im glad this forum is here.
myself and my family have suffered for a long time from cherokee princess syndrom. we were a family of new age people who believed we were psychic and of course, part indian.
that belief lead me to a lot of strange places, and one of them was being a non native sun dancer on a reservation. I believe that what i was involved in was a cult. a stupid con job by a native asshole who just wanted money.
for so long after i left i was embarrassed, ashamed afraid to say what happened. i wanted to take the shame to my grave and for no one to know i ever fell for that bullshit.
But it still makes me so angry.
it really has been bugging the shit out of me- why arent ex hippie indian wannabes speaking out?
once i realized how i was further damaging the natives i claimed to love, and being conned in the process i got so pissed i started to write the story i was looking for.
im in the middle of writing and its so overwhelming.
i spent so much of my life chasing that stupid romantic mystical indian bullshit and it got me nowhere.
i know its not my fault, i know there are a lot of people out there that are just like me, and they dont know whats wrong with what they are doing. hearing it from someone like them might really help.
still, im having a hard time.