Author Topic: Time of the Sixth Sun- Nuage fraud film  (Read 96365 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Time of the Sixth Sun- Nuage fraud film
« on: April 21, 2019, 02:16:26 am »
Film with a who's who of frauds.

Claims by the film on FB:

"The Otomi Elders trusted us to film the fulfilment of their 500 year old prophecy. The Head of the Maya Council of Elders welcomed us and allowed us to film a sacred Elders gathering at Lake Titicaca. None of this material has been misappropriated or sent out into the world until the time was in right alignment.

At the gatherings we attended, elders came together from North, South & Central America to fulfil this Eagle Condor Prophecy. Tribes included the Hopi, Havasupai, Apache, Huichol, Lakota/Sioux, Navajo/Dine. Elders came from Bolivia, Peru and El Salvador, in addition to this we filmed Spiritual gurus, medicine men and women, South African leaders, First Nation People of Canada. Elders from Columbia and members of the Kogi, Equador and Maori. The Mexica… they came; a Shinto priest from Japan came. We filmed a Senior Lawman from Australia who is the last in his line to speak their native tongue and this won him and his tribe, the rights to the Native Title of their sacred lands - that is the power of the spoken word. The last of the generation of Toltec Elders was a dear friend of Nikki the Director."

How many obvious lies can you count?
1. Toltecs are gone for 800 years.
2. There's no "Ecuador" tribe.
3. Mexica is a phrase used by US Mexicans of Native descent. The actual name is Nahua.
4. Gurus aren't Native elders.
5. Neither are Shinto priests in Japan.
6. Mayas are nowhere near Lake Titicaca, which is in Peru, thousands of miles away from Guatemala and Mexico.

Here's their claimed "Native elders." Most are white Nuage fans. More added on them as more is found.

Greta Scaachi- Italian American actress.
Geoffrey Hoppe-white, leader of a notorious abusive cult
Estas Tonne
Peter Moore
Charles Eisenstein
Polly Higgins
Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev
Dawn Eagle Medicine Woman
Desmond Tutu- African Christian bishop who obviously doesn't endorse Nuage nonsense.
Uqualla- Vega style showman, fraud.
Vusamazulu Credo Mutwa- Nuage sellout, collaborator with apartheid
Lynne Franks OBE
David Icke-crackpot conspiracy theorist, notorious English anti Semitee
Gary Simon Jagamarra
Drunvalo Melchizadek- white Nuage fraud
Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj-Nuage leader posing as Mayan traditional
Dr Stu Jemesen
Sonny Green
Leela Hutchison
Luz Navarette
Adam Yellow Bird DeArmon-white Nuage imposter posing as Native elder
Andrea Cramer
Dan Scheiber
Constance Demby
Caroline Carey
Audrey Spronk
Anthar Kharana
Dan Winter
Godfrey Chipps- exploiter
George Kavassilas
Eva Cecilia Solis
Eshua Bolton
Elisabeth Araujo
Dr Karambu Ringera PhD
Dr Bill Lyon
Doug Wadham Williams
Dietrich Linghardt MD
Marc Cuthbert
Kylie Githabul
Mac Macartney
Matua Luis Kerepoa
Leo Rutherford-notorious white Nuage exploiter
Kuauhtli Vasquez
Dr Jude Carrivan
Jorge Luis Delgado
John Riley
Jae Mather
Helena Norberg-Hodge
Hans-Gunter Kern
Sue Minns
Shivam O'Brien
Ruben Saufkie Snr
Roy Littlesun/Roy Steevensz-Indonesian and Dutch imposter posing as a Native elder.
Ronna Herman
Rev. Dr. Ahriana Platten
Raul Mijares
Rachel Shiamh
Philip Carr-Gomm
Rev. Peter Owen Jones
Peter Falt
Peter Brinch
Paul Manweiler
Pat McCabe
Mike Grenville
Michael Tellinger
Medicine Wolf- AKA Brooke Schiavi, Italian American Nuage fraud and dangerous cult leader
Carl Calleman- fraud behind the 2012 hoax
Jessica Arrillaga
Shai Danon
Lucinda Drayton
Louis Standon
Jo Crow
Glenn Harrold
Freddy Silva
Brian Viziondanz
Sheikh Gamel Oyen
Yiannis Pittis
Yeva Gladwin
Y'Acov Darling Khan
White Eagle Medicine Woman/Suraj Holzworth- white posing as Mohawl, one of the most notorious frauds denounced by dozens of tribes.
Wachan Wilkasara
Virginia Mutwa-wife of Nuage fraud and apartheid collaborator Credo Mutwa.
James Tyberonn
Tom Ventham
Tom Kenyon


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Re: Time of the Sixth Sun- Nuage fraud film
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2019, 05:18:21 pm »
Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev runs the Isha Foundation. He is said to run a destructive cult.

Gleaned from various places online:

The man is a scam artist. He buys himself helicopters, BMW motorcycles, fast cars and young women. While he demands his devotees go without dinner every Wednesday evening as part of his fundraising tools.

Very dangerous and very influential. They have 500 acres in Kentucky. The Indian media loves him. He’s a master at marketing and building an army of blindly devoted yoga zombies.

And from Rick Ross, expert on destructive groups:

Bottom line is that the Isha Foundation is essentially totalitarian and has no meaningful accountability for its leader through any elected board or financial transparency.

Volunteers have no benefits and work for "room and board."

No one knows how much money Sadhguru takes from Isha funds, and he has no accountability regarding such matters.


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Re: Time of the Sixth Sun- Nuage fraud film
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2019, 05:41:07 pm »
Dawn Eagle Woman "Wyoming Shaman" Cheryl Gebert White

Lynne Joanne Franks, white, British, works in public relations field

Gary Simon Jagamarra, Eagle Spirit Ministry, Australian, says he has aboriginal heritage through his father, artist, "shaman" "psychic surgeon"

Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj "13th Generation Quiche Mayan High Priest and International Lecturer of the Mayan Culture"

Leela Hutchison, white, rock hunter, "Planetary Crystal Grid"

Eshua Bolton "Matthew (Eshua) Bolton is an Aboriginal Australian from the Murruwarri Nation of north west New South Wales." "Didgeridoo Dreamtime Activation"


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Re: Time of the Sixth Sun- Nuage fraud film
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2019, 06:43:37 pm »
Constance Demby, white, pioneer of New Age music

Caroline Carey, white, English, "spiritual life coach", dancer

Audrey Spronk, white South African, In Spirit Journeys tour company,"spiritual counselor, healer and teacher of intuitive development"

Anthar Kharana, "native musician, composer and multi-instrumentalist from a small town in the north of Colombia", "sound therapy""medicine man and guardian of traditions of the Americas. He received the blessing to become a Sundancer, Chanupa (pipe) and Inipi / sweat lodge guardian (Traditions of the North of the Americas) by the Lakota linage of Leonard Crow Dog"

Dan Winter, white, "fractal fields" "golden ratio"

George Kavassilas, white,"cosmic matrix revealed"

Eva Cecilia Solis "Eva is a Mexican woman who found her destiny in curanderismo after having served as a banker, business adviser, and public official." (google translation from Spanish)

Elisabeth Araujo "Member of the Counsel of Mayan Ajq’ijab of El Salvador"

Dr Karambu Ringera PhD, Kenyan, "Ph.D. in intercultural communication in 2008 from the University of Denver", peace activist


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Re: Time of the Sixth Sun- Nuage fraud film
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2019, 06:48:08 pm »
Mac Macartney "international speaker, writer and change-maker. Mentored by indigenous people over many years"

Matua Luis Kerepoa "MATUA ~ Louis Te Kouorehua kereopa is a Maori Elder (Kaumatua) and " He Matapuna " / A Living Spring"

Kurukindi "a Shaman from the Ecuadorian Amazon"

Kuauhtli Vasquez "Roadman and Spiritual Chief of the Teokalli Quetzalcoatl Native American Church"

Dr Jude Carrivan PhD, white "cosmologist, planetary healer, futurist"

Jorge Luis Delgado "founder and owner of Kontiki Tour Company and owner of hotels in Cusco and on the shores of Lake Titicaca" "early training from the Kallawaya shamans of the NE Lake Titicaca region, the lineage of the Wise Ones of the Andes, and from the Qero elders of Cusco, who are the last remaining tribal descendants of the Incas"

John Riley possibly the "researcher in Alternative Energy/Science with a diverse background from Top Secret projects"

Jae Mather possibly "Carbon Free Group"

Helena Norberg-Hodge, white "Author and filmmaker Helena Norberg-Hodge is a pioneer of the local economy movement"

Hans-Gunter Kern, white, "Wholistic Living Personal Coach and training"

Sue Minns, white, "shaman", "past life regression", ayahuasca

Shivam O'Brien, white, "Spirit Horse" "community chieftan" "Celtic tradition"

Ruben Saufkie Snr Hopi artist

Ronna Herman  "author, lecturer and messenger for Archangel Michael"

Rev. Dr. Ahriana Platten, white Unity minister "trained initiate in several ancient streams of knowledge"

Y'Acov Darling Khan, white, The School of Movement Medicine, Contemporary Shamanism through Movement To Change the Dream of the Modern World


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Re: Time of the Sixth Sun- Nuage fraud film
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2019, 08:19:52 pm »
Kylie Githabul "Marjambi Githabul, woman inspiring economic standards globally for Original peoples"

Rachel Shiamh, Welsh, dancer, sustainable living

Philip Carr-Gomm, "author in the fields of psychology and Druidry, a psychologist, and one of the leaders and Chosen Chief of The Order of Bards, Ovates and Druid"

Rev. Peter Owen Jones, "English Anglican priest, author and television presenter"

Paul Manweiler white, "Lifeworks Global"

Pat McCabe "Pat McCabe, known as Woman Stands Shining, is a Dine' (Navajo) mother, grandmother, activist, artist, writer, ceremonial leader and international speaker"

Mike Grenville "independent Funeral Celebrant and Dying Doula"

Michael Tellinger "South African author, politician, explorer and founder of the Ubuntu Party" "stone circles"

Lucinda Drayton, new age musician, meditation, counselor

Glenn Harrold, British self-help author, hypnosis

Freddy Silva "leading expert on crop circles"

Yiannis Pittis "Qabalistic Tree of Life"

Wachan Wilkasara "Willkasara - Wachan is an Inca medicine man"

Virginia Mutwa "Sangoma healer"

James Tyberonn "mixed Euro & Native American heritage, and has completed seven 5-day vision quests in the Lakota modality, and several 3 1/2 day fasting dance ceremonies . He has had numerous shamanic journeys in Mexico and in South America", channels Archangel Metatron

Tom Kenyon "teacher, scientist, sound healer, shaman, and psychotherapist. He is also a channel for Mary Magdalene and for the Hathors"


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Re: Time of the Sixth Sun- Nuage fraud film
« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2019, 08:29:07 pm »
The people I was not able to easily find much info on:

Sonny Green
Luz Navarette
Andrea Cramer
Dan Scheiber
Marc Cuthbert
Raul Mijares
Peter Falt
Peter Brinch
Jessica Arrillaga
Shai Danon
Louis Standon
Jo Crow
Brian Viziondanz (white, wizard, died in 2011)
Sheikh Gamel Oyen
Yeva Gladwin
Tom Ventham

We'll likely be able to identify them by using their photos plus googling.

Even with doing a reverse image search, don't see anything on "Sheikh Gamel Oyen" other than mention in this film.

Offline Sparks

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Re: Time of the Sixth Sun- Nuage fraud film
« Reply #7 on: April 21, 2019, 10:35:40 pm »
The film was reported about here in the forum in 2013:

Dawn [Eagle Woman "Wyoming Shaman" Cheryl Gebert White] is one of the speakers in this planned Nuage film

Her idea of spirituality is so similar to many others in that she seems to go by the theory of "throw everything at it to see what sticks".

That film she is involved in seems to have started with the 2012 craze, but did not quite make it in time.

Trailers for the upcoming film TIME OF THE SIXTH SUN teasers. (still in production) - Anticipated release late summer 2012.

According to their Facebook page, the rough cut of the film was shown in July of this year.  Seems like it is sort of anticlimatic, but maybe they re-tooled it.

Just look at the list of experts that will be speaking in the film:

I am not familiar with all of the speakers, but some of them are known frauds investigated on this site and they also throw in a few that I personally have respect for, but then again I think they are using the "throw everything at it to see what sticks" plan.  :) :)


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Re: Time of the Sixth Sun- Nuage fraud film
« Reply #8 on: April 21, 2019, 11:33:47 pm »
Sonny Green white, hip-hop/rap musician

Luz Navarette “Sacred Passages”, hypnotherapist, retired educator

Dan Scheiber, white, doing something new age

Marc Cuthbert, white, "visionary", "shifting the paradigm"

Peter Falt "California-based BMW Group DesignworksUSA"

Peter Brinch U.K. "Open Pollinated Seeds Initiative"

Shai Danon, musician

Jo Crow "Shamanic Practitioner"

Yeva Gladwin, crop circles, "Colin Andrews' personal assistant", obits online for a "Yeva Gladwin" that may be for her

Tom Ventham and family "walked from Sussex to Spain with their two dogs and a horse"

No clue yet on:

Andrea Cramer
Jessica Arrillaga
Raul Mijares
Sheikh Gamel Oyen

Offline Sparks

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Re: Time of the Sixth Sun- Nuage fraud film
« Reply #9 on: April 22, 2019, 01:36:45 am »
This is huge. And maybe, somehow, some good intentions?? However, the one name of David Icke discredits everything for me. And then, all the other crackpots, cranks and frauds in there. I suspect good people like Desmond Tutu cannot have understood what context they would be placed in? The film was 11 years in the making, and many of the participants may have had little knowledge of who other would be presented?

Here is the film's online presence at the moment, including a few quotes, so you can see the broad picture:

Time of the Sixth Sun is an inspirational and uplifting documentary film about the shift in global consciousness and the emerging movement to find a new way to walk more lightly on this Earth. Our ancestors understood our symbiotic relationship to nature and the elements, and foresaw the collapse of an unsustainable world. Filmed predominantly in North America, Mexico, Peru, S.Africa, India, Egypt, Israel and Australia, this film is a synergy of ancient wisdom from the indigenous Elders and insights from pioneers of new energy consciousness, who collaboratively hold the vision of a new earth experience.

The film is introduced by Greta Scacchi and narrated by ‘Tobias’, an angelic being who has lived many lifetimes on Earth, channeled by Geoffrey Hoppe.  Our crew flew to Colorado and whilst Geoffrey was in a trance state, we asked Tobias if he would tell our story. He called it ‘the biggest evolution of consciousness humanity has ever experienced’.

“You are witnessing the dissolving of old systems and the birth of new energy consciousness. It is time to re-member who you are and why you are here, at this time of the greatest change ever.” (Tobias)

I think this is incredibly crazy:

Tobias of the Crimson Council
Following in the footsteps of Lee Carroll, Hoppe established himself as a channeler in his own right in 1999.[3][4][14] The entities that Hoppe claims he channels are Tobias, Saint-Germain and Kuthumi.[1][15][16] Tobias - according to Hoppe - is an angelic being who has lived many lifetimes on Earth, but is most noted for his lifetime as Tobit (also known as Tobias), one of the main characters in the apocryphal biblical Book of Tobit.[4][14][17][18]

(For a short introduction to the phenomenon, see:

Hello and welcome! Please watch the video below to find out more about the Movie and 8-Part Documentary series launching online 24 April 2019 and how you too can watch it for FREE...

International Visitor? The movie will be subtitled in 16 languages:
Brazilian Portuguese, Czech, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Lithuanian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Slovenia,  Spanish and Swedish!

Can't wait to register to watch for free? Use this button!

See also:

YouTube channel:

Facebook Page:

Launching 24 April 2019

Time of the Sixth Sun - the MOVIE·Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Time of the Sixth Sun is a story filmed over 11 years in 16 countries about the awakening human and the memory that our shared experience be one of unity rather than one of separation.

Over eight five wisdom keepers share their sacred transmissions on how to transition into a more heart-based culture in this move and 8-part documentary series - available for free - online for 10 days from 24 April 2019.
The movie stars Estas Tonne, a Russian Gypsy troubadour on his journey of enlightenment, challenged by the Trickster played by Peter Moore, guided by Spirit channeled through Geoffrey Hoppe and introduced by actress, Greta Scacchi.

A synergy of indigenous ceremonies and powerful interviews produce a multi-layered experience with a depth and texture that draws the audience into a rich emotional journey.

A sensory feast that promises to be as impressive to the ear as it is on the eye. A meditation for the soul.

People across the globe are seeking a truth that lies beyond political spin and cheap sound bytes. Many are answering the call to awaken.

As we move into the adulthood of our species, is it time to remember what it is to become a sovereign being once more. A new consciousness is emerging as we transition into this, a new sun cycle - the Time of the Sixth Sun.

And in addition to the move we’ve created 8 documentary episodes to take you on a deep dive into the wisdom of our speakers. See all this and more at:

and the original site -

Facebook Group:

Group created on October 30, 2018 … by Time of the Sixth Sun - the MOVIE … 9 members

Nine members in almost half a year, maybe there is still hope for humanity?


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Re: Time of the Sixth Sun- Nuage fraud film
« Reply #10 on: April 22, 2019, 03:55:28 pm »
Sheik Gamel Oyen I believe that this is Gamal Abd El Sami Zaki, aromotherapy, chakras, reiki, auras

Offline Sparks

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Re: Time of the Sixth Sun- Nuage fraud film
« Reply #11 on: April 22, 2019, 05:35:54 pm »
Carl Calleman- fraud behind the 2012 hoax

Calleman actually claimed "the crucial date for change as 28 October 2011—not 21 December 2012— …". See the thread about him: [Carl Johan Calleman, 9th Wave]

Offline RedRightHand

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Re: Time of the Sixth Sun- Nuage fraud film
« Reply #12 on: April 22, 2019, 06:21:48 pm »
Philip Carr-Gomm, "author in the fields of psychology and Druidry, a psychologist, and one of the leaders and Chosen Chief of The Order of Bards, Ovates and Druid"

English. If he and his group just stuck to old English traditions, or even authentic Celtic ones, as they imply (Druid, if they even came close to earning the title, is derived from Celtic cultures, not English ones), that would be one thing. But we've spoken to people who've been to their events and that's not what they do. They're an English occult group that does stuff based in Wicca and Occultism. And... they do pretendian sweats.

They have altered their pretendian sweats a bit from the fragements they've stolen, trying to claim they're based in something "universal" or "Celtic". But anyone who knows either Plains or Celtic traditions can see the truth of the situation. It's the usual, garbled, whitewashed, faux-Lakota, pretendian mishmash all the neoplaygans and nuagers do. They've added some of their own psuedo-drood stuff to it, but that's about it. They also do stuff that is offensive to the Celtic spirits. Typically colonial English, actually.


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Re: Time of the Sixth Sun- Nuage fraud film
« Reply #13 on: April 23, 2019, 02:22:59 am »
The movie is written, directed, and produced by Nikki Williams (Nicola Francis Williams).

She's white, nationality British, born in 1957, film maker. Her current active company is Worldwidewave Productions Limited.


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Re: Time of the Sixth Sun- Nuage fraud film
« Reply #14 on: April 23, 2019, 02:36:39 am »
Plot outline:

the film loosely follows the journey of our 'everyman' protagonist who is provoked and nudged along on his journey by the 'trickster'. This story is interwoven with a montage of 'speakers' who explore the nature of new energy consciousness, walking us through the steps on our collective evolutionary path

This plot reminds me of the 2004 "What the #$*! Do We (K)now!?" movie, created by Ramtha followers:

Amanda, a divorced photographer, finds herself in a fantastic Alice-in-Wonderland experience when her daily, uninspired life literally begins to unravel, revealing the cellular, molecular and even quantum worlds which lie beneath. Guided by a Greek Chorus of leading scientists and mystics ...