Author Topic: Anthony Barr — Ontario, Canada  (Read 8219 times)

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1483
Anthony Barr — Ontario, Canada
« on: November 17, 2021, 06:33:38 am »
I use the same article quoted in my recent topic about Reverend Sheila Black:

I read this July 27, 2020 article last summer, but somehow missed posting it here back then:

Non-Indigenous healers asked to stop appropriating Indigenous ceremony

Ontario woman calls out 2 individuals about leading ceremonies
I will shortly start a topic about Anthony Barr, the other person covered in this article.

I quote relevant parts of the CBC article:

In an emailed response to Uzoruo, Black said she began doing drum circles with a man named Anthony Barr in 2009, around the same time she began taking part in sweat lodges in New York state, and she had been performing ceremonies with Lakota teachings for six years.
By donation only
When Uzoruo was blocked from communicating with Black, she reached out to Anthony Barr — but said she never received a response.

Barr is not Indigenous, but he told CBC News in an email that he gained permission to perform ceremonies in 2005 when he began what he calls an apprenticeship with the late Métis Elder Joe Paquette.

Barr said that Paquette told him in 2009 that he had learned everything he needed to know to perform ceremonies himself.

Barr's website states he "spent four years studying with medicine men from Garden River, Sault St. Marie in Northern Ontario and Mississauga in Southern Ontario, Canada."

"I do not think I can do it better," Barr said in the email.

"I do help people though."

CBC News reached out to Andy Rickard, chief of Garden River First Nation, inquiring if he was familiar with Barr.

"I've never heard of this man," Rickard wrote in an email.

"We've had different healers and medicine people come into the community from other places to offer traditional healing, but none that I'm aware of who are learning from any of the ones in the community."

Barr said he does not make money from ceremony and never suggests donations are accepted, though his website states "by donation only." He told CBC News he has spent thousands out of his own pocket.
Not appropriating, Black and Barr say

A screenshot from Anthony Barr's website. In email correspondence he stated he 'never charged a penny or suggested donations' for ceremonies. (Rhiannon Johnson/CBC)

Anthony Barr said he doesn't think he is appropriating Indigenous culture.

"These teachings teach people how to respect each other and Mother Earth. There are beautiful lessons that help people understand community and what that truly entails," he wrote in an email. 

"If you have the knowledge to help people walk in a better way, a way that is beneficial to everyone and everything why wouldn't you want that shared? I chose to share the knowledge I acquired to do exactly that."

I cannot find Anthony Barr's website. It is listed by Reverend Sheila Black here:

The Magic of Sevens ? – Sonic Healing Journey???
Friday, August 23, 2019 7:00 p.m.  9:00 p.m.
The Healing Spirit at Norval United Church 486 Guelph StreetGeorgetown, ON, L7G 5P2Canada (map)

Rev Sheila will be collaborating again with Anthony Barr for an Evening of magical healing with sacred sound. Sheila will provide the guided meditation while Tony Barr from Sacred Sevens plays his amazing flutes.

We will say a 7 Directions Prayer and then travel with Source-inspired music of 7 different Native American flutes in 7 different musical keys. We will journey through 7 chakras, work with 7 emotional blocks and vibrationally change them into 7 power-loaded positive vibrations that will help you heal, manifest,  and awaken you to the path of your highest potential   

Check out Tony’s web page at 

That website does not respond. Unsafe connection — "ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR".

I found a 2019 PDF with this description of Anthony Barr:

Take Back the Night 2019
Take Back the Night is an international anti violence event that raises awareness about women, children and Trans identified people’s right to walk safely alone at night, without fear of violence or harassment. Halton’s Annual Take Back the Night provides an opportunity for the community to speak up against violence and abuse.

Anthony Barr, founder of Sacred Sevens, a spiritual teacher, a geomancer, a healer, a joyful ceremonialist, a gifted Native flute player and recently a video producer who aids in the connection of the soul and the Spirit. He calls on his Native American teachings and Spirit to perform centuries-old spiritual ceremonies, and has conducted over 300 of them so far. Anthony spent 4 years studying with medicine men from Garden River, Sault St. Marie in Northern Ontario and Mississauga in Southern Ontario, Canada.

Offline cellophane

  • Posts: 60
Re: Anthony Barr — Ontario, Canada
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2021, 07:28:43 pm »
Here's his site:
The photo above is from here:

He sure piles it on.

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1483
Re: Anthony Barr — Ontario, Canada
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2021, 07:50:09 pm »
Check out Tony’s web page at 
That website does not respond. Unsafe connection — "ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR".
Here's his site:

Yes, the issue was the "https://” — it’s now just "http://”.

The photo above is from here:

Yes, still exactly identical to the screenshot I posted from the CBC article of July 27, 2020.

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1483
Re: Anthony Barr — Ontario, Canada
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2021, 08:25:49 pm »
So what do we have so far? — Website:

Facebook presence:
Anthony Barr: sound healer, flute player, ceremonialist, geomancer. He offers spiritual teachings through Sacred Sevens honouring Native American & Celtic traditions.

Link to Facebook video, where Reverend Sheila Black introduces Anthony Barr:

YouTube channel: [SacredSevens]

Example: [Ley Lines and Vortices Creation Myth]

"He sure piles it on.” Yes, a familiar hodgepodge of silly New Age mumbo-jumbo, e.g.: "Archaeologists and scientists regard ley lines as an example of pseudo-archaeology and pseudo-science."

Offline verity

  • Posts: 128
Re: Anthony Barr — Ontario, Canada
« Reply #4 on: November 18, 2021, 12:08:48 am »
Anthony Barr's claimed ritual at the Auschwitz Memorial Museum is disrespectful, in my opinion.

Offline verity

  • Posts: 128
Re: Anthony Barr — Ontario, Canada
« Reply #5 on: November 18, 2021, 12:23:26 am »
Anthony Barr Sacred Sevens
Jamuary 12
A few years ago I walked through the actual gates at Auschwitz Memorial with my partner. We performed a blessing clearing ceremony for dark energies still lingering there. I played my flute at the Ash pond where the remains of a million souls were deposited. We also offered 7 Crystals to that pond.

IMO, this is arrogantly rude and disrespectful.