the agency. He said the hormone carried risks of blood clots, depression, headaches and breast tenderness or enlargement.
Dr. Pieter Cohen, an assistant professor at Harvard medical school who researches weight-loss supplements, said that aside from the issue of side effects, the use of hCG as a diet tool was “manipulating people to give them the sense that they’re receiving something that’s powerful and potent and effective, and in fact they’re receiving something that’s nothing better than a placebo.”....
Doctors who prescribe hCG for dieting say that experience is in their favor, even if the research is not. They point to women like Guldal Caba, a 53-year-old psychologist from Toledo, Ohio, who traveled to New York for treatment from Dr. Bissoon. “It was the fat that needed to go — you know behind my bra, that back fat, my belly,” Dr. Caba said.