Author Topic: Siobhan Marks Our Grandmothers Strap Dress  (Read 82847 times)

Offline berriesandcream

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Re: Siobhan Marks Our Grandmothers Strap Dress
« Reply #15 on: November 03, 2021, 09:18:41 pm »
I totally agree that Siobhan, regardless of Native status, is a very toxic and manipulative person and very damaging to the Native community.

I did a little research myself and noticed that she claims that her great great grandmother is Angeline Corbine who was considered “Indian” on Familysearch. Her great grandmother is Mary Diamond Wright and her grandmother is Ann Jane Wright (Smith). I believe the only similar name in your search is Ann Jane Wright (Smith). I’m a little confused where this would take the search next. Do you still have access to the family tree that her family member posted? I think it would be helpful to see that. 

Offline berriesandcream

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Re: Siobhan Marks Our Grandmothers Strap Dress
« Reply #16 on: November 23, 2021, 05:50:02 am »
Have seen this posted on fb and brought up again. Only her partner has said that: “Siobhan is who she is, and I believe her….”. But Siobhan has stayed silent the entire time? This thread isn’t abusive by any means. It is very valid to question someone’s Indian status and frankly it happens ALL the time. I don’t see people making a big deal about it when it happens to them. Usually the person being questioned provides proof of lineage, family, what they claim, etc but she is not doing that? That feels very weird to me.

Offline berriesandcream

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Re: Siobhan Marks Our Grandmothers Strap Dress
« Reply #17 on: December 03, 2021, 05:16:11 pm »
Back again. Have seen Marin’s post on Facebook. He is trying to turn this into something it is not. At first he claimed people questioning her ancestry were telling her how to dress. Now he claims it is colorism. There is no attack on Native people and the color of their skin. Yes, she is white and very very white passing. She does not present as a brown or black person. So what. Boo hoo. You cannot experience colorism as a white person. She has white parents so yes she IS in fact white. It would be wrong of her to say that she is Native first and then white. If a police officer were to pull her over how would they view her? He is just using this as a tool to get people back on her side. It’s honestly sickening.

Offline WINative

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Re: Siobhan Marks Our Grandmothers Strap Dress
« Reply #18 on: December 03, 2021, 10:32:31 pm »
Is that Marin "Mark" Denning the former Marquette University "First Warrior" mascot who your speaking of?

Offline berriesandcream

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Re: Siobhan Marks Our Grandmothers Strap Dress
« Reply #19 on: December 04, 2021, 03:46:10 am »
Yes, her partner.

Offline WINative

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Re: Siobhan Marks Our Grandmothers Strap Dress
« Reply #20 on: December 05, 2021, 04:49:36 pm »
It appears Mark is defending her actions and distracting everyone from her lack of response to any requests for her lineage, by claiming sexism and colorism. As was pointed out to a common question that is asked by most Native people to one another. I think her refusal to respond and lack of proof makes it more apparent to everyone her lack of verifiable American Indian blood. Which in this case is cultural appropriation, and the Milwaukee community will have to decide on how to address? There is also Professor Margaret Noodin on this site and being researched and who has not responded and claims Ojibwe.

Offline WINative

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Re: Siobhan Marks Our Grandmothers Strap Dress
« Reply #21 on: January 14, 2022, 06:31:10 pm »
Siobhan Marks and her partner Mark Denning appear in this video promoting a "Unity Fire"

Offline WINative

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Re: Siobhan Marks Our Grandmothers Strap Dress
« Reply #22 on: April 27, 2022, 08:54:36 pm »
Preceding the week of May 5th (Missing and Murdered Indigenous Persons Awareness Day) AIHSC and partners St Kateri Center of Chicago, UIC Native American Support Program, Cook County Forest Preserve, Waking Women Healing Institute Chicago Therapy Collective, Cook County Human Relations Commission will host a PowWow on April 30th to remember the survivors and victims of violence in the indigenous community. Location: Bunker Hill Forest Preserve, W. Harts Road, Niles Illinois 60714. Gates open at 11am. Grand Entry at 12pm noon. ATTENDANCE IS FREE! Learn more at:

3:30pm: Siobhan Marks Red Dress Presentation

• Special Red Dress Presentation:
Siobhan Marks (Lac Courte Oreilles of Lake Superior)

Offline WINative

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Re: Siobhan Marks Our Grandmothers Strap Dress
« Reply #23 on: January 03, 2023, 06:48:43 pm »
More information to ponder regarding her works and identity, which the research and results done on here have not been challenged or responded to.

Offline Waubizee

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Re: Siobhan Marks Our Grandmothers Strap Dress
« Reply #24 on: January 10, 2023, 06:04:30 pm »
Tansi, Anin. I know Siobhan Marks and Mark Denning personally. I was Siobhan's sponsor to enter the Three Fires Midewiwin Lodge some years ago. The Three Fires Midewiwin Lodge does not accept petitions to enter the Midewiwin Lodge from individuals who do not have Indigenous ancestry. As her sponsor, I needed to ensure for myself that Siobhan does indeed have Anishinabe ancestry: she provided me with more than enough documentation to confirm it. I will add that I have a research background (PhD) and am more than capable of checking the veracity of her documentation. Personally, I am a Cree-Icelandic status Indian of  Fisher River Cree Nation, Manitoba. I support the current movement to expose 'pretendians' etc., we have had a few very high profile Indigenous race-shifters in Canada over the last few years, Burassa, Boydon, Turpell-Lafond, Lovelace, etc. all accomplished individuals in their own right who chose to embellish or create a fraudulent Indigenous identity. However, it seems to me that the movement can make mistakes, and its validity will be whether we are willing and able to correct it when individuals are wrongly targeted. I want to add that I found the hateful comments made about Marks (over and above commentary on her Indigenous identity) on this site reflect more poorly on the writer than it does on Siobhan.

Offline Diana

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Re: Siobhan Marks Our Grandmothers Strap Dress
« Reply #25 on: January 10, 2023, 07:24:11 pm »
Heavy sigh, when you can measure your Indian blood on a head of a pin you ain't Indian.

Lim lemtsh,


Offline Advanced Smite

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Re: Siobhan Marks Our Grandmothers Strap Dress
« Reply #26 on: January 11, 2023, 02:18:46 am »
Tansi, Anin. I know Siobhan Marks and Mark Denning personally. I was Siobhan's sponsor to enter the Three Fires Midewiwin Lodge some years ago. The Three Fires Midewiwin Lodge does not accept petitions to enter the Midewiwin Lodge from individuals who do not have Indigenous ancestry. As her sponsor, I needed to ensure for myself that Siobhan does indeed have Anishinabe ancestry: she provided me with more than enough documentation to confirm it. I will add that I have a research background (PhD) and am more than capable of checking the veracity of her documentation. Personally, I am a Cree-Icelandic status Indian of  Fisher River Cree Nation, Manitoba. I support the current movement to expose 'pretendians' etc., we have had a few very high profile Indigenous race-shifters in Canada over the last few years, Burassa, Boydon, Turpell-Lafond, Lovelace, etc. all accomplished individuals in their own right who chose to embellish or create a fraudulent Indigenous identity. However, it seems to me that the movement can make mistakes, and its validity will be whether we are willing and able to correct it when individuals are wrongly targeted. I want to add that I found the hateful comments made about Marks (over and above commentary on her Indigenous identity) on this site reflect more poorly on the writer than it does on Siobhan.

Waubizee - I'm relieved to hear that Siobhan Marks may be Anishinaabe (an LCO descendant). While I can't speak for everyone on this thread, I feel like most NAFPS users would prefer to be proven wrong. My understanding is that NAFPS will move a thread from "Research Needed" to "Non Frauds" with supporting documentation. I'd be willing to compile and post supporting documentation related to genealogy if you point me to the correct ancestor. I understand if you're planning to post the documentation yourself though.

Offline WINative

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Re: Siobhan Marks Our Grandmothers Strap Dress
« Reply #27 on: January 11, 2023, 05:19:32 am »
I think it would put closure on the subject since Siobhan Marks family tree was compiled on here going five generations back and no Native/Indian ancestors were found on any of the records, and this has been posted almost 2 years.
No one has yet posted any documentation or disputed the information found here. If you or she can provide documentation that would help this issue. Most Native people have no problem talking about their Native family history or lineage or providing proof if requested, which from my understanding, Siobhan Marks has never done for anyone. She did not come from a Native community or connect with one until her 50s.
It does help if she has some Native blood, but even a vast amount and being enrolled would not justify her actions in becoming a Native culture expert in just over 12 years and running roughshod over community members who stand in her way of what she desires.

Offline Waubizee

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Re: Siobhan Marks Our Grandmothers Strap Dress
« Reply #28 on: January 12, 2023, 03:31:28 pm »
I wrote this to the moderator last year, but was having difficulty figuring out how to post. I have copies of all the genealogical information on Siobhan. Yes, I am quite aware that she did not grow up with a strong Anishinaabe identity or connections to LCO, but was able to confirm she has Anishinaabe ancestry (in the late 1800s, which is much more current than many of the claims others are making to ancestry that go back to the 1600s).  I don't regard Siobhan as a "cultural expert" and have never seen her "ride roughshod" against anyone. Even if she does/did, that does not negate her rightful claim to having Anishinaabe ancestry, I know/have known quite a few Anishinaabe people with public profiles with whom I disagree on their presentation/teaching-perspectives/treatment of others, but I wouldn't use my personal opinion of them to question their lineage. It is up to the Anishinaabe community who look to her to decide whether or not they respect her contributions to their cultural initiatives, is it not? Also, Siobhan and Mark do a lot of work together as a couple, and I've yet to hear that anyone questions Mark's legitimacy as a culturally-knowledgable person.
From: Rainey Gaywish <>
Subject: Re: Siobhan Marks: re: "research needed" on her claim to Ojibway ancestry
Date: January 9, 2022 at 3:16:54 PM CST
To: naf ps <>

I read everything you posted about Siobhan. I don’t know who did the genealogy that you have on the site. Did the research I sent to you show up in the email (as links)? If so, you would see her actual ancestry research, which differs from the research you have on the site. Please confirm whether you were able to see the documentation that I included in my earlier email, and whether you reviewed it against what you have on the site. You listed her profile as “research needed” which I have sent to you.

Just to review, on your site, you have her and her mother correctly listed. Her maternal grand parents are Frank Smith, her maternal grandmother is Ann Jane Wright.

From there, the information on your site then notes her maternal great grandparents as as Samuel G. Smith and Adella Jones. These MAY be her paternal great grandparents, Frank Smith’s parents. Her maternal great grandmother was Ann Jane Wright, and HER parents were Samuel Wright and Mary Diamond Wright. Mary Diamond Wright’s parents were Benjamin Desmeules Diamond and Angeline Corbine. Angeline Corbine’s mother was Madeline Baptiste Corbine. 

To correct:
Her maternal great grandparents were NOT Samuel G. Smith and Adella Jones. They  were Benjamin Desmeules Diamond and Angeline Corbine.

If the person(s) who did the research is interested in correcting genealogical errors, and correcting the misinformation on your website, please let me know.

I assume that you are interested in accuracy on your webpage, and if so, I am providing information to correct what you have currently on the site concerning Siobhan Marks.

Ekosi, Migwetch,
Rainey Gaywish

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Re: Siobhan Marks Our Grandmothers Strap Dress
« Reply #29 on: January 12, 2023, 11:58:40 pm »
Hi Waubizee, I'm so sorry you've had trouble getting through. We've had a lot of problems with forum functions over the past year or so. I'm talking to another admin now and we never saw your message. We're looking into this now and hopefully we can clear some of this up.

For myself, I'd like to re-iterate that the priority here is honesty and transparency, no matter what the records show. And no matter what opinions anyone here has about how those records should be interpreted, any conclusions about what they mean lie with the Indigenous community in question. It's their call whether or not to claim someone, and what standards they set for that. It's not the call of anyone from outside that community.

I wrote this to the moderator last year, but was having difficulty figuring out how to post. I have copies of all the genealogical information on Siobhan. Yes, I am quite aware that she did not grow up with a strong Anishinaabe identity or connections to LCO, but was able to confirm she has Anishinaabe ancestry (in the late 1800s, which is much more current than many of the claims others are making to ancestry that go back to the 1600s).