Author Topic: Keli Hause AKA Ptehincalaska-Win Whitebuffalocalf  (Read 8610 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Keli Hause AKA Ptehincalaska-Win Whitebuffalocalf
« on: September 19, 2022, 09:48:44 pm »
The good news is that literally thousands of people are calling her out on her own page.
Chief of Sovereign (Not Established) Turtle Island 🐢2022. Medicine Woman & Peace Keeper.
Owner and CEO at White Buffalo Calf Trading Post
Went to Mark Morris High School
Lives in Vancouver, Washington
From Longview, Washington

For those of you not familiar with the name, Ptehincalaska-Win (White Buffalo Calf Woman), it is a very BIG NAME to live up to. My name is not a joke. Please respect my name. I really try to live up to my name. I was commanded by Wakan Tanka to be White Buffalo Calf. Her Spirit came to me.
Please don’t flirt with me. I’m not on here to find a man. I’m a sacred woman. Flirting makes me feel uncomfortable. I am a Spiritual Guide and Medicine Woman. You come to me for spiritual guidance. Don’t make me uncomfortable, don’t flirt with me.
I do not touch people. I heal using prayer, speaking truth  and I bundle medicine. Please don’t touch me without permission. Do not grab my braids. Do not hug or try to shake hands with me. Please, don’t touch me unless it’s OK by me.
My Legend turns men who lust to dust. Please think of me in a pure way rather than in a sexual way. I don’t want to flirt with you.
Thank you for respecting my name. It’s truly a huge burden to be White Buffalo Calf. It is an honor as well as a complete sacrifice to be Ptehincalaska-Win, White Buffalo Calf Woman.
Long live White Buffalo Calf and the Seven Sacred Rights!

Offline Sparks

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Re: Keli Hause AKA Ptehincalaska-Win Whitebuffalocalf
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2022, 11:26:51 pm »
For those of you not familiar with the name, Ptehincalaska-Win (White Buffalo Calf Woman) …

Direct link to that quote: […] Owner and CEO at White Buffalo Calf Trading Post […]

I found that entity here: [White Buffalo Calf Trading Post]

Business information:
Directors / Officers WHITE BUFFALO CALF WANNASSAY-HAUSE, individual with direct knowledge