Author Topic: Dr. Ruby Gibson  (Read 7772 times)

Offline fairbanks

  • Posts: 52
Dr. Ruby Gibson
« on: April 14, 2022, 10:18:09 pm »
Anybody know anything about Dr. Ruby Gibson? On her website she's self described as "A mixed blood woman of Native and Mediterranean descent." No mention of actual tribal affiliation though. She developed a historical trauma healing practice called Somatic Archaeology and combines this with brain-spotting therapy called Generational Brain-Spotting. Her book My Body, My Earth has a chapter called "Excavate you Chakra System" as well as an entire chapter on Essential Oils.

Quite interesting to call a supposed decolonization practice "archaeology" in which you "excavate the body" considering the colonial history/practice of archaeology, and also "somatic" a therapy buzz-word these days which has Greek origins. Appreciate any thoughts or info on this...

Offline fairbanks

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Re: Dr. Ruby Gibson
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2022, 02:32:47 pm »
Cultural Survival has an article on Dr. Gibson in which she's listed as Lakota, Ojibway, Mestiza.  "cofounder and executive director of Freedom Lodge, a nonprofit organization in Rapid City, South Dakota that provides historical and intergenerational trauma healing to Native American communities, shares her work on Somatic Archaeology© and its healing potential."

"Somatic Archaeology© is a recovery modality focused on the potential to excavate history in our body through body sensation,  Photo by Jinji Thompson., and balancing the four worlds. We are a walking library and our body, much like the Earth, is full of information. In Somatic Archaeology© we say we’re digging within, excavating the source of our ailments."

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Dr. Ruby Gibson
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2022, 02:11:20 am »
Gibson says she can heal trauma within you, including trauma that came from your ancestors. Freedome Lodge looks to be aimed at  and run mostly by NDNs.

But Gibson's training was not by elders. She got her doctorate from Holos University. They are not accredited.
Some 15 years ago Caroline Myss and I recognized the need for a graduate program which teaches these broad spiritual principles, including spiritual healing and all aspects of Energy Medicine. In 2001 that program evolved into Holos University Graduate Seminary, under the auspices of the International Science of Mind Church for Spiritual Healing. With a faculty of 28 outstanding experts in the broad fields of spirituality and Energy Medicine, the school offers Masters of Theology and Doctors of Theology, as well as specialized Certificate Programs. The school operates in compliance with the laws of the State of Missouri and is accredited by the New Thought Accreditation Commission.

That accreditation means no one will hire you or recognize your degrees except other alt med types. Essentially they want to scientifically prove alt medicine healing can work. They graduate from one to five doctoral students a year.

They are mostly online. Their campus is just a few offices and meeting rooms. Only a tiny number of classes.

To serve as an open forum for scientific and intuitive exploration of integrative healing, applied spirituality, and the subtle realms.
To unify Science and Spirit, to bridge understanding and encourage cooperation on the leading edge of subtle energies and energy medicine.

Holos is listed as a degree mill here.
And on Quackwatch.

Here Gibson says she's been healing over 35 years. But Holos was not nearly that long ago.

She also does "brainspotting."
The one who developed it, David Grand.


Offline fairbanks

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Re: Dr. Ruby Gibson
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2022, 04:56:04 am »
Thanks for this info here. Holos definitely looks like the typical new age online school to get your quick Doctor title like "Dr" Joe Dispenza of Life University.

Offline fairbanks

  • Posts: 52
Re: Dr. Ruby Gibson
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2022, 03:24:19 pm »
There's a quote on the back of her book My Body, My Earth from none other than fraudster Shameon Alberto Villoldo saying, "My Body, My Earth is a groundbreaking book in the new field of Somatic Archaeology. A must read for any explorer in the sphere of healing and mind body medicine."

Her bio on the back mentions nothing about her (supposedly) being native, but does say she's an empath, ceremonialist, and somatic pioneer, alongside a picture of her with a tie-dye t shirt on.

Offline cellophane

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Re: Dr. Ruby Gibson
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2022, 05:37:40 pm »
Gibson's bio in the Freedom Lodge site refers to "Somatic Archaeology© and Generational Brainspotting™".