Author Topic: Ravi Ramoneda (Spain)  (Read 11325 times)

Offline Totonacjv

  • Posts: 13
Ravi Ramoneda (Spain)
« on: August 20, 2020, 05:55:18 am »
His youtube channel

Offline Laurel

  • Posts: 150
Re: Ravi Ramoneda (Spain)
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2020, 10:17:45 am »
His website:

He apparently also wrote a meditation for Insight Timer.

At least one of the videos at YouTube features a headdress and what looks to me like some NW Coast inspired body paint. He doesn't seem to claim native ancestry anywhere that I can find.

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1483
Re: Ravi Ramoneda (Spain) AKA RAVI RAM
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2020, 12:40:46 am »
His youtube channel.

The link points directly to a five minutes video. This is the YouTube channel as such: [Ravi Ramoneda]

Offline Sparks

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Re: Ravi Ramoneda (Spain) AKA RAVI RAM
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2020, 01:23:29 am »
Wide array of Internet presence. Website in Spanish:

His website:

He apparently also wrote a meditation for Insight Timer.

I count 18 here:
— This one is audio only, with a photo of a Native American whose dress I do not recognize, but it includes part of the U.S. flag:

Facebook page:  [Ravi Ramoneda - RAVI RAM]
Facebook profile:

Link from there to: — this page not available.
However, my search found this:

I found this bio on Facebook:

Ravi Ram - Ravi Ramoneda
Devocional por naturaleza, desde su corta edad ha estado acompañado por maestros de distintas disciplinas, formado en medicina tradicional china y sanación a través de la conciencia y el poder del sonido.Ha explorado distintos instrumentos y cantos del mundo que le han ayudado a expresar la devoción del Bhakti desde diferentes maneras y estilos.

Su principal inquietud siempre ha sido la realización del Ser y es lo que se respira y vive a través de su música y cantos. El mensaje de Ravi Ramoneda-Ravi Ram va más allá de lo mental o incluso lo emocional, ya que llega a espacios muy profundos.

Es una experiencia única. La presencia y el silencio de Ravi, nos invita a la experiencia del Bhakti, la devoción, una experiencia que para muchos es liberadora y reconecta con espacios que incluso a veces desconocíamos que anelabamos.

Tiene una manera muy especial de abrir el corazón y de traducir su linaje al lenguaje contemporáneo, haciendo la experiencia accesible a todos.

Actualmente viaja por el mundo ofreciendo talleres y conciertos con el mensaje del despertar del corazón.
Ha Compartido escenario con músicos y grupos como, Nestor Kornblum, Angelika Baumbach, Dave Stringer, Shirai: New World Vibrations, Tina Malia, Chak dee Punjabia Bhangra Group, Jai Uttal, Brenda McMorrow, Peia, Sudha - Singing into Silence, Mirabai Ceiba, Murraya Kyle, Lucia Lilikoi, Raffa Martínez, Gonzalo Abarca, Tara Walsh, entre otros.

Ha colaborado con grandes personalidades del movimiento espiritual en el mundo como Dharma Mittra “La Roca del Yoga” (Eminencia del yoga ubicado en New York). Matha Amritanandamai Amma (Mujer santa que abraza a millones de personas alrededor del globo).I muchos otros maestros de Yoga como, Sylvie Trembley, Andrei Ram, Twee Yoga Twee Merrigan, Simon Park Yoga, David Lee Lurey, Amitai Cohen.

En la actualidad continúa experimentando con la fusión de la música oriental y la occidental en sus aspectos más variados, especialmente en el campo de la música devocional y el sonido curativo.

Perusing all this, I cannot but agree with Laurel (my bolding below):

At least one of the videos at YouTube features a headdress and what looks to me like some NW Coast inspired body paint. He doesn't seem to claim native ancestry anywhere that I can find.

Offline Sparks

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Re: Ravi Ramoneda (Spain) AKA RAVI RAM
« Reply #4 on: August 21, 2020, 01:26:14 am »

Offline Sparks

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Re: Ravi Ramoneda (Spain) AKA RAVI RAM
« Reply #5 on: August 21, 2020, 01:59:25 am »
Ha colaborado con grandes personalidades del movimiento espiritual en el mundo como Dharma Mittra “La Roca del Yoga” (Eminencia del yoga ubicado en New York). Matha Amritanandamai Amma (Mujer santa que abraza a millones de personas alrededor del globo).
Google Translation:
He has collaborated with great personalities of the spiritual movement in the world such as Dharma Mittra "The Rock of Yoga" (Eminence of yoga located in New York). Matha Amritanandamai Amma (Holy woman who embraces millions of people around the globe).

I found this about the first one:

Of all the numerous persons and groups Ravi has collaborated with, I recognize only the second name in the quote (although slightly misspelled). She has been mentioned a few times before in the forum:

"Mother Ammachi" has been accused of all kinds of cultic abuses herself.

There is footage of the so called "hugging saint" Amma Amritanandamayi. No real context is given and her name is not listed so far. There is no mention of the fact that a former follower wrote a book "Holy Hell: A Memoir of Faith, Devotion, and Pure Madness" about her traumatic experiences with this abusive cult leader.

Further reading:

About the book mentioned by Piff:

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1483
Re: Ravi Ramoneda (Spain) AKA RAVI RAM
« Reply #6 on: August 21, 2020, 03:02:41 am »
My previous post took up a tangent subject, and only after posting did I realize I had started a topic that needs its own thread. So I made a new topic and quoted myself there:
[Mata Amritanandamayi AKA Amma AKA Mother Ammachi, etc.]

Offline Sparks

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Re: Ravi Ramoneda (Spain) AKA RAVI RAM
« Reply #7 on: August 21, 2020, 03:06:07 am »
So to make clear my findings on the subject of the present thread I'll repeat this:

Perusing all this, I cannot but agree with Laurel (my bolding below):

At least one of the videos at YouTube features a headdress and what looks to me like some NW Coast inspired body paint. He doesn't seem to claim native ancestry anywhere that I can find.

Offline Totonacjv

  • Posts: 13
Re: Ravi Ramoneda (Spain) AKA RAVI RAM
« Reply #8 on: August 25, 2020, 03:18:59 am »
So to make clear my findings on the subject of the present thread I'll repeat this:

Perusing all this, I cannot but agree with Laurel (my bolding below):

At least one of the videos at YouTube features a headdress and what looks to me like some NW Coast inspired body paint. He doesn't seem to claim native ancestry anywhere that I can find.

I did learn more about him through his relations with that cult leader though. Thanks for the help.