Author Topic: Redwolf Pope Rape Case  (Read 75381 times)

Offline Sparks

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Re: Redwolf Pope Rape Case
« Reply #30 on: September 28, 2019, 12:25:27 pm »
Good thing you quoted the article. This is what I got when clicking your link:

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Offline Sparks

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Re: Redwolf Pope Rape Case
« Reply #31 on: September 28, 2019, 12:34:52 pm »
Generally, this article explains the rules and regulations concerning investigation of rape cases in the U.S.:

A useful read for me at least. It's much about digital evidence, which also was part of the Redwolf Pope case.

Offline RedRightHand

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Re: Redwolf Pope Rape Case
« Reply #32 on: September 28, 2019, 08:52:48 pm »
Coming soon to a protest/protector's camp near you.

Activist women, beware. We have now seen a handful of cases where rapists and child molestors have been released and their records wiped in exchange for them turning informant / agent provacateur in Native activist communities.

Some of these men are pretendians, some of them are NDNs.

If there is a guy you know who did time, but you look up his record in PACER, and now it's gone... BINGO. You've found someone who cut a deal to disrupt NDN Country, and/or spy on activists, in exchange for a clean start.

Watch and see if this guy turns up at actions, and if his record gets wiped.

So this happened -


SANTA FE, N.M. (KRQE) – A judge has released a Native American activist charged with rape because prosecutors violated evidence rules.

Redwolf Pope is accused of raping a woman in 2017 and recording the encounter. However, his defense attorney says he never received a search warrant affidavit used to gather digital evidence in the case and asked for the case to be dismissed.

Prosecutors say they did give the defense digital photos of the affidavit, just not the paper copies. The judge ruled dismissing the case or suppressing evidence would too strong a response, so she ordered Redwolf’s release as a sanction against prosecutors.

Offline Sparks

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Re: Redwolf Pope Rape Case
« Reply #33 on: September 29, 2019, 04:18:50 am »
I found some more recent news about the Redwolf Pope Rape Case:

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Offline educatedindian

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Re: Redwolf Pope Rape Case
« Reply #34 on: September 29, 2019, 12:39:02 pm »

The last one only tells me:
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Here it is. Moving thread to Frauds.
Redwolf Pope, a Native American activist charged with raping a woman in Santa Fe last year, also faces rape accusations in Seattle, a police statement shows.

Pope, 41, who court documents say has homes in both Seattle and Santa Fe, was charged in Santa Fe in late July with criminal sexual penetration, criminal sexual contact, aggravated battery and false imprisonment after a Seattle-area woman told investigators Pope had raped her when she was visiting Santa Fe last year.

The charges followed a collaborative investigation by police in both cities that began when roommates of Pope told Santa Fe police they found videos that appear to show Pope raping unconscious women.

A newly released statement by a Seattle detective says investigators determined there are at least three women in the videos, “each of whom clearly appear to be unconscious and unresponsive.”

A day after a Santa Fe judge signed an arrest warrant for Pope, officers arrested him last month in Phoenix, where he has remained in jail awaiting transfer back to Santa Fe.

Santa Fe County Magistrate David Segura rejected a motion by Pope’s lawyer, Stephen Aarons, to quash the arrest warrant, and Segura ordered the Santa Fe County Sheriff’s Office to bring Pope to Santa Fe to face charges.

A probable cause statement signed Thursday by the Seattle police detective said investigators there believe Pope raped two women in that city as well.

The document says that after Pope’s arrest in Phoenix, Seattle police were able to identify a woman they think was raped by Pope in a video recorded in his Seattle apartment.

That woman told police by phone it was possible she could have been a victim, the document says, because she recalled an evening in 2017 when she ended up in Pope’s bed and didn’t know how she got there.

At Seattle police headquarters, officers asked the woman to look at a screenshot of the head and neck area of a woman in one of the videos, the document says, and the woman recognized it as an image of herself.

After viewing the video, the woman “immediately started to wail and cry. She curled up into a ball on her chair, pulling her legs toward her body, wrapping her arms around her legs, all as she pushed back away from the table and the picture,” the document says.

The woman told police that Pope had picked her up on the night in question and had given her a drink. She could not remember what happened afterward, she told police, but she woke up in Pope’s bed the next day with no recollection of how she got there.

“She was convinced, due to their strong friendship, nothing had happened other than an awkward exchange,” the police document says.

The probable cause document says police have not identified the third woman in the videos. However, the room in the video appears to be in Pope’s Seattle apartment, the document says, and shows a woman being sexually assaulted on Nov. 30, 2016.

Based on the evidence, the document says, Seattle police have cause to believe Pope committed second-degree rape twice in that city.

Aarons, Pope’s Santa Fe attorney, said late Friday he didn’t have any knowledge of any rape accusations in Seattle.

“It’s not something that I knew about,” Aarons said in a phone interview. “I know about the case here. … There was a consensual relationship here. I don’t know anything about these other cases.”

In his motion to quash Pope’s arrest warrant, Aarons had argued that the woman who alleged she was raped by Pope in Santa Fe was a former girlfriend who does not remember having consensual sex with his client because she was intoxicated.

That contradicts what the woman told police.

According to a police affidavit seeking the warrant for Pope’s arrest, the woman said he was an acquaintance who was respected by elders in her Pacific Northwest tribe. He picked her up from a party in Santa Fe when she was visiting, she said, and gave her an alcoholic beverage. She was unable to remember the rest of the evening, she told police, and the following morning she woke up in a hotel room with Pope and was frightened when he insinuated that something romantic had occurred between them.

She told police that she “in no way, had those kinds of feelings toward Mr. Pope,” the detective wrote.

Prosecutors plan to ask a judge to keep Pope jailed in New Mexico while he awaits trial here, according to court documents filed earlier this week.


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Re: Redwolf Pope Rape Case
« Reply #35 on: September 29, 2019, 10:39:07 pm »
Pope told Marlowe Sommer that he’ll live with his girlfriend in Albuquerque until trial. He has been described as a liaison for elders, veterans and legal representatives during the 2016 North Dakota oil pipeline protests and had delivered a TEDx Talk in Seattle about the protests.

Sept 26

Pope is expected to be placed on electronic monitoring and told the judge he would reside at a girlfriend’s house in Albuquerque while the case is pending, officials said.

Pope also faces rape accusations in Seattle, authorities said.

Offline verity

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Re: Redwolf Pope Rape Case
« Reply #36 on: July 18, 2021, 10:21:08 pm »
School of Law Alumna Accuses Seattle U of Failure to Support Victims of Abuse 

Myrea Mora and Logan Gilbert|May 26, 2021

Priscilla Moreno, Seattle University School of Law alumna, has come forward to accuse Seattle U of not taking the proper precautions to protect her from her abuser. She recounted her experience with university administration, stating that they did not do enough to keep her safe, jeopardizing her physical and mental well-being.

After experiencing domestic abuse for months, Moreno reached out to Seattle U. She was unsure of what steps she should take in an effort to seek protection from her abuser Redwolf Pope. She states that she felt dismissed, ridiculed and undervalued in the coming months as the situation unfolded between Pope, the School of Law and university administration, a reoccurring failure of the university to effectively fight sexual abuse.

Mitchel Wilson, another 2014 Seattle U School of Law alumni and peer of Moreno, corroborated that Moreno told him about the events of Pope’s abuse at the time, and the lack of institutional support Moreno experienced.

“I knew something was wrong and as we started talking, she told me about how Pope had thrown her into a wall, how he had choked her and how he had clawed his own face and told people she had attacked him,” Wilson said. “She said that no one would listen to her and believe her story.”


Offline verity

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Re: Redwolf Pope Rape Case
« Reply #37 on: July 18, 2021, 10:33:59 pm »
Inmate No :   368808
Gender :   Male
Race :   WHITE
Height(ft.) :   5'09"
Weight(lbs.) :   190
Eye Color:   BROWN
Booking # :   18-005609
Booking Date-Time :   08/21/2018 13:06
Release Date-Time :   02/02/2021 09:55


I don't know what his status in in Washington state.

Offline Bahesmama

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Re: Redwolf Pope Rape Case
« Reply #38 on: November 11, 2021, 11:40:28 pm »
So frustrating. 18 years for kidnapping and only 4 for rape?

Jury convicts Redwolf Pope of rape, voyeurism
Sep 18, 2020 Updated Oct 24, 2021
Redwolf Pope lifted his head and relaxed his shoulders as if in relief when the jury foreman announced he’d been found not guilty of kidnapping Friday. Pope bowed his head again when the foreman announced the jury had found him guilty of rape and voyeurism.
Santa Fe jurors deliberated for less than four hours before finding Pope guilty of rape and voyeurism but acquitting him of kidnapping — the most serious charge.

Pope could have been sentenced up to 18 years on the kidnapping charge, a first-degree felony. The rape and voyeurism charges — a third-degree felony and misdemeanor, respectively — carry a combined maximum penalty of four years in prison.

Prosecutors said Pope, 44, took photos and video of himself sexually assaulting a Seattle woman in a Santa Fe hotel room in 2017 while she was apparently unconscious.

The woman Pope was convicted of raping had asked him to give her a ride home from a party, according to evidence presented at trial.
She testified that Pope, an acquaintance, gave her a beverage when she entered his vehicle, and she didn’t remember anything after that until she woke up in his hotel room the next morning.

Video shown at trial depicted a man whose face could not be seen — but who was wearing the red ribbons Pope had been photographed wearing during Indian Market celebrations leading up to the assault — raping his victim.
Deputy District Attorney Larissa Breen told jurors in her closing statement that each act of undressing, moving or posing the woman’s body while she was incapacitated was an act of kidnapping.

Pope’s Public Defender, Brad Kerwin, argued Pope was not guilty of kidnapping because the woman had willingly entered his vehicle.

“We always knew [the kidnapping] was going to be the toughest charge to prove,” Mary Carmack-Altwies, district attorney-elect, said in a text message following the verdict Friday. “But we felt it was important to fight it.”

“I would rather push a case of this nature to trial than acquiesce that the only crimes Pope committed was rape and voyeurism,” Carmack-Altwies said in a subsequent email, “however the jury did not convict on kidnapping — I respect that decision and the trial process. ... However, it is an outrage that Pope is only facing [four] years for drugging and raping a woman whereas the kidnapping would have added 18 years to his sentence.”

Kerwin said in a statement there were “multiple issues” with the case “and the court even sanctioned prosecutors a couple of times” and that he and co-counsel Rebecca Mnuk-Herrmann plan to appeal Pope’s convictions.

The charges against Pope, filed in 2018, arose out of a joint investigation by police in Santa Fe and Seattle that began after Pope’s roommates came forward to Santa Fe police with videos that appeared to show him sexually assaulting unconscious women in both cities.

Pope — an actor and producer of Native films who prosecutors suggested in court also had held himself out to be a lawyer — has two rape cases pending in Seattle.

“Before the trial the Court ruled that the jury could not hear about the full extent of Pope’s deviance including the number of victims and pending charges in Seattle,” Carmack-Altwies said.

“No one ‘wins’ in this forum,” Carmack-Altwies wrote, “we don’t go home and mark a tally. We do go home and know that our advocacy was not a failure ... he is facing [four] years as a serious violent offender and must register as a sex offender for the rest of his life.”
Pope will receive about two years credit toward his sentence for time he spent in custody awaiting trial and will serve his sentence in New Mexico before standing trial in Seattle.

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Redwolf Pope Rape Case
« Reply #39 on: June 02, 2022, 03:00:16 am »
   Activist convicted of rape in New Mexico accused of raping 3 women in Seattle

"An activist and tech entrepreneur pleaded not guilty to rape and voyeurism charges Wednesday in King County Superior Court, two weeks after he was booked into jail in Seattle after completing a prison sentence in New Mexico for raping a Washington woman there in 2017.

Redwolf Pope, who leased apartments in Seattle and Santa Fe, was arrested in Arizona in 2018 after his house guests turned over to police time-stamped videos from his iPad that allegedly showed him raping several women who appeared to be unconscious, according to court records and news accounts at the time.

A Santa Fe jury in 2020 found Pope guilty of rape and voyeurism, and a judge sentenced him to four years in prison, with credit for the 2½ years he’d already served in jail awaiting trial, the Santa Fe New Mexican reported. Pope claimed he had consensual sex with the victim, according to the newspaper.

After serving that sentence, Pope, 45, was booked May 19 into the King County Jail, where he remains in custody in lieu of $500,000 bail."

Offline Sandy S

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Re: Redwolf Pope Rape Case
« Reply #40 on: October 02, 2023, 11:54:44 pm »
Via King County, WA, USA subject lookup on Redwolf Pope.

Search on his name and make sure to select "Subjects in Custody in Past Year"

Booking Number: 2022-006002   POPE REDWOLF   Booked   5/18/2022 10:45
Subject Status: Active Booking



2022-006002   181030109   Rape 2 9A.44.050   $250,000.00   CHARGED AWAITING TRIAL   
2022-006002   181030109   Rape 2 9A.44.050   $250,000.00   CHARGED AWAITING TRIAL


Court case: 181030109   
Booking 2022-006002   
Bail: $500,000.00      
Case status: Pending   
Facility: Maleng Regional Justice Center