Author Topic: chief samuel little fox  (Read 19555 times)

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Re: chief samuel little fox
« Reply #15 on: April 27, 2021, 11:58:09 pm »
The Matinecocks regained recogination through the Church of the New Alley when the Long House was located on Prince Street Flushing .

The State of New York and Queens Borough President Pat Clancy and his Secretary Josh Smith was at the cermoney.

Quote from Osceola Townsend (he is feuding with "Chief Little Fox" about who controls this not-so-legitimate group).

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Re: chief samuel little fox
« Reply #16 on: April 28, 2021, 10:11:41 pm »
Related research thread on the history of these extended family groups that now call themselves a "tribe" -

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Re: chief samuel little fox
« Reply #17 on: April 29, 2021, 08:26:14 pm »
The group he is from is based on the "Tipi Order of America" - a fraternal org of non-Natives.

You can see a membership card here on the page dedicated to the son of who they call "Chief John M. Waters".

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Re: chief samuel little fox
« Reply #18 on: April 29, 2021, 09:51:08 pm »
This applies to this thread here too.

"Chief Samuel Little Fox" belongs to an organization based on the "Tipi Order of America" and who regards this man as one of their esteemed patriarchs:

Queens: A Voicer stated that Indians in this country are discriminated against. I, a member of the Mattinnecock tribe, feel this is not true. The Indians were given reservations on which they could live in peace and happiness - or leave at any time they pleased. They were well paid for jobs, especially high jobs. I, myself, see little or no discrimination against any of my people.

John Harding
(Chief Bald Eagle)

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Re: chief samuel little fox
« Reply #19 on: April 30, 2021, 12:20:00 am »

...."Chief Standing Bear" Rev. James C Burns "grand nephew of the Apache chief Geronimo

...."Princess Brown Thrush" is in that photo. She died in 1992.

In a 1972 article she said that the tribe was reactivated in 1958 at her home. And that she was a descendant of Tackapoosha, a sachem of her tribe.

No. Geronimo's descendants are very well documented, and they're on the Mescalero rez. No idea how he claims one wound up on Long Island.

Tackapousha (no idea why the alternative spelling) was Lenape. And lived way back in the 1650s. 300 years later would make her at least a great X6 descendant at least, if it were true, a BQ something more than 1/128. Perhaps as much as great x12.

If we rely on a more generous claim and imagine an ancestor at the time they went extinct, it would still be perhaps X6, at most a great grandparent.

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Re: chief samuel little fox
« Reply #20 on: April 30, 2021, 12:39:40 am »
Uploaded here are some photos from "The official page of the Matinecock Indian tribe of Long Island" FB page

They refer to themselves as members of a "royal family".

So much infighting including claims that an elderly man was tricked into signing affidavits that he did not understand.

A description of themselves: "We are the Turtle clan under Sachem Tackapousha(1600s) (Long Island/Manhattan Island)"

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Re: chief samuel little fox
« Reply #21 on: April 30, 2021, 01:33:16 am »
"the Royal Family name of Smith" is invoked often.

Membership claims include through spiritual connections, initiations, visions of Tackapousha, John Waters from the early 1800s, and a Charles Smith.

3. Lilia Harding is a blood Matinecock by birth and by the Royal Family name of Smith.
4. Lilia Harding's mother, Louise Smith Rapelyea is the daughter of my Great Grandmother's brother Charles Smith.

Above from a member of this group, on FB, she holds the "Master Tree" genealogy.

Louise Smith (Rapelyea) can be seen in records. Her father was not a Charles Smith. I haven't found any Charles Smith.

Name:    Louisa R Harding
[Louisa R Rapelyea]
Gender:    Female
Race:    Black
Marital status:    Married
Age:    66
Birth Date:    28 Apr 1878
Birth Place:    New York
Residence Street Address:    33-09 Prince St
Residence Place:    New York
Death Date:    14 May 1944
Death Street Address:    32-09 Prince St Flushing
Death Place:    New York City, Queens, New York, USA
Cause of Death:    Cerebral Hemorrhage, Arterio-Sclerosis
Burial Date:    17 May 1944
Burial Place:    Flushing Cemetery
Occupation:    Laundress
Father's Birth Place:    New York
Mother's Birth Place:    New York
Father:    Elisah Rapelyea
Mother:    Hannah H Rapelyea
Spouse:    George H Harding
Child:    Anna H Murdock
Informant:    Anna H Murdock
Informant Gender:    Female
Informant Relationship:    Daughter

( New York, New York, U.S., Index to Death Certificates, 1862-1948 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT. USA: 2020.)

The Anna H Murdock listed in record is Ann (Harding) Murdock "Princess Sun Tama" "Matinecock tribe of Long Island"

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Re: chief samuel little fox
« Reply #22 on: April 30, 2021, 01:41:34 am »
An additional note on earlier post here about the "Tipi Order of America" membership card. "Red Fox" is one of the names on it. "Red Fox" is the father of "Chief Samuel Little Fox".

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Re: chief samuel little fox
« Reply #23 on: April 30, 2021, 02:30:47 pm »
An additional note on earlier post here about the "Tipi Order of America" membership card. "Red Fox" is one of the names on it. "Red Fox" is the father of "Chief Samuel Little Fox".

This is likely two different people = the Red Fox who founded Tipi Order of America and "Chief Little Fox" Samuel Steven Boyd Jr.'s father Red Fox.

Both Red Fox are important in these groups as is the Tipi Order of America.

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Re: chief samuel little fox
« Reply #24 on: April 30, 2021, 03:05:31 pm »
Samuel "Sonny" Stevens Boyd Jr. "Chief Little Fox" was born in 1946. Said to have lived in Long Island, NY all his life.

FB from "Princess Nuppaqua" about him:

1969/1970- At the age of 18-19, Little Fox moved from learning and listening to going to the council meetings at the longhouse and attending to tribal affairs. In 1970, Little Fox began his chieftainship training under the guidance and direction of Chief Little Moose.
When 1974 arrived, Little Fox had finished his first phase of training and was installed by the chief and council into the position/tittle of  Jr. Chief. At his Blessing Ceremony, Little Fox received the honor of  " Keeper and Carrier Of The Sacred Pipe. " This honor gave Little Fox the authority and the responsibility to perform all ceremonial rites/rituals for the tribe. Among his other Jr. Chief duties, they included: protecting the Earthmother, representing the tribe at ceremonies, events, functions, etc...and maintaining the longhouse.

Chief Little Fox's Rise To The Matinecock Chieftainship...Pt.4
Why is Little Fox the Sachem of The Matinecock Tribe?
Ans: 1- He has vast knowledge of native culture and history.
        2. His long years of experience
        3. His commitment, dedication. loyalty, the elders and 
            the tribe.
            4. His true love for his people and his tribe.
            5.  His zest for continuing to learn.
How is it that Little Fox is a Matinecock Sachem when he is a Shinnecock?
First off, it is the tribe's own business who they WANT TO CHOOSE TO BE THEIR LEADER. secondly, Little Fox can be the Matinecock Sachem , not only because he was TRAINED by them and RAISED by them, but also, he is a blood relative to the royal family. LINEAGE- Chief Little Fox's father and my Great Grandfather are first cousins ( Stevens ). My Great Grandfather married the Royal Princess, Quiet Waters. Their children are blood cousins to Little Fox.
Now, There You Have It All Of You Jealous Envious HATERS!!!  All of your questions are answered. NOW STOP HATING ON MY CHIEF/MY COUSIN.
                                 Written by The Reigning Princess, Nuppaqua

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Re: chief samuel little fox
« Reply #25 on: April 30, 2021, 05:37:44 pm »
Rev. Red Fox James PH D. D. D founded the Tipi Order of America.

Samuel "Sonny" Stevens Boyd Jr. "Chief Little Fox" claimed lineage includes card carrying members of Tipi Order of America.

He is variously identified as a Blood Indian, a half-breed Crow, a Blackfoot and, as the Bureau of Indian Affairs says, “undetermined.” James does little to set the record straight.

By today’s standards, he’d be considered a racist and more. He’s an assimilationist. He’s a Catholic who becomes anti-Catholic; he admires the Improved Order of the Red Men, a white fraternal group that embraces the Noble Savage stereotype. Indians aren’t allowed to join.

James “also disliked immigrants, believing they brought crime and degeneracy to this country,” Hazel Hertzberg writes in her book, “The Search For An American Indian Identity.”

Consequently, European immigrants—and Blacks—are barred from joining his organizations, such as the Teepee Order of America, founded in New York City in 1915, after James makes his second ride to D.C.

He is born either in Manitoba, Canada or near Great Falls, Montana, around 1889 or 1890. He says his people are originally Welsh. When they come to this country, they marry into “the Indian tribe in Virginia.” Thus, he says, his father James Thomas St. James, is Welsh and 1/16 Indian and that his mother, whom he does not identify, is a Blood Indian from Western Canada. by Pepper Heredia

The clip Fraternal Pan-Indianism is from the book The Search for an American Indian Identity Modern Pan-Indian Movements By Hazel Hertzberg · 1971

Offline milehighsalute

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Re: chief samuel little fox
« Reply #26 on: May 03, 2021, 07:43:59 pm »

...."Chief Standing Bear" Rev. James C Burns "grand nephew of the Apache chief Geronimo

...."Princess Brown Thrush" is in that photo. She died in 1992.

In a 1972 article she said that the tribe was reactivated in 1958 at her home. And that she was a descendant of Tackapoosha, a sachem of her tribe.

No. Geronimo's descendants are very well documented, and they're on the Mescalero rez. No idea how he claims one wound up on Long Island.

Tackapousha (no idea why the alternative spelling) was Lenape. And lived way back in the 1650s. 300 years later would make her at least a great X6 descendant at least, if it were true, a BQ something more than 1/128. Perhaps as much as great x12.

If we rely on a more generous claim and imagine an ancestor at the time they went extinct, it would still be perhaps X6, at most a great grandparent.
and many of geronimos descendants still at fort sill too

and as we all know here....they do not have names like standing bear

so it looks like fake tribery runs amuck amongst this  guys associates and family

i put him on here due to him being "shaman to all 13 tribes of long island"......but looks like he has a deeper history of imposter charlatanism ........ i would love to see a section in the future for fake tribes and maybe fake artists.......could that happen?

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Re: chief samuel little fox
« Reply #27 on: May 05, 2021, 12:24:53 pm »
i would love to see a section in the future for fake tribes and maybe fake artists.......could that happen?

We could have threads dedicated to listing all the fake tribe threads together. Maybe separate ones dedicated to Cults Posing as Tribes, Militias Posing as Tribes, and probably the one with the most, wishful thinking about ancestry. There's already one on Would Be Cherokee Tribes.

I think there's already one on frauds posing as Native musicians. Another on authors, another on other artists.

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Re: chief samuel little fox
« Reply #28 on: May 21, 2021, 01:54:42 am »
I got a copy of the thesis "The revitalization of the Matinnecock Indian tribe of New York", by William Hawk, 1984, Ph. D. University of Wisconsin--Madison through inter-library loan.

Dr. William Hawk (1929 - 2006, obit: ) described himself as "I was Nissequoques, and Nissequoques were once Matinnecocks. I was an anthropologist and anthropologists are supposed to know a lot about Indians." This description is by way of him explaining why he became this group's "faith keeper".

Dr. Hawk's thesis provides background on the group(s) "Chief Little Fox" comes from.

Dr. Hawk wrote that the "tribe" (his use of quotes) was a "network of kinship reinforced by a strong tradition of Indian heritage".

Dr. Willliam Hawk was appointed "Faith-keeper of the Longhouse" in 1973 by Lila Harding/Brown Thrush and John Williams/Little Moose. He then held naming ceremonies, Spirit Feasts (Ghost Supper), seasonal celebrations, and pipe ceremonies (which he described as a Pan-Indian procedure that he knew quite well).

He introduced the idea of menstrual taboos to the group, he writes that he was somewhat apprehensive about how this would be received but that the women accepted the taboos easily.

He created what he called a "Neo-Algonkian" language for ceremonial use. He introduced to this group use of prayer sticks, pictographs, pipes, tobacco, cedar incense, eagle feathers, Pendleton blankets, and war clubs.

I mean ......... I read all this as - a white anthropologist taught a group of non-Native black people how to continue to play Indian. He described what he helped create as a "neo-traditional religion".

So most everything "Chief Little Fox" does is based on this created "neo-traditional religion".

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Re: chief samuel little fox
« Reply #29 on: May 21, 2021, 02:38:35 am »
Since Dr. William Hawk invented this current "neo-traditional religion" that Samuel "Sonny" Stevens Boyd Jr. "Chief Little Fox" and others carry on, I'll tuck in some info on him:

Name:    William Danes Gerritsen [William Hawk]
Gender:    Male
Birth Date:    17 Mar 1929
Birth Place:    Bay Shore Su, New York
Death Date:    4 Jan 2006
William Gerritsen
Dorothy Gordon
SSN:    072265946
Notes:    Dec 1949: Name listed as WILLIAM DANES GERRITSEN; 01 Sep 1976: Name listed as WILLIAM HAWK

U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007

According to the 1930 federal census his paternal grandparents were from Holland and New York, maternal grandparents from New York and Ireland.
