Author Topic: Frank Dearborn AKA Medicine Wolf AKA Eleven Other Aliases  (Read 26709 times)


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Frank Dearborn AKA Medicine Wolf AKA Eleven Other Aliases
« on: April 26, 2019, 09:53:54 pm »
He's seen in the "Time of the Sixth Sun" related videos.

He says that he can cure diseases.

A review here

career con man/felon--not who he says he is

October 11, 2010

I watched The Red Road on multiple occasions. I thought the film was produced well. Had there been any truth involved it would have been a great film since it was presented as a documentary. Facts are facts and fiction is fiction. The film is a speculative fiction at best. The problem is that the star/hero is a fiction.

Not one word of the trailer regarding credentials or experience is true. Nothing about his history, experience or credentials in The Red Road is true. You've been conned by a career con artist and felon.

Perhaps the only true statement that Frank Dearborn aka Medicine Wolf made was that he was in prison. To be clear, the FBI was not involved. Frank Dearborn was not ever an MD, therefore could not lose his license. He was a carpenter in Reno, NV living there more than 20 years with his family. He was storing and distributing illegal and unapproved drugs in sheds on property located on Fawn Lane--no $3 million laboratory. The investigation and arrest were conducted by the FDA, US Marshall's and US Customs.

None of the educational claims, credentials or licenses of being an MD, Veterinarian, Homeopath, Naturopath, Biochemist, Bio-Physicist, or advanced degrees including PhD are valid.

Everything that I wrote in my review that was deleted is a matter of public record backed by federal court documents and other official government documents ie Bureau of Prisons. There are 818 pages of federal court records and these comments are only the surface.

There is no "Medicine Wolf" with the history, credentials or experience as claimed by Frank Dearborn.

This is a constructed alias of Frank Dearborn and #11 or #12 of known alias' of this man. This alias first appeared in Payson, AZ in late 2003. Before that, the only Native American alias used by this person was "Running Deer" used while he was violating Supervised Release in Quincy, CA while employed as manager of the American Indian Trading Post. This was prior to becoming a fugitive for 18 months and being returned to prison.

Other known alias' of Frank Dearborn include Fran Anthony, Dr Fran Anthony, Ron St Germaine, Francis St Germaine, Dr Francis St Germaine, Rusty St Germaine, Donald "Rusty" Barnett, Dean Allen Webster, Dr Lee Mandell, Running Deer, Don Wolf, Dawn Wolf, Dr Ronald Wolf, MD, PhD, Dr Don Wolf, Dr Dawn Wolf MD, PhD, Medicine Wolf, Dr Medicine Wolf, Don Medicine Wolf, Dawn Medicine Wolf and Dr Don Medicine Wolf.
The purpose of alias' used by criminals is for the purpose of misrepresentation, fraud and to avoid discovery.

According to his birth certificate, Bureau of Prison records, federal records and US Census records, Dearborn is Caucasian and was born in the Northeastern US. His testimony in Phoenix District Court October 7th and a name change request filed in Arizona Superior Court verifies this. His claims of being Iroquois and Native American are fictitious--including that he was born and raised on a reservation.

Dearborn claims that he is a combat veteran of two wars--Korea and Vietnam. He claims to have been wounded 3 times (3 Purple Hearts), was a Captain in the Special Forces, and tells extreme stories of combat. None of this is true. This has been confirmed by the POW Network with access to records of military awards (Purple Hearts) including all persons who served in the Special Forces and combat veterans of Vietnam. He has stolen honor by these false claims attempting to be someone who he is not.

The next things I say are my view--not a matter of official records.

It is a betrayal of trust to represent oneself as a physician and treat people preying on their trust. It also violates the law. It is disrespectful to steal honor from Native Americans by claiming to be a medicine man or elder when you are not Native American.

It is a betrayal of honor and theft of Valor to make fictitious claims of medals and experiences.

Please consider the possibility that marketing this film is a disservice to the buyer through its misrepresentations.

I appreciate that many people were influenced by this man's charismatic personality. That doesn't make the deception okay.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2019, 10:26:26 pm by educatedindian »


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Re: Frank Dearborn "Medicine Wolf" " Iroquois elder"
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2019, 10:10:09 pm »

New Age Medicine Fight Floats into Court
Tim Hull September 2, 2010

 PRESCOTT, Ariz. (CN) – A man who describes himself as “somewhat of a celebrity and a person of note, particularly in the field of alternative medicine,” claims a former partner, who specialized in “brain training technology,” stole his formulas and muscled him out of his life’s work. Don Medicine Wolf says that when he met Ambaya Pilar Martin at a 2007 New Age festival in Sedona, she described herself as a “‘businesswoman,’ who is ‘Mexican by birth, American by culture, Hindi by heart and Native American by destiny.”

     In his federal complaint, Medicine Wolf says he “adopted the Native American name Don ‘Medicine Wolf’ as he is the developer and discover (sic) of numerous formulas and products designed to improve and enhance a person’s health and well being.”
     He claims that Martin swiped formulas it took him 40 years to develop, and is “producing substandard and potentially harmful products to the consumer.”
     In addition to his former partner, Martin, Medicine Wolf sued Sacred Health, Ambaya Gold Health Products, 11-Elements, Uni-Verse Dravya Dharmi, and Electro-Energetics, all Sedona-based LLCs.
     He claims that Martin pushed him out of the company they created together and “improperly retained copies of all formulas” in a plan to “consummate a large distribution deal which would result in a sizeable profit.”
     When Medicine Wolf tried to take along his notes, Martin “physically assaulted him and forced plaintiff back into his lab,” according to the 13-count complaint.
     Medicine Wolf says that when he met Martin at the Raw Spirit Festival in Sedona, in late 2006 or early 2007, she described herself as an adherent of “Neuro Magic.”
     “‘Neuro Magic’s’ purpose was to offer ‘brain training technology’ which created ‘new neural pathways,'” according to the complaint. It continues: “Ms. Martin held herself out to be a ‘licensed practitioner’ of said ‘brain training technology.'”
     Medicine Wolf says they formed a partnership to sell Medicine Wolf Products online under the name Sacred Health, and agreed that he would keep the rights to his formulas.
     But he says he found out that he was not a partner in Sacred Health, and that Martin had made herself the sole owner of a new company, Ambaya Gold. He says Martin continues to “promote, manufacture, sell and distribute the Medicine Wolf Products over [his] objection.”
     Medicine Wolf adds that “since leaving Ambaya Gold, agents of Ambaya Gold have attempted to locate plaintiff’s whereabouts by speaking with, and in some cases, physically intimidating, plaintiff’s friends and family.”
     Martin did not reply to a request for comment.
     Medicine Wolf seeks punitive damages for breach of fiduciary duty, fraudulent transfer, breach of contract, unjust enrichment, misappropriation of trade secrets and other charges. He also seeks ownership of his formulas, and a 50 percent stake in Ambaya Gold. He is represented by Donald Hudspeth of Phoenix.


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Re: Frank Dearborn "Medicine Wolf" " Iroquois elder"
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2019, 10:17:24 pm »
Plaintiff's testimony at the hearing appeared evasive and lacking in candor." Plaintiff admitted that he has gone by the name Larry Dearborn, but stated that this is his adopted name from his adoptive parents; his true native American name is Dawn Medicine Wolf.



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Re: Frank Dearborn "Medicine Wolf" " Iroquois elder"
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2019, 10:59:27 pm »
Uploaded here is a photo of Frank Dearborn, sign in to view.

Offline Sparks

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Re: Frank Dearborn "Medicine Wolf" " Iroquois elder"
« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2019, 02:27:56 pm »
Uploaded here is a photo of Frank Dearborn, sign in to view.

The photo is from this about five minutes long video:
[Medicine Wheel with Medicine Wolf, Sedona AZ]

Published May 1, 2012
Medicine Wolf of Sedona Arizona introducing us to an ancient medicine wheel (created around 500 bce) and preparing us for the sacred ceremony. Life is good.

In the comments I find the following, written (six years ago) by the same name as the long 2010 quote from Amazon in the very first post of this thread:

This man is a phony.  He is not an American Indian or shaman.  He is not a doctor or scientist.  He is a convicted felon with more than 20 felonies as a con artist.  Beware of him as you would a poison plant.  His real name is Frank Dearborn and he has more than 20 aliases.  He is not a biophysicst or anything else that requires more than a line of bs.  He claims to be a veteran of Korea and Vietnam.  He was in the Air Force and only went to Maine and Colorado.  Beware!!

There a is also another comment written six years ago:

It sickens me to see this mans face after what he has done to so many people! This man is an absolute phony with every word that comes out of his mouth.  He should be locked back up in prison where he belongs for the rest of his life.  He conned thousands of dollars from my mother all the while making her believe he cared for her.  He took advantage of her when she had the onslaught of dementia.  What kind of REAL man does that to a woman?  STAY AWAY as he is always looking for his next victim.

Finally, this quote, two months ago:

Fake white man. What the hell is he talking about

Offline Sparks

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Re: Frank Dearborn AKA Medicine Wolf AKA Eleven Other Aliases
« Reply #5 on: June 01, 2019, 12:08:40 am »
He's seen in the "Time of the Sixth Sun" related videos. He says that he can cure diseases.

More about the film and videos in this thread:
[Time of the Sixth Sun- Nuage fraud film]

Episode 2: Healing The Ancestral Wounds
"Medicine Wolf" wearing long white braids and a doctor's white coat, shows us gloved hands pouring a liquid through a funnel into a bottle. This liquid has been infused with the divine harmonics of unconditional love, or something like that. I'll start a thread on him soon.

Lifting the Veil Series - Episode 3 Ancient and Future Technologies
We also get to see Fred Dearborn "Medicine Wolf" in his white doctor coat again, babbling nonsense, while pouring yellow liquid.

Offline Sparks

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Re: Frank Dearborn AKA Medicine Wolf AKA Eleven Other Aliases
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2019, 01:40:57 am »
A review here

Preposterous claims here:

Editorial Reviews
A man claims to be an Iroquois Medicine Man, became an M.D. and has a 100% cure rate of cancer and other terminal illnesses. His reward? He loses his license to practice medicine, has his lab and all of his belongings taken from him and is imprisoned along with several of his colleagues. The American Medical Association had shown through their actions that practicing methods of medicine other than surgery and drugs, would result in prison time, regardless if the doctor found a 100% cure rate. After years of silence Medicine Wolf speaks out about the state of the American people, who currently have the highest rate of disease in the world! Never before seen footage, Medicine Wolf reveals why this rate is so high and what we can all do about it! You won't want to miss this heart felt journey to discovering a new path, the path of the Red Road.

More about that DVD: [The Red Road: As Revealed by Medicine Wolf (2010)] [The Red Road Trailer] (No comments allowed.)

Still Light Productions The Red Road: As Revealed by Medicine Wolf
An Iroquois Medicine Man has a 100% cure rate of cancer, practices medicines, faces heart felt journey to discovering a new path.

Offline Sparks

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Re: Frank Dearborn "Medicine Wolf" " Iroquois elder"
« Reply #7 on: July 12, 2019, 01:46:49 am »
[Medicine Wheel with Medicine Wolf, Sedona AZ]

Published May 1, 2012
Medicine Wolf of Sedona Arizona introducing us to an ancient medicine wheel (created around 500 bce) and preparing us for the sacred ceremony. Life is good.

In the comments I find the following, …

New comment there (one month ago):

David Whitehawk
Sadly, this man was a fraud...his military "valor" was STOLEN, as proved by the Veterans & POW Administration - did NOT earn Purple Hearts because he was never wounded because he was never "there".

All of his "degrees" & "doctorates" we're fake as proven by numerous medical boards. He was NOT Iroquois, and was NOT born and raised on a reserve - I know this for a fact.

And his legacy of defrauding the unknowing is quite evident from reading prior posts on this thread.

Do your research people!!! Seriously, this is why MY people (I am Shawnee) have been made to suffer - because of fools, thieves, and liars like him.

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Re: Frank Dearborn AKA Medicine Wolf AKA Eleven Other Aliases
« Reply #8 on: July 14, 2019, 03:36:44 pm »
Left this review at IMDB. We'll see if they post it or not.

Medicine Wolf's real name is Frank Dearborn, a white man and former carpenter born in Reno who was never an MD, and therefore could not lose his license. He went to prison for distributing illegal drugs.

None of his claims of being a veterinarian, homeopath, naturopath, biochemist, or biophysicist are true. This is a matter of public record.

Frank Dearborn is AKA Dr. Fran Anthony AKA Ron St Germaine AKA Dr. Francis St Germaine AKA Rusty St Germain AKA Donald "Rusty" Barnett AKA Dean Allen Webster AKA Dr. Lee Mandell AKA Running Deer AKA Dr. Don Wolf or Dawn Wolf AKA Dr. Ronald Wolf MD PhD AKA Dr. Medicine Wolf.

He has also fabricated claims of being a combat veteran of Korea and Vietnam, falsely claiming to have three Purple Hearts and been a Captain in the Special Forces. None of this is true. This has been confirmed by the POW Network as a case of stolen honor.

In addition to his criminal history and inventing claims of being a decorated combat veteran, Dearborn was never born on a reservation or reserve. The Iroquois are an alliance of six different Native tribes and identify as members of their particular tribe. They do not identify as "Iroquois" which is an outsider's term. They call themselves Haudenosaunee, their own name for themselves. None of what Dearborn sells or claims has anything to do with Haudenosaunee or other Native traditions.

Dearborn has a long list of documented complaints against him by former clients who lost their money, were not cured, and got nothing in return. There also was a falling out between him and a former partner, Ambaya Martin, each accusing the other of stealing.

All of this can be verified through court documents at, Courthouse News, the New Age Fraud website, and reviews on Amazon, Youtube, and elsewhere. Beware.
Thanks for reading this far.
Al Carroll
US, American Indian, and Latin American History
Northern Virginia Community College

Offline Skyrider

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Re: Frank Dearborn AKA Medicine Wolf AKA Eleven Other Aliases
« Reply #9 on: September 25, 2019, 03:45:45 pm »
Just as a side note, I’m the person who investigated and outed the con artist Frank Dearborn. The final count of known Aliases was 23. Within 5 minutes of meeting him I knew he wasn’t Native American OR a Combat vet from any conflict. The only “truth” he ever told was about being jailed, though the story about how he got there was bogus. I made it a point to bring his former wife into Federal Court in Phoenix. The look on his face was priceless. The first time we were in Court with him I presented 11 Aliases and hundreds of pages of charges and Court testimony to him in front of the Judge. Just a little flavor. Took me less than 3 months to investigate and have him in Federal Court though his deception had gone on for years.


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Re: Frank Dearborn AKA Medicine Wolf AKA Eleven Other Aliases
« Reply #10 on: September 25, 2019, 10:29:57 pm »
Skyrider, thank you for all your work.

Some people describe Dearborn as being charismatic, did you yourself see any evidence of this supposed charisma?

Offline Skyrider

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Re: Frank Dearborn AKA Medicine Wolf AKA Eleven Other Aliases
« Reply #11 on: September 27, 2019, 05:03:49 pm »
Tough question. Occurs in the eyes of the beholder. I went to Sedona at the CEO’s request for Conflict Resolution regarding formulas that had been illegally removed by “Medicine Wolf”.

I had no preconceptions other than glowing reports about his background and knowledge. Shortly after I arrived at the Lab, he entered the building and I went to introduce myself. We shook hands and made perfunctory small talk. I am a Marine Combat veteran, a former Mental Health professional and worked globally as a Cultural Strategist for many years. I worked with First Nations tribes (primarily Ojibwe) relating to both access for mining purposes and social issues (alcohol and alcoholism) in multiple Provinces.

So when I met the whitest “Iroquois Medicine Man” I’d ever seen my bullshit meter went off. He became very uncomfortable when I queried him about his military service (Korea and Vietnam). Evasive about dogshit military questions. “Oh, I heard you were a Captain. I was enlisted. Were you an E-7? Yes, he said. Captain is an O-4. Where did you enter Vietnam?  And so on.

Within a short time (less than 20 minutes) he suddenly had to leave. I walked backed to the CEO’s Office. When asked my impression I said he was a fraud to her shock and disbelief. Very difficult to hear. She asked if I could prove it. I said yes.

I interviewed her for a few hours. The only tidbit I found was he used a few aliases following his claimed imprisonment by the FBI. When a single airline ticket was being booked he used the Alias Frank Dearborn.

I lived in CA’s El Dorado City. Landing in Reno on my way home I was pulled to the Courthouse and asked if there were any records on Frank Dearborn. She looked it up, said yes and I asked for a copy. She said it was in archives and close to 900 pages. Cost $240 to get a copy. Game over. 23 known Aliases.

Dearborn preyed on desperate people with severe life threatening issues. With his unique line of bullshit, he could have occurred as charismatic to distressed people and what I call New Age airheads who do not have enough common senses to perform due diligence cuz when it sounds too good to be true...

Sorry for my long convoluted response to your short question. Thanks for asking.


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Re: Frank Dearborn AKA Medicine Wolf AKA Eleven Other Aliases
« Reply #12 on: September 28, 2019, 12:08:29 am »
Thank you for answering. This is all valuable information. You've actually met, interacted with, and researched the man.

Hopefully Frank Leslie Dearborn is aging out of the con game.

Ideally his appearance in the Time of the Sixth Sun series doesn't draw him more followers/victims. I don't know when he was filmed for this or if participants had to pay in order to be included.

I jotted this down on him while watching the series: " 'Medicine Wolf' wearing long white braids and a doctor's white coat, shows us gloved hands pouring a liquid through a funnel into a bottle. This liquid has been infused with the divine harmonics of unconditional love, or something like that. "

He doesn't seem to have a social media presence, though I suppose he could under one of his zillion names.

Hopefully folks research him online instead of giving him their money and trust.


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Re: Frank Dearborn AKA Medicine Wolf AKA Eleven Other Aliases
« Reply #13 on: September 28, 2019, 12:31:29 am »
Yet another bogus claim by Dearborn:

He worked at Los Alamos Labs in New Mexico, developed free energy devices, and healing techniques that so threatened status quo industries our government tried to silence him. For years he had to publish through other people.

As for this:

Now he has a whole line of supplements that contain ORMUS, ie, monatomic and microclustered minerals that have amazing healing properties.

ORMUS ("a fictitious group of substances") is debunked here: and here

Image uploaded here is from Medicine Wheel with Medicine Wolf, Sedona AZ Dearborn seems to crack himself up with laughter several times as he talks to his customers.

Offline Sparks

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Re: Frank Dearborn AKA Medicine Wolf AKA Eleven Other Aliases
« Reply #14 on: September 28, 2019, 01:13:20 am »
Image uploaded here is from Medicine Wheel with Medicine Wolf, Sedona AZ
Dearborn seems to crack himself up with laughter several times as he talks to his customers.

Exactly the same video that can be seen on YouTube (I quoted comments to that video):

Uploaded here is a photo of Frank Dearborn, sign in to view.

The photo is from this about five minutes long video: [Medicine Wheel with Medicine Wolf, Sedona AZ]