As a practitioner of Lakota/Dakota/Native spirituality, as an enrolled member of Dakota and Assiniboine nations, as the father of 2 Indian children, as the husband of a Indian woman, as a individual who has addressed these issues at some personal cost, please find below my unsolicited input regarding the email broadcast I received regarding this topic.
Having interacted with high level (their terminology) television executives in America and personally requested that they fund and support an advisory panel regarding Native issues and concerns, I can tell you that they are absolutely not supportive of any such agendas here or elsewhere. These American broadcast corporate giants have tentacles that encircle the globe and I am curious how much influence they will have over their European cousins. When protesting major network broadcast content designed to ignore native rights, one network representatives response was that they (the networks) have and obligation to report information that was in the public interest. When Native interests sought to publicize native viewpoints, they were ignored and shunned. Somehow, only the white/American network people's viewpoints, propaganda and agendas to demonize native interests, are in the public interest.
Today, we have white folks and Uncle Tomahawks who claim to support Native issues and viewpoints. These are often the same people running the governmental affairs of the BIA etc. They have manufactured programs and agendas that rarely reflect justice for Indian people. These white folks who claim to support Native issues and viewpoints have placed themselves in leadership and policy making positions in order to continue supporting non-Natives entities that profit monetarily from the exploitation of everything Native.
Perhaps, in your efforts to dissuade European people and others from appropriating, exploiting and bastardizing Native culture and people, you might also petition those Euros who have, or are considering immigrating here, to request that they return to their respective cultures/lands and stop occupying native lands.
I realize that some might consider such a request racist and outrageous ... I acknowledge that equality and justice are quite extravagant requests to a country and world steeped in and built upon the tenets of institutional colonial racism. Nonetheless, recognizing and granting Natives America its rights, is a fair way to deliver truth and untangle the web of evil lies of evil empires disguised as colonial saviors.
Good Luck and Best Regards