Author Topic: Time of the Sixth Sun- Nuage fraud film  (Read 96337 times)


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Re: Time of the Sixth Sun- Nuage fraud film
« Reply #30 on: April 29, 2019, 08:19:25 pm »
Episode 5: The Grandmothers Speak

    Why the grandmothers know the phases of the moon and how the earth speaks through the elements.
    How we have forgotten the sacredness of the animal and plant kingdoms.
    How these pacts we made with the earth to be guardians and earth keepers. the prophecy foretold, we are now in a time of a great awakening of the divine feminine energy, in both men and women. A resurgence of the Shekinah energy, and it is time for us to come back into balance.

About thirteen women in this. Easy guess is that at least ten are straight up frauds.

Suraj Holzwarth "White Eagle Medicine Woman" is difficult to watch.

Audrey Spronk is incredibly offensive, as is this entire series. Spronk talks about "the Bushmen people' and how "they just merge with you unconditionally" while we are shown video of people's family and ceremonial life. The people are used as props for whatever nonsense Spronk is espousing.

Caroline Carey claims that "there is a Kali in every woman, every man".


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Re: Time of the Sixth Sun- Nuage fraud film
« Reply #31 on: April 30, 2019, 10:11:50 pm »
Episode 6: The Grandfathers Speak

We'll share a collection of wisdom from the grandfathers in this equally fascinating episode.

    The Zulus in Africa still remember, the Dogons remember, the Hopi remember, the Mayans remember.
    The Kogi, the Arhuacas, the Wiwias and the Kanguamas, they remember.
    The Maori remember and many of the Polynesians, the Waitaha remember.
    The Indigenous of Australia remember.

These are elders, they are literally part of who we are and we should listen to their wise words...

Mostly frauds here again.

The anthropologist Bill Lyon says that he is white but on the inside he is "pretty much like a traditional Lakota".

I added to the Spirit Horse thread my impression of Shivam O'Brien. Shivam in this video is amazingly creepy.

Who is Raul Mijares "Lakota Sweatlodge Holder"? He was in Peru at the time of his interview.

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1483
Re: Time of the Sixth Sun - Nuage fraud film
« Reply #32 on: May 01, 2019, 04:35:04 am »
narrated by ‘Tobias’, an angelic being who has lived many lifetimes on Earth, channeled by Geoffrey Hoppe

This "Tobias" was the guide and narrator for the entire film.

Geoffrey A Hoppe and his wife Linda Benyo Hoppe run the domestic corporation CRIMSON CIRCLE IP, INC., incorporated in Nevada. They operate out of Colorado.

This is a new age mish-mash. Loosely organized into several themes. People are used as colorful props.

All narrated by a destructive cult leader Geoffrey A Hoppe performing as "Tobias".

There is a thread now about Geoffrey Hoppe & Crimson Circle Cult:

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1483
Re: Time of the Sixth Sun - Nuage fraud film
« Reply #33 on: May 01, 2019, 06:36:07 pm »
Another quote from the Geoffrey Hoppe & Crimson Circle Cult thread, with information that also belongs here in the Time of the Sixth Sun - Nuage fraud film thread:

Hoppe, performing as "Tobias" narrated Time of the Sixth Sun […]. He promoted and fund-raised for the movie. The cult newsletter "Shaumbra Monthly" has several essays on the movie, including one by Nikki Williams in which she refers to "the dulcet velvety tones of our beloved Geoffrey Hoppe of the Crimson Circle".


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Re: Time of the Sixth Sun- Nuage fraud film
« Reply #34 on: May 01, 2019, 08:41:32 pm »
Episode 7: Messages From The Heart

About an hour and a half of talking heads. David Icke, Adam DeArmon and others giving New Age advice. "Follow your heart" "surrender" "rock music is too loud" "believing is seeing" etc. etc.

I wonder who the investors are of this entire project.

Our dream is to honour the 'circle of giving and receiving' by gifting 10% to speakers & musicians, 10% to our 'Heart Fund' to support indigenous projects & heart projects, and to give back to our investors.

What "indigenous projects"?

At the end of this episode, the director/writer Nikki "Luna Magdalena" Williams gave a plug for the next and final episode tomorrow. That episode is entirely about Geoffrey Hoppe. The only episode about only one person. I wonder if he is an investor. Is Nikki Williams a "shaumbra" (member) of Crimson Circle, or just an admirer?


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Re: Time of the Sixth Sun- Nuage fraud film
« Reply #35 on: May 02, 2019, 07:30:43 pm »
Oct 2, 2018 : Nikki is off to Slovenia this weekend to show part of the film and do a Q&A at Geoffrey's event 'Magic of the Masters'.

Nikki Williams, the writer and director of Time of the Sixth Sun, presented at a Crimson Circle /Geoffrey Hoppe event in Slovenia.

She had attended several Crimson Circle events before. Also she had Geoffrey Hoppe narrate the movie and she gave him the last word, Episode 8  'Channeling Our Guide and Storyteller'.

Geoffrey Hoppe has encouraged his followers to invest and identify with the movie and series.

One of her public fundraising attempts that did not succeed named the various levels of donations rewards after theosophical supposed channeled entities such as Saint Germaine - who Geoffrey Hoppe claims he himself channels.

Nikki Williams speaks reverently of Geoffrey Hoppe's nonsense.

Nikki Williams is a promoter and follower of Geoffrey Hoppe / Crimson Circle. (Crimson Circle discussion )

Her movie and series of 80 some people contains a rogue's gallery of grifters, con artists, frauds, destructive cult leaders, and nutjobs.
Maybe about 5 people don't fit this definition - but they made a bad decision to be included in all this.


A viewer is critical of Geoffrey Hoppe's involvement:

Truly the most stupid thing I've ever heard of and it ruins the whole documentary by letting this charlatan set the stage for people with true wisdom. ruined it all.

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1483
Re: Time of the Sixth Sun- Nuage fraud film
« Reply #36 on: June 01, 2019, 12:17:56 am »
We also get to see Fred Dearborn "Medicine Wolf" in his white doctor coat again, babbling nonsense, while pouring yellow liquid.

"Medicine Wolf" wearing long white braids and a doctor's white coat, shows us gloved hands pouring a liquid through a funnel into a bottle. This liquid has been infused with the divine harmonics of unconditional love, or something like that. I'll start a thread on him soon.

Here's the thread:
[Frank Dearborn AKA Medicine Wolf AKA Eleven Other Aliases]

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1483
Re: Time of the Sixth Sun- Nuage fraud film
« Reply #37 on: January 22, 2023, 05:59:05 pm »
For those curious enough to spend almost two hours (1:49:05) there is a free viewing this weekend:

Useful for those who need to gather evidence about grand New Age fraud.