Author Topic: Andrew Pollis AKA Andrew Thunderdog  (Read 10079 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Andrew Pollis AKA Andrew Thunderdog
« on: December 04, 2018, 02:26:47 pm »
Claiming to be Lakota healer with Mapuche ancestry, operates in Australia and France.

For newcomers to the forum, only members of the Lakota community can teach Lakota ceremony. If he did learn traditionally, what he does is considered unethical and exploitative.


Newsflash! 22 Nov 2018
Andrew Thunderdog is returning to America on 17th. December and may not be in Queensland again for several years as he has Retreats being organised for him in Italy and throughout Europe.

So please pass on the word this is a one time opportunity to experience a Traditional Lakota Sioux Sweat Lodge and learn the Indigenous Perspective of ‘Medicine and its Ways’ and Traditional Healing Knowledge.

Options to attend
Full Weekend –Meals and Accommodation 1st – 2nd December 2018 $450.00 Pensioners $395.00
Saturday one day only with Sweat Lodge meals and overnight stay $225.00
Saturday 9am – 9pm Teachings Indigenous - Sweat Lodge and Meals $200.00

To Register Contact Maureen 0402 092 741 Email Bookings Close 6pm. Monday 26th. November 2018

Indigenous Healing Retreat and Lakota Sioux Sweat Lodge with Andrew Thunderdog Pollis
Saturday 1ST. + Sunday 2ND. December 2018.

Kupidabin  Wilderness  7 Lyell Court  Mt. Samson Qld.
$450.00pp includes all Meals and Accommodation
A one  time opportunity to spend time with our INTERNATIONAL  GUEST.

Andrew has many life experience stories to  tell. He has Mapuche Indian Heritage from Uruguay and Chile and has been actively involved in Traditional Native American ceremonies for 3 decades.
Andrew has just completed his 30th year as a Sun Dancer and Pipe Carrier  on the Lakota Sioux Reservation at Pine Ridge South Dakota July this year 2018.
The weekend Retreat will be on INDIAN TIME with meals scheduled to suit.

Saturday will focus on an “Indigenous Perspective of Medicine and its Ways.” What helps us, What heals us, What makes us Thrive and be Strong. Traditional Healing Knowledge using Plants, Songs and Prayer Offerings. 5pm the Lodge Fire will be lit with entry at 7pm  - 9pm Shared Supper.

Sunday- Group Gathering with Andrew.-  Closing ceremony 4.30pm- 5pm.
Bookings will be available for one on one Healings on Monday and Tuesday 1 hour.

In France he joined a who's who of exploiters. Bad google translation.
Mistezo Mapuche descent, pipe bearer in Lakota tradition and Curandero initiated to the traditions of plants. He was trained by his grandmother to use traditional medicinal plants. He spent 26 years working in emergency medicine and psychiatry. He studied biology and psychology. Its purpose is to educate and free people from the suffering of fear and isolation of the Earth and humanity. He lives by the saying: The love of freedom is inseparable from the freedom to love.

A series of talks with Andrew Thunderdog Pollis
Sunday, November 12
From 9.30am
Baugé in Anjou (between Angers and La Fleche)
Andrew Biography:
His legacy spans many continents. Born in Australia to Greek, Egyptian and Mapuche parents, he spent the first part of his life in a diverse cultural mix of Aboriginal peoples


Here his claims change again, including training by one of the original exploiters.
Andrew Thunderdog Pollis
Born in Australia of Lak'Ota and Arborigenic parents and ancestors, he was taught Lak'Ota Shamanic traditions through his grandfather Wallace Black Elk, and has been living with his family for 20 years in the North Rocky Mountains. New Mexico where he practices the traditions and spirituality of the First Nations of America and continues his research.
Its purpose is to accompany and give concrete tools to better traverse and live this period of changes and transformations for the Human Being. He is currently writing a book on "The Laws of Creation" at different levels to help better understand and live today the transition time mentioned in the calendars of the Ancients.

Pseudo science gibberish in Italy.
Seminar with Andrew Thunderdog Pollis | Saturday, 09. December 2017

The central theme is constituted by the sacred sciences at the base of most of the ancient esoteric cultures, including the totality of the Native tribes.
1. Mathematics and Geometry of time and space, their relations with cosmic and terrestrial forms and energies. The coherence of the universe.
2. The Sound - Geometry and Mathematics that are its own. The healing modalities of the Sound. Harmonies and disharmonies. The use of songs and musical instruments to alter levels of awareness in healing. Rhythms and Mathematics of resonance.
3. Symbols and Structures of energy. The ancient language. The multisensory world of the human psyche.
4. The multiverse and the movement of awareness in space and time. The mind and the soul as vehicles of the spirit.
5. The Earth Energy Networks and the function of the Holy Places. Water: imprinting and memory capacity.
6. Advanced Breathing Techniques for the concentration and transfer of vital forces.
Healing practices.
7. Altered awareness levels: Electromagnetic aspects and Frequencies issued.
The ceremonies practiced in the previous meetings will be proposed, including the Sweat Lodge and the evening ceremony of the Amazonian medicine.

Arguing with a cancer quack here reveals a bit more.
My background is in indigenous medicine that utilizes herbs and ceremonies, a tradition inherited from my family. I also utilize and research the frequency resonant technologies of Dr Royal Rife in conjunction with the use of nutritional and orthomolecular medicine. I am also a licensed paramedic and educator with post graduate studies in cell biology, genetics and psychology.

Another exploiter he learned from.

Andrew Thunderdog Pollis
Andrew is from Lakota tradition residing in New Mexico. He is a ceremonial leader, dancer of the sun and has worked from many years in the joint practice of techniques traditional care and modern emergency medicine. He was taught by Marcellus BearHeart and many other respected Elders. He is looking to continually learn and discover more about Native traditions than about the future of our planet and its inhabitants. We are pleased to have Andrew with us again to share his knowledge and experiences on the theme: Dreams and their teachers . This seminar will be divided into two parts. Saturday for everyone for basic teachings of the subject and Sunday to deepen with men and answer to their questions (women having their own teaching on the Sacred Feminine). Topics covered during these 2 days will touch on a broad area including: The plants that teach: • Psychotropic plants and the quest for knowledge • Psychotropic attitudes and approaches - organic versus synthetic • Preparation techniques for plants and the human body • Plants as food for the body, mind and soul. It should be noted that no substance will be ingested during this seminar. Teaching animals: • The Quest of Vision ceremony • The importance of the wild nature of the soul. • The shamanic soul as an animal spirit - how depression and anxiety get relate to being de-spiritualized. • The monkey and the snake; the animal as food for the body, the spirit and the soul. Human teachers: • The shaman and the mystic, religion and its leaders • Authentic personal experience versus faith and belief • The physical body as a storehouse of memory • The 8 original mothers • Diagnostic techniques and treatment of discomfort in indigenous cultures

MyLife is revealing.
Andrew Pollis is 59 years old and was born on 6/5/1959. Currently, he lives in El Prado, NM Chamisal, NM, Roswell, NM. Sometimes Andrew goes by various nicknames including Andrew Thunderdog Pollis and Andrew T Pollis. His ethnicity is Caucasian, whose political affiliation is currently a registered Democrat; and religious views are listed as Christian. Andrew is now married. Other family members and associates include Kimberly Pollis. He has a reported annual income of $10,000 - $19,999 and a current net worth value of $250,000 - $499,999.

He's also given some talks on sustainability. And I've never seen an exploiter whose followers post so muc about him on Instagram. "Look everyone, aren't we enlightened n spirchul!"

White exploiter he trained.

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1483
Re: Andrew Pollis AKA Andrew Thunderdog & Kimberly Pollis
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2018, 05:17:00 pm »

That two-page PDF shows he is working with another Pollis, claiming to be of Blackfoot ancestry:

Kimberly Pollis est une artiste d’origine Blackfoot …

The rest of the short biography in there (in French) corresponds to this one in English:

Kimberly Pollis — 985 Following   305 Followers — Taos, NM, United States
My arts background is in Graphic Design and Illustration. Currently, I teach grade school children traditional tin smithing. " I feel it's most important to pass on knowledge to the next generation, to preserve the traditional arts." There are many projects in the community where I live that involve the youth and the arts. I stay involved. When I'm not teaching, I am constantly creating new pieces, working in my studio, on writing projects and preparing for the next show.

So how are Andrew Pollis and Kimberly Pollis related, and do they perform together on a grand scale?

Offline Sparks

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