Author Topic: Barnaby McEwan  (Read 22031 times)

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

  • Posts: 861
Barnaby McEwan
« on: November 15, 2004, 09:30:51 pm »
Howdy folks. Well, the shenanigans at Yahell coincided with a rash of domestic stuff which for a while left me without time for the internet. Al, I hope I haven't caused you any anxiety over the UK leg of next year's tour; I've just joined the mailing list for that and will say hello there when I've caught up on all the messages.

I'm really impressed with the new site and forum. Proper job, as we say in Devon.

For those who don't know me from the older lists, I'm from the UK. I live in Totnes, which has a very high hippie population. I used to think of myself as `alternative', but after moving here soon began thinking `If this is the alternative, we're doomed!' A while after that the pseudo-Hopi Roy `Little Sun' Steevensz appeared in the town for a few weeks. I knew nothing about him at first, but thought, `don't Indians have a really hard time thanks to white people? What's this guy doing here?' I started reading stuff by Indian writers and came across Ward Churchill's work on plastic medicine men. Other exploiters came and went: `John Two Birds', `O'Shinnah Fast Wolf', 'William Two Feather'. I discovered NAFPS a few years ago and have been learning not just who these exploiters are but getting a better idea of the deep offense they and their followers cause. I don't think at the start I appreciated that quite as fully as I do now, though I'm not claiming to completely understand it.

Anyway, I'm really glad to be here and hope I can be useful.