Author Topic: Robert Russell Cayc Jones AKA Sidian Jones AKA Morning Star  (Read 53057 times)

Offline Mooseman

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Re: Sidian Jones AKA Morning Star
« Reply #45 on: July 19, 2021, 08:31:36 pm »
More of the Cayce - Pope connection, something to be aware of with Sidian:

For example, it's reported that several years ago Rolling Thunder agreed to conduct a healing ritual for a research group at the Edgar Cayce Foundation in Virginia Beach, Virginia. In addition to curing three patients with documented medical histories (who were selected beforehand by doctors at the conference), he treated a man who had severely crippled hands. However, Rolling Thunder first had to describe the individual's ailment so that the reluctant patient could be located in the audience and brought forward to be examined. After the healer told the audience to look for someone with gnarled, twisted hands hidden in his pockets, the "volunteer" was found, brought to the stage, and cured of his handicap. When he was questioned later about the incident, Rolling Thunder explained that the sick man's spirit had come to him the night before the ceremony and insisted that he promise to treat the man, since the unfortunate individual wouldn't have the courage to come forth and ask for help at the meeting himself.

The person with arthritic hands could easily have been a plant, set up in advance for this performance. Also in most any group, it is an easy guess that someone will have arthritis.

The claim of a cure could have just been staged or the target honestly did end up feeling momentarily better. None of this means Pope was an actual healer.

Sidian insists that anecdotes like these prove his grandfather was a Cherokee medicine man. Sidian even uses the word "shaman".  But they are just stories of the usual circus tent, faith healing, medicine show type performances.
. Lavandulou Seymour
My ex likes to say "there's a reason why (he) has full custody right now" as if the reason had ANYTHING to do with my actions, personal or otherwise. He has full custody at this time for the sole reason that I unknowingly failed to respond to his motion in time and the motion defaulted in his favor. I unknowingly missed a deadline, that is it. And then, despite seeking guidance from six lawyers who all failed to tell me that I could just request the courts to reverse the defaulted motion - I was told I could not even reopen the case unless I could prove there had been a substantial change in circumstances, which I could not for a long time. So NO, Sid, there is no "good reason" that you have full custody. The fact that you do is only a product of your abuse tactics - overwhelming me with dozens of false accusations, hitting me financially when you know I am at my weakest, and crossing your fingers that no one else notices.

How do you expect to go to mediation with me 7 hours away? Why is it that you made it seem you hadn't left town for over a month while I was trying to serve your lawyer, who for some reason isn't able to accept service for you? Despite that literally every lawyer should be able to do so? You have no interest in working with me to remedy the situation. You're only desire is for me to go away, and for you to have a sob story of a villain that you so graciously protected our children from. I wonder why you won't let me speak to them with that in mind, is it because maybe they would tell me something I could use against you? You've always claimed that I've been the one parentally alienate... Despite the years and years I spent single-handedly ensuring you had a relationship with either child. Yet here you are, telling the children horrible falsities about their own mother for them to believe. You allow them to think that I'm willingly not a part of their lives, that I've abandoned them. The only ones that benefit from this are you and Tasha. You get to be the good guy when you never have been, and Tasha gets to be a mommy without anyone else around to remind her she's not.

I'm not some mom who is unable to accept my child having another mother figure in their life. I know it's so easy for you to forget, given that it doesn't fit into your narrative so easily, but I spent years being a stepmother to your middle child. I loved that child like my own, from the very beginning. I fought for her to be in your life, to be a part of her siblings life. I was absolutely committed to making sure her own mother never felt her toes be stepped on, or that her position in her daughter's life was ever threatened. It was I that spent every day that sweet girl was with us reminding her that her mother loved her very much, and even helped her record cute little night Time videos saying good night to her mom because I knew she missed her because she was so young and I worried she didn't know how to express her feelings. I didn't sit there and make that child question if her own mother was a good person and if she loved her. I have never done anything like that.

And please, stop trying to act like either of you are advocates for anyone with mental health issues. Stop trying to tell everyone I'm crazy, as it is more than clear that your intention has only ever been to discredit me. You sidian - are prejudice against anyone who struggles with their mental health. What did you say to me once? That you wish you could just get rid of them? I have a file of screenshots specifically for those messages where you disparage against mental illness and those who have them. And tasha? Personally I have a hard time believing she even understands human emotion. Her messages to people on reddits suicide watch are dangerous. Hell, you both hate feminism! How's the book coming along, btw? Or did you drop that considering it wouldn't look so great now that you have a public image to uphold?

I don't understand how you can claim on national television to be people who are interested in philosophy, or even psychology. You are both clearly people who are lacking an education on either.
1 week ago
5     This is a post from the of his children that I found. He is surely dangerous if that’s the way he feels.

Offline Diana

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Re: Robert Russell Cayc Jones AKA Sidian Jones AKA Morning Star
« Reply #46 on: July 19, 2021, 11:06:05 pm »
Hi Veri, I did an in depth look at the Pope family especially the grandfather and they are all white. I went back as far as the 1700s. White, white and more white. Lol! They have very extensive roots in Kentucky, Missouri, and Texas. Some in Iowa and Virginia.

Offline Diana

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Re: Robert Russell Cayc Jones AKA Sidian Jones AKA Morning Star
« Reply #47 on: July 19, 2021, 11:08:15 pm »
I'll post the genealogy in the next few days. It'll take some time, but I'll get it down.

Offline verity

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Re: Robert Russell Cayc Jones AKA Sidian Jones AKA Morning Star
« Reply #48 on: July 19, 2021, 11:10:13 pm »
Hi Veri, I did an in depth look at the Pope family especially the grandfather and they are all white. I went back as far as the 1700s. White, white and more white. Lol! They have very extensive roots in Kentucky, Missouri, and Texas. Some in Iowa and Virginia.

So very white. With some more white. Yet Robert/Sidian Jones continues to insist that his grandpa was Cherokee.

Offline verity

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Re: Robert Russell Cayc Jones AKA Sidian Jones AKA Morning Star
« Reply #49 on: July 19, 2021, 11:16:08 pm »
I'll post the genealogy in the next few days. It'll take some time, but I'll get it down.

Thank you so much for doing this. I've been looking over the records again, refreshing my memory, but I don't have the energy to organize and post the genealogy records.

I'll take on another task, I'll read one of Robert "Sidian"  Jones' books and post about that.

Offline Mooseman

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Re: Robert Russell Cayc Jones AKA Sidian Jones AKA Morning Star
« Reply #50 on: July 19, 2021, 11:45:30 pm »
#10: Rolling Thunder (1916-1997).
“His Western name was John Pope,” Mickey wrote. He met the Dead in 1967 and frequently stayed at Mickey’s ranch in the ‘70s, acting as a Shoshone medicine man. The Dead family were quite impressed with him; Jerilyn Brandelius wrote, “He came to heal and provide spiritual guidance to many of us through the years. He was a regular visitor at Mickey’s ranch with his warriors and while he was in residence, we got up for a sunrise ceremony every morning.”
Mickey named the barn studio and the album after him, even opening the album with his ‘Shoshone Invocation.’ The sunrise ceremony also inspired the Dead song ‘Sunrise.’ I also found some info when I researched Billy Jack Medicine Man. Some where they are claiming the Billy Jack movie is based off RT.

Offline verity

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Re: Robert Russell Cayc Jones AKA Sidian Jones AKA Morning Star
« Reply #51 on: July 20, 2021, 12:45:00 am »
I was able to skim through the book "The Shamanic Powers of Rolling Thunder: As Experienced by Alberto Villoldo, John Perry Barlow, Larry Dossey, and Others" by Sidian Morning Star Jones and Stanley Krippner rather quickly, the book contains a lot of fluff filler that isn't specifically about RT (John Walter "Rolling Thunder" Pope).

Book contains stories from some frauds we know including:
Phillip Scott
Penny McKelvey AKA "Oh Shinnah Fastwolf"
Alberto Villoldo

Several people say RT abused alcohol. And that he sized up all women as potential sexual partners. It is said that women were told that they could not stay at RT's camp unless they consented to sex.

RT said he had a dream that Quetzalcoatl merged with him and gave him powers.

He supposedly could summon rain storms and thunder, cause a tornado to help a Shoshone youth be freed from prison, block his image from a photograph being taken without his permission, tame wild animals, exorcise spirits by having the target paint their face with black ash, make his snake ring glow and lift its head, heal, hypnotize, and see into people's souls.

Phillip Scott never met RT but says RT helped heal and guide him. Several other people claim long distance healing and visions from RT.

RT interfered in discovered ancient burials.

For the "healing" work he did on people he used North American herbs, Chinese herbs and also pharmaceutical samples that medical doctors gave him.

He was a huge hit in Germany.

His followers romanticized and made him a saint, they wanted to have unusual experiences and so they had them. They excused how he treated woman as a sign that he was a strong shaman.

Penny McKelvey AKA "Oh Shinnah Fastwolf" had a long term relationship with one of his sons, Buffalo Horse. She makes excuses for RT's behavior but it sounds like she also stayed away from being alone with him. She says she eventually had to distance herself from him because of how he treated most women.

Sidian chose his name as a form of "obsidian", an obsidian scrying mirror. He sees himself as an occultist, potential cyber shaman, He only met his grandpa a few times. Once RT handed him a tomahawk and he thinks that means he is to carry on the family traditions.

Offline Mooseman

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Re: Robert Russell Cayc Jones AKA Sidian Jones AKA Morning Star
« Reply #52 on: July 20, 2021, 01:04:05 am »
I was able to skim through the book "The Shamanic Powers of Rolling Thunder: As Experienced by Alberto Villoldo, John Perry Barlow, Larry Dossey, and Others" by Sidian Morning Star Jones and Stanley Krippner rather quickly, the book contains a lot of fluff filler that isn't specifically about RT (John Walter "Rolling Thunder" Pope).

Book contains stories from some frauds we know including:
Phillip Scott
Penny McKelvey AKA "Oh Shinnah Fastwolf"
Alberto Villoldo I think Sid maybe using Psychedelics in his manipulative behavior. Plastic Shaman stuff.  and I have read of other members of his family drugging people.

Several people say RT abused alcohol. And that he sized up all women as potential sexual partners. It is said that women were told that they could not stay at RT's camp unless they consented to sex.

RT said he had a dream that Quetzalcoatl merged with him and gave him powers.

He supposedly could summon rain storms and thunder, cause a tornado to help a Shoshone youth be freed from prison, block his image from a photograph being taken without his permission, tame wild animals, exorcise spirits by having the target paint their face with black ash, make his snake ring glow and lift its head, heal, hypnotize, and see into people's souls.

Phillip Scott never met RT but says RT helped heal and guide him. Several other people claim long distance healing and visions from RT.

RT interfered in discovered ancient burials.

For the "healing" work he did on people he used North American herbs, Chinese herbs and also pharmaceutical samples that medical doctors gave him.

He was a huge hit in Germany.

His followers romanticized and made him a saint, they wanted to have unusual experiences and so they had them. They excused how he treated woman as a sign that he was a strong shaman.

Penny McKelvey AKA "Oh Shinnah Fastwolf" had a long term relationship with one of his sons, Buffalo Horse. She makes excuses for RT's behavior but it sounds like she also stayed away from being alone with him. She says she eventually had to distance herself from him because of how he treated most women.

Sidian chose his name as a form of "obsidian", an obsidian scrying mirror. He sees himself as an occultist, potential cyber shaman, He only met his grandpa a few times. Once RT handed him a tomahawk and he thinks that means he is to carry on the family traditions.

Offline Mooseman

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Re: Robert Russell Cayc Jones AKA Sidian Jones AKA Morning Star
« Reply #53 on: July 20, 2021, 01:06:33 am »
I was able to skim through the book "The Shamanic Powers of Rolling Thunder: As Experienced by Alberto Villoldo, John Perry Barlow, Larry Dossey, and Others" by Sidian Morning Star Jones and Stanley Krippner rather quickly, the book contains a lot of fluff filler that isn't specifically about RT (John Walter "Rolling Thunder" Pope).

Book contains stories from some frauds we know including:
Phillip Scott
Penny McKelvey AKA "Oh Shinnah Fastwolf"
Alberto Villoldo I think Sid maybe using Psychedelics in his manipulative behavior. Plastic Shaman stuff.  and I have read of other members of his family drugging people.

Several people say RT abused alcohol. And that he sized up all women as potential sexual partners. It is said that women were told that they could not stay at RT's camp unless they consented to sex.

RT said he had a dream that Quetzalcoatl merged with him and gave him powers.

He supposedly could summon rain storms and thunder, cause a tornado to help a Shoshone youth be freed from prison, block his image from a photograph being taken without his permission, tame wild animals, exorcise spirits by having the target paint their face with black ash, make his snake ring glow and lift its head, heal, hypnotize, and see into people's souls.

Phillip Scott never met RT but says RT helped heal and guide him. Several other people claim long distance healing and visions from RT.

RT interfered in discovered ancient burials.

For the "healing" work he did on people he used North American herbs, Chinese herbs and also pharmaceutical samples that medical doctors gave him.

He was a huge hit in Germany.

His followers romanticized and made him a saint, they wanted to have unusual experiences and so they had them. They excused how he treated woman as a sign that he was a strong shaman.

Penny McKelvey AKA "Oh Shinnah Fastwolf" had a long term relationship with one of his sons, Buffalo Horse. She makes excuses for RT's behavior but it sounds like she also stayed away from being alone with him. She says she eventually had to distance herself from him because of how he treated most women.

Sidian chose his name as a form of "obsidian", an obsidian scrying mirror. He sees himself as an occultist, potential cyber shaman, He only met his grandpa a few times. Once RT handed him a tomahawk and he thinks that means he is to carry on the family traditions.

. I apologize I’m am new to this type of forum so don’t know how to delete or edit. I heard Sid used psychedelics in his con like a typical plastic shaman.

Offline Mooseman

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Re: Robert Russell Cayc Jones AKA Sidian Jones AKA Morning Star
« Reply #54 on: July 20, 2021, 01:23:22 am »
I joined the Facebook page for this site and I can’t see all the comments so I’m guessing some of the accounts I have blocked so I’m  thinking it is Sidiot or his followers making comments in that group also.

Offline Sparks

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Re: Sidian Jones AKA Morning Star
« Reply #55 on: July 21, 2021, 01:55:55 am »
Sidian Jones runs this

Official page for Rolling Thunder, managed by his grandson Sidian Jones. RT was an inter-tribal medicine man/shaman/teacher. Order the book today

The second book he wrote with Stanley Krippner is "The Shamanic Powers of Rolling Thunder: As Experienced by Alberto Villoldo, John Perry Barlow, Larry Dossey, and Others:.

I've looked over a sample. Sidian Jones is determined to portray his grandfather as a medicine man and a charismatic miracle worker.

(My boldings above.) By now Rolling Thunder has been mentioned 40 times in this thread (including quotes).

The two latest topics on the mentioned Facebook page criticises two of the sources of this Wikipedia article: [Recently linked to (but not commented or quoted) by Mooseman,]

Rolling Thunder (birth name: John Walter Pope, 1916–1997) was a hippie spiritual leader who self-identified as a Native American medicine man. He was raised in Oklahoma and later moved to Nevada.[3][better source needed] He has been considered an example of a plastic medicine man.
Rolling Thunder's given name was John Pope, not Rolling Thunder.[4] Rolling Thunder appears in taped interviews with John Trudell and Michael Chosa in which he describes the contemporary treatment of Native Americans.[5] At times he claimed to be part Cherokee,[4] at other times Hopi, and at other times Shoshone and that he could represent the Western Shoshone Nation.[6] He never provided proof of any Native heritage, nor have any Native people claimed him. He has been cited as an example of a plastic medicine man.[7][8][9] Rolling Thunder is mentioned in a number of books on the New Age, 60's counterculture, cultural appropriation, cultural imperialism, and neoshamanism.[10][11]

Offline Sparks

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Re: Robert Russell Cayc Jones AKA Sidian Jones AKA Morning Star
« Reply #56 on: July 21, 2021, 02:02:14 am »
I joined the Facebook page for this site and I can’t see all the comments so I’m guessing some of the accounts I have blocked so I’m  thinking it is Sidiot or his followers making comments in that group also.

My bolding. What’s the URL for the Facebook Page (?) or Group you are referring to here?

Offline Mooseman

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Re: Robert Russell Cayc Jones AKA Sidian Jones AKA Morning Star
« Reply #57 on: November 20, 2021, 08:13:14 pm »
I’m confused as to why you didn’t ask this question on the forum?

You have just been sent a personal message by Sparks on NAFPS Forum.

IMPORTANT: Remember, this is just a notification. Please do not reply to this email.

The message they sent you was:

I noticed you were active today reading your messages. I hope you will reply to my question four months ago. I want to learn more mostly because I have friends who believe ”Rolling Thunder” was an authentic ”shaman":

Quote from: Sparks on July 21, 2021, 03:02:14 am

Quote from: Mooseman on July 20, 2021, 02:23:22 am

Offline Sparks

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Re: Robert Russell Cayc Jones AKA Sidian Jones AKA Morning Star
« Reply #58 on: November 20, 2021, 08:46:11 pm »
I’m confused as to why you didn’t ask this question on the forum?

I did ask the question here in the NAFPS forum, this thread, four months ago.

Now you are quoting my recent PM, which points to this thread. That makes me confused!

Offline Mooseman

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Re: Robert Russell Cayc Jones AKA Sidian Jones AKA Morning Star
« Reply #59 on: November 20, 2021, 08:52:27 pm »
If you have friends that think he is a shaman I would suggest pointing them here.