Author Topic: Looks like a wonderful film  (Read 15891 times)

Offline kuljamu

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Offline Sparks

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Women of the White Buffalo — a documentary by Deborah Anderson
An ancient, Native, matriarchal society has been upended by centuries of genocide and colonialism. This has resulted in culturally sabotaged and isolated communities that are in a constant struggle to save what remains of their sacred identity. The Lakota women living on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota, are rising up against the forces that continue to suppress them. By preserving and protecting their ancestral values and wisdom, they provide a source of hope to their people.

With exclusive access to the lives of 8 women, ranging in age from 10 to 98, we explore powerful testimonials of loss and survival as we gain insight into the experience of a modern Indigenous American living on a reservation. Gripping historical accounts and startling timely statistics guide viewers down the path that has led to these present day conditions.

The indelible voices of these determined women inspire us with their strength, gifting us with ancient insights that speak to our current global, environmental and cultural crises. These are the powerfully rich stories of the brave women and children living in the poorest county in the United States.

The intention of this film is to shine a light on our Native sisters, to ensure that their voices are included in this current wave of global Women’s empowerment, and to inspire the next generation of Native youth to utilize their own ancient wisdom in the much needed healing of their communities. For all viewers, this film is an opportunity to learn from this intensely beautiful and powerful culture about some of the forces that perpetuate racism, abuse, and inequality. As they say in Lakota, Mitákuye Oyás’i?, “We are all related.”

Mother Earth is weeping, which we see and feel in many of our imminent ecological crises. The centuries-long murder and rape of indigenous women in the west parallels humanity’s destruction and betrayal of this precious planet. We must each learn to accept responsibility for our part in the recovery and preservation of our shared home. ?

The Lakota people have a tradition of considering the following 7 generations when making any big decision, ensuring an abundant future for those that would come after them. The women featured in Women of the White Buffalo have been compelled to use their voices and many gifts in order to shift the consciousness of all those whose lives they touch. They will not be silenced. Their wisdom is essential to our survival.

Documentary film is a vital tool for holding people, governments and corporations accountable and for spreading awareness about important issues. To date, there has not been a film that has focused primarily on the women currently living on the second largest and one of the most impoverished Indian Reservations in the United States. The voices of the Lakota women have been documented by Deborah Anderson, who worked intimately, compassionately and artfully to capture not just these women’s words, but their very essence.

There is an earlier thread about Deborah Anderson here: [Deborah Anderson aka Chief Many Faces]

Offline kuljamu

  • Posts: 27
Re: Looks like a wonderful film
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2020, 12:35:36 am »
thanks, Sparks! Read the thread link you sent. Ok, she has a silly name but I am not interested in her. See the film trailer because it is so good with the wonderful people who speak in it. It is not about her ( Deborah) silly opinions because everyone in it has important things to say. The film's trailer is great so I sure hope that silly name Deborah doesn't editorialize. Thanks again Sparks!

Offline Sparks

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This 49 minutes video appeared on Instagram three days ago:

Reading the sacred history of the White Buffalo Calf Woman by SunRose IS

White Buffalo Calf Woman sacred history Brought to you today by SunRose IronShell who is Sicangu and Oglala Lakota from the Titowan band of the Oceti Sakowin the seven council fires also known as the Sioux Nation of Indians

See also:  &

Offline Cetan

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Re: Looks like a wonderful film
« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2021, 12:29:43 am »
I noticed one of the assistant producers is Carol Iron Rope Herrera, her brother was (maybe still is) president of the NAC of SD and they are a traditional family

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Looks like a wonderful film
« Reply #6 on: March 18, 2021, 06:23:55 pm »
I noticed one of the assistant producers is Carol Iron Rope Herrera, her brother was (maybe still is) president of the NAC of SD and they are a traditional family

From what I can see she's the exception to the rule. I think everyone else listed on the writing and production team is non-Native. Everyone with bios is a non. The promo descriptions on the site and instagram have some poverty porn red flags - focusing on addiction, abuse, poverty, "disappearing culture", etc. It feels very white lens, marketed to non-Natives. With claims of "exclusive access" to these women.

Executive producers include Eve Ensler who has been problematic and disruptive to MMIW organizers in Canada.

The film hasn't been released yet. The instagram posts are interviews with various people involved in production.

Offline Sparks

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There is a parallel thread: [Deborah Anderson aka Chief Many Faces]

I am quoting from a post from that thread about Deborah Anderson herself because that post is mostly about the film:

Have not watched the film, but wary of yet another non-Native production featuring people we don't know, promoted by non-Natives throwing around titles like "Chief”. Julian means well, but he didn't sound like he was joking. In his posts he sounded like he believed she'd been given special access and was some kind of cultural mediator or "interpreter".... which never goes well.

Looking at the Facebook page for the movie, it looks like it's non-Natives who like it. None of our Native friends have liked the page. Some Lakota friends have criticisms of some of the people involved in the film, but we're still looking into that, and waiting for more info on what they think of the production as a whole. No L/D/N people any of us know are promoting it.

My bolding. The Julian referred to is explained in my quote in that thread:

The originator of the quote seems to be artist Julian Lennon, who wrote on his Facebook page two weeks ago:

Julian Lennon
May 15 at 12:02pm ·
If You have time, please stop by...
Chief Many Faces, a name given to my dear friend Deborah Anderson, whilst with the Lakota Tribe women on the Pine Ridge reservation SD, is unveiling stills from her upcoming feature documentary she shot of this powerful Native American Nation. Showing at the Leica Gallery in Los Angeles on 17th May 6-9, the exhibit will run until June 25th. It’s time we heard the real history of the Indigenous peoples of America....

The title may have been a joke or something when she photographed at the reservation, and unfortunately Mr. Lennon referred to it in his widely read post. […]

That Facebook post has since been deleted.

As noted earlier, the Facebook page for the movie is here.