Author Topic: Walking Crow  (Read 7621 times)

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Walking Crow
« on: March 07, 2023, 08:39:58 pm »
This guy has the usual nuage gobbledygook going on. I couldn't find any mention of tribal affiliation.  "Ceremonies" start at $250.00 USD.

~ Walking Crow a Transformational Shamanic Healer, Life Coach/Mentor, Medicine Man, Drum Maker, Seer, Story Teller, Philosopher, Speaker, and Media Host whose emphasis is working with those who want to change their lives. His work in private practice includes workshops that teach others how to be in their bodies and come to peace with life’s traumas through the Chakra system and subtle energy of the emotional body.


As a Shamanic drummer ~ Walking Crow uses Shamanic Drumming to help others journey into other dimensions to find their spirit guides, spirit animals, gifts, healings or just to find answers in an organic way.


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Re: Walking Crow
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2023, 04:48:40 am »
Anthony "Walking Crow" Rodriguez has a public profile and family tree on I think an account is needed to view.

Anthony Rodriguez Public Profile:

He was interviewed by SDVoyager Magazine in 2018. See link and interview excerpt below.

4/5/2018: SDVoyager "Meet Anthony Rodriguez of Anthony J Rodriguez, Walking Crow~ Transformational Sacred Drum Medicine"
Direct Link:
Archive Link:

Anthony, can you briefly walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today.

I was on the phone speaking to a man I sponsor as I am sober many years. My girlfriend at the time was listening to my side of the conversation and when I got off the phone she said: “you should become an energy healer.” My first thought was, “what is that?” As I had never heard the term before and she explained. I looked up energy healing school on google and found one not far from me. I went for an introductory class and was not impressed at all. Later my girlfriend sent me for a healing session with someone who I didn’t know was a graduate and a teacher at that same school. That healing session changed my life and the life of thousands and I am writing you right now because of it.

My experience was so profound that I signed up for classes received my certificate and have been working as a Transformational Energy Healing Practitioner ever since. The Shamanic side of what I do came as I moved in my life and different medicines presented themselves and I said yes to them i.e. the gathering and bundling of ceremonial sages and plants. Shamanic drumming, the making of Shamanic drums, the teaching of others how to change and manifest a new life, my own personal philosophies, various ceremonies before, during and after all my events. I’ve created a way to purge, heal and transform the emotional, physical and spiritual body based on the work I’ve done on myself.

I am an ordained minister, Blog Talk Radio and TV host, a seer, public speaker, intuitive, Medicine Man, Shaman, Healer, Mentor, Coach and Teacher. I work privately and in groups, I have created Men in Self-Care MISC and I am a motivational speaker at he the private a public and corporate levels. I am currently preparing to travel the United States to teach and help as many as possible to come out of their darkness Gu to their light Ru… GURU! Into the lightness of their being and who they are and who they have always been in the lightness of their soul.