Author Topic: Time of the Sixth Sun- Nuage fraud film  (Read 95839 times)


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Re: Time of the Sixth Sun- Nuage fraud film
« Reply #15 on: April 24, 2019, 12:34:55 am »
narrated by ‘Tobias’, an angelic being who has lived many lifetimes on Earth, channeled by Geoffrey Hoppe

This "Tobias" was the guide and narrator for the entire film.

Geoffrey A Hoppe and his wife Linda Benyo Hoppe run the domestic corporation CRIMSON CIRCLE IP, INC., incorporated in Nevada. They operate out of Colorado.

They hold events like this:

Adamus 10-Year Gathering
A Shaumbra Gathering of the Extraordinary Kind!
Santa Fe, New Mexico, June 15-16, 2019

It’s hard to imagine that Adamus Saint-Germain has been guiding us for 10 years! Adamus came in full-time after Tobias’ departure in July 2009 and has been with us every step of the way ever since.


May 17 - 19, 2019

From the Crimson Circle Connection Center

They have all sorts of ways to take people's money.

There are accounts online of this Crimson Circle group being a destructive cult. Families are broken up and bank accounts are drained.


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Re: Time of the Sixth Sun- Nuage fraud film
« Reply #16 on: April 24, 2019, 07:37:21 pm »
I am slowly watching the movie today, slowly because it is quite tedious.

It opens with a 2012 "Mayan" prophecy theme. There is also mention of a "Cree Indian prophecy". Also "warriors of the rainbow".

Rainbow warrior themes can be found discussed many places here on the forum. Including:

... Rainbow Warriors "prophecy". That was actually written for a Southern Baptist convention in the early 60s, as a story for Christian missionaries to try to use to get Natives to convert


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Re: Time of the Sixth Sun- Nuage fraud film
« Reply #17 on: April 24, 2019, 10:54:38 pm »
I've watched close to an hour so far.

This is a new age mish-mash. Loosely organized into several themes. People are used as colorful props.

All narrated by a destructive cult leader Geoffrey A Hoppe performing as "Tobias".

James Uqualla ( gets a lot of screen time.

Adam DeArmon ( tells us about sweat lodges.

Suraj Holzwarth ( comes across sorta nuts and manic.

There is quite the plug for use of ayahausca and peyote.

Most everything is out of context and jumbled together.

There is footage of the so called "hugging saint" Amma Amritanandamayi. No real context is given and her name is not listed so far. There is no mention of the fact that a former follower wrote a book "Holy Hell: A Memoir of Faith, Devotion, and Pure Madness" about her traumatic experiences with this abusive cult leader.


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Re: Time of the Sixth Sun- Nuage fraud film
« Reply #18 on: April 25, 2019, 01:44:09 am »
Yuck. This is a horrible movie.

Everything is out of context and jumbled together.

"We're all indigenous" "One love, one family" White people need to be "Rainbow Warriors", claim "sovereignty", and take from indigenous people so that they (whites) can stay alive.

Audrey Spronk, a white woman earlier identified in the movie as a "South African spiritual guide" actually states that white people need "Bushmen people" for their own survival.

This movie is centered in white people's gaze. Indigenous people are presented as exotic, romantic, colorful, and spiritual.

The fraud Roy "Littlesun" Steevensz makes an appearance. He is listed as an "adopted Hopi elder". More on him:

Two different men, Raul Mijores and Artie Lookinghawk are listed as "Lakota Sweatlodge Keeper".

This company is selling packages running from $97 to $197 of DVDs, transcripts, webinars etc. based on this movie.


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Re: Time of the Sixth Sun- Nuage fraud film
« Reply #19 on: April 25, 2019, 02:33:36 pm »
An example of their blender technique:

Viewers see part of what could be called a "Hindu fire ceremony". No context is given, no captions, no discussion. Meanwhile "Celtic" music is playing. And a white narrator reads general Nuage babble.  This is tucked under a category such as "Heart" or "Ascension".

Our main character encounters what are apparently "nature spirits", I imagine they are supposed to be "Celtic" and maybe "Egyptian". . A little while later he is reenacting Greek mythology by being ferried across the river Styx towards Hades.

This film uses a version of Joseph Campbell's "12 Stages of The Hero's Journey". The white hero and narrators are portrayed as most important. Everyone else is used as colorful ingredients.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Time of the Sixth Sun- Nuage fraud film
« Reply #20 on: April 25, 2019, 05:33:56 pm »
Sounds truly horrific and nauseating. You deserve a big, soothing helping of stomach-calming comfort foods or beverages after sitting through that. And some favorite mentally stimulating activities to get back the lost brain cells.

You know, you could even spend some time unwinding in Nature to calm down and feel at peace again - and here's the Big Secret - doing so is free ;)

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Re: Time of the Sixth Sun- Nuage fraud film
« Reply #21 on: April 25, 2019, 05:35:47 pm »
A little while later he is reenacting Greek mythology by being ferried across the river Styx towards Hades.

LOL, the white people, for all their whacko appropriation and nuage bafflegab, go to hell.


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Re: Time of the Sixth Sun- Nuage fraud film
« Reply #22 on: April 25, 2019, 11:01:29 pm »
I'm determined to watch their related "Lifting the Veil" series.. One episode available each day. Thrills, chills! I have chocolate ice cream and a forested yard to walk around when needed.

Episodes are:

An Awakening Global Consciousness
Healing our Ancestral Wounds
Ancient and Future Technologies
Sustainable Futures
The Grandmothers Speak
The Grandfathers Speak
Messages from the Heart
Channeling our Guide and Storyteller

I'm only watching superficially since there is so much bafflegab. I'm especially watching for any frauds that we have forum threads on.

"An Awakening Global Consciousness" is a talking heads episode. Lots of nonsense. Speakers include Leo Rutherford and Cheryl Gebert White

Cheryl Gebert White AKA Dawn Eagle Woman is given a lot of time in this episode. She honestly comes across as a soft-spoken nutjob. I believe that following her instructions could make some people ill.

Offline Sandy S

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Re: Time of the Sixth Sun- Nuage fraud film
« Reply #23 on: April 26, 2019, 01:38:22 am »
Two of the names on the initial list leap out for anyone who researches Chuck and Lency Spezzano and their Psychology of Vision scam.

Lynne Franks, who is alleged to be the original living inspiration for the fictional Edina Monsoon in television's Absolutely Fabulous, was a hardcore Psychology of Vision follower in the 1990s. She included accounts of her POV experiences in two books, Absolutely Now (1997) and Grow, the Modern Woman's Handbook (2004). In both works she erroneously describes Chuck Spezzano as a "psychologist," which he definitely is not.

Paul Manweiler worked as a director (consultant) for Psychology of Vision International from 1999 to 2001. As a UK-based angel investor/venture capitalist, Manweiler sunk about half a million pounds ca. 2001-2002 into developing an online and CD-ROM game based on one of Spezzano's Tarot-like card sets. Needless to say, like many other POV projects, it did not survive very long after seeing the light of day.

Offline Sparks

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Re: Time of the Sixth Sun- Nuage fraud film
« Reply #24 on: April 26, 2019, 01:01:38 pm »
This is huge. And maybe, somehow, some good intentions??

I don't think so anymore, after having reflected upon these facts:

Hoppe, performing as "Tobias" narrated Time of the Sixth Sun … He promoted and fund-raised for the movie.

I was also quite a bit upset in the beginning:

I think this is incredibly crazy:

Offline Sparks

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Re: Time of the Sixth Sun- Nuage fraud film
« Reply #25 on: April 26, 2019, 01:06:16 pm »
Two of the names on the initial list leap out for anyone who researches Chuck and Lency Spezzano and their Psychology of Vision scam.

Main thread: [Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision]

Referred to in about a dozen other threads, use the search function to find them.


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Re: Time of the Sixth Sun- Nuage fraud film
« Reply #26 on: April 26, 2019, 09:45:17 pm »
Episode 2: Healing The Ancestral Wounds

There is a Universal Wound that connects us all, and many of us have been disconnected from our Indigenous roots. Domination of the Indigenous spirit and the stamping out of their ancient cultures in the name of profit, resources and religion has to cease globally.  Can we re-purpose the old betrayal system and instead be answerable to Universal Law?
- Cause no harm
- Cause no loss
- Do no damage
- Don’t impose your will on others

So, this episode is even more horrible.

We are told that we are all indigenous. That we ultimately have the same story.

A white guy tells his fellow white people that we can blame Rome. Romans did it to us, that is our trauma.

The indigenous speakers usually aren't given enough time. Their words are chopped in as if a salad is being made.

I imagine that many viewers will believe that they now understand how to engage in "Healing Our Ancestral Wounds".

Andrea Kranmer, member of the 'Namgis First Nation, tells us about experiencing "joining". She tells us that a white woman told her that Andrea's anger about genocide would kill her. That Andrea needs to shift her mind. Andrea reports that this was helpful.

Andrea Kranmer has been involved extensively with Psychology of Vision ( ) She'd be referring in this video to a "joining" (prolonged staring/hypnosis between two people) with Lency Spezzano.

White guy anthropologist William S Lyon pontificates at length about supposed Lakota ceremonies and shamanism.

Caroline Carey is yet another soft spoken white lady nutjob. At one point she is shown doing some sort of flailing dance, that involves tossing of long blonde hair, and some sort of bad experience with a rose (?).

Various forms of catharsis and trance dance are promoted by several people. We are also told that prescription drugs are bad.

"Medicine Wolf" wearing long white braids and a doctor's white coat, shows us gloved hands pouring a liquid through a funnel into a bottle. This liquid has been infused with the divine harmonics of unconditional love, or something like that. I'll start a thread on him soon.

Leo Rutherford continues to be so very horrible. He really does have a thing about saying "puke" and then laughing. He does so in this video and I've seen him do it elsewhere too. This is related to his recommendation that people take ayahuasca and/or dance until they vomit. Some footage was shown of people doing his trance dancing, many had blindfolds on, some were screaming and writhing.

Leo said something extra bizarre that I replayed several times to make sure I really heard it. He says that America, Australia, New Zealand etc. have been decimated by capitalism disguised by religion. So "it's no good looking there". Apparently we have to look elsewhere for our spiritual goodies to plunder.

I'm not covering everything in these reviews, just the extra low points that stand out to me.


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Re: Time of the Sixth Sun- Nuage fraud film
« Reply #27 on: April 26, 2019, 10:50:00 pm »
I misspelled a name in the post above. Andrea Cranmer is the accurate spelling.

The Sixth Sun site itself also misspelled her name as "Andrea Cramer".


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Re: Time of the Sixth Sun- Nuage fraud film
« Reply #28 on: April 27, 2019, 11:01:03 pm »
Lifting the Veil Series - Episode 3
Ancient and Future Technologies

This opens with David Icke and never improves. All talking heads, all men, most of them white.

Atlantis, crystals, energy vampires, thermal beams, crystal skulls, dragons, rainbow body, oneness, ascension, and even more crystals. Quantum crystalline fields.

We also get to see Fred Dearborn "Medicine Wolf" in his white doctor coat again, babbling nonsense, while pouring yellow liquid.


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Re: Time of the Sixth Sun- Nuage fraud film
« Reply #29 on: April 28, 2019, 08:52:45 pm »
Uqualla is used as a token through out this project. Usually he seems quite willing to play the part. But we also see some subtle uncomfortable moments.

I'm keeping a casual eye on The Time of the Sixth Sun social media presence also. Some comments come from lost people, for instance someone who wrote that they felt unsafe and lonely with all their own special knowledge.

Episode 4: Sustainable Futures

 Roy Steevenz "Littlesun" is used several times in this video. Read about him here: Also find more on him through searching from the Home page.