Author Topic: Redwolf Pope Rape Case  (Read 75451 times)


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Today on Maricopa county inmate charge information for Redwolf Pope:

Case:  CR2018003686001     Bond:  No Bond
001   Count(s) 
Next Court Appearance:  8/8/2018 for:   FUGITIVE HEARING

Sup Crt-Fugitive Fm Justice
201 W Jefferson Rm 10D/1002
Phoenix Az 85003

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Santa Fe Native American activist accused of sexual assault KRQE news video


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RedWolf Pope
Member of the Tulalip Tribal Bar
Office Address:
     509 Olive Way, Suite 1558
     Seattle, Washington 98101

Lessons of courage from Standing Rock | RedWolf Pope | TEDxSeattle

Redwolf Pope

Location   Greater Seattle Area
Cofounder and CEO @ Pingle Inc.
MPA Program @ Seattle University
Attorney @ Atty for Tulalip tribal courts
Fellow @ Representative Jim McDermott
Doctorate of Jurisprudence and Masters of Public Administration, MPA/JD @ Seattle University

He has an active voter registration in Seattle.


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His mother:

Sky is a member of the Tlingit Alaskan Native Nation. She has been married to Mala Spotted Eagle Pope who is of Western Shoshone and Cherokee descent for 27 years. Sky and Mala has raised four children, Michael Thunder Eagle, Red Wolf, Winter Sparrow and Hunnan Siton (means Badger Claw in Western Shoshone).

She co-directed an inter tribal and inter racial traditional camp for 10 years under the direct supervision of John Rolling Thunder Pope, a once well known spiritual leader and native activist, and his wife Helen Spotted Fawn Pope, a clan mother.

Sky has received intensive training in clan mother teachings and women issues from various spiritual native elders and medicine people. She has periodically traveled and assisted on speaking tours for Rolling Thunder, as well as her husband Mala Spotted Eagle



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Police are investigating whether Redwolf Pope, a well-known Native American activist and entrepreneur arrested this week amid accusations that he drugged and raped a woman in New Mexico last year, may have committed similar crimes in Seattle.

“There may be other victims in Seattle, and we want them to be encouraged to reach out to us,” Seattle police spokesman Sgt. Sean Whitcomb said Thursday.

Pope’s LinkedIn page describes him as a co-founder and chief executive for several tech startups, and it lists Pope as an attorney who has worked for the Tulalip Tribal Court since February 2012. But Tulalip Tribal Court Director Wendy Church said in a phone message Thursday that Pope doesn’t work as a lawyer for the tribe.

“He is not an attorney to my knowledge,” Church said. “He was never an attorney here; he was an extern in our civil legal aid office.”
A spokeswoman for the Washington State Bar Association, which licenses attorneys in Washington, confirmed Thursday that Pope is not a licensed lawyer in this state.

Pope attended Seattle University from 2008 through 2013 and received a law degree there, but a university spokesman said Thursday that Pope didn’t finish a master’s degree in public administration that is listed on his LinkedIn page

Seattle police ask anyone with information on the case to call the department’s Sexual Assault Unit at 206-684-5575.



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TEDxSeattle has since taken Pope's talk down from the web and released a statement condemning the alleged behavior.

The charging documents also state that Pope would also rent his Seattle apartment on Airbnb. KING 5 notified the company of the charges. It has removed Pope as a host and is reaching out to law enforcement in case they could help out in the investigation. Airbbnb says surveillance devices are never permitted in private spaces such as bathrooms, bedrooms or other sleeping areas.

TEDxSeattle is shocked to learn of the criminal charges against RedWolf Pope. We find the kind of acts alleged in the charges to be abhorrent. TEDxSeattle is committed to the betterment of our community. We have removed the video of his presentation pending resolution of the open and active legal proceedings.

We have removed the video “Lessons of courage from Standing Rock” from our site
After learning about multiple rape charges against RedWolf Pope in New Mexico, we have removed the video of his presentation at TEDxSeattle 2017.  We recognize the judicial process has just begun. However, due to the sensitive nature of this situation, we believe it’s appropriate to remove the video from our site at this time.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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This was posted yesterday:

Who is Alleged Rapist Redwolf Pope? Turns Out He is Not American Indian After All
by Levi Rickert / Currents / 28 Jul 2018


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Redwolf Pope (Eagle Bear Tlingit and White Knife Shoshone) visted Standing Rock from Seattle for the months of September through December.

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Redwolf Pope Now Faces 2 additional Charges of Rape in Seattle
« Reply #25 on: August 13, 2018, 07:33:41 pm »
In Addition to Santa Fe Charges, Redwolf Pope Now Faces 2 Charges of Rape in Seattle

by Levi Rickert / Currents / 12 Aug 2018

SEATTLE — Already in Santa Fe, New Mexico jail, Redwolf Pope, a man who for years has claimed to American Indian, is now facing two counts of rape in Seattle, Washington. The King County Prosecutor’s Office confirms Pope will be arraigned in a King County court on August 23, 2018.

Pope, who also represented himself as an attorney-though has not passed the bar exam in the states of Washington or New Mexico, the two states he lived in prior to his arrest. Pope maintained two apartments: One in Santa Fe and one in Seattle’s Capitol Hill location.

Pope is currently jailed in Santa Fe being detained on a $500,000 bond. He was arrested last month in Phoenix being charged in Santa Fe with criminal sexual penetration in the 3rd degree, criminal sexual contact, aggravated battery, and false imprisonment.

The case against him involves both his apartments in Santa Fe, New Mexico and on Boylston Avenue in Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood.



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Re: Warrant issued for native activist accused of raping unconscious women
« Reply #26 on: August 19, 2018, 12:26:25 am »
Redwolf Pope has been charged with two counts of second degree rape in the assaults at the Boylston-Howell building in the 1700 block of Boylston. Pope maintained a fourth-floor residence in the Capitol Hill Housing building, available only to tenants earning 40% and 50% of area median income, and another in Santa Fe where he faces similar charges for a sexual assault on a Seattle-area woman.

(content warning)

Check the newspaper article for the relevant court document clips referred to

According to court documents on the Seattle assaults, the two women associates of Pope who turned over the videos to police were staying in his Capitol Hill apartment while he was away when they discovered the cameras and that it was common for people to stay in the unit including when Pope hosted “Airbnb” guests.

“The defendant hid video cameras around his apartment in Seattle where he captured images of friends who he invited in his home, as well as his unwitting roommates,” prosecutors write. “Most disturbingly, the defendant filmed himself raping women, women who were friends of the defendant.”

Seattle Police say the first rape on the videos discovered this past May was recorded on video November 30, 2016 and shows an unidentified woman being sexually violated in Pope’s Capitol Hill apartment bedroom. “As S/Pope sexually assaulted V/Jane Doe, penis to vagina, she does not move in the slightest,” police write of the video showing the attack on the woman:

Detectives were able to identify and interview a woman being sexually assaulted in a second video dated July 27, 2017. A third video shows what police say is a rape inside a Santa Fe hotel room.

Police say beyond the raw videos showing the assaults and women showering, Pope made his videos into a movie complete with a soundtrack. “The defendant was so proud of his repulsive behavior that spliced together the three known rape videos and compiled a montage set to music,” prosecutors write.

The Marysville, Washington woman police were able to identify as the victim in the second video said Pope had given her a sweet beverage before she blacked out


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Re: Redwolf Pope Rape Case
« Reply #27 on: October 11, 2018, 09:20:28 pm »
He is currently at Santa Fe County Adult Detention Facility.

Inmate No :    368808
Gender :    Male
Race :    WHITE
Height(ft.) :    5'09"
Weight(lbs.) :    190
Physical Detail
Hair Shade :    
Eye Color:    BROWN
Booking Detail
Booking # :    18-005609
Booking Date-Time :    08/21/2018 13:06
Release Date-Time :


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Re: Redwolf Pope Rape Case
« Reply #28 on: October 11, 2018, 09:24:32 pm »
Redwolf Pope pleads not guilty to rape, kidnapping charges

    By Sami Edge | Sep 20, 2018

Redwolf Pope, an activist for Native American causes, pleaded not guilty Thursday to charges of rape, kidnapping and voyeurism in a state District Court in Santa Fe.

If convicted on all counts, Pope, 41, could face more than 20 years behind bars.

Pope is accused of raping an unconscious woman in a Santa Fe hotel in August 2017 and recording the incident on video.

The woman, a Seattle-area resident, told police in that city about the alleged incident in July.

Police in Santa Fe had begun investigating Pope about a month earlier after his roommate told officers she had discovered what appeared to be recording devices in Pope’s apartments and lewd videos saved on some of his digital devices. Some of the videos appear to be candid footage of people in Pope’s apartments who didn’t know they were being recorded in the nude, according to an affidavit for his arrest.

A statement of probable cause says videos also appear to show Pope having sex with unconscious women. The tattoos on one of the women in the videos match the tattoos on the Washington state woman who accused Pope of raping her in Santa Fe, the affidavit says.

After Pope was charged and arrested in connection with the Santa Fe rape allegation, Seattle police accused him of raping two women in that city.

During Pope’s arraignment Thursday, his attorney, Stephen Aarons, told District Judge Mary Marlowe Sommer he is not yet asking that Pope be released because he is also facing detention for the charges in Seattle.

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Re: Redwolf Pope Rape Case
« Reply #29 on: September 28, 2019, 11:51:30 am »
So this happened -


SANTA FE, N.M. (KRQE) – A judge has released a Native American activist charged with rape because prosecutors violated evidence rules.

Redwolf Pope is accused of raping a woman in 2017 and recording the encounter. However, his defense attorney says he never received a search warrant affidavit used to gather digital evidence in the case and asked for the case to be dismissed.

Prosecutors say they did give the defense digital photos of the affidavit, just not the paper copies. The judge ruled dismissing the case or suppressing evidence would too strong a response, so she ordered Redwolf’s release as a sanction against prosecutors.