Author Topic: Ronald Freeman AKA Sri Akhenaton, Belize Fund  (Read 21074 times)

Offline DCBirtch

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Ronald Freeman AKA Sri Akhenaton, Belize Fund
« on: December 09, 2018, 09:08:51 pm »
Has anyone heard af this guy? The Belize Fund has been operating for some time with this guy at its "head".
« Last Edit: December 13, 2018, 02:19:34 pm by educatedindian »


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Re: Belize Fund/Sri Akhenaton
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2018, 12:14:01 am »
Heritage claim:

Sri Akhenaton, president and CEO of the Portal Institute, which opened in 2000, is part Native American. His grandfather was Powhatan and his grandmother part-Cherokee.

The couple behind the Belize Fund are Sri Akhenaton and his wife, Marlene Iris. Prior to moving to Susquehanna County, they resided in Maryland. Iris says that she and her husband were drawn to the area and its beautiful mountains by a feeling that a venue celebrating the heritage and culture of all Native Americans belonged here. Akhenaton is a Shamen of Powhatan Cherokee ancestry. His name means Holy Brother of the Sun.

Sri Akhenaton, evolved Mystic and Spiritual Teacher, is available to assist any individual who needs help. He can assist you if you suffer from emotional pain, if you have lost a loved one, or if life seems too much for you to bear.

According to public records he was born in 1949. I've not found his birth name yet.


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Re: Belize Fund/Sri Akhenaton
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2018, 12:50:38 am »
He used to run, which can only be found in archive form now.

Example from 1998

Not all links will work in archived form, but it looks like there is enough to be very helpful in research.

I've not looked everything over yet. But I can already tell that he has dramatically changed his branding over the years. In the past, he did not use supposed Native themes at all.

He sold supplements, incense, crystals, mala beads, massage oils, and his books.

The Portal Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit, non-sectarian Spiritual Development Center offering the teachings of Trans-Cultural Spirituality in books written by Sri Akhenaton, courses in Loving Touch Therapy™, and Devotional Tools and products that raise consciousness levels, stimulate conditions of well-being, and synergise the mind/body/spirit complex. The outgrowth of Portal Enterprises and The Portal Press, The Portal Foundation, Inc. continues the tradition of "Conscionable Service to The Needs of Creation" begun more than a decade ago, and strives to promote ideologies and behaviors that reflect the unilateral application of Universal Law and Divine Will upon the Earth Mother. With dedicated philosophies and practices designed to transform egocentric, aggressive thoughts and behaviors into mind-sets and actions of Benevolence and Loving Kindness, The Portal Foundation, Inc. actively embraces All Creation as Beloved Brethren and Kindreds, while walking with gentle footsteps upon the bosom of Mother Earth.

By The Grace of God, The Portal Foundation, Inc. will be allowed to continue its mission of Love and Peace for many years to come. And by the time our last act of service has been rendered, we only pray that in some small way we will have lessened the burdens of the troubled, weary and infirm, and assisted our Brethren in returning unto The Spirit of God - returning unto The Source - The Light, The Love Of The One Infinite Creator.

Shalom, Adonai, Shalom


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Re: Belize Fund/Sri Akhenaton
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2018, 02:42:04 am »
I've uploaded here the 2016 and 2017 IRS Form 990-EZ for The Belize Fund.

I've not found any current, clear statement of where donations go.

Their mission statement does not lay out specifics:

Helping Others: a nonprofit human services organization that assists American Indians with basic daily living needs, promotes their art and culture, and inspires others to join our efforts; and supports quality education for the children of Belize with resources and materials

They say in the past they did things in Belize. We don't know if this is true and we don't know if anything actually done was helpful or wanted.

They say in the past they donated many books to local libraries and schools. We don't know what quality books and if they were helpful.

"A final initiative included tutoring children and adults in math, reading, English, and English as a Second Language." - They aren't doing this anymore, plus this could easily just be volunteer work that one of their members was already doing.

In an earlier incarnation Sri  was described as "the author synthesizes aspects of many religions (and traditions), consolidating what he feels are the 'most benevolent, the most functionally pure elements' of Christian, Native American, and Hindu mystical traditions".

He and his wife moved from Maryland to Pennsylvania and changed his branding. Now their theme is Native. They run pow wows. Offer workshops Run The American Indian Cultural Center at The Belize Fund

The American Indian Cultural Center near Susquehanna celebrated its grand opening Saturday afternoon.

Showcasing artifacts and art collections from across the country, the event focuses on the now-extinct Susquehannock tribe, who were native to the area.

Native American Art & Artifacts on Display in Susquehanna County

In the past they've sold fine art, incense, pond and fish supplies, supplements, bonsai, and Sri's books.

I'm not impressed and I would not trust them.

Offline Sparks

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Re: Belize Fund/Sri Akhenaton
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2018, 03:01:50 am »
They say in the past they did things in Belize. We don't know if this is true and we don't know if anything actually done was helpful or wanted.

There is a Facebook page, at first glance I notice they rehash identical posts over and over again, mostly asking for money, others advertising their Pow Wow, which you posted an image about. I scrolled down quite a lot without finding any signs about doing anything in Belize. It might be down there, though.

163 Melrose Rd
Susquehanna, Pennsylvania

Call +1 570-727-3614

Business details
Parking: Car park

Opened in 2000


Enjoy our American Indian Cultural Center with unique artifacts from across the country; American Indian Resource Center where Natives teach workshops; Gift Shoppe with an array of items to purchase and books on Spirituality by Sri Akhenaton.

[Category]: Arts and entertainment

Offline Sparks

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Re: The Belize Fund / Sri Akhenaton
« Reply #5 on: December 10, 2018, 03:06:42 am »
These are their claims about their "endeavor to honor all American Indian peoples":


Where those who came before us are honored for lives of Strength & Courage

Take a tour through the center and experience the unique collection of Native American art and artifacts that will bring their traditions and culture alive. Extensive exhibits include Native American Regalia, ancient tools, beading styles indigenous to various tribes, and ancient and modern-day pottery. Visit the Gift Shoppe and take a memory home with you.

The American Indian Cultural Center features a variety of art and artifacts from cultures living from New York to Arizona. These are the people that laid claim to the lands we call home.



The Susquehannock people were American Indians who lived in areas adjacent to the Susquehanna River and its tributaries from the southern part of what is now New York, through Pennsylvania, to the mouth of the Susquehanna in Maryland. They are the first humans to be  acknowledged in any written account of the Susquehanna Valley. John Smith, who helped establish the first English Colony in Virginia, noted the presence of the Susquehannocks in his journal upon his arrival in the New World.

Though the Susquehannocks were Iroquoian-like in speech, they were actually affiliated with the Algonquins. They established their towns along the branches of the Susquehanna because the waters facilitated travel and trade in the region and provided the Susquehannocks with a constant supply of fish and water.

None of the Susquehannock’s language has been preserved.

The Belize Fund is located on ground that is believed to be near the northernmost reaches of Susquehannock migration. The Susquehannock peoples were devastated in the Eighteenth Century by infectious disease and warfare.

The American Indian Cultural Center at The Belize Fund is our endeavor to honor all American Indian peoples, their history, culture and contribution to what has become the North American continent.

Join us in recalling a time when the people and the land were one.


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Re: Belize Fund/Sri Akhenaton
« Reply #6 on: December 10, 2018, 04:09:40 am »
I did eventually find some mention of past activities in Belize, through his wife's Marlene Iris' page. She was an educator in the past and says that she used to go to Belize twice a year to do volunteer work.

I also looked over their claims of donating items to various tribal communities. Usually they aren't explicit about what they donated and who to. Looks like they do food drives during pow wows and then also collect up donations of used clothing, books etc. during the year. Then occasionally go disperse them. One of the few sets of photos I found of this show used items laid out on the ground on the side of a road for folks to pick through.

Offline Sparks

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Re: The Belize Fund / Sri Akhenaton
« Reply #7 on: December 10, 2018, 08:02:37 pm »
Run The American Indian Cultural Center at The Belize Fund

I posted all contents from that page here:

These are their claims about their "endeavor to honor all American Indian peoples" …

I just wonder what veterans and founders of the NAFPS forum really think about all this?


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Re: Belize Fund/Sri Akhenaton
« Reply #8 on: December 12, 2018, 08:09:16 pm »
So far, I've not been able to figure out Sri Akhenaton's original name.

Through the (Public Access to Court Electronic Records) I see that he went through Chapter 7 bankruptcy, 2004, Maryland Bankruptcy Court. But the actual full records are "restricted or sealed" in his case.

From the available index: "There are no parties with aliases for case 03-81262" - so I assume that Sri Akhenaton is his current legal name and his prior names are not listed in these records.

2003 listing (sources are his books from 1992, 1994)

Portal Enterprises

PO Box 1449
Columbia, MD 21044

Portal Enterprises is the teaching vehicle for Sri Akhenaton, a teacher of esoteric spiritual philosophy. Out of his mystical experience, he sees himself as transmitting the Divine Light Energy of the One Infinite Creator to facilitate the awakening of humankind to the God-Consciousness Being. It is also his belief that all things born of creation, not just humans, contain a Light/Life vibration of Divine Consciousness and should be treated accordingly.

Sri Akhenaton offers a series of classes, workshops and weekly spiritual gatherings where he teaches LoveLight Meditation and the practice of Trans-Cultural Consciousness. It is assumed that humans are on an evolutionary journey that includes various incarnations in the earthly realm. Sri Akhenaton seeks to assist people on that journey in such a way as to not interfere with the free will or promulgating eccentric exclusivist doctrines. Rather, he attempts to assist people in discovering their divine nature and their ability to cooperate with their own evolution.


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Re: Belize Fund/Sri Akhenaton
« Reply #9 on: December 12, 2018, 11:20:12 pm »
Examples of his past writings:

LoveLight Meditation is a "Trans-Cultural", synergetic approach to Spirituality that is based in practices from ancient Spiritual Traditions. In its contemporary form, LoveLight Meditation techniques combine recognizable elements and practices from Native American Shamanism, Christian Mysticism, Hindu and Yogic Traditions, Tibetan Buddhism and West African Spiritualism to stimulate the awakening of Divine Consciousness. Utilizing Prayers, Invocations, Visualizations, Mantras, Affirmations and Quartz Crystals and Minerals to infuse mortal consciousness with The Divine Light Vibrations of The One Infinite Creator, LoveLight Meditation is designed to assist the evolutionary process by which mankind learns to access the God-self state of consciousness. It is through accessing and accepting the God-self that man consciously becomes an active, component part of The Infinite Body of God, with the self-serving aspects of ego-consciousness and linear thought finding transformation in The Light of One. It is the acceptance of the God-self that allows man to become a willing instrument for the transmission of Divine Love.

by Sri Akhenaton

Skilled practitioners of Healing Facilitation analyze chakra states to help determine the operative dynamics of existing emotional conditions, the nature of physical dysfunctions and the level of Spiritual Evolution of those soul incarnate beings who seek assistance in uncovering core motivations for personal behaviors and life-conditions.

by Sri Akhenaton

Surrendering the compelling drives of ego-consciousness
to The Greater Universal Will of The One Infinite Creator
is not an act of submission;
Rather, surrendering is a glorious moment of communion
with The Living God Spirit
that transforms the limited process of mortal thought into the limitless, omnipresent Grace of Divine Thought.

by Sri Akenaton

New book:


an autobiographical essay that addresses the issues faced by Native Americans each day of life.

$14.95+ $6.95 postage & handling

ISBN  9780962183928


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Re: Belize Fund/Sri Akhenaton
« Reply #10 on: December 13, 2018, 05:17:28 am »
Marlene Iris is his wife. Her prior married surname was Sandler.

They also have a nonprofit called The Lenape Fund, it is still active.

Entity Number   4050853
Address   163 Melrose Road Susquehanna PA 18847 Susquehanna

Filing Date
Aug. 19, 2011

Purpose: Solicitation Of Funds To Assist Native Peoples In Community Projects

(sources and also a search through a paid public records site)


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Re: Ronald Freeman AKA Sri Akhenaton, Belize Fund
« Reply #11 on: December 13, 2018, 05:38:25 am »
Paid public records search says his original name is Ronald S. Freeman.

That fits with the few mentions seen of a "Sri Ronald Akhenaton" online.

Birth month, year, and a city are the same in all the records.

Public records group him with Aretha S Freeman and Arthur M Freeman.

I believe these are his parents:

The marriage record for Sri Akhenaton and Marlene Iris says he was born in Virginia.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2018, 02:22:34 pm by educatedindian »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Ronald Freeman AKA Sri Akhenaton, Belize Fund
« Reply #12 on: December 13, 2018, 02:43:07 pm »
Photos of his parents show them to be obvious light skinned Blacks. Freeman is only photographed in regalia and hats to try to make that less obvious.

Them being from VA or DC area, it could be they have ancestry. Many NDNs here are also Black, been true for centuries. If he is Powhatan as he claims, then why is there no evidence of that in what he claims to teach? It's all generic Pan Indian stuff except for a few Hopi kachina displays. Why go to PA and claim to honor an extinct people, Susquehannock?

Much of what he teaches is also clearly a Nuage knockoff of Hinduism.


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Re: Ronald Freeman AKA Sri Akhenaton, Belize Fund
« Reply #13 on: December 13, 2018, 10:28:56 pm »
Example of his Nuage knockoff of Hinduism:

Shiva Lingam
sold by The Portal Institute, Inc
Size: Height 6.25 inches Width 4 inches
These are Sacred Stones found only in The Narmanda River in India that are used in Tantric Meditation and in The Invocation of The God Presence of Lord Shiva. Each Lingam has been Blessed in Vedic Tradition and further Cleansed, Blessed and Activated by Sri Akhenaton with Infusions of Divine Light Vibrations to ensure The highest resonance potential of each stone.

Offline Diana

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Re: Ronald Freeman AKA Sri Akhenaton, Belize Fund
« Reply #14 on: December 14, 2018, 01:39:20 am »
I'm totally baffled by this charity the Belize fund. As an ex travel agent I used to book Belize as a vacation destination. It wasn't as popular as other Caribbean destinations but I have to say Belize is far from a third world country and other poorer Caribbean countries. As for this statement "A final initiative included tutoring children and adults in math, reading, English, and English as a Second Language." the official language of Belize is ENGLISH. Have these people really ever been to Belize? Or if they have, did they go beyond the all-inclusive resort walls they were staying at and actually interact with the locals?

Smell like scammers to me.